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Haha yeah 6 years is a while so that's ok! lol Yeah best get packing a few things in there at least hehe!

I'm glad you have been feeling back to normal and no more brown discharge, but yeah I guess it just stays in the cervix for a bit until maybe there is enough to come out (sounds gross!lol) But I know what you mean, i'm looking forward to when i'm full term and start to see a few signs! :D

I have been feeling like my body has started to change slightly lately, like my body is starting to 'prepare' or something, my boobs have been more achey and nipples more sensitive, they've been a bit itchy underneath too, which is annoying! might just be the bra's i'm wearing irritating them if they are a bit sore, my hip joints have been really achey during the night and when I wake up, so it's really uncomfortable to sleep at the mo, so i've not been sleeping well either, getting used to when baby's here I guess lol! And I've not been getting any pain or anything just a few little aches here and there down under my bump and lower back occasionally, so I think what with my hip pain too, it's my pelvis widening ready for birth....getting more pressure/movement down low too so I'm hoping baby is moving downwards already! It's very exciting to think that baby's getting ready to meet us hehe!

We went over a friends last night and we all did a sweep stake as to when baby will make an appearance lol no-one said after my due date, everyone thought early, so we will see! lol
That tens machine does sound really good, I have heard of people using them and saying how great they are, one old friend used it and couldn't get enough of it and really helped her to have a drug free birth so fingers crossed it will work the same way for me.

Looking forward to hearing from Ali too, hope she's ok bless her, got a feeling she'll come on and announce baby is here already....I think it'll be a girl! :) Lots of hugs to Ali! Been thinking about you too xxxx

IT does indeed sound like your body is going through some changes in preparing you for birth. That is so very exciting.
I'm glad you were able to have some fun with friends last night and I am sure that it was fun to see what everyones guesses were!!! I wonder who will be right? :)
Im anxious to hear how the tens machine works for you, it sounds great!!!
I hope you have a great day!!!
Oh Ali it's so great to hear from you!!!! I can not wait to see pictures of Callum. What a beautiful name! I bet he is just as beautiful! I can't imagine how tough it has been not being able to hold him whenever you want :( How long after the bowel operation will he have to stay in the hospital? I bet you are so ready to be home with him!!!
Thank you so much for updating us! Post pics when you can!!!!! I will continue thinking of you!!!!!!
Hi ladies
Well has been a bit of a whirlwind week. We had tests confirm on weds that our little one does have downs syndrome which came as a bit of a shock as I'm sure you can imagine. We also found out we were having a boy! We were back at our local hosp on thurs for another scan and more monitoring which didn't go so well as baby's heartbeat dropped quite low a couple of times so they decided to get me in for an emergency c section that night! That went well and our little boy was born weighing 3lbs 11oz. He started crying straight away but unfortunately I didn't get to hold him as he was whisked off to specialist care. He's now in a different hosp with a more specialist unit as he needs to have a bowel operation, which is tomorrow and thankfully I was able to transfer with him.

He's absolutely amazing, so alert when he's awake and is so wriggly! Changing nappies is interesting! We've managed to have a couple of cuddles so far but its horrible not being able to pick him up whenever we want. I will try and post a couple of pics but I'm doing this on my phone so need to figure out how!

We've named him Callum and I am absolutely and utterly in love with him :D

Awww Ali!!! congratulations!!!! Callum is a lovely name!! And I was wrong! lol had a girl feeling with you! awwww i'm so pleased that he seems to be doing well and is very alert! That's a shame you couldn't hold him straight away though and it must be hard not being able to just pick him up when you want, poor you! :( Let's hope for a speedy weight gain for him and you can start handling him a bit more :)

I hope you feel good after the c-section and also have a quick recovery! Bet that was such a shock to you about everything happening so quickly! Bless you!

