Looking for a TTC Buddy...

Well ladies...I'm having some cramps today...however they aren't like my normal period cramps. My normal crampz hurt so back i have to stop whatever I'm doing on focus on getting through the pain..the cramps I'm having today don't really hurt, they are just like little twinges in my belly. Also, with AF cramps I usually only get a day or two before AF is due and today I still have 4 days until its due. What do you ladies think?? Also, my boobs feel like they are bruised ALL over!! Around the time of AF they hurt some but not like this at all!! Lets hope I'm pregnant and my body isn't just playing tricks on me. I would like some honest opinions on what you girls think though if you don't mind :thumbup:

What has everyone else been up to and how is everything going?

Been busy here. like you I am wondering. BB's sore but not supposed to get AF for at least 12 more days.

hey ladies
sounding good for you both! I'm feeling less hopeful - BBs sore but less so, cramping getting worse,more like af (due in 5or6 days) though. Still a little nauseous and tired but I think it might a sign of a really wicked witch coming:nope:

Doesn't time go SO slowly when you're waiting,aaargh?!

my Af has been late 3 days. But today I have seen some spotting and temperature went down :( Have to try again this month again..........Baby dust to all of you and keeping finger crossed for you.

I got impatient this am and did a test... you never know. My last AF was only 2 days so I figured why not. Put me in a sour mood but I am begining to feel better. gonna go the beach after work.
I don't know if this is a good spot for this but I would like to put this in for the other newbies who feel a bit lost and needing a buddy to go through this with.
I don't have any friends TTC so I only have people asking me if I have lost my mind.
The answer of course is yes and glad of it.
Anyone else needing a TTC Buddy or 2?

I'd love to be your buddy. I also have no friends ttc- most aren't even in relationships yet- and we're trying to keep the news away from my family so it kinda feels like we're on our own

I understand completely. I only told my mom and grandma that we are thingking about it.

My hubby and I are the only ones who know that I'm off BC. We had a dinner a few weeks ago to celebrate my hubby's career sucess and we had about 15 friends over- only 2 other couples- and someone was chatting about the latest girl from our high school class getting preggo and how we were still too young to have kids. We just sat there silent because no one else knows that at that point I was already off bc & trying ourselves. It's pretty hard to bite your tongue but we are still soooo excited. And about 7 years ahead of everyone we hang out with- we're the only ones with stable jobs, college educations, married, homeowners, 401ks, own our own vehicles, health insurance, ect. ect. I'm like we're all 24-27 years old... you're not going to be young forever and they act like we should all be an eternity from having kids. geesh.

Take it from a mid 30's girl, do it before you body starts to break from all the stupid things you did as a teenager. I said I was too young in my 20's so I waited. No I will be 35 in a month and I have bad knees, carpel tunnel, and a herniated disc in my back. PG is gonna be hell. The outcome is worth it. If I had it to do over, I would have done it when I was in top shape.
Don't let your friends dictate it. If they ridicule you for this decision, they are not really your freinds. They may have an initial shock but they will get over it and be happy for you.
In our case, we just don't want all the advice and pressure. My DH is 25 so most people his age feel the same as your friends
A friend of mine told me ........if you like shopping you still like shopping....if you like going out you still go out. your life will change despite if it happens in your 20s or 30s....but you still remain you
Well I'm at 13 do and no sign of AF. She is due tomorrow but I told myself I am not testing until at least Thursday if AF doesn't show up. Still feeling sick and boobs still hurt alot so I'm hoping this is my month!! :thumbup:
Where has everyone been lately?? And how is this month going for everyone??
Hi Everyone!

This is my first post in BnB as a friend of mine (mother of 1) referred me here. I hope you don't mind me joining this little group a month late but today is my first day as a member.

This is exactly the group I have been looking for. My husband and I are TTC but are not telling our family to keep the element of surprise. I have only told my best friend (she is currently 5 week pregnant).

I have been on the pill for 12 years and just stopped. I have a question for everyone.... did anyone experience bleeding/mini period after they went off the pill? After my last cycle ended last week I didn't start a new pack. Last night I was feeling crampy and then after a before bed pee, I had bleeding (similar to the first bleed of a period). Still there this morning but not as much. Not really feeling any other period-like systoms...other then the bleeding.... I googled it and everything says it is normal because my system is getting rid of the pill hormones.... Should I still expect a period in 2.5 weeks? From the reading I have done online and in pregnancy books (The Great Canadian Pregnancy Book, What to Expect When You're Expecting, etc) it says you can get pregnant right away but should wait until you have a full period before tracking your ovulation.... My guess is that my system will be screwed up then once I have a period (should I could what is going on now as a period?!?!?) I will start tracking from there (reg period would usually arrive Aug. 31 when I was on the pill).

Hi welcome to the group! It can take different amounts of time for different women to regulate after stopping BCPs. Some women regular the same cycle they come off it but it can take up to 6 months to fully regulate. Also, I believe what you are having now is withdraw bleeding from the birth control since you were on it for so long. Withdraw bleeding is not considered to be an actual period so I would wait until your next cycle to start tracking ovulation. I was on the depo shot for 4-5 years and I came off of it in May 2010 and just started getting a regular consistant cycles 3 months ago...I hope you regulate soon!!:hugs:

Thanks for the words....I am just going to relax and have BDing until I get a regular AF (hopefully in a few weeks). xox
Hey everyone. Am def out this month,af cramps for a few days now and I took
a test which was negative. Not really annoyed as it's my first month ttc (same boat as you Greens25,welcome btw) and all I really want is for af to show up on cd28/29 like it used to-it's funny to be hoping for an af! But it'd be great to know where I am for nex cycle.
Still fx'd for u Alyssa!
Thanks!! AF is due today and still no sign of her...and I haven't had a single AF cramp. I'm not going to test until Thursday though just to be sure...after a year of trying I hope this is my month!! I will keep you ladies posted.

How is everyone doing? The thread has been kinda dead lately :blush:
Thanks!! AF is due today and still no sign of her...and I haven't had a single AF cramp. I'm not going to test until Thursday though just to be sure...after a year of trying I hope this is my month!! I will keep you ladies posted.

How is everyone doing? The thread has been kinda dead lately :blush:

Hey! (crossing fingers for you!) Hope you get that :bfn:

It has been quiet. Maybe everyone is gettn busy :bunny:
I am getting the feeling this is not my month. call it a gut feeling though.:sadangel:

I only really get to check this site when I am work so weekends are quiet for me anyway.

Welcome to the new ones also :friends:
Thanks!! AF is due today and still no sign of her...and I haven't had a single AF cramp. I'm not going to test until Thursday though just to be sure...after a year of trying I hope this is my month!! I will keep you ladies posted.

How is everyone doing? The thread has been kinda dead lately :blush:

Hey! (crossing fingers for you!) Hope you get that :bfn:

It has been quiet. Maybe everyone is gettn busy :bunny:
I am getting the feeling this is not my month. call it a gut feeling though.:sadangel:

I only really get to check this site when I am work so weekends are quiet for me anyway.

Welcome to the new ones also :friends:

I only check here during the week as well. But, like you I'm feeling that this isn't our month- just a gut feeling. :nope:
Thanks!! AF is due today and still no sign of her...and I haven't had a single AF cramp. I'm not going to test until Thursday though just to be sure...after a year of trying I hope this is my month!! I will keep you ladies posted.

How is everyone doing? The thread has been kinda dead lately :blush:[/QUOT

She arrived last saturday. 5 days late :S will try again this month. Anyone knows if i should calculate the first day of my cycle when is see some spotting or when it is full flow??? baby dust for you and keeping my fingers crossed. Keep us posted
I would like a TTC buddy too... still learning the lingo and everything.
Thanks!! AF is due today and still no sign of her...and I haven't had a single AF cramp. I'm not going to test until Thursday though just to be sure...after a year of trying I hope this is my month!! I will keep you ladies posted.

How is everyone doing? The thread has been kinda dead lately :blush:

Hey! (crossing fingers for you!) Hope you get that :bfn:

It has been quiet. Maybe everyone is gettn busy :bunny:
I am getting the feeling this is not my month. call it a gut feeling though.:sadangel:

I only really get to check this site when I am work so weekends are quiet for me anyway.

Welcome to the new ones also :friends:

I only check here during the week as well. But, like you I'm feeling that this isn't our month- just a gut feeling. :nope:

Mann... I was hoping it was just me. sorry to hear it got you too. Is it me or is the 2ww painfully slow. time hasn't moved this slow for me since I was 5.:haha:
Thanks!! AF is due today and still no sign of her...and I haven't had a single AF cramp. I'm not going to test until Thursday though just to be sure...after a year of trying I hope this is my month!! I will keep you ladies posted.

How is everyone doing? The thread has been kinda dead lately :blush:[/QUOT

She arrived last saturday. 5 days late :S will try again this month. Anyone knows if i should calculate the first day of my cycle when is see some spotting or when it is full flow??? baby dust for you and keeping my fingers crossed. Keep us posted

I think the spotting. :shrug:
I just came off the pill last month. I was convinced it was going to be a quick process and that I was pregnant then AF came yesterday :(
I would like a TTC buddy too... still learning the lingo and everything.

welcome. most of the ling can be found on the newbie thread but the basics - TTC trying to conceive, AF aunt flow AKA the witch.
Hang in there though. Once you get through the accronyms it gets alot easier.
Everyone here is super nice though:happydance:

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