Looking for a buddy who logs in a lot :)

$55! So cheap. I have one more refill left.

fx this is our month. Not sure about timing though since O was so elusive. I think if I don't get a bfp this month I will try again next month but not use opk's. My O date seems to be shifting. Maybe it has taken this long to become a normal 35 day cycle.
$55! So cheap. I have one more refill left.

fx this is our month. Not sure about timing though since O was so elusive. I think if I don't get a bfp this month I will try again next month but not use opk's. My O date seems to be shifting. Maybe it has taken this long to become a normal 35 day cycle.

I would definitely keep it up if it is that cheap! I'm sure your timing isn't too far off, time will tell. Make sure you :sex: tonight

Afm the cramps still haven't turned into anything. Tested this morning BFN. Just want this cycle to be over if it's over
When I put the test temp in for tomorrow FF says my chances are good. We did it the day before O so i am hoping that should be good. and we did it at night time so not too far off. and we did it the day after O.

Unfortunately no BD will be had tonight. Hubby is sleeping as he works graveyard tonight and I am going to house sit for my parents.

What will be will be.
When I put the test temp in for tomorrow FF says my chances are good. We did it the day before O so i am hoping that should be good. and we did it at night time so not too far off. and we did it the day after O.

Unfortunately no BD will be had tonight. Hubby is sleeping as he works graveyard tonight and I am going to house sit for my parents.

What will be will be.

Ye that's a good philosophy, I need to live by that!
When I put the test temp in for tomorrow FF says my chances are good. We did it the day before O so i am hoping that should be good. and we did it at night time so not too far off. and we did it the day after O.

Unfortunately no BD will be had tonight. Hubby is sleeping as he works graveyard tonight and I am going to house sit for my parents.

What will be will be.

You still have a good chance! Chin up! We will be right here for you either way! :hugs::hugs:
temp spike today. Not sure if I was just warm from the room or if it is a legitimate spike. when I put 2 more days of high temps into FF it gives me dotted cross hairs on yesterday. So now I just wait and see what they do. If I get my cross hairs I will go for a progesterone test on cd 27.

I have a feeling my FR OPK will get :bfp: before CBEFM or the Answer OPK. :thumbup:

I don't know what the sensitivities of the first response OPK's are, but I never could use them, there threshold was way too high to pick up on my peak, what I have found works best for me bc when I do surge it isn't in the 30's or 40's like those test are set to detect were Wondfo's and the CB monitor (which I was surprised that the monitor gave me a peak, but it is tracking two hormones instead of just one, so that could be why) I had read an article lately about some research that was done on the OTC (in retail stores) OPK's and such and they all failed miserably. It was quite shocking. Let me go find the article.
This was the article where they did laboratory testing on the OPK's and PT's so they knew the exact amount of LH and HCG in each sample. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/the-best-pregnancy-tests/

The results are shocking and it is very sad that companies are allowed to be so misleading on their packaging and advertising with no accountability when their claims are wrong. Just like the new First Response Rapid Result test- It say's clearly on the box, that it tracks TWO pregnancy hormones- So when I called them, bc I'm only aware of one pregnancy hormone, to inquire about what this "second pregnancy hormone" was, they could not give me an answer and actually said "IT ONLY TRACKS HCG" WTF? :brat: Then why would you intentionally be misleading on your packaging? Well actually not even misleading, it's just an out right LIE!!!
Ooh amber..look at that chart!! Looking good.

There doesn't seem to be any regulation at all. The new frer with the curve handle are apparently crap. They haven't come here yet thankfully. One lady got a positive with water!

It doesn't surprise me about opk's. If your hcg is high enough you can get a positive on one. I did. Thought I ovulated on my own after a mc but it tuned out that I still had enough hcg in my system.
KM: oh that sucks about the cramps. I hate having cramps and nothing to show for it. I'm always like "what the hell are you doing down there?" :haha:

Onerth: the wait to O is the longest wait ever. for me it's a 3 week wait so it just drags and drags.

speaking of O: Soooo...I had another temp spike this morning. Since I stopped using opk's because I ran out it is possible I would have got a positive on cd 20.

i won't know for sure until I get my progesterone test done next Thursday but when I put in a high temp for tomorrow FF gives me my cross hairs on cd 20.