Fingers crossed that his operation goes well, i'm sure it will :) keep us updated when you can, thanks for the post :) I can't wait to see pictures of your gorgeous one!!!! sooooo exciting! bet he's so tiny, you can hardly believe it! So special! :hugs:

Speak soon and take care! xxx
IT does indeed sound like your body is going through some changes in preparing you for birth. That is so very exciting.
I'm glad you were able to have some fun with friends last night and I am sure that it was fun to see what everyones guesses were!!! I wonder who will be right? :)
Im anxious to hear how the tens machine works for you, it sounds great!!!
I hope you have a great day!!!

Yeah I've been so achey at work today as well, period like pains around my front and back, work was horrid today! I seriously can't wait for friday! I hate it there now! :( Some of the people that work there are so insensitive and selfish! I just can't wait until they are heavily pregnant and get treated the same way at work by someone else! Then they'll really know what it's like for us! grrrr!

Yeah be interesting to see who's right or closest with the guesses lol Did you ever manage to measure your bump? I am just curious as when you had your sono they said your little girl was about 5lbs didn't they? and I wanted to see what your measurement is to roughly see if this chart they gave me is accurate, u know? I know you'll prob measure a few cm bigger now than when you had your sono, but just to get a rough idea of the scale etc :)

Hope you have a great day too xxx
1st off.. happy 35 weeks!!! :happydance:
2ndly, Im sorry you are having such a rough time at work... only a few more days! It's really too bad that some ppl are so insensitive!!!!!
I never measured my bump bc i can't feel where the top of my uterus is?!?! I have never been able to find it... hmmmm. Yes, she was 4lb12oz at 34+4. When did you say your next appt is? I'm already ready for friday lol! Im excited to get a date booked! But as of fri I will be term so she can come whenever she wants!!!! YAY!
Have a great day!!! :hugs:
I can't believe you'll be 37 weeks soon!! so crazy to see how fast it's actually come around thinking that we are so close now :) oooooo exciting!!!!

Thank you :) I can believe i'm 35 weeks! the last few weeks have flown in! so i'm sure this week will too.

The top of your uterus is pretty much just at the top of your bump really, mines moved up to the top now where as before it wasin between the belly button and top of bump, but at this stage it will be pretty much the same as the top of your bump :)

Oooo I look forward to hearing from you about your appointment on friday then!! :) That's exciting to set a date!! :D Mine isn't until next week, next thursday, so only 2 week wait this time instead of 3 so that's good.

A friend of mine who is also pregnant said that she thinks we get another scan at 38 weeks here, so I'll have to ask the midwife as I've not been told about that? It may just be for her if she needs extra monitoring or something? But that would be great if we do then I can get a more of an accurate indication of the weight too :) Not gonna get my hopes up though as I would think they would of mentioned it to me if I were entitled to another one? We'll see! :D xxxx
Oh that would be great if you got another scan wouldn't it? :flower:
I just measured, but with a tape measurer...lol so Im not sure how accurate it is. I converted it on an online calculator and it's saying 35.6cm :shrug: Does that sound right?
yeah that sounds good, so they'd round that up to 36cm which is what you are in weeks so you are bang on schedule, so at 34 when you had your sono you'd prob have been 34cm ish and when they measured me at 34wks and 3 days, I was 35cm so roughly what I was in weeks anyway, just a few days over, but by the looks of our photo's i'd say our bumps looks pretty similar in size, would you agree? So hopefully that chart for me was a bit wrong lol, i'd like to think baby is more like 5lbs, so that in a few weeks time when they are term and potentially ready to be born they are more like 7lbs.....not that it really matters!! lol I was just curious, so thanks for measuring for me to compare lol :)

