Looking for a buddy who logs in a lot :)

So, now I'm not entirely sure that my test was a BFN. Could you ladies please look at this and tell me what you think? Thanks in advance. I'm not getting excited or anything as it is likely nothing, I would just like to make sure that this the consensus on it before entirely moving forward. One of them has been inverted, the other is the original with some very slight contrasting done to it, to help it show.


  • 16dpocbpt 020 upload invert cb.jpg
    16dpocbpt 020 upload invert cb.jpg
    10.5 KB · Views: 4
  • 16dpocbpt 020 Original with slight contrast adjustment.jpg
    16dpocbpt 020 Original with slight contrast adjustment.jpg
    17.6 KB · Views: 4
Aayla- I just wanted to say I'm so sorry you're missing a cycle but I really am glad that they'll be trying something different for you instead of keeping you on the same meds no have a great feeling about this next chapter of Ttc for you.
Amber, you're fine.

I feel out today for this cycle. I'd rather have some neon sign to know!!

And I can't tell on your hpt?
Amber, you're fine.

I feel out today for this cycle. I'd rather have some neon sign to know!!

And I can't tell on your hpt?

Nope, it was just a rather convincing evap. AF just showed her face. Literally when I went to pee to take a FRER (which I'm glad, cause I didn't waste it, lol) there she was. Nice and Ugly. Oh, well. I'm just glad it's over and I can focus on a new cycle, have a few days of not worrying about anything and gather my thoughts on how we are going to do this one ;)

Oh, OnErth- I sent you a PM if you didn't already get a notice ;)
I got it, i just wasnt able to respond yet- my tablet was about to die and the kids are going crazy along with hubby at the sec.

Sorry the witch got you! :hugs:
Got my reading back:

Firstly i can see conception anytime within the next 12 weeks.

I can see a positive pregnancy test on a Tuesday.

I can see a healthy a baby girl born at 39 weeks of your pregnancy.

I do feel a 5 hour length labour with 32 minute's pushing

Birth- Friday 18.22pm

Weight 7lbs 8oz , 19 inches long

She has slight colic from birth

She is born with a full head of dark hair

I can see she will sleep through out the night from 13 weeks old

Her first word is Bottle...

I would be happy just to be pregnant but i REALLY want a boy and I sure as heck dont want to wait TWELVE WEEKS! :growlmad:
oh and my mom said " why would you want another baby when yours are grown?"...as if i have chosen to wait. Then my cousin who was there said " i had 7yrs in between and it messed up badly, id hate for you to go through that"...sure, ok.

oh and if youre interested, here are the psychics Amber:
Sofia- BFP June '16 or EDD June '17 :blue:
Sky- BFP June '16 or EDD June '17 :blue:
Panrosa- BFP July '16 :blue:
Suzy- BFP Oct EDD July 5 '17 :blue:
Mary- BFP within 12wks :pink:

past readings:
SouLiving- Dec/Boy ('14)
Cheri22- Oct/Boy ('10)
Sandra- BFP June EDD Feb/Boy ('11 and '13)
Gail- Oct/Boy ('12)
Ruby- Nov-Jan/Girl ('10)
Very accurate readings - how can it be a June BFP and a June due date?!

Aalya has AF turned up?
Amber I hope you're ok

Afm I'm about to O but very drunk and not fit for BD.

Richieesmom and Mrs G hoe art you have both?
oh and my mom said " why would you want another baby when yours are grown?"...as if i have chosen to wait. Then my cousin who was there said " i had 7yrs in between and it messed up badly, id hate for you to go through that"...sure, ok.

oh and if youre interested, here are the psychics Amber:
Sofia- BFP June '16 or EDD June '17 :blue:
Sky- BFP June '16 or EDD June '17 :blue:
Panrosa- BFP July '16 :blue:
Suzy- BFP Oct EDD July 5 '17 :blue:
Mary- BFP within 12wks :pink:

past readings:
SouLiving- Dec/Boy ('14)
Cheri22- Oct/Boy ('10)
Sandra- BFP June EDD Feb/Boy ('11 and '13)
Gail- Oct/Boy ('12)
Ruby- Nov-Jan/Girl ('10)

So where are these psychic's at? How do I get a hold of them and were they right for your past babies? AND how much is a reading going to cost me. BC that's really the bottom line for me ;) But I'm loving that she said you would be conceiving in the next 12 weeks, bc really what's 2 more cycle's and then a cycle that ends in a BFP?
Very accurate readings - how can it be a June BFP and a June due date?!

Aalya has AF turned up?
Amber I hope you're ok

Afm I'm about to O but very drunk and not fit for BD.

Richieesmom and Mrs G hoe art you have both?

