Looking for a buddy who logs in a lot :)

Amber, there's a paranormal area, otherwise just search psychic on here. I can't speak for others truth or not on their readings.

The first few cycles with your monitor, it's getting to know you.

I've looked at smeg but never done it. I'm not sure which schedule you should try.
Started fe yesterday and forgot to start pregnitude.... Oops.

This af has been heavy and clotty. I also think, but I'm not 100%, over stimmed last cycle and may have a cyst on the left..............too late now but I'm just hoping it's left over and going away because I only had weird twinges yesterday?

I actually love yoga. A long time ago I got into Windsor Pilates (which is on youtube now). I did the 20 min program and I did yoga for dummies and was a vegan. I dropped 30 lbs in about 3 months. (oh and I walked to and from work everyday which was about 20-30 min each way). I have been thinking of getting back into it again. But I also love weight lifting. DH's schedule and mine are different and so not sure about whether or not we would work out together. But I plan on talking to him to see if he wants to work out with me. I like the ladies part of the gym but there are more weights in the men section. The initial cost for the 2 of us is high but only about $80 for one of us and then only $16 a month after that. I may stagger it. We also have other financial obligations as well. I have many beachbody programs and weights at home that are great for me but not heavy enough for DH.

As for your schedule. When we got our bfp we did it every day but 2 out of the 14 from the time af left and I ovulated. but basically the perfect schedule that FF recommends. Only one cycle after the mc did we end up doing it to that schedule. But no pregnancy. So not sure if the schedule mattered or not. If you have a good idea of when you ovulate then I would do it every 24 hours starting 3 days prior all the way to 1 day past. I think it's the 2 days before and the day of that really matter. I have read multiple times that the egg likes to have sperm waiting for her.

Ye that's what I go for - the FF perfect 5. Three days before O, O day and the day after. Only managed all five once (first BFP) but also got a BFP when I got day before, O day and day after. This months looking pretty good

So I got pregnant in the November cycle and the April 16 cycle. And from the pics you can see why

So FF suggest a different BD method then ALL of the things I had originally thought about doing? :wacko: What exactly does FF suggest you do. And BTW- My SO and I have been having problems, but things have really improved in the last one-to two weeks, and this is probably TMI- But the BDing last night(AM) was OMG!!!! I'm so glad things are improving between us, esp with the BDing, bc to be perfectly honest we have been together for almost 8 yrs now and have been a sex rut for literally (no joke) yrs. :coffee: I mean there have been off occasions that were surprising and exhilarating, but for the most part- :coffee: I think I'm going to order some "stuff" to spice things up a bit today. We aren't crazy with the sex stuff but are willing to experiment (and when I say that I mean like putting a toe in the water, maybe a leg) do you ladies suggest anywhere for me to start with bringing things into the bedroom to spice it up a bit?

I go with the suggestion from FF - every other day just didn't work for us
I think its so up in the air about BD timing. You could do it every day and still not get BFP or be one of those crazy people who does it a week before O and gets BFP. Everything in between!

I know I could O CD16, 19 or 21 ( now possibly 12) so we try to BD on those days ( or day before/after, whichever). Doesnt always happen that way of course but I aim for those days.
OnErth- I'm assuming that BDSM mean's sadist/masochist? Or have I completely went off the rails with that? I am WAY more open to things sexually then my SO. He is quite conservative and I have had a time even trying to get him to just try things. And this is a trigger warning, so if anyone is uncomfortable with "full on sex talk" then I would probably just stop reading here........... Anyways, lol, like say for instance, I would be totally open to purchasing a sex swing, SO probably not so much. Also open to anal (not that I haven't in other relationships) but we have been together for almost 8 yrs and he has never even tried. Most guys that I've dated in the past, are gunning to do it pretty right after the first time you have sex with them. SO just has this "thing" about it. Personally, I dont particularly "enjoy" it all the time, but sometimes just a little play in the area is arousing. (And as I'm writing this, lol, I'm thinking OMG am I really saying this stuff out loud? LOL) Our sex literally goes as far as a few different positions, oral, and I normally try to wear something arousing, which is normally some kind of "normal" lingerie. THAT'S ABOUT IT. For EIGHT YRS!!! Calling what we are in a rut is a ginormous understatement. I'm bored, to be quite frank. Which, I'm sure SO probably is too, but he's way too much of a conservative and gentlemen to EVER utter the words to me that he's not happy with our sex life. I would be open to lots of things in the bedroom, it's figuring out a way to introduce it to SO that's the problem. Role play, toys, even sex that is bit on the "rape fantasy" side (and I really don't mean to offend to anyone if they have had this happen to them, it's just a pretty normal fantasy for a lot of women as long as it has boundaries), my boundaries would be on the more conservative side, but getting a little ruff with it and hand on the neck with slight pressure is arousing sometimes. Then having a toddler thrown in the mix makes things even more difficult bc it's not like when we didn't have a baby and could do what we wanted, where we wanted, and when we wanted anymore. It's more of a get it in if you can kind of thing. My SO's parents were the type of parents that were never affectionate with each other in front of there children, which in turn produces a spouse that just doesn't get the whole affection thing nor does he venture very far when it comes to sex. A few different positions is basicaly his "bag of tricks" and I am a much more complicated and "adventurous" kind of women. I like to be dominated, but my spouse isn't really that kind of man, he's has a much more "delicate" approach to sex then I would prefer and I find it very difficult even bringing up this type of stuff to him. We just don't talk about it at all. There are lots of things that I would be open to trying, it's getting over even having the conversation of it being a possibility that is my problem. I mean as dirty as it get's in our bedroom is some very light "dirty talk" and I mean very very light. I just don't even know how to approach the subject really, one because I don't want to damage his ego or make him feel like less of a man or that he's just not doing it for me anymore, etc. And two with how conservative his behavior has been in the bedroom thus far, I kind of fear exposing myself and him thinking of me of this crazy sexed weirdo. Have any of you ever been in a situation similar to this? How did you finally break the ice and how well did it go over? I'm bored to the point that something has to change I just don't know how to even begin to approach it..... :/
Bdsm is Bondage, discipline, sado-masochism . And itnisnas varied as humans are.

