Looking for a TTC Buddy...

jmandrews, yep! 1st for both of us. My hubby and I just got married in May but we've been together for 7 years this month :). I'm 33 and he's 36 and we have just gotten bitten by the baby bug in the last year, me sooner I think ;).

We just bought a house and we'll be moving in the next few weeks. My DH really wanted to have a bigger house before we really started ttc so since the wedding I stopped my bcp and we have been ntnp. My last cycle we started ttc for sure but since I haven't been off the pill long my cycles are a little wonky still and I'm not sure we hit the right timing.

Currently I am taking pre-natal vitamins and I'm on cd 32 with no sign of the :witch: yet! But I think she is coming later this cycle :(

I guess both of us haven't been ttc that long but I know I am definately NOT the most patient person, lol.
PumpkinLove... :dust:

Oh! And jmandrews, congrats!! :wedding: Your picture is beautiful!
aw well sounds like you two are more than ready for a baby! baby dust to ya! My DH and I have been married since July but together for 6 and half years :) I have had baby fever for about a year now, but I wanted to wait until we were married so here we are on our second cycle. I really hope the :witch: doesnt get me! I really hope you get a BFP instead of AF! Good Luck!
Yay! Now it wont be so lonely. My bf seems indifferent when I talk to him about changes in my cycle and such lol though he is a 'mans man' and probably has no clue what im talking about. My af was 5 days late and he wanted me to wait even longer befor I poas. Llol like 5 days wasnt torture. Of course the next day the witch showed up
Yay! Now it wont be so lonely. My bf seems indifferent when I talk to him about changes in my cycle and such lol though he is a 'mans man' and probably has no clue what im talking about. My af was 5 days late and he wanted me to wait even longer befor I poas. Llol like 5 days wasnt torture. Of course the next day the witch showed up

aw yeah guys don't really understand. Well at least you didnt waste a stick! :) Where are you at in your cycle now?
jmandrews and PumpkinLove, Today is cd 33 and I tested this morning... :bfn: :cry: Maybe it was just too early? I was really hopeing since my last two cycles were 31 days that I had become regular but now I just don't know.

Fertility limbo is so not fun!!

PumpkinLove, I think it is a guy thing. My DH is amazingly supportive and definately wants a baby but he still doesn't quite "get it" when it comes to charting and temping and all the "rules." He's like, let's just :sex: and it'll happen. He's probably right but I think as women we can't help wanting to move things along ;). Women tend to worry about fertility way more than men. The curse of being a woman, lol!

I need some major baby dust wishes ladies!!
Oo sorry about bfn :/ my cycles have been off the last 3months. So I guess im gonna get an opk and dtd every other day or something lol
1babydreamer Sorry you got a BFN :( don't give up! sometimes BFP's don't show up like they do for everyone else. tons and tons of baby dust to you!!!

PumpkinLove You should definitely try using a OPK and def dtd every other day. That is what i have been doing this month so i hope it works. My friend got pregnant by dtd every other day. she had been trying for 7 months and that last month is when she dtd every other day. so apparently it works :) good luck!
I agree with the 'not feeling it's my month' feeling - think that's why I wasn't upset by the BfN.
Anyone else shocked by how bad PMS can be?! I had totally forgotten!

I'm a teacher so I'm off on hols at the min so my contributions aren't always so regular. Welcome everyone new-the more the merrier!

I had also forgotten. I started thinking at first that I had another ov cyst rupture and then I thought, oh... cramps. Now I remember why I hated being a girl before bc pills.
And the emotional rollercoaster.... blech:haha:

Yeah...think my dh really didn't hav much fun on that rollercoaster...prob wondered who the heck he married :blush:

And he will never stop wondering what happened...:shrug:
Mine was 5 days late and only lasted 3 days, how out that lol

I understand. Mine is usually 30 to 35 days with a 2 day af. This month it was 26 days with 3 days af.
Go figure. :nope:
Today is CD7 and when I look at my FF calendar it feels like CD14 is taunting me. So far away, but so close. Then again, I've been wondering if I ov'd sometime in the past two days...something eerily similar to EWCM was spotted a couple of days ago and then dried up today. I really need to get on the temping train because just looking at CM is confusing. Anyone else experience something like this before?
So I thought my first AF since coming off BCP ended on Sunday afternoon but I still had cramps yesterday and then yesterday evening I passed a huge clot (yuck tmi sorry!) which really doesn't seem normal. Spotted a little since then. Odd. Guess I'm not so back to normal as I'd hoped.
If you keep clotting I would get it checked out. They say if its bigger than a quarter to go see a doctor. Well ladies I am supposed to O in about 11 days. However, we have a major hurricane heading straight for where I live. So if the damage is as bad as everyone is predicting I don't know when DH and I will have time to BD :nope:

..definitly need some prayers!!! How is everyone doing? And welcome everyone to the site!! :hugs:
Hope it isn't too bad for you ladies - can't imagine what such extreme weather would be like. We don't get so much of that over here! I'm hopefully OVing sometime around the wknd, back to work today after a month so it'll be a real test this month to try and keep BDing regularly when we're tired!

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