Looking for a buddy who logs in a lot :)

As for me

Despite a stressful three days trying to get Dh to BD during my fertile window we have managed 4/5 days and I have definitely Ovulated (I think cd 16). This cycle has been stressful so far - last cycle on clomid giving added pressure, minor breakdown whilst taking clomid, trouble with BD etc, but I hope it will have paid off. Going to try to relax now for the next 13 days
Kmpreston- That sounds like a good idea. I'm kind of doing the same right now, but at the other end of my cycle, the bleeding has all but stopped but O is still a way's away, so I'm just taking it easy. I, too, have struggle's with DH to get BDing in on time so that there is even a "possibility" that we have conceived, so I deffo feel you on that end. It's a HUGE stresser and drives me absolutely up the wall. Esp, when he decides to get mad at me right at crucial times in my cycle like last month, which I did manage to get in one more BD before the window closed, but it was like pulling teeth and we definitely could of tried MUCH MORE then we actually did. Oh well.

Aayla- So sorry, hun. She got me too. But I've just taken it in stride and got right back on the proverbial horse. It sucks, but for me, the bright side was 1-I'm back to having "normal" 30-31day cycles! and she did not come with vengeance this time, it was actually quite light and pain free, which isn't too normal for me. I normally have a lot of cramping esp the first 3 days. But it was manageable this cycle for some reason. Here's to hoping that this cycle it it for both of us ;)

OnErth- How are things going with you...I've been gone for a few days, taking a little break from all this TTCing stuff, so I'm a little out of the loop.

Not sure that we are going to do much anything different this cycle though. Has anyone tried the sperm meets egg plan? That's the only thing that I was thinking about doing this month that we didn't do last month.....

Oh, and BTW, those QuickVue test's I ordered already made it here, I used one to make sure they worked and they do, just perfect. They are nice little test and for the price I couldn't pass them up. I'm really excited to be able to use them cycle. I actually think that they would be better then FRER's, personally, after reading up on them. I'm really glad I went ahead and took a chance on them, and am actually considering buying another box or 3 :rofl:
I have my doc appt tomorrow morning. They called today. We shall see what he has to say.
I have my doc appt tomorrow morning. They called today. We shall see what he has to say.

good luck!!!

This cycle will be:
FE 5mg CD3-7 ( i think 1-5 screwed me)
Vit D
Baby Aspirin
Pre Seed/Cup

Brazil nuts
Vit C
Went to see the fertility doc today. He wants to do letrozole and IUI. I'm only allowed 3 more cycles of letrozole and because of my weight IVF is a way off and he doesn't want me losing drastically which can do more harm than good in the neonatal sense. So while I lose weight and save what we can we will do three rounds of IUI. (assuming we need 3). He says it will double our chances.

Since I am cd 6 today this cycle is out. so I just have to wait for the next af. The IUI should happen around Aug 24 depending on when af comes. Without being on letrozole af doesn't like to behave normally so she may have to be induced.

DH and i have to get new blood panels done of all the std's and stuff as it has been a few years so having to wait makes sure we can get them done and they get the results in time.

The doc was really excited he was like "yeah..let's do this..Let's just do it." This is why I chose this doc. he is so passionate about it.
That's great news Aayla, what an exciting path

I was supposed to have an appointment with my fertility specialist tomorrow but he has cancelled all appointments due to a bereavement

Bearing in mind this appointment was meant to be the first week in June I wasn't pleased but I understood

Imagine how upset I was to then get a call to say that my new appointment was 2nd September...that would mean no more drugs and no IVF referral for another two months, thus delaying IVF til at least December.

