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Bfn and high again.

I hope i get a BFP after all this because i have 3-4 different possible O dates and its driving me bonkers!


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Bfn and high again.

I hope i get a BFP after all this because i have 3-4 different possible O dates and its driving me bonkers!

It would drive me crazy too. I so feel for you. Im such a control freak, it would just drive me bonkers, and I realize we have to adapt to what we are giving, but still, I feel for you. :hugs: I do think that you learning how to do you CP would help you out a little. It doesn't provide a "whole lot" of info but it will help you tell when you are about to ovulate. It will be medium/high, soft, and open when you are most fertile. It does that to help the sperm along there way. The thing with CP/CM is it can change several times even within the same day, so it normally helps to check it the same time everyday, and maybe even two or three times a day. I just make extra notes in my chart about the other times I check, and then when I get a high/peak reading and/or notice EWCM (or watery if that's what you get) then start checking it a little more. You will notice a difference when you are about to O, like I said ^ it will be become med/high, soft, and open. With the way your chart it with the temps and your ambiguous temps keeping track of you CM/CP will help you to pinpoint when you are really Oing, and not just gearing up to. Because everything will line up, when you actually O. I would really suggest getting one of those kits so you can take a lot at what you are checking for yourself, because it helps to give you an idea of what exactly you are feeling for if you already have that visual. If that makes sense. Sorry so long. Hope some of this helps you. I really want you to get your BFP so any way I can help, I will at least try my best ;) :hugs:
AFM- Still no AF, no sign of her either. I had pink/reddish CM 2 days ago, but she never showed, so not really sure what that was about. I still haven't tested again, but I"m trying to wait to make sure that I would get a result so I don't keep wasting my tests, ya know. I already have to order wondfo LH strips, and some more IC's bc I used SO MANY this cycle it's ridiculous. I posted a pic of all the shit I bought after the CP and I have plowed right through majority of that stuff. It's CRAZY!:wacko::dohh:
Bfn and high again.

I hope i get a BFP after all this because i have 3-4 different possible O dates and its driving me bonkers!

What are your two possible dpo's?

if CD12- then im 11dpo
if cd16- then im 7dpo
if cd20- then im 3dpo.


ETA: With DS- i was 3mo along before getting BFP. I didnt know i was pregnant. I wasnt testing.
With DD1/Angel DS- An app told me to test at 21dpo, so i did.
with DD2- I got BFP at 11dpo
with Angel DS- I was testing and testing but didnt get BFP until 21dpo.
Hcg <1. Not pregnant. :cry:

I'm so sorry. That truly sucks. :hugs: What dpo are you is there any chance of not implanted yet or not long enough to be detectable? :hugs:

I'm 14 dpo. Unless I implanted at 12dpo there would have been some detectable hcg in my system.

Onwards and upwards ladies!! on to the next cycle. Now just to wait for af to come.
so what do you do when youre waiting? You get a psychic reading....because i havent done that multiple times before hoping they would finally be right. :blush::dohh:
Well we are out for next cycle. because I have done 8 rounds of letrozole I have to go in and see the doc for more. They don't like to go further than 8 apparently. But he isn't in the office until either the 7th or the 13th. I will know early next week.

So I'm not even sure if they will continue with the route or we move on to IVF. I hate not knowing and having to wait. I hate having wasted cycles if I do get to continue on.
so what do you do when youre waiting? You get a psychic reading....because i havent done that multiple times before hoping they would finally be right. :blush::dohh:

OMG! I so did this 2 months ago and have since been put on "ban" from the psychic lines, which was totally my fault bc I got sucked in to their bs and and they totally F'd me and ended up literally draining all the money that was in the account that I had given them. Boo. AND to top it off, none of it came to fruition so it was a line of bull anyways. I suggest you keep your money and just wait it out, that is UNLESS, you actually know a REAL GENUINE psychic that actually gives real readings that you can trust. Which most of the real ones are NOT on the hotlines, and they normally don't charge for their services. Just saying.
I broke and tested one more time for good measure. It was a BFN, as I suspected, but just wanted to make sure bc I am late now. I don't know why in hell AF is taking her sweet time to just come the F*** on! I mean REALLY? Let's get the show on the road so I can start planning again! :brat: I'm ready to move on and get to BDing again, so hopefully we actually do it this time around and I don't have to worry about AF for a while again. I do have to admit it was very nice not having a period my entire pregnancy and the yr without them PP. Yes, it was very nice :thumbup:
so what do you do when youre waiting? You get a psychic reading....because i havent done that multiple times before hoping they would finally be right. :blush::dohh:

OMG! I so did this 2 months ago and have since been put on "ban" from the psychic lines, which was totally my fault bc I got sucked in to their bs and and they totally F'd me and ended up literally draining all the money that was in the account that I had given them. Boo. AND to top it off, none of it came to fruition so it was a line of bull anyways. I suggest you keep your money and just wait it out, that is UNLESS, you actually know a REAL GENUINE psychic that actually gives real readings that you can trust. Which most of the real ones are NOT on the hotlines, and they normally don't charge for their services. Just saying.

