Looking for a buddy who logs in a lot :)

I thought many moons ago i read you could use CBEFM sticks with the CBEDigi OPK... so i think ill tried it! (purple to purple, im not using the pink handle CB OPK).

I hate the stupid advanced smiley one but I thought why not? It worked!
AF got me finally. Glad to start a new cycle. Clomid time tomorrow! Got such bad cramps though :(
Sorry af got you KM. But at least you have some resolution. Fx for this cycle.
Sorry af got you KM. But at least you have some resolution. Fx for this cycle.

This is cycle 23 but month 24. I'd really like to got go past the two years mark without being pregnant
I would totally use the blood test! That is awesome. Blood is far more sensitive. 5 dpo is quite early and implantation hasn't happened yet. But I would do it around 7 or 8 dpo. Based on my numbers I am sure I implanted at 6dpo last time. So you need to give it a few days to get above 5.

I dont know id do a blood test but it would be neat to try sometime.

I thought many moons ago i read you could use CBEFM sticks with the CBEDigi OPK... so i think ill tried it! (purple to purple, im not using the pink handle CB OPK).

I hate the stupid advanced smiley one but I thought why not? It worked!

AF got me finally. Glad to start a new cycle. Clomid time tomorrow! Got such bad cramps though :(

Sorry af got you KM. But at least you have some resolution. Fx for this cycle.

This is cycle 23 but month 24. I'd really like to got go past the two years mark without being pregnant

Yep, just as expected, starkly negative, but I couldn't help myself :blush: I tested with a 10mIU wondfo (which I've read not so good reviews about and they are super super skinny, like you can totally tell they took a normal width one and ran them through a slicer to double their money, most of them are unevenly cut to top it off lol) a regular wondfo, a surepredict, and another lab test that I have that is a strip, but comes in cassettes as well (I have some of those too, plus they do midstream ones) If you can't tell I went a little nutso, like totally wacko :wacko: last month on eBay and amazon buying OPK's and Pregnancy test's. I'm stocked for like a year no joke.

BUT- IF any of you ladies would like to try some OSOM's without shelling out the bulk buy price on Amazon, I know a really nice lady on eBay that sell's them in smaller quantities for really good prices that I can get you in contact with :) She's how I got mine without shelling out 50+ bucks (actually I think the last time I checked amazon they were like 70 something for a box! )

Aayla and OnErth- Yes, I think I'm totally going to do it with the plasma. Supposedly, you prick your finger (which she provided me with plenty of little lancets and collection cups meant to "milk" your finger) once you have a decent amount in the cup like 10-20 drops, you let it sit until it starts to coagulate and then take one of the little urine droppers with your cup tilted slightly and move what has coagulated off to the side. There should be some clear/pinkish fluid left that didn't stick to the coagulated part. You let it sit again for another like 5-10mins and then check to see if anything has clumped up, if it has move that over as well. What is left is the part you use for the test. You draw up in one of the little droppers, drop it into the well and wait. The weird part about the test is that even though the official instructions say to read it at 3 mins no later then 10, the test actually takes about 45-60 minutes to process. If a line comes up even if it's after that time, you can almost bet you are most definitely preggers. Some how they don't get evaps, like other tests do after they dry. Even if you look at it hrs later, if there is a line, keep testing, bc you are more than likely pregnant! How cool is that? I'm excited to be able to use them this cycle ;)

OnErth- I'm sorry, I'm still trying to get used to all acronyms and lingo here, so what exactly were you talking about :blush: What is the CBEFM sticks and the CBEDigi OPK's? And how do you use them together or cross use? I tried using the "old" CBFM sticks in my new touch screen one (bc I powered it up this cycle just so I could get a feel of how it works, even though the dates would be off, and then just waited for it to ask me for a stick) and after fiddling with over the course of an hr, I FINALLY got it to actually read one of the old sticks, but it was a lot of work and several times it would go through the 5 min reading countdown, to only tell me there was some kind of an error :/ BUT it did actually read it eventually, it was just a LOT of work to get it to. I'm planning on resetting next month, when I have the sticks that are actually for it, and using them both together to see if I get the same results or if the new one truly is better built reading and software wise. I'm actually, to be perfectly honest, a tiffed with CB for making the new touch screen monitor incompatible with the old sticks. They totally did that shit on purpose just to get you to have to buy their "new" sticks!!! Which sucks for me, bc I have like a yrs supply of the old ones, and I want to use my new monitor, but that means having to buy sticks for it. I also think it's crap that they defaulted their new monitor that also reads PT's to only read them 3 days previous to AF being due. Which is shit, bc they are well aware, that anyone looking to spend that kind of money on a OPK monitor is also a POAS addict, and is totally NOT waiting until 3 days before AF to start testing. I don't know why they didn't put the PT in with OPK stick, like one like for estrogen, one for LH, and one for a PT, that way as soon as hcg was detected it would pop up "you're pregnant"!!! Wouldn't that be fun!!! :happydance::blush: But they did not, they made it a separate stick and made it only readable way to late in your cycle for it to even be useful, bc majority of women with the monitor will have already been testing and already know they are pregnant by the time the damn thing would even let you put a PT in it. Anyways, sorry for such a long post.