So I was absolutely distraught and rang the secretary in floods of tears and begged for a new appointment. I'm going on the 22nd July now. So feeling slightly better, although that will probably be CD 4 so too late to start any drugs he may give me :/
OnErth- So Sorry to AF got you too. Seems like it was just an off month for all of us, so maybe this next cycle we will all get better results? Doesn't it seem like all of our cycles are kind of 'syncing' up? My CD 1 was on June 30th/July 1st (depending on which monitor I am going by, lol) Then it was Aalya, and then you right? So we are all within like a week of each other now right? BUT- I do agree with Kmpreston, that it is really great that you did have a "normal' cycle even though it ended without a BFP, I'm still calling it a WIN!!! As for the psychic's, is there a thread somewhere were ladies were discussing this? Have any of them actually had reading from them that ended up being true? I'm still on the fence about whether to do it again or not. I've had two readings, one of which said that I was possibly pregnant at that moment, and that was in April, when I had my CP, she also said that she foresaw problems with it early on but that she saw me carrying full term, so that didn't happen, but maybe she was getting mixed message's about two separate pregnancies??? lol. I also talked to another psychic that had higher rating and per min prices btw, but she did "specialize" in births and deaths and she said she saw me conceiving in October, which I hope she was wrong, bc that's too far away!!! LOL.... We will see. Maybe I will get another reading from one of the psychics ladies suggest on here...

Kmpreston- So glad that you got your appt changed to a much closer date then what they had initially booked you for. Also glad that you got your DH to give in and get the BDing done that needed to happen so that you have a running shot at a BFP this cycle! So 'Yay' for that!!! But, I also totally get the stress of your fertile window, BD timing, and issue's with SO during the critical time in your cycle. My SO almost made me lose it last cycle, lol. We had BD'd 2 days previous to when I actually O'd, but I thought that I already had, and then I finally got him to BD with me again during my fertile window, which just by chance happened to be the exact day that I actually O'd, but it still ended in a BFN so I guess all the stress I put myself through was for nothing anyways....BUT I do totally get the stressing of BDing and timing. I get stressed every month that I start getting close to my O day and making sure that we get in enough BD to have our bases covered. But at least now you can relax, knowing that you did all you could do, and hopefully we will be seeing squinter's on your test here soon!!! :happydance: :hugs:

Aayla- So sorry that AF got you too, but on that same token, I'm totally stoked that your doctor has decided to proceed with a different avenue for you. I don't want to jinx it, but I have a really good feeling about where your fertility journey is heading :wohoo: I'm thinking this is total score for you. I do think that you and hubby joining the gym would be a great thing for you, plus it's a bonding experience and you two can motivate each other when the other one isn't exactly feeling up for it. But I do have to ask, have you ever considered doing Yoga? I am totally won over when it comes to Yoga. After having my LO I gained A LOT of weight (which was totally ironic bc I hardly gained anything during my pregnancy) But I got up to 211lbs PP. Then I decided enough was enough and I started doing Yoga again (I had done it religiously during my pregnancy) I do Yoga 3-5 times a wk depending on my schd and how I'm feeling. But do you know that I have lost 42lbs in the last THREE months!!! And I do all kinds of Yoga, I do weight loss routines, pain relief routines (when my Auto Immune Disorders Flare up and or my chronic back pain gets bad) I do PP depression routines, fertility and conception routines, Yoga/Pilates mixed together routines, and even mommy and me yoga with my LO! I haven't changed anything about my eating habits, or any other lifestyle changes, just the yoga, and I have lost 42lbs!!! That's amazing, and I couldn't be more ecstatic about it. Not only has the Yoga helped me to loose all that weight, but there are so many more benefits to it that I can't even put them all down. But to sum it up, I am a much happier, healthier, and emotionally balanced person because of it. I LOVE IT. And best of all, I haven't spent not one dime on it! All the routines I do, I find on YouTube for FREE!!! I still haven't splurged on a yoga mat, or any of the little accessories to do some of the exercises, but that's the beauty of it- You don't really need to but that stuff to do the routines ;) At the very least I think you should look into it. One of the really great things I love about it is that is is very low impact and easy on your body, but at the same time is VERY effective. Just a suggestion though :winkwink::winkwink:

Okay, so AFM- I am still early in my cycle. I just hit cycle day 9/10. I'm still getting Low readings on both my monitors and my wondfo's are still neg. but they are getting darker, so my LH is rising. I O'd on CD 16 last time, so hopefully I can count on my cycle being about the same and I will O around the same CD this cycle too. But I do have a quesition for you ladies. I have convinced SO to BD every day for the next two weeks which according to FF my fertile window is from July 11-13th and the possible O dates are from July 14th-16th- So pretty much this entire week is my "fertile window" and then the second week of BDing will just be for extra measure, fun, and helping to bring out intimacy level back up to an acceptable level :happydance: But here's my question. I've been thinking about my options for BDing and we could BD everyday for the next 14 days, OR we could BD every other day for the two weeks, or we could try the SMEP this cycle (which I need to look up again, so I know exactly what that calls for as far as BDing bc I can't remember right this minute) BUT- If you were in my situation what would you do? We did one of the at home fertility checks on SO and his test came back positive, so his count at least is within normal ranges (but I also did some research and borrowed my nieces microscope and took a little looksie myself at the swimmers, and in my "unprofessional" opinion his swimmer's are fine. lol. The shape of majority of them looked perfect, majority were swimming in straight lines, and very few had "defects" so I'm pretty confident in my "conclusion" that his swimmers are good to go. Have any of you actually tried to SMEP? Or have you known anyone who did try it and conceived the month they did? This is my second month using the CBFM's, which from all the reviews I read if you didn't conceive on the first month, then your second month might just be the ticket! :wohoo: :blush::happydance: I'm excited that I'm approaching my FW and that SO has agreed to give it a good Ole' college try this month, so hopefully something becomes of it. But I would really love to hear what you ladies would decide to do with the BDing schedule if you were me, so I can start making some decisions :) Tom, is "officially" my first day of my fertile window on FF so we've got to get to BDing. :happydance: I am doing my prenatals, EPO, Omega's, CoQ10, Softcups, Preseed, and maybe one of the supplements you do for four or five day's after you O to help with implantation..... Sorry everything is so long, I just haven't been on here for so long, I ended up having a lot to say :dohh::blush: But, we all already know, I'm the talker of the bunch (well, typer, lol) :blush:
I actually love yoga. A long time ago I got into Windsor Pilates (which is on youtube now). I did the 20 min program and I did yoga for dummies and was a vegan. I dropped 30 lbs in about 3 months. (oh and I walked to and from work everyday which was about 20-30 min each way). I have been thinking of getting back into it again. But I also love weight lifting. DH's schedule and mine are different and so not sure about whether or not we would work out together. But I plan on talking to him to see if he wants to work out with me. I like the ladies part of the gym but there are more weights in the men section. The initial cost for the 2 of us is high but only about $80 for one of us and then only $16 a month after that. I may stagger it. We also have other financial obligations as well. I have many beachbody programs and weights at home that are great for me but not heavy enough for DH.

As for your schedule. When we got our bfp we did it every day but 2 out of the 14 from the time af left and I ovulated. but basically the perfect schedule that FF recommends. Only one cycle after the mc did we end up doing it to that schedule. But no pregnancy. So not sure if the schedule mattered or not. If you have a good idea of when you ovulate then I would do it every 24 hours starting 3 days prior all the way to 1 day past. I think it's the 2 days before and the day of that really matter. I have read multiple times that the egg likes to have sperm waiting for her.
I actually love yoga. A long time ago I got into Windsor Pilates (which is on youtube now). I did the 20 min program and I did yoga for dummies and was a vegan. I dropped 30 lbs in about 3 months. (oh and I walked to and from work everyday which was about 20-30 min each way). I have been thinking of getting back into it again. But I also love weight lifting. DH's schedule and mine are different and so not sure about whether or not we would work out together. But I plan on talking to him to see if he wants to work out with me. I like the ladies part of the gym but there are more weights in the men section. The initial cost for the 2 of us is high but only about $80 for one of us and then only $16 a month after that. I may stagger it. We also have other financial obligations as well. I have many beachbody programs and weights at home that are great for me but not heavy enough for DH.