It can be hard to bring up new stuff for sex with guys. They feel like they aren't good enough. My advice is to ask him if he has any fantasies or things he has thought about trying but may be to shy to ask about. Some guys don't want to bring it up because they are afraid that the girl will freak out over something kinky (one day they will learn we can be freaky in bed too lol). I would definitely start with light stuff like blind folding or tying the hand lightly in front.

Rape fantasy is hard. I like it and I have been raped. It is a weird psychological thing and only with DH as I trust him with my life.

Maybe even try watching porn together. See what he likes to watch and you will get a sense of what he may be into.
Amber, there's a paranormal area, otherwise just search psychic on here. I can't speak for others truth or not on their readings.

The first few cycles with your monitor, it's getting to know you.

I've looked at smeg but never done it. I'm not sure which schedule you should try.
Started fe yesterday and forgot to start pregnitude.... Oops.

This af has been heavy and clotty. I also think, but I'm not 100%, over stimmed last cycle and may have a cyst on the left..............too late now but I'm just hoping it's left over and going away because I only had weird twinges yesterday?

I actually love yoga. A long time ago I got into Windsor Pilates (which is on youtube now). I did the 20 min program and I did yoga for dummies and was a vegan. I dropped 30 lbs in about 3 months. (oh and I walked to and from work everyday which was about 20-30 min each way). I have been thinking of getting back into it again. But I also love weight lifting. DH's schedule and mine are different and so not sure about whether or not we would work out together. But I plan on talking to him to see if he wants to work out with me. I like the ladies part of the gym but there are more weights in the men section. The initial cost for the 2 of us is high but only about $80 for one of us and then only $16 a month after that. I may stagger it. We also have other financial obligations as well. I have many beachbody programs and weights at home that are great for me but not heavy enough for DH.

As for your schedule. When we got our bfp we did it every day but 2 out of the 14 from the time af left and I ovulated. but basically the perfect schedule that FF recommends. Only one cycle after the mc did we end up doing it to that schedule. But no pregnancy. So not sure if the schedule mattered or not. If you have a good idea of when you ovulate then I would do it every 24 hours starting 3 days prior all the way to 1 day past. I think it's the 2 days before and the day of that really matter. I have read multiple times that the egg likes to have sperm waiting for her.

Ye that's what I go for - the FF perfect 5. Three days before O, O day and the day after. Only managed all five once (first BFP) but also got a BFP when I got day before, O day and day after. This months looking pretty good

So I got pregnant in the November cycle and the April 16 cycle. And from the pics you can see why

So FF suggest a different BD method then ALL of the things I had originally thought about doing? :wacko: What exactly does FF suggest you do. And BTW- My SO and I have been having problems, but things have really improved in the last one-to two weeks, and this is probably TMI- But the BDing last night(AM) was OMG!!!! I'm so glad things are improving between us, esp with the BDing, bc to be perfectly honest we have been together for almost 8 yrs now and have been a sex rut for literally (no joke) yrs. :coffee: I mean there have been off occasions that were surprising and exhilarating, but for the most part- :coffee: I think I'm going to order some "stuff" to spice things up a bit today. We aren't crazy with the sex stuff but are willing to experiment (and when I say that I mean like putting a toe in the water, maybe a leg) do you ladies suggest anywhere for me to start with bringing things into the bedroom to spice it up a bit?