Actually sorry to the group- I know I get carried away and winded with my posts, and if it's annoying, then just let me know and I will try to shorten my response's. :blush: I just don't have any other "outlet" for all my TTCing stuff. Either there are people I talk to that listen, but really don't get it, and I can't really get "technical" with them, or they think I'm totally obsessed and need help :shrug: :coffee: :rofl: So, if I need to shorten them just let me know and I will try to not write as much when I respond to you ladies ;)

Kmpreston- So sorry that this cycle ended in a - I was so hoping that this was going to be your month. :cry: :hugs: I'm glad that you seem to be taking it pretty well though, and that you are already excited to start your next cycle with the clomid. How many cycle's of clomid have you done? Are they doing US's after you do a round of clomid to make sure that you are developing mature eggs? Have you talked to them about doing a trigger shot to make you O? So that you could go in, see that you have 1-whatever # of healthy and mature eggs on the US and then them giving you a trigger shot, so you know exactly when you O and could time BDing right on schedule too? I don't know a whole lot about your back ground or what all treatments you have went through, so if this is what you are already doing, sorry. And when you say, "This is cycle 23 but month 24. I'd really like to got go past the two years mark without being pregnant" were you being for real with that or was that sarcasm? I'm sorry, I couldn't tell, and wasn't sure if you were being for real, if there was a specific reason you wanted to hit the 2 yr mark without conceiving or not?
It should read I would really like to NOT pass the 2 year mark not Pregnant - ie I hope I don't make it to two years and still no successful pregnancy

I have been taking clomid for 9 cycles now. Had two unsuccessful pregnancies from it
No they do not scan me or offer trigger shots. They don't even check my day 21 progesterone. And no there is nothing I can do about this

Yes your posts are too a little long - I totally understand the need to vent but I sometimes can't get through your whole post on my phone
It should read I would really like to NOT pass the 2 year mark not Pregnant - ie I hope I don't make it to two years and still no successful pregnancy

I have been taking clomid for 9 cycles now. Had two unsuccessful pregnancies from it
No they do not scan me or offer trigger shots. They don't even check my day 21 progesterone. And no there is nothing I can do about this

Yes your posts are too a little long - I totally understand the need to vent but I sometimes can't get through your whole post on my phone

Do they not do the trigger shots in the UK? That is really unfortunate. Because, you COULD be taking full advantage of being on clomid. Here, they will bring you in after "x" amount of day's on the clomid and do an US to make sure you have viable egg's that are even healthy enough to be fertilized, and I think that there are a couple other drugs that they can put you on if the clomid isn't working after so many cycle's. Anyways, if they scan you and they haven't grown to viable egg's they cont. with the clomid for a few more days and check again, once their is at least one, and hopefully 2 or more viable eggs, they trigger shot you to make you Ovulate so you can plan BDing perfectly, then they schedule blood work for x amount of day's out to do a blood beta on you hcg to find out if you got pregnant or not. I'm a little concerned that they have kept you clomid for so long though. It was my understanding that will only let you do 6 consecutive cycle's on clomid bc it comes with risk's of it's own. It is not a completely "safe" drug. https://www.fertilityauthority.com/...cations/clomid-serophene/how-long-should-i-be You should probably read this and see if there is something else they can put you on. 2 yrs of clomid is WAY too long. And there are other drugs that they can put you on that essentially do the same thing- make you ovulate. And this is about other options when clomid isn't working- https://www.verywell.com/when-clomid-does-not-achieve-ovulation-1959962
9 cycles isn't two years. It's 11 months with two one month breaks in between. I already know I won't be getting any more clomid when I go on 8th July. They will be putting me into IVF. If my doctor thought I required ultrasounds or trigger shots they would suggest those. The obviously do not think them necessary as they know I am ovulating and timing BD well as we have had two "successful" cycles
Amber- not every dr here in the US does monitoring. Not every insurance covers monitoring either.