I think part of me was thinking, oh I don't want a huge baby cause they'd look about 2-3 months already when they were born! lol I still want a little bit of time where they are small and cuddly and look newborn! lol I'm sure he'll feel and look tiny to me anyway when he's here, compared to the babies I look after! lol xxx
Oh I completely agree!! I didn't want a huge baby either.. and I hope I don't have one lol. For one, the pain of labor is probably worse and for 2..just as you said, they don't really look like a newborn. But as you also said, he will look small regardless. I am still a little worried that I have all these newborn clothes and if she comes out big then she won't fit any of them.
I think your bump looks smaller than mine, so I imagine that he isn't going to be big-if my measurements were correct :)
Oh, I DID get my bag packed yesterday :happydance: I also got a few ppl fooled on April fools saying my water broke LOL!!!! :rofl: I text my mother in law that and after 3 mins she text back saying she was on her way. (she lives an hr away) I said CRAP she believed me, so after trying 3 diff times calling her I finally got ahold of her and she was a hot mess! hahaha. She had already called Daltons brother to come over and help with Avery (which didn't make sense b/c in the text I told her that we were headed to the hosp already lol) But his bro was at the grocery store... he left all his groceries in the cart and ran out of the store!!!! Oh my goodness! I didn't realize I was going to cause all that! I think it's funny... but they sure didn't! I also woke Dalton up telling him my water broke, he believed me for a few seconds but I couldn't keep a straight face and told him I was fibbing right away. It was fun though :)
haha oh my god that's so funny!! why didn't I think of that??! lol Damn missed my opportunity! Great prank though, but yeah I bet they weren't so impressed haha! awww!

And well done for getting your bag packed!! lol Bet that's a bit of a relief now it's done :) I love getting things organised for baby so I bet it felt exciting to pack it? :D

I can't remember if I already wrote but we bought a baby monitor and a car seat base for the car at the wknd and that pretty much completes everything we need for baby!! Can't believe we have nothing left to buy! eeeee! so exciting, just need baby here to use it all now hehe! Have you got anything left to buy? xxx
It did feel good to get the bag packed, now...we wait...:coffee:

Nope, we don't have anything left to buy either, which is exciting but at the same time.. i like buying!!!! :haha: I'm glad you completed your purchases!!!

3 more days of work left for you!!!! :dance: I bet you can't hardly wait!!!!!
I know I like buying too hehe! We actually bought 3 boys things on sunday too (clothes) as they were sooooo cute! We have resisted to buy anything up until now in-case the scan was wrong lol, but we couldn't help it and that's what i'm looking forward to after baby is here though, going out any buying gender specific clothing!!! :D so cute! me, my mum and sister are gonna have such a field day shopping!! lol

I seriously can't wait to finish work now, today was another shit and hectic day! :( grrr this whole week is gonna be like that though I think just because I am so looking forward to finishing! lol We are only supposed to have a maximum of 12 babies per day in the baby rooms and we have more than 12 on 4 out of the 5 days in a week and it's ridiculous! Today we had 17 scheduled to come in, two stayed off though so we had 15 but that's still too many and it really frustrates me as the quality of care for the babies goes down dramatically when we have more babies in :( Just puts more pressure on us staff too to try and cope with looking after them all and doing jobs in and out of the room as well.

We have a social worker that comes in to check on things every now and then, but every time he comes in they always get away with it by juggling the kids around in different rooms so that the numbers are correct and no-one gets breaks so that they have the correct amount of staff in each of the rooms, no one is supposed to be left unattended in any room at any time, but staff are always on their own, I have been on my own with 10 babies before for about half an hour and it's awful to think of what would happen if one had an accident or something? The girls always lie to the social worker and say our number of babies are low as I think they are worried about losing their jobs if they tell the truth. It's so bad!

I have taken down the address of the social worker because I think I am going to send an anonymous letter to him to tell him what exactly goes on in there when he's not around and even what happens when he is around as if it's not supposed to happen then it shouldn't be happening!! Tough shit if they get in trouble! If I were a parent putting my child into nursery, especially my baby, i'd hate to think that they may not be getting the right attention because it's overcrowded! You can't afford to take risks with children! And the children's development milestones and progress don't get recorded like it should! Back in England I worked in a nursery that were so on top of everything and had at least two or three things to write about each child to put into their progress folders, and here in Ireland they don't even have progress folders! The most they will do is write on post it notes if a child takes a few steps, or says a new word etc, which isn't enough! grrrr really gets on my nerves! lol I swear half the staff there have just been dragged in off the street! lol