Ive never used a hotline. I have used people recommend on here and a few other places. All in fun. :flower:
Bfn and high again.

I hope i get a BFP after all this because i have 3-4 different possible O dates and its driving me bonkers!

What are your two possible dpo's?

if CD12- then im 11dpo
if cd16- then im 7dpo
if cd20- then im 3dpo.


ETA: With DS- i was 3mo along before getting BFP. I didnt know i was pregnant. I wasnt testing.
With DD1/Angel DS- An app told me to test at 21dpo, so i did.
with DD2- I got BFP at 11dpo
with Angel DS- I was testing and testing but didnt get BFP until 21dpo.

well, at least you still are in the "running" for a BFP!!!! I too was almost 3 months along when I found out about my LO. My cycles were so far and few between, not having one (or any at all) was not a "sign" for me to even begin to think I was pregnant. I actually had seen so many BFN's throughout the yrs, that when I finally broke and bought a test when I preggers with Emma, I kept it for 4 day's!!! Before actually using it, just bc I was scared that I was wrong (my intuition, I just had a feeling) that I didn't want to take it and it come up a BFN and me feel stupid, once again. But it was not. The urine didn't even get a chance to get to the control line before it was BLAZING positive. I had planned on setting it down and picking my face in the mirror while I waited, instead before I even had time to set it down, it was positive and I was straight in shock! I couldn't quit laughing. It was so Fing Ironic to me, I just couldn't believe that of all the times I had wanted it to be +, and it wasn't, then at the time me and SO were having major problems, we weren't trying or even thinking about at about a baby, let alone really "wanting" one, and THEN it's +? WTF? LOL. Don't get me wrong, I was happy, it was just the irony of it that struck me as WTF? :rofl: But all is well now, and that is all that matters in the end right?
well, at least you still are in the "running" for a BFP!!!! I too was almost 3 months along when I found out about my LO. My cycles were so far and few between, not having one (or any at all) was not a "sign" for me to even begin to think I was pregnant. I actually had seen so many BFN's throughout the yrs, that when I finally broke and bought a test when I preggers with Emma, I kept it for 4 day's!!! Before actually using it, just bc I was scared that I was wrong (my intuition, I just had a feeling) that I didn't want to take it and it come up a BFN and me feel stupid, once again. But it was not. The urine didn't even get a chance to get to the control line before it was BLAZING positive. I had planned on setting it down and picking my face in the mirror while I waited, instead before I even had time to set it down, it was positive and I was straight in shock! I couldn't quit laughing. It was so Fing Ironic to me, I just couldn't believe that of all the times I had wanted it to be +, and it wasn't, then at the time me and SO were having major problems, we weren't trying or even thinking about at about a baby, let alone really "wanting" one, and THEN it's +? WTF? LOL. Don't get me wrong, I was happy, it was just the irony of it that struck me as WTF? :rofl: But all is well now, and that is all that matters in the end right?

I had regular periods then and ovulated normally. Standard 28d cycle, o on cd14. I just wasnt paying attention and had no symptoms. I only tested on a dare.

I didnt have out of normal cycles until after DD1. Thats why i get frustrated at people who blame my cyst or act as if its some new thing and i should be rushing to the dr... Shes 10yrs old.
so what do you do when youre waiting? You get a psychic reading....because i havent done that multiple times before hoping they would finally be right. :blush::dohh:

OMG! I so did this 2 months ago and have since been put on "ban" from the psychic lines, which was totally my fault bc I got sucked in to their bs and and they totally F'd me and ended up literally draining all the money that was in the account that I had given them. Boo. AND to top it off, none of it came to fruition so it was a line of bull anyways. I suggest you keep your money and just wait it out, that is UNLESS, you actually know a REAL GENUINE psychic that actually gives real readings that you can trust. Which most of the real ones are NOT on the hotlines, and they normally don't charge for their services. Just saying.