$55! So cheap. I have one more refill left.

fx this is our month. Not sure about timing though since O was so elusive. I think if I don't get a bfp this month I will try again next month but not use opk's. My O date seems to be shifting. Maybe it has taken this long to become a normal 35 day cycle.

I would definitely keep it up if it is that cheap! I'm sure your timing isn't too far off, time will tell. Make sure you :sex: tonight

Afm the cramps still haven't turned into anything. Tested this morning BFN. Just want this cycle to be over if it's over

When I put the test temp in for tomorrow FF says my chances are good. We did it the day before O so i am hoping that should be good. and we did it at night time so not too far off. and we did it the day after O.

Unfortunately no BD will be had tonight. Hubby is sleeping as he works graveyard tonight and I am going to house sit for my parents.

What will be will be.

Aayla- I think that the spikes in your temp's are looking good, you really may have O'd and your BD timing is great. I know a lot of doctors and research show that BD the day before O day results in conception, so keep your chin up, you may actually have caught a little bean this month! And make sure that they do the timing right on your progesterone test, bc most dr.s schedule it as if you O'd on CD14 and since your O probably didn't happen until the 20th, they need to count out from that date, not the 14th or it won't come back right. Just in case you didn't already know, if you did the just disregard that last bit. LOL.

Aayla and OnErth- YES- OMG the wait to O is agonizing, esp not knowing whether or not it is actually going to happen. I don't know which what is worse though. Waiting to O or waiting to test, lol. The are both equally grueling for me :haha:

As for the Cramping- when I actually was pregnant with my LO I had horrible cramping like I was going to start at any moment, but AF never came, and I was indeed pregnant, so I wouldn't count yourself out just because of the cramping. I was told by my OB that cramping in the TWW is normal and it is a result of everything down there being inflamed and moving around to accommodate for a pregnancy.

Kmpreston- Keeping everything crossed for you and you are in my prayers. Hoping that this is your month as well. I did send you PM if you haven't gotten the notice yet, though.
Ooh amber..look at that chart!! Looking good.

There doesn't seem to be any regulation at all. The new frer with the curve handle are apparently crap. They haven't come here yet thankfully. One lady got a positive with water!

It doesn't surprise me about opk's. If your hcg is high enough you can get a positive on one. I did. Thought I ovulated on my own after a mc but it tuned out that I still had enough hcg in my system.

YES!- It's absolute CRAP that companies are allowed to just outright LIE with no accountability at all. It infuriates me. But it just goes to show you, don't listen to what is on the package, go do your own research before deciding on a new purchase. Bc the info is out there if you look for it! Google and YouTube are Fabulous for conducting research lol I may use them a little too much though haha :blush:

Yes, I'm a little excited about my chart. When can you see an implantation dip and how exactly does that work? Like what are the "rules" for it to be a implantation dip and not just a dip in progesterone?
Ooh amber..look at that chart!! Looking good.

There doesn't seem to be any regulation at all. The new frer with the curve handle are apparently crap. They haven't come here yet thankfully. One lady got a positive with water!

It doesn't surprise me about opk's. If your hcg is high enough you can get a positive on one. I did. Thought I ovulated on my own after a mc but it tuned out that I still had enough hcg in my system.

And, yes, I agree with you on the new style of the FRER's. They "claim" that didnt change anything about how the actual test's works, but I find that hard to believe. The say they only changed the style of the test, but all the chemicals and antibodies are the same. I think that is a lie. I have never seen so many complaints about FRER's in my life on these boards. I've seen complaints about outright false positives, pink evaps, you name it, it's happened to someone on here. Which is shocking, bc in all the years I've been coming to this community, FRER was ALWAYS "the go to test" when in doubt. That has changed now. They can't even be trusted. So I find it hard to believe their claims that nothing else changed about the tests. I think that they have had a change in upper management/ceo's whatever, and they are trying to cut their bottom dollar and have skimped in more than a few area's and that a lot of things about their tests have changed. If it wasn't true, then why all the sudden, when these new curved tests hit the market are there SO MANY complaints about them not working properly. They aren't even as sensitive anymore either. I've seen posts in the PT forum where a new curved one was stark neg, and an old flat one was dipped in the same urine sample and it came up with a line visible enough to not even be a squinter! So how on earth are they still the same tests?
Yes, I'm a little excited about my chart. When can you see an implantation dip and how exactly does that work? Like what are the "rules" for it to be a implantation dip and not just a dip in progesterone?