Sorry went into a bit of a rant there! lol I just feel so frustrated about how they get away with running their business like that, and it's so dis-organised working there as everything is so up in the air and there is no structure for the children apart from the daily routine...which is very boring! I just wish I could also tell the parents what really goes on in there too! grrrrrr! lol

Anyway lol Hope you're having a good day lol xxx
I don't blame you one bit. I would turn them in too. After the way they have treated you... plus, as you said...if something were to happen to one of those babies, it would be horrible. They have limits on the number of children allowed in a place for a reason! I have the same sort of rules with my licensed daycare home. I can't imagine taking care of that many babies!!!! It's no wonder you're ready to hit the door running!!!!! Can you see the light at the end of the tunnel yet? I sure hope so!

I can't wait to see pics of baby Callum. I bet he is so precious :kiss:

Have a great rest of the day!!!
Yeah defo! sorry for the long rant lol just felt so frustrated yesterday, needed to get it off my chest! lol Luckily today was a good day at work and it went well, not busy or stressful at all, so that was nice. But yes I am defo starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel! two more days to go!! yay!! lol then I am seriously gonna celebrate at the weekend with a nice big easter egg! haha

I know, I can't wait to see him either, he's gonna be so cute and small, it must be really hard for her as when they are like that all you want to do is just pick them up and snuggle with them! Aww I do hoe she's managed to get some good cuddles in :)

Ooooo you'll be term in 2 days!!! exciting!!!! xxx
2 more days of work :dance: :happydance: How exciting!!!!!

I know, I bet it's really hard not being able to cuddle him whenever she wants. Is his operation for his bowels today? I'll be thinking of them!!!

Have a great day :hugs:
Yeah or yesterday maybe? I'm sure all went well :) xxx
I know!! I can't believe it!! Can't wait! Although it will be a bit awkward too I think, goodbyes with people you work with is always a bit awkward lol, they'll all be like, 'oh come back in so we can see the baby!' and i'll be like 'yeah i will'.....but thinking I doubt it!! lol

Hope you are having a good day? It's your appointment tomorrow isn't it?? ooo exciting!!!

I have recently been having second thoughts about the name we have picked for our boy, grrrr! lol At this late stage! lol But I don't know, I like it, but there's just something about it that I'm not sure if it's quite right u know? So much pressure because you have to stick with it forever once you've named them! lol Until now we haven't found anything else that we liked as much though, but yesterday we agreed on a name that we both really like actually and it's more unique as I haven't come across anyone with that name, where as the name we originally decided on was also unique until we had a new baby come into nursery with it and it kind of made the novelty of the name wear thin abit, u know? Everytime I think of that name I think of him rather than my baby, and I didn't want that, so it's made me question it.

This new name though is great but I also worry it's a last min decision and spontaneous, although I know we still have a few weeks to decide yet, lol! So I think that's just what we'll do, just think about it until baby is here and then when we see him hopefully that will help us to pick the right name lol! I also wonder what people will think of the new name we like over the old name, I didn't care with the old name as I thought everyone would quite like it lol, the new ones more unique and i'm not sure what others will think.....not that it's up to them! But you can't help but wonder as they are family and friends and if they really hate it, you don't want them to feel any badness towards the baby because of the name, u know? lol I dunno think i'm just over-thinking it now! lol xxx
I know just what you mean. That really sucks that a little boy had to come in with that name... that would probably ruin it for me too. I had to have a name that I had never met a person with. Or else I would think of that person too. But if you really love it, then it would still work. Ya know? Thats great that you found a nother name that you really like though. And really, a name will grow on someone. If your family doesn't like it at 1st (hopefully they wouldn't say anything) but it will soon grow on them when they picture that sweet baby with that name. Does that make sense? I am sure whatever you decide then it will fit him perfectly!!!!! :hugs:
Yeah I know exactly what you mean, I think they'd both be good names and suit him well, but the more I think about it the more I think about this new name, I still like the other name but at this moment in time it doesn't feel right, maybe when we have another child, if that's a boy too then we'll revisit that name :)

Was it tomorrow that you had your appointment? x

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