Looking for a TTC Buddy...

Well ladies I think AF got me again this month. I am 2 days late for my period and when I first went to the restroom this morning there was no blood which is usually when i know I have started. Anyways, I was about to take a shower a couple hours later and when i went to the bathroom and wiped again there was a little bit of light pink blood...whicg is really weird because I NEVER have pink blood. Its only there when i wipe and its very light but I'm pretty sure its AF...ughhh I was so sure this was going to be my month but I guess I was wrong. I guess its on to the next cycle for me :cry:

I am so sorry the witch got you!
Next month will be better! Everything is getting better on timming for you though. Now you can target your best days easier

Yeah that's the upside to all of this...my cycles are FINALLY getting regular again. How is everything going for you? I hope everyone is doing well
Thanks for the welcome, DHime!

The :witch: got me this time, but I'm not giving up. I've got a couple more days and then it's back on the horse. Or the DH. lol. But we're going on a trip for a few days at the end of the month when I'm supposed to be ov-ing, so I'm just going to hope that relaxing vacation = BFP. :)
the witch go me today.
a 26 day cycle? really?
Thanks for the welcome, DHime!

The :witch: got me this time, but I'm not giving up. I've got a couple more days and then it's back on the horse. Or the DH. lol. But we're going on a trip for a few days at the end of the month when I'm supposed to be ov-ing, so I'm just going to hope that relaxing vacation = BFP. :)

then you can nickname the baby "our little sovounir" (sorry my spelling sucks sometimes):happydance:
LOL!! My little souvenir. I love it. What did you pick up on vacation? A BFP. ;) lol.

Yeah, I had a 25 day cycle this month. Blargh. So strange.
LOL!! My little souvenir. I love it. What did you pick up on vacation? A BFP. ;) lol.

Yeah, I had a 25 day cycle this month. Blargh. So strange.

I suppose it is to be expected. I came off bc pills in december after 13 years so who knows what is normal. :shrug:
They say it takes 6 months but they also say that the long term effects of bc pills are still somewhat unknown. It just makes me remeber that life in all it's parts is completely unpredicatable.:haha:

Thanks for the correct spelling btw:dohh:
Ugh seems like AF got all of us this month!! My best friend just found out she is pregnant...and they weren't even trying. I am happy for her but also a little jealous:blush:
I agree with the 'not feeling it's my month' feeling - think that's why I wasn't upset by the BfN.
Anyone else shocked by how bad PMS can be?! I had totally forgotten!

I'm a teacher so I'm off on hols at the min so my contributions aren't always so regular. Welcome everyone new-the more the merrier!

I had also forgotten. I started thinking at first that I had another ov cyst rupture and then I thought, oh... cramps. Now I remember why I hated being a girl before bc pills.
And the emotional rollercoaster.... blech:haha:

Yeah...think my dh really didn't hav much fun on that rollercoaster...prob wondered who the heck he married :blush:
the witch go me today.
a 26 day cycle? really?

Aww that sucks...BCP seems really mess with your system...gotta say, I'd think twice about going back on it...though it's been great for af symptoms.
Hey Ladies!!

Sorry not been on in a while, been so busy with work n getting the house ready to move into - i just been a busy bee!! How have ye all been? Alyssa, sorry you didnt have much luck this time, but hopefully next time fingers crossed 4 you and all the lovely ladies on here TTC :) I know im now waiting to try, but i dont wanna leave ye to go into another thread/group because ye are all so lovely here :) I will soon be back to TTC anyway :) Hows all doing? x x

Welcome back rockaby!
Sure there's no need for you to go anywhere...seems alot if us are in af limbo anyway,waiting to get on with the next cycle and you don't have too long to wait do u? You ready to get back on the saddle...ahem..as it were?! :winkwink:
Well ladies...I knew when AF came late this month this cycle was weird. I have ALWAYS had a 5 day period but now I'm on day 6...I have never had a period last more than 5 days. I have no clue why it would last longer than normal..any ideas??
I want a ttc buddy. Im cd 4 secretly trying so would really like someone to share experience with :)
PumpkinLove I will be your ttc buddy! I'm going crazy not talking to anyone about all this as we're trying to keep it quiet until we get a BFP!

I've been off BCP since May when my amazing DH and I got married and we've been dtd unprotected but only started ttc this past cycle.
I'm currently on cd 32 and my last two cycles were 31 days so I'm waiting for the :witch: to arrive!!

I definately plan to chart and temp this next cycle as well as use opk and primrose oil. Currently I'm just on Pre-natal vitamins and have cut way back on caffeine, (except for my morning cup of tea ;).

How long have you been ttc? Were you on birth control before?


i am 25 yrs old and on my second month TTC. I am on cd 12 and have a 32 day cycle. I am due to O this week! and will test around sept 11.... ANYONE WANT TO BE MY TTC BUDDY?
Yeah I was on depo for 7 yrs so when we decided to start trying I had to switch to the pill for a.few mo. To get things working again. This is mo 4 ttc . I take prenatels, boyfrriend takes zinc. I use calander rrythem and chart my cm though I think im gonna get an opk and start charting temp this week. Would be both of your ttc buddys :) twos always better then one right.
PumpkinLove and jmadrews For sure! Two ttc buddys is better than one, and the more the merrier. More baby dust wishes for all ;)

Thanks 1babydreamer!!! How are you? is this your first too?

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