As for your schedule. When we got our bfp we did it every day but 2 out of the 14 from the time af left and I ovulated. but basically the perfect schedule that FF recommends. Only one cycle after the mc did we end up doing it to that schedule. But no pregnancy. So not sure if the schedule mattered or not. If you have a good idea of when you ovulate then I would do it every 24 hours starting 3 days prior all the way to 1 day past. I think it's the 2 days before and the day of that really matter. I have read multiple times that the egg likes to have sperm waiting for her.

Ye that's what I go for - the FF perfect 5. Three days before O, O day and the day after. Only managed all five once (first BFP) but also got a BFP when I got day before, O day and day after. This months looking pretty good


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So I got pregnant in the November cycle and the April 16 cycle. And from the pics you can see why


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Should add three things
1) December and may 16 look good but were cycles after MC so probably didn't have a good enough lining
2) August and September were when we tried every other day - and essentially missed all the key days
3) prior to that we weren't on clomid so timing probably wouldn't have helped anyway
Amber, there's a paranormal area, otherwise just search psychic on here. I can't speak for others truth or not on their readings.

The first few cycles with your monitor, it's getting to know you.

I've looked at smeg but never done it. I'm not sure which schedule you should try.
Started fe yesterday and forgot to start pregnitude.... Oops.

This af has been heavy and clotty. I also think, but I'm not 100%, over stimmed last cycle and may have a cyst on the left..............too late now but I'm just hoping it's left over and going away because I only had weird twinges yesterday?
Amber, there's a paranormal area, otherwise just search psychic on here. I can't speak for others truth or not on their readings.

The first few cycles with your monitor, it's getting to know you.

I've looked at smeg but never done it. I'm not sure which schedule you should try.
Started fe yesterday and forgot to start pregnitude.... Oops.

This af has been heavy and clotty. I also think, but I'm not 100%, over stimmed last cycle and may have a cyst on the left..............too late now but I'm just hoping it's left over and going away because I only had weird twinges yesterday?

You know, last cycle when you said that you were having really bad O pains after everything had said you already, maybe it was a small cyst rupturing? I've dealt with cyst's on my ovaries basically ever since my cycle began, but the first worst one was at like 15 and I had to be hospitalized over it. But there have been numerous times throughout my life, esp during my AF that I will all the sudden be overcome with gut wrenching, making you vomit type pain, and I would be willing to bet that majority of those episodes were actually cysts rupturing that I just never got medical over.
Amber, there's a paranormal area, otherwise just search psychic on here. I can't speak for others truth or not on their readings.

The first few cycles with your monitor, it's getting to know you.

I've looked at smeg but never done it. I'm not sure which schedule you should try.
Started fe yesterday and forgot to start pregnitude.... Oops.

This af has been heavy and clotty. I also think, but I'm not 100%, over stimmed last cycle and may have a cyst on the left..............too late now but I'm just hoping it's left over and going away because I only had weird twinges yesterday?

I actually love yoga. A long time ago I got into Windsor Pilates (which is on youtube now). I did the 20 min program and I did yoga for dummies and was a vegan. I dropped 30 lbs in about 3 months. (oh and I walked to and from work everyday which was about 20-30 min each way). I have been thinking of getting back into it again. But I also love weight lifting. DH's schedule and mine are different and so not sure about whether or not we would work out together. But I plan on talking to him to see if he wants to work out with me. I like the ladies part of the gym but there are more weights in the men section. The initial cost for the 2 of us is high but only about $80 for one of us and then only $16 a month after that. I may stagger it. We also have other financial obligations as well. I have many beachbody programs and weights at home that are great for me but not heavy enough for DH.