I go with the suggestion from FF - every other day just didn't work for us

So I got pregnant in the November cycle and the April 16 cycle. And from the pics you can see why

I actually love yoga. A long time ago I got into Windsor Pilates (which is on youtube now). I did the 20 min program and I did yoga for dummies and was a vegan. I dropped 30 lbs in about 3 months. (oh and I walked to and from work everyday which was about 20-30 min each way). I have been thinking of getting back into it again. But I also love weight lifting. DH's schedule and mine are different and so not sure about whether or not we would work out together. But I plan on talking to him to see if he wants to work out with me. I like the ladies part of the gym but there are more weights in the men section. The initial cost for the 2 of us is high but only about $80 for one of us and then only $16 a month after that. I may stagger it. We also have other financial obligations as well. I have many beachbody programs and weights at home that are great for me but not heavy enough for DH.

As for your schedule. When we got our bfp we did it every day but 2 out of the 14 from the time af left and I ovulated. but basically the perfect schedule that FF recommends. Only one cycle after the mc did we end up doing it to that schedule. But no pregnancy. So not sure if the schedule mattered or not. If you have a good idea of when you ovulate then I would do it every 24 hours starting 3 days prior all the way to 1 day past. I think it's the 2 days before and the day of that really matter. I have read multiple times that the egg likes to have sperm waiting for her.

Ye that's what I go for - the FF perfect 5. Three days before O, O day and the day after. Only managed all five once (first BFP) but also got a BFP when I got day before, O day and day after. This months looking pretty good

I think its so up in the air about BD timing. You could do it every day and still not get BFP or be one of those crazy people who does it a week before O and gets BFP. Everything in between!

I know I could O CD16, 19 or 21 ( now possibly 12) so we try to BD on those days ( or day before/after, whichever). Doesnt always happen that way of course but I aim for those days.

I think that the SMEP and FF perfect 5 are essentially the same thing, the SMEP just cover a little more bases. So That's what we are going to go with. We will be BDing every other day up until I get my High reading which I suspect won't happen this cycle until I'm much closer to a peak reading as it's my second cycle using the monitor. Then we will BD every day, which would be the 3 days leading up to O, then the day of O, and the day after, then probably once more just for good measure. So lot's of Bding this cycle, which will be a change from the last one. I'm hoping that by doing the SMEP and this being our second cycle on the monitor that it is just the "magic" we needed to get our BFP. I hear a lot of ladies say that SMEP worked for them the first time, even after trying for long periods prior to that and that a lot of women if they didn't conceive the first cycle with the monitor, it happened on the second. So, I'm keeping my finger's and toes crossed on this cycle, but trying to take a laid back approach to this month as well, and not get as wound up about it as I did the last cycle. Last month, I was I totally nutcase, literally. Completely :wacko::dohh: NO wonder it ended in a BFN. lol. All the stress I put myself through, how on earth could anything survive in that kind of environment. Haha. Well, at least I still have my sense of humor. Hope all is well with everyone. And thanks for being there, this has truly been a God Send for me. I don't know what I would do without it. I would be a total wreck.

On another note- What CD is everyone on? Acording to FF and CBFM I'm CD11, but my Advanced monitor says CD10.
OnErth- I did a search on the site for post about psychic's and found a particular name popping up quite a bit, so I went to her site (the thread was very old) fully intending on purchasing a reading from her, and when I went to pay for it, it said on her disclaimer that she did not do reading about pregnancy!!!! WHAT? I'm so disappointed, I read through several threads and saw the outcome's of her readings numerous times, and she was dead on majority of the time. I'm so disappointed now..... :(
I'm on CD22 / 6dpo. Just had a huge temp dip. Which should excited me but stresses me out in case it doesn't go back up
as I write this I am on cd 9 but monday is cd 10. Not that it matters since this cycle is a nothing cycle. I have 26 days to go until af is due. My IUI should be on Aug 25 (that is cd 20 if this cycle is 35 days). so I am slowly counting down to that. But it's a waiting game to see if af comes on her own since I am not on letrozole. Without it the pcos takes over and I don't get her. Back in feb I wasn't on it and I had a 52 day cycle, at cd 37 I had to take provera to induce and of course that added 7 days. Then I had to wait 5 days for her to come.

I don't like provera. It makes me crazy (quite literally) but I really don't want to have to wait an extra 2 weeks. Would you start it early like say cd 20? take it for 7 days and then wait for her to come? Or would you wait for her to be late?

Tomorrow I do have to go for blood work as we need a whole new std panel done as it's been a few years since we have done one and it's standard before they do the IUI. They are testing 2 other things as well on me, my thyroid and one other thing I can't recall.
KM: that's pretty early for an af dip so fx for you that it is implantation
Amber, theres many areas of BDSM, not just sadist/Maso. You can even be a mix of those, one or none! There is a rape fantasy in BDSM too. ( not my thing but there are people).