Not everyone has an implant dip. There are no rules.

With DD2: O CD19, implant maybe around 3dpo, i didnt temp but that would have been the only dip day. I didnt have any implant spotting with her.
With Angel DS: O CD19, implant 2dpo (i didnt dip but i had spotting)

and my other children i didnt chart so i dont know if i had a dip or spotting.
Ooh amber..look at that chart!! Looking good.

There doesn't seem to be any regulation at all. The new frer with the curve handle are apparently crap. They haven't come here yet thankfully. One lady got a positive with water!

It doesn't surprise me about opk's. If your hcg is high enough you can get a positive on one. I did. Thought I ovulated on my own after a mc but it tuned out that I still had enough hcg in my system.

YES!- It's absolute CRAP that companies are allowed to just outright LIE with no accountability at all. It infuriates me. But it just goes to show you, don't listen to what is on the package, go do your own research before deciding on a new purchase. Bc the info is out there if you look for it! Google and YouTube are Fabulous for conducting research lol I may use them a little too much though haha :blush:

Yes, I'm a little excited about my chart. When can you see an implantation dip and how exactly does that work? Like what are the "rules" for it to be a implantation dip and not just a dip in progesterone?

if it happens it usually happens around 6-9 dpo and then afterward the temps rise and stay higher than the previous high temps. Which makes your chart triphasic. Some people never get that dip and are pregnant and some people get it and aren't pregnant.
As for the sensitivity of OPK/HPT. I trust Answer brand HPT but they dont make them anymore, so that makes my heart sad. lol.

My CBEFM stick today was no different than yesterday. My Answer OPK was FLAT BFN- as in NO faint line, like there was yesterday. :growlmad: I havent taken my FR one yet. All the same tests and all the same sensitivity but even within a pack there can be variance.

I have said before they can make a glucose meter, it would be great to make a HPT the same way! No line guessing!

the waiting to test isnt hard since i start POAS at 5dpo. :blush:
if it happens it usually happens around 6-9 dpo and then afterward the temps rise and stay higher than the previous high temps. Which makes your chart triphasic. Some people never get that dip and are pregnant and some people get it and aren't pregnant.

I once got into a tiff with a woman on FF because my implant was at 2dpo. She was saying theres no way that was implant, but clearly it was. I dont think there are certain days, i think its all about whenever the babe makes the way down at its own speed. :flower:
if it happens it usually happens around 6-9 dpo and then afterward the temps rise and stay higher than the previous high temps. Which makes your chart triphasic. Some people never get that dip and are pregnant and some people get it and aren't pregnant.

I once got into a tiff with a woman on FF because my implant was at 2dpo. She was saying theres no way that was implant, but clearly it was. I dont think there are certain days, i think its all about whenever the babe makes the way down at its own speed. :flower:

I would honestly side with her as it is a scientifically impossible to implant that early. The zygote is still dividing at two days past ovulation. It takes 12-24 hours for the egg to fertilize once released and then it divides another day later. At 2 or 3 dpo it hasn't even left the fallopian tube. It takes a min of 6 days to get down to the right area to implant.
Amber I've just read your message
Although it seems like it may work it's not something I really want to try - DH would be completely turned off by it. Also they are £70 in the uk which is a lot for something that works similar to keeping your bum elevated on the bed whilst you sleep. I know I have said I am probably going down the IVF route but only if my dr recommends and the treatment will not cost me a penny so if it needs to be done I won't be concern about the cost of it
if it happens it usually happens around 6-9 dpo and then afterward the temps rise and stay higher than the previous high temps. Which makes your chart triphasic. Some people never get that dip and are pregnant and some people get it and aren't pregnant.

I once got into a tiff with a woman on FF because my implant was at 2dpo. She was saying theres no way that was implant, but clearly it was. I dont think there are certain days, i think its all about whenever the babe makes the way down at its own speed. :flower:

I would honestly side with her as it is a scientifically impossible to implant that early. The zygote is still dividing at two days past ovulation. It takes 12-24 hours for the egg to fertilize once released and then it divides another day later. At 2 or 3 dpo it hasn't even left the fallopian tube. It takes a min of 6 days to get down to the right area to implant.

I concur - unless the pregnancy is ectopic an embryo couldn't get down quick enough and wouldn't have divided quick enough to plant before day 6. Either it isn't implantation dip/bleeding or O day was wrong

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