Looking for a TTC Buddy...

Hey all, how is everybody doing?? Ye are a little quiet these days! So tell me whats happening? AquaP, Alyssa, Dhime? Any news testing? my fingers are crossed for ye :) xx

Things are going well here.
I beleive I am O starting yesterday. Had a huge dip in temp yesterday and a slight rise today.
When I saw the drop down to 96.01 I thought I must be dying... dead bodies are that cold...
Then I read that there is drop right before O. I was so releived.
I have a herniated disc so I can't tell one pain from another in my back.
I hope I did though. This is my 1st month really temping. Sometimes I wake up at 4 am to do it so the DH doesn't wake up to a beeping themometer everyday.
It puts a damper on morning BD time.
How bout you?
still got that bean?
Hi ladies! I think I'm in the 2WW period of this cycle. Not too much happening other than I'm starving all the time. DH suggested that I have a tapeworm, but it could be that I've been burning up calories walking around sightseeing during our vacay and of course, all that vacation BDing that should have matched up with ov this month, if I'm lucky. ;) I've been really relaxed about TTC this month. I hope it pays off, because next month I'm planning on temping, which means I'll be in full TTC swing and adding a little more stress to this whole thing...
Hi ladies! I think I'm in the 2WW period of this cycle. Not too much happening other than I'm starving all the time. DH suggested that I have a tapeworm, but it could be that I've been burning up calories walking around sightseeing during our vacay and of course, all that vacation BDing that should have matched up with ov this month, if I'm lucky. ;) I've been really relaxed about TTC this month. I hope it pays off, because next month I'm planning on temping, which means I'll be in full TTC swing and adding a little more stress to this whole thing...

I am in my first month of temping so i get that:happydance:
Yup, little beanie is still here :) giving me super sensitive nipples!! sorry if TMI - i cant believe how emotional ye get when your pregnant! Its crazy! So you are temping Dhime, I have never tried it, i havent really heard of anyone doing it in Ireland-altough i am sure it probably is available - hope you hit target this month :) its a rollercoaster. Even the date calculator thingy... it says i am 5 weeks today - but i know am only 3 - but apparently it works of the 1st day of your last period, which is wierd!! so were looking at a due date of the 5th may... fingers crossed... and fingers crossed for all of ye x x x
Yup, hoping the status stays that way :)
Yea, its hard not to test when you just want to know!! I kinda had the symptoms before i tested - outer boobs were sore like as in they were bruised feeling - had that last time. Had a wierd dream actually the night before i tested - which made me test - the dream was pretty basic - dreamt i got my period... never did that happen before.. and i started having to go to the toilet in the mid of the night... which i didnt have to before (still going on) but so far so good. So Tested - was a massive shock to see 'Pregnant'. We werent supposed to be trying - but we werent being careful either so what did i expect to happen lol...it really does only take one time i have discovered lol. So your back to School! Summer seemed to go real quick this year - where does the time go! Hopefully your symptoms are real... fingers crossed for you :) I would say that is a hectic job you have...

Really hope it sticks for you hon!:hugs:
Yeah...my job is pretty full on - if I was pregnant I think it'd be hard to hide it from the other staff because I'd have to be so much more careful and avoid certain situations. Plus I'm knackered after a day at school even without being pregnant,think it'll be tough going.
Thanks for posting your symptoms - love reading up on those! What dpo where you when you tested?
My backache is only intermittent and dull now, no extra toilet trips that I've noticed, think boobs seem a little sore but then
again I could be imagining it as I'm concentrating so hard on them!!
Things are going well here.
I beleive I am O starting yesterday. Had a huge dip in temp yesterday and a slight rise today.
When I saw the drop down to 96.01 I thought I must be dying... dead bodies are that cold...
Then I read that there is drop right before O. I was so releived.
I have a herniated disc so I can't tell one pain from another in my back.
I hope I did though. This is my 1st month really temping. Sometimes I wake up at 4 am to do it so the DH doesn't wake up to a beeping themometer everyday.
It puts a damper on morning BD time.
How bout you?
still got that bean?

Just read this...made me laugh! That's so like something I might do - don't think temping would be a good idea for me, I'd have a major panic if I thought I'd turned into a corpse:haha:
Glad it was just your Ov dip hon:flower:
Yup, hoping the status stays that way :)
Yea, its hard not to test when you just want to know!! I kinda had the symptoms before i tested - outer boobs were sore like as in they were bruised feeling - had that last time. Had a wierd dream actually the night before i tested - which made me test - the dream was pretty basic - dreamt i got my period... never did that happen before.. and i started having to go to the toilet in the mid of the night... which i didnt have to before (still going on) but so far so good. So Tested - was a massive shock to see 'Pregnant'. We werent supposed to be trying - but we werent being careful either so what did i expect to happen lol...it really does only take one time i have discovered lol. So your back to School! Summer seemed to go real quick this year - where does the time go! Hopefully your symptoms are real... fingers crossed for you :) I would say that is a hectic job you have...

