OnErth- So looking at my chart, when do you think I actually O'd? Your's always put's your O on day that you have a small rise, mine was lined up last month with my last low temp.... I'm not sure what to think about this months chart, bc of the rise curve instead of it going from low to high over the course of one day.
I think you Od cd21 because that was the last day of your fertile CM but your temp may be cd22 due to the rise after.
FF put CD14 BUT if i put in a phantom temp for tomorrow, it says CD15 with solid cross hairs. I do not think it was 14.
FF may change it again with other temps because using the FAM method, it doesnt give me crosshairs yet- only on Advanced and Research.
Either way im POAS July 31! Not testing before that unless something really jumps out at me symptom wise.
I put in a "ghost" temp for tomorrow and it say's CD 22 with solid crosshairs, but I actually think it was CD21 bc of of symptoms and charting. I thought that I read somewhere that when FF puts up the crosshairs that you have actually O'd the day previous not the day that the crosshairs are on? Has anyone else ever heard this? What are the difference's in the chart analyzers? I have it on advanced, but even when I change it to research for FAM it doesn't change anything.
Nice dip today! Maybe ill get one tomorrow.
I have been on FF since 06 and i havent heard that but maybe i missed it along the way? The different methods are:
Advanced (Recommended)
Fertility Awareness
Advanced Detector is our recommended detector and the default for all charts. We recommend that you keep your chart on this setting. This detector takes all your fertility signs into account. It uses the computing power of our servers to actually scan for patterns of ovulation on your charts based on the many patterns that we have encountered through our years of experience. Once it has determined your most likely ovulation day based on all your fertility signs, it then determines a coverline (the horizontal line across your chart) with a reasonable value to show you your biphasic (ovulation) pattern. Our advanced detector simultaneously takes into account all signs and data you enter to determine the best interpretation.
Research Detector is our cutting edge research detector. This detector includes all new patterns and improvements as we find them. With time and testing, we roll new findings into the advanced detector when appropriate. Since this detector is continuously under construction, it can be unstable. You should use it only if you wish to check for enhancements that are not yet rolled into the advanced detector.
Fertility Awareness Detector is based on the Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) as it is widely published (ovulation is detected after 3 temperatures above the previous 6) with some enhancements. This detector is best suited to those with regular chart patterns who are already familiar with this method.
OPK/Monitor Detector relies solely on your Ovulation Predictor Kit (OPK) or fertility monitor data to determine ovulation. An OPK gives information only about the presence of Luteinizing Hormone (LH). Although in most cases a positive OPK will indicate imminent ovulation it is not always totally accurate. Similarly the fertility monitor gives you information about your estrogen levels and LH levels. Although more detailed than the OPK it still lacks the confirmation that ovulation actually occured. This detector is designed for women who are not recording their temperature but still would like to have a good estimate of their ovulation day.
I stick with advanced until i O, then switch to FAM. Tomorrow when i put in another temp, ill switch to FAM. Then it moves my O day to CD16.