In english: I took the clearblue easy fertility monitor purple test sticks and put one in the purple Clearblue Easy Advanced Digital OPK (the flashing smiley ones) to see if i could use the same sticks and yes you can.

Youre not supposed to look at the lines on CBEFM sticks but they are getting darker so that gives me hope something is happening soon! :thumbup:
Amber- not every dr here in the US does monitoring. Not every insurance covers monitoring either.

In english: I took the clearblue easy fertility monitor purple test sticks and put one in the purple Clearblue Easy Advanced Digital OPK (the flashing smiley ones) to see if i could use the same sticks and yes you can.

Youre not supposed to look at the lines on CBEFM sticks but they are getting darker so that gives me hope something is happening soon! :thumbup:

https://www.clearblueeasy.com/clearblue-easy-digital-ovulation-test.php are these the sticks that you said will work in the "old" monitor? Which lines are getting darker? can you post pics of them?
9 cycles isn't two years. It's 11 months with two one month breaks in between. I already know I won't be getting any more clomid when I go on 8th July. They will be putting me into IVF. If my doctor thought I required ultrasounds or trigger shots they would suggest those. The obviously do not think them necessary as they know I am ovulating and timing BD well as we have had two "successful" cycles

Well, that sucks. I would think that they would be trying to help you a little more than what they are doing, before moving you to IVF, just because of the price difference's alone. I know I am by no mean's a doctor or anything, and that they don't do that for everyone, but it just seem's like in your case it is warranted to get a little more involved with your cycle and helping things along. I'm sorry that things are going the way they are for you. I know, at least for me, it can start feeling so lonely and helpless at times. What do your temps look like after you've o'd on the cycles that you did ovulate?
Amber- not every dr here in the US does monitoring. Not every insurance covers monitoring either.

In english: I took the clearblue easy fertility monitor purple test sticks and put one in the purple Clearblue Easy Advanced Digital OPK (the flashing smiley ones) to see if i could use the same sticks and yes you can.

Youre not supposed to look at the lines on CBEFM sticks but they are getting darker so that gives me hope something is happening soon! :thumbup:

https://www.clearblueeasy.com/clearblue-easy-digital-ovulation-test.php are these the sticks that you said will work in the "old" monitor? Which lines are getting darker? can you post pics of them?

No those are pink handled. The advanced one is purple handled. These 2 below can be mixed with each other.


The CBEFM is getting darker. The one line has to get darker as the other gets lighter to get a high/peak.
9 cycles isn't two years. It's 11 months with two one month breaks in between. I already know I won't be getting any more clomid when I go on 8th July. They will be putting me into IVF. If my doctor thought I required ultrasounds or trigger shots they would suggest those. The obviously do not think them necessary as they know I am ovulating and timing BD well as we have had two "successful" cycles

Well, that sucks. I would think that they would be trying to help you a little more than what they are doing, before moving you to IVF, just because of the price difference's alone. I know I am by no mean's a doctor or anything, and that they don't do that for everyone, but it just seem's like in your case it is warranted to get a little more involved with your cycle and helping things along. I'm sorry that things are going the way they are for you. I know, at least for me, it can start feeling so lonely and helpless at times. What do your temps look like after you've o'd on the cycles that you did ovulate?

I haven't temped since I started clomid so I have no idea
Amber- not every dr here in the US does monitoring. Not every insurance covers monitoring either.

In english: I took the clearblue easy fertility monitor purple test sticks and put one in the purple Clearblue Easy Advanced Digital OPK (the flashing smiley ones) to see if i could use the same sticks and yes you can.

Youre not supposed to look at the lines on CBEFM sticks but they are getting darker so that gives me hope something is happening soon! :thumbup:

https://www.clearblueeasy.com/clearblue-easy-digital-ovulation-test.php are these the sticks that you said will work in the "old" monitor? Which lines are getting darker? can you post pics of them?

No those are pink handled. The advanced one is purple handled. These 2 below can be mixed with each other.


The CBEFM is getting darker. The one line has to get darker as the other gets lighter to get a high/peak.

Well, that's definitely a good sign that your hormone's are working together gearing up to O. I hope that you get a peak soon ;) Is it giving you a High yet?
9 cycles isn't two years. It's 11 months with two one month breaks in between. I already know I won't be getting any more clomid when I go on 8th July. They will be putting me into IVF. If my doctor thought I required ultrasounds or trigger shots they would suggest those. The obviously do not think them necessary as they know I am ovulating and timing BD well as we have had two "successful" cycles

Well, that sucks. I would think that they would be trying to help you a little more than what they are doing, before moving you to IVF, just because of the price difference's alone. I know I am by no mean's a doctor or anything, and that they don't do that for everyone, but it just seem's like in your case it is warranted to get a little more involved with your cycle and helping things along. I'm sorry that things are going the way they are for you. I know, at least for me, it can start feeling so lonely and helpless at times. What do your temps look like after you've o'd on the cycles that you did ovulate?

I haven't temped since I started clomid so I have no idea

If you had been temping then your temps after your O would give you a picture of what your progesterone was doing. When it's functioning properly you should have the temp shift and then it should stay fairly around that level, it's okay to have little dips and fluctuations but if you were temping and it was really erratic on that end then you would know that might be what the problem is. But that can be fixed normally with progesterone cream, and you can buy that OTC. But you would only know that by temping. Or even if you had a temp shift after you O, but it wasn't that much of difference in your pre O temps and your post O temps, then something would be wrong with the progesterone end. If your temps aren't high enough post O or they are very erratic, even if you do get pregnant, it probably won't stick bc of the fluctuations in temp. I wish they had at least been monitoring your progesterone levels for you, because that is a fairly easy fix, and could possibly be the "key" to your missing piece, esp since you have conceived twice, you are Oing, and hub's swimmers are okay. Have they done a complete cascade on your thyroid for you?
OnErth- So are those the same sticks that go in the Advanced Fertility Monitor?
So I tested again this morning and I think I might be seeing things, I swear I can just the tiniest hint of something on one of my really sensitive PT's. It's probably nothing, but I'm really thinking about trying out one of the OSOM's now using blood/plasma.....What to do, what to do.....
They used to check my progesterone, they were happy with it two cycles in a row, so they stopped checking
I used to temp. I no longer feel the need to stress myself out with it. I know I ovulate, my temps were only ever steady post O - pre O they are nuts, PCOS can cause that though. Doctors over here have no interest in whether I temp or not and will not look at the results
They checked my thyroid and it's fine
Amber: I would totally test lol but that's just me.

KM: If the doc knows you O and everything else checks out fine they usually leave you alone, especially if you did get pregnant. There is usually a limit of how many cycles you can be on Clomid as long term patients have been known to get uterine cancer. that's the only thing that would concern me. FX you don't need it past this cycle. you may want to ask them about Letrozole if this cycle is a bfn. it works different areas of the body to produce ovulation and has a short half life in the body. slightly cheaper than clomid too. it would allow you to continue without having to move on to the next step.

How many more cycles was your plan before moving on to IVF?

Onerth: fx you get your peak soon!

AFM: 4dpo and I am getting more symptoms. Same as yesterday..flushed skin, fatigue and tingly boobs..now I have hot flashes (grocery shopping was so much fun while this was happening), thirsty/dry mouth, metallic taste and slight cramping.
Well, that's definitely a good sign that your hormone's are working together gearing up to O. I hope that you get a peak soon ;) Is it giving you a High yet?

Still Low but thats not uncommon for me.

OnErth- So are those the same sticks that go in the Advanced Fertility Monitor?

Its the advanced OPK and regular monitor.

They used to check my progesterone, they were happy with it two cycles in a row, so they stopped checking
I used to temp. I no longer feel the need to stress myself out with it. I know I ovulate, my temps were only ever steady post O - pre O they are nuts, PCOS can cause that though. Doctors over here have no interest in whether I temp or not and will not look at the results
They checked my thyroid and it's fine

PCOS does crazy things to your body. :hugs::hugs:

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