Really hope it sticks for you hon!:hugs:
Yeah...my job is pretty full on - if I was pregnant I think it'd be hard to hide it from the other staff because I'd have to be so much more careful and avoid certain situations. Plus I'm knackered after a day at school even without being pregnant,think it'll be tough going.
Thanks for posting your symptoms - love reading up on those! What dpo where you when you tested?
My backache is only intermittent and dull now, no extra toilet trips that I've noticed, think boobs seem a little sore but then
again I could be imagining it as I'm concentrating so hard on them!!

Thanks :) me too
Yea i can understand that you would have to be super careful with your job. It can be so risky... But sooo worth it. I cant wait to be a mammy, were both on cloud 9 at the moment - but we look at it as in every day is a bonus as were still quite cautious. I am really taking it easy - i am afraid to do anything - other than housework of course. Normally on a sat i would be painting and stuff (walls) but i am afraid of stretching too much...prob being over the top, but i need to be! I tested at 12 dpo (i think) i wasnt really paying too much attention to the dates n stuff this time - so had to really think about when this and that happened etc.

Aww i really hope this is your month Aquap :) x
Yup, hoping the status stays that way :)
Yea, its hard not to test when you just want to know!! I kinda had the symptoms before i tested - outer boobs were sore like as in they were bruised feeling - had that last time. Had a wierd dream actually the night before i tested - which made me test - the dream was pretty basic - dreamt i got my period... never did that happen before.. and i started having to go to the toilet in the mid of the night... which i didnt have to before (still going on) but so far so good. So Tested - was a massive shock to see 'Pregnant'. We werent supposed to be trying - but we werent being careful either so what did i expect to happen lol...it really does only take one time i have discovered lol. So your back to School! Summer seemed to go real quick this year - where does the time go! Hopefully your symptoms are real... fingers crossed for you :) I would say that is a hectic job you have...

Really hope it sticks for you hon!:hugs:
Yeah...my job is pretty full on - if I was pregnant I think it'd be hard to hide it from the other staff because I'd have to be so much more careful and avoid certain situations. Plus I'm knackered after a day at school even without being pregnant,think it'll be tough going.
Thanks for posting your symptoms - love reading up on those! What dpo where you when you tested?
My backache is only intermittent and dull now, no extra toilet trips that I've noticed, think boobs seem a little sore but then
again I could be imagining it as I'm concentrating so hard on them!!

Thanks :) me too
Yea i can understand that you would have to be super careful with your job. It can be so risky... But sooo worth it. I cant wait to be a mammy, were both on cloud 9 at the moment - but we look at it as in every day is a bonus as were still quite cautious. I am really taking it easy - i am afraid to do anything - other than housework of course. Normally on a sat i would be painting and stuff (walls) but i am afraid of stretching too much...prob being over the top, but i need to be! I tested at 12 dpo (i think) i wasnt really paying too much attention to the dates n stuff this time - so had to really think about when this and that happened etc.

Aww i really hope this is your month Aquap :) x

so quiet......
How is everyone?
Sorry ladies. I'm sooo rubbish at updating now I'm back at work. Truth be told not a lot happening at all which is a bit depressing. Had some cramps and back pain all over the wkend but stopped today. Also left boob sore yesterday but it's gone again too. No cm to speak of either....I'm depressed just writing this....:cry: !!! A girl at work announced she is pregnant with her third baby today,brought in her wee of the scan, im happy for her but kinda sad, you know? Also spent yesterday evening with one of my best friends who is 39 weeks pregnant, looking at all her stuff (pram,crib, car seat etc etc). So just feeling a bit sorry for myself, sorry for the moan!
How about everyone else?
Sorry that should read wee picture of the scan.
:hugs: AquaP

I'm currently trying not to read too much into my symptoms I'm experiencing. I can't help but feel a little hopeful. :) Ten more days until testing (one week until AF is due).
Heyy ladies! How is everyone doing? I've been MIA lately. Since I decided to not stress so much this month and over analyzing every symptom I think I have I feel soooo much better. I have still been charting but until i got on this website and looked at my chart I didn't even realize I was already 6 do with AF due next monday! I have been having a few cramps but nothing major. Also, since about 2 do my temps have been alot higher than usual. Usually after ovulation my temps are around 97.9 or 98.0 but now they are 98.2-98.6. But like I said I'm not going to read too much into it. I'm starting to like the idea of not obsessing everyday over every symptom I think I have. And oddly