Ive never used a hotline. I have used people recommend on here and a few other places. All in fun. :flower:

Well, then maybe.... They are fun ;) I just don't like the one's that say "buy a package at "x" amount and pay a flat rate, then they suck you in, so you don't want to cut them off, and later find out that their "by min rate is like 15.99/Fing MIN!" so you're 7 min over run on time just cost you 112 US dollars!!! WTF?
well, at least you still are in the "running" for a BFP!!!! I too was almost 3 months along when I found out about my LO. My cycles were so far and few between, not having one (or any at all) was not a "sign" for me to even begin to think I was pregnant. I actually had seen so many BFN's throughout the yrs, that when I finally broke and bought a test when I preggers with Emma, I kept it for 4 day's!!! Before actually using it, just bc I was scared that I was wrong (my intuition, I just had a feeling) that I didn't want to take it and it come up a BFN and me feel stupid, once again. But it was not. The urine didn't even get a chance to get to the control line before it was BLAZING positive. I had planned on setting it down and picking my face in the mirror while I waited, instead before I even had time to set it down, it was positive and I was straight in shock! I couldn't quit laughing. It was so Fing Ironic to me, I just couldn't believe that of all the times I had wanted it to be +, and it wasn't, then at the time me and SO were having major problems, we weren't trying or even thinking about at about a baby, let alone really "wanting" one, and THEN it's +? WTF? LOL. Don't get me wrong, I was happy, it was just the irony of it that struck me as WTF? :rofl: But all is well now, and that is all that matters in the end right?

I had regular periods then and ovulated normally. Standard 28d cycle, o on cd14. I just wasnt paying attention and had no symptoms. I only tested on a dare.

I didnt have out of normal cycles until after DD1. Thats why i get frustrated at people who blame my cyst or act as if its some new thing and i should be rushing to the dr... Shes 10yrs old.

OH, well is it cancer? Have you had a biopsy done on it yet? J/C bc I haven't heard you "full" BG story yet. You don't have to answer if you don't want to :hugs: Yeah, I'm the complete OPPOSITE. I was SO irregular prior to my daughter it was ridiculous. I would go months/a year and half one time (no joke) with NO cycle at all. I was finally told I had endometriosis, but my pregnancy "cured" it, which can happen sometimes. It's actually quite ironic when you think about it, bc endo makes it REALLY hard to get pregnant "naturally", but on the same side of that coin, many times a pregnancy will cure it. Hows that for irony? lol Now that I my cycles have returned PP, they are "normal". NO debiliatating cramps that kept me in bed vomiting for days, no bleeding so heavily that I had to sleep with towels or waterproof liners under me and a towel beside the bed, to put between my legs just to walk to the bathroom bc as soon as I sat up it would come gushing out like a flood, literally running down my legs and getting blood on the floor!!!! No more cyst's and having to deal when they ruptured and sleeping on the bathroom floor bc I was vomiting so much from the pain, and the only relief I could find from the nausea and pain was the cold tile floor. I cannot even tell you how happy I am that those day's are over. It was pure HELL! So bad, that I wouldn't even wish that on my worst enemy. Being in so much pain, that I couldn't even get in the car to drive to the hospital, bc I knew I would be miserable and vomiting the whole time. And no doctor ever took me seriously, they always acted like I was a huge baby that couldn't handle period cramps and would advise me to get some midol!!!!! ARGH :growlmad: I literally didn't even get a dr. to take me serious until 6 months before I got pregnant! And they still didn't do anything! I just got pregnant on "accident". I went through all that hell since I was 15 yrs old, and was 28 when I conceived my daughter!!!
They claim they cant biopsy it...:shrug: Its not solid so maybe thats part of the reason.

Brief rundown of cyst:
2009- size of marble on right ovary.
2010- size of golfball on right ovary <- told it was dermoid
2012- size of orange on right ovary <- told it was endo, not dermoid by RE
2015- size of 14cm with 13cm right ovary <- told it was likely cancer by Onc

CA125 is elevated and they consider it rapid growing. Its a fluid filled cyst with solid parts and thin walls. My right ovary under it is quite big. The cyst is growing up and down.

I dont have that much pain (only when you go poking around/exams, O time) and no other signs/symptoms.

Recommendations for removal have been cutting me up and down and removing just about everything, which i refuse to do.

attached is a pic of it


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Have you tried to find a doctor that would do the surgery without doing a hysterectomy? I bet you could find one. Why are they suggesting that anyways?

***A LOT of doctors are VERY egotistical and like a challenge, so if they find out that other doctors are wanting to do the surgery and will ONLY do it if you allow them to do a hysterectomy as well, I'm almost willing to bet that you could find a doctor just big headed enough to think/know he could do it AND leave you able to bear children. I'm sure of it.
Have any of them done a 3D MRI or a petscan on you?

OR- You could always go the route of out of country surgery. I think it was Japan or China that have like VIP hospitals, seriously they are like 5 star hotels, maybe even better then that, AND MUCH cheaper and willing to do things that US doctors are not as well. It's an option.

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