Thank you Kmpreston. And I'm fine. Even with perfect timing, we really only have a small chance of conceiving, so it's okay. I'm just glad that AF showed like she should have (instead of 49days like the CP) and I can start over and try again. So I've got about 2 weeks until I O and I need to buy some more wondfo LH strips to back up my monitor, but that's about it. I got the QuickVue's today and tried one, just to make sure they were working bc they are out of date, and everything seems to be fine. the cool thing about them is that they have pink AND blue dye in them. The control line is blue and the test line will be pink. How neat is that? AND you can do blood or urine. With blood they are 10mIU and urine they are 20/25mIU. So I'm happy with the purchase. I got 100 of them for 25 bucks so you can't beat that, and they are actual medical devices, like for dr.'s and lab use only. Anyways, they still have a bunch of them left if anyone wants some ;)
Very accurate readings - how can it be a June BFP and a June due date?!

Aalya has AF turned up?
Amber I hope you're ok

Afm I'm about to O but very drunk and not fit for BD.

Richieesmom and Mrs G hoe art you have both?

Its june BFP 2016 OR june edd 2017.

oh and my mom said " why would you want another baby when yours are grown?"...as if i have chosen to wait. Then my cousin who was there said " i had 7yrs in between and it messed up badly, id hate for you to go through that"...sure, ok.

oh and if youre interested, here are the psychics Amber:
Sofia- BFP June '16 or EDD June '17 :blue:
Sky- BFP June '16 or EDD June '17 :blue:
Panrosa- BFP July '16 :blue:
Suzy- BFP Oct EDD July 5 '17 :blue:
Mary- BFP within 12wks :pink:

past readings:
SouLiving- Dec/Boy ('14)
Cheri22- Oct/Boy ('10)
Sandra- BFP June EDD Feb/Boy ('11 and '13)
Gail- Oct/Boy ('12)
Ruby- Nov-Jan/Girl ('10)

So where are these psychic's at? How do I get a hold of them and were they right for your past babies? AND how much is a reading going to cost me. BC that's really the bottom line for me ;) But I'm loving that she said you would be conceiving in the next 12 weeks, bc really what's 2 more cycle's and then a cycle that ends in a BFP?

Most of them have sites and are under $20, most under $10. I didnt get a reading for any past pregnancies. One lady did it for free, i cant remember which, id have to go back and look.
Very accurate readings - how can it be a June BFP and a June due date?!

Aalya has AF turned up?
Amber I hope you're ok

Afm I'm about to O but very drunk and not fit for BD.

Richieesmom and Mrs G hoe art you have both?

Its june BFP 2016 OR june edd 2017.

oh and my mom said " why would you want another baby when yours are grown?"...as if i have chosen to wait. Then my cousin who was there said " i had 7yrs in between and it messed up badly, id hate for you to go through that"...sure, ok.

oh and if youre interested, here are the psychics Amber:
Sofia- BFP June '16 or EDD June '17 :blue:
Sky- BFP June '16 or EDD June '17 :blue:
Panrosa- BFP July '16 :blue:
Suzy- BFP Oct EDD July 5 '17 :blue:
Mary- BFP within 12wks :pink:

past readings:
SouLiving- Dec/Boy ('14)
Cheri22- Oct/Boy ('10)
Sandra- BFP June EDD Feb/Boy ('11 and '13)
Gail- Oct/Boy ('12)
Ruby- Nov-Jan/Girl ('10)

So where are these psychic's at? How do I get a hold of them and were they right for your past babies? AND how much is a reading going to cost me. BC that's really the bottom line for me ;) But I'm loving that she said you would be conceiving in the next 12 weeks, bc really what's 2 more cycle's and then a cycle that ends in a BFP?

Most of them have sites and are under $20, most under $10. I didnt get a reading for any past pregnancies. One lady did it for free, i cant remember which, id have to go back and look.

Oh, well that's not much at all. Were any of them right about any of pregnancy's? I would really be interested in getting in contact with one of them, preferably one that was actually "spot on" with her predictions :lol: Do you happen to have any of that information wrote down?

AFM- Still bleeding, but it's lightened up quite a bit, so I should be down with it in a day or two. "yay me" lol So, I'm going to use the old style CB monitor this cycle and the new Advanced monitor to see if they give me the same readings on the same days. One thing so far that I've noticed, is that the Advanced monitor is calculating my "CD's" differently. AF came at about 7-8pm on June 30th. My old monitor say's I'm on CD 5, but the Advanced monitor with the same info put into it, except it ask for the time AF started, say's I'm CD4? So it must calculate it in hrs and not by dates? Works out better for me anyways bc I'm still waiting on the damn sticks that work with the Advanced monitor anyways, bc of course, why would CB make sure that they all were cross compatible? :growlmad:
Very accurate readings - how can it be a June BFP and a June due date?!

Aalya has AF turned up?
Amber I hope you're ok

Afm I'm about to O but very drunk and not fit for BD.

Richieesmom and Mrs G hoe art you have both?

Its june BFP 2016 OR june edd 2017.

oh and my mom said " why would you want another baby when yours are grown?"...as if i have chosen to wait. Then my cousin who was there said " i had 7yrs in between and it messed up badly, id hate for you to go through that"...sure, ok.

oh and if youre interested, here are the psychics Amber:
Sofia- BFP June '16 or EDD June '17 :blue:
Sky- BFP June '16 or EDD June '17 :blue:
Panrosa- BFP July '16 :blue:
Suzy- BFP Oct EDD July 5 '17 :blue:
Mary- BFP within 12wks :pink:

past readings:
SouLiving- Dec/Boy ('14)
Cheri22- Oct/Boy ('10)
Sandra- BFP June EDD Feb/Boy ('11 and '13)
Gail- Oct/Boy ('12)
Ruby- Nov-Jan/Girl ('10)

So where are these psychic's at? How do I get a hold of them and were they right for your past babies? AND how much is a reading going to cost me. BC that's really the bottom line for me ;) But I'm loving that she said you would be conceiving in the next 12 weeks, bc really what's 2 more cycle's and then a cycle that ends in a BFP?

Most of them have sites and are under $20, most under $10. I didnt get a reading for any past pregnancies. One lady did it for free, i cant remember which, id have to go back and look.

Oh, well that's not much at all. Were any of them right about any of pregnancy's? I would really be interested in getting in contact with one of them, preferably one that was actually "spot on" with her predictions :lol: Do you happen to have any of that information wrote down?

AFM- Still bleeding, but it's lightened up quite a bit, so I should be down with it in a day or two. "yay me" lol So, I'm going to use the old style CB monitor this cycle and the new Advanced monitor to see if they give me the same readings on the same days. One thing so far that I've noticed, is that the Advanced monitor is calculating my "CD's" differently. AF came at about 7-8pm on June 30th. My old monitor say's I'm on CD 5, but the Advanced monitor with the same info put into it, except it ask for the time AF started, say's I'm CD4? So it must calculate it in hrs and not by dates? Works out better for me anyways bc I'm still waiting on the damn sticks that work with the Advanced monitor anyways, bc of course, why would CB make sure that they all were cross compatible? :growlmad:

I didnt get any of them for any pregnancies in the past. I got them all after.
I would like to find a real psychic that I could talk to here in the next few day's. Where on here would I post to get recommendations from ladies that have used them in past that their readings came true?
Those all of those prediction never actually came to fruition?

The past ones didnt come true, i dont know about the future yet.

I would like to find a real psychic that I could talk to here in the next few day's. Where on here would I post to get recommendations from ladies that have used them in past that their readings came true?

Those are the ones people on here recommend.
Those all of those prediction never actually came to fruition?

The past ones didnt come true, i dont know about the future yet.

I would like to find a real psychic that I could talk to here in the next few day's. Where on here would I post to get recommendations from ladies that have used them in past that their readings came true?

Those are the ones people on here recommend.

So how do I get in contact with one of them? And how much time did that `0-20 bucka get you? Judt curious ;)
Those all of those prediction never actually came to fruition?

The past ones didnt come true, i dont know about the future yet.

I would like to find a real psychic that I could talk to here in the next few day's. Where on here would I post to get recommendations from ladies that have used them in past that their readings came true?

Those are the ones people on here recommend.

So how do I get in contact with one of them? And how much time did that `0-20 bucka get you? Judt curious ;)

You google their names for their sites/facebook pages. You buy their TTC package or Conception Package, which is just them telling you time frame and gender. They ask your name/birthday/TTC info/etc.. thats it. You dont talk or ask questions.
Km: af is here. She came with a vengeance. But I suspected she would as last one was really light. Didn't last long, only 4 days.

No call from the clinic so no idea when I am meeting the doc next. I am tempted to call and tell his nurse that we have decided to not continue with the letrozole and move on to IVF. That does potentially change his plans for me.

I have decided hubby and I are going to join a gym. We have one that is pretty cheap that is a 5 min walk from our house and right now they have a low sign up fee. Hubby has been wanting to join one for awhile.

I would love it if we could get fit together.
Km: af is here. She came with a vengeance. But I suspected she would as last one was really light. Didn't last long, only 4 days.

No call from the clinic so no idea when I am meeting the doc next. I am tempted to call and tell his nurse that we have decided to not continue with the letrozole and move on to IVF. That does potentially change his plans for me.

I have decided hubby and I are going to join a gym. We have one that is pretty cheap that is a 5 min walk from our house and right now they have a low sign up fee. Hubby has been wanting to join one for awhile.

I would love it if we could get fit together.

Joining the gym sounds like an ace idea. I'd ring the clinic and get an appointment with your doc just incase he has a new trick up his sleeve that will tide you over until the IVF - I hate the idea of not trying for 3 months never mind any longer than that

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