I am a submissive with sadistic tendencies. ( not that there are official titles but thats the sum of me). I have other parts, like i can sway Maso and I do LOVE primal/prey. Basically, tell me to get down on all 4s and cook you dinner, I will but I may also drive nails across your back until you bleed.

We were VERY boring vanilla until last December. I started doing research ( and im not talking watching Fifty Shades, which by the way actually covers QUITE A BIT of the basics but sort of poorly).. I just sprung it on him and said lets try this. ( We live 1950s style anyway so being submissive in the bedroom was easy to transition into). It was VERY VERY slow for him at first... Our first day at the dungeon party and he wouldnt even take off his shirt or let me get naked.

Finally he discovered what he liked and didnt and the only thing he just wouldnt do no matter how hard i tried was discipline. I begged and begged but he just couldnt cross the line.

We sat down and made a list of likes/dislikes/wants in the beginning and you should, even if NOT BDSM. We agreed on most everything, which was nice. he even changed his mind on some things- like a ball gag on me. He said no at first and then asked me to get one.

You have to get creative with sex with kids.

Youd never know to look at me that we are into anything like that. :)

and im off my box now, lol. :haha:

CD4 here.

and i wont be able to get back on until Wednesday when we are back home from camping!

Im really nervous to leave my dogs behind, we had a VERY bad experience after a vacation to Florida years ago. We had our old landlord watch them and they didnt come, not even ONCE and we came home to literal Sh*t everywhere and the dogs and I were NOT happy. This time is a girl from church, which makes me feel better.
I know non waking temps dont count but I did my temp this evening at its 36.76'C. This morning it was 35.78. Be interesting to see if my temp tomorrow is anywhere similar to this evening
I know non waking temps dont count but I did my temp this evening at its 36.76'C. This morning it was 35.78. Be interesting to see if my temp tomorrow is anywhere similar to this evening

Doesn't your "normal" body temp raise slightly when you're pregnant, not just the BTT, but all the time? I haven't had a chance to look at your chart yet, but I will right now ;)
Your temp does rise which is why you can have hot flashes or feel hot all the time but because activity, food/water, weather and other environmental conditions can affect your temp it isn't reliable to take it randomly in the day and think anything of it.
I know non waking temps dont count but I did my temp this evening at its 36.76'C. This morning it was 35.78. Be interesting to see if my temp tomorrow is anywhere similar to this evening

Doesn't your "normal" body temp raise slightly when you're pregnant, not just the BTT, but all the time? I haven't had a chance to look at your chart yet, but I will right now ;)

Possibly but as body temp is supposedly "37'C" - which mine never is. It's hard to tell!
I know non waking temps dont count but I did my temp this evening at its 36.76'C. This morning it was 35.78. Be interesting to see if my temp tomorrow is anywhere similar to this evening

Ooohhhh!!!! You're chart is looking AMAZING!!! And a significant dip at 6dpo!!! :wohoo: I'm liking what I'm seeing. AND you're are getting creamy CM!!! Double :wohoo: Is it a lot? I so wish you had did your temps last cycle though, so I could compare the two. Do you do CM/CP checks internally? Sometimes implantation bleeding doesn't actually make it "out" so that you would notice it when you wipe or need a panty liner. Sometimes it's so light, you would only know it happened bc you checked your cervix and the cm was tinged pink or brown. Make sure if you do check to wipe the cm on the tp to get a good look at the color, bc it can be so light that you wouldn't really notice it on your finger and not until you see it against the white tp would you notice it is a bit pink/brown. I know CP isn't a for sure indication of pregnancy, but when I first was figuring out I was pregnant before I had actually taken a test and was just having a "feeling" about it, I decided to check my cervix to see what the position was bc when we had been trying yrs previous I used to check my CP and I knew that when you were pregnant eventually (It happens at different times for every women and each pregnancy) your cervix would go up way high, be like soft buttery soft, like plush overfilled lips and closed. As soon as I checked my CP that night, I KNEW I was pregnant, even before confirming with a test my cervix was so obviously a "pregnant" cervix. lol. Sure enough I tested a few days later and I most definitely was preggers. BUT I was also like 8wks along, so take that for what it's worth, but some ladies cervix's do change pretty quickly after conception, so maybe you could get lucky and have a one that does :winkwink:
Your temp does rise which is why you can have hot flashes or feel hot all the time but because activity, food/water, weather and other environmental conditions can affect your temp it isn't reliable to take it randomly in the day and think anything of it.

Yeh I know that, which is why I said I know it means nothing. But, my thermometers memory says that's the highest temp I've ever recorded. Tomorrows temp should be interesting
Cervix is high, quite soft. Can't tell if it's open or closed

cm is enough to feel wet and make it to my panties.

Here is the last time I bothered to chart


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And this is my most similar one


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Which it turns out isn't that similar


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