I know what you mean, I feel like my bump has dropped but over the last few weeks it hasn't actually grown outwards much, so it'll be interesting to see what I am measuring on thursday to see if I have actually grown much lol.
It defo sounds like the start of something for you

It would be nice for you to experience labour naturally, they do say that it starts with dull period like pains so it could be your uterus preparing, every now and then I get dull aches too, but they never amount to anything or are strong enough for me to think that anything major is happening either, it may just be where the baby's are moving downwards and stretching against our muscles etc?
When I think about the labour I never imagine it to be over 40 weeks, but I don't know if that's just wishful thinking or intuition lol! When i'm term i'll be trying to help baby and encourage the onset of labour by bouncing on my ball, going for walks etc, just to see if I can encourage anything lol. I won't be worrying too much about it though until I am nearing my due date then i'll be like 'come on baby! we have your grandmother coming soon!!' lol
It was actually a bank holiday yesterday so everyone had yesterday off anyway but today will be my first day of freedom haha! I have a few things to be getting on with so I think this week will be fine, next week I may have to find a hobby to do to keep me busy haha!! I wonder when boredom will set in just waiting around for little one? lol
Hope you have a good day and that your back pain isn't too much for you whilst you are still working xxxx