As for your schedule. When we got our bfp we did it every day but 2 out of the 14 from the time af left and I ovulated. but basically the perfect schedule that FF recommends. Only one cycle after the mc did we end up doing it to that schedule. But no pregnancy. So not sure if the schedule mattered or not. If you have a good idea of when you ovulate then I would do it every 24 hours starting 3 days prior all the way to 1 day past. I think it's the 2 days before and the day of that really matter. I have read multiple times that the egg likes to have sperm waiting for her.

Ye that's what I go for - the FF perfect 5. Three days before O, O day and the day after. Only managed all five once (first BFP) but also got a BFP when I got day before, O day and day after. This months looking pretty good

So I got pregnant in the November cycle and the April 16 cycle. And from the pics you can see why

So FF suggest a different BD method then ALL of the things I had originally thought about doing? :wacko: What exactly does FF suggest you do. And BTW- My SO and I have been having problems, but things have really improved in the last one-to two weeks, and this is probably TMI- But the BDing last night(AM) was OMG!!!! I'm so glad things are improving between us, esp with the BDing, bc to be perfectly honest we have been together for almost 8 yrs now and have been a sex rut for literally (no joke) yrs. :coffee: I mean there have been off occasions that were surprising and exhilarating, but for the most part- :coffee: I think I'm going to order some "stuff" to spice things up a bit today. We aren't crazy with the sex stuff but are willing to experiment (and when I say that I mean like putting a toe in the water, maybe a leg) do you ladies suggest anywhere for me to start with bringing things into the bedroom to spice it up a bit?
Also, I have noticed that this cycle my pre O temps have been way higher then they were the last cycle. Which according to those fertility acupuncturist my temps last cycle were too low to sustain a pregnancy, but the temps this month are in the correct range they say is "healthy" and "optimal" pre o temps for growing a healthy viable egg. Which this is all coming from what I learned the medical/acupuncturist community say about fertility through my research, so I don't know how "correct" it is, but I'm a little excited that my folicular phase temps are in a better range (again, according to fertility acupuncturist) maybe it means something will actually come from this cycle, bc I had great post O temps already.

BUT- My question with all this is- Have any of you ladies a noticed a significant difference in your pre/post O temps from cycle to cycle? Or do they normally stay about the same? The reason I'm asking, is bc I'm slightly concerned that it could indicate some type of problem with my fertility with them not staying in the same ranges......
Also, I have noticed that this cycle my pre O temps have been way higher then they were the last cycle. Which according to those fertility acupuncturist my temps last cycle were too low to sustain a pregnancy, but the temps this month are in the correct range they say is "healthy" and "optimal" pre o temps for growing a healthy viable egg. Which this is all coming from what I learned the medical/acupuncturist community say about fertility through my research, so I don't know how "correct" it is, but I'm a little excited that my folicular phase temps are in a better range (again, according to fertility acupuncturist) maybe it means something will actually come from this cycle, bc I had great post O temps already.

BUT- My question with all this is- Have any of you ladies a noticed a significant difference in your pre/post O temps from cycle to cycle? Or do they normally stay about the same? The reason I'm asking, is bc I'm slightly concerned that it could indicate some type of problem with my fertility with them not staying in the same ranges......

My temps have been higher this time whilst I'm on clomid than they were when I used to temp (pre clomid, stopped temping last June). They are also considerably more stable
do you ladies suggest anywhere for me to start with bringing things into the bedroom to spice it up a bit?

I probably shouldnt be the one to answer since we live a BDSM lifestyle..:haha::blush: we have more than your standard dildo, lol. We got things off Amazon, Hustler, different BDSM toy makers.

I would start with the basic toys ( not cheap though because in sex toys QUALITY really matters) and get things for both of you. Learn about your spouse and what they like. I learned he likes sensual, where i like sexy. Hes fine with a massage and i want well, more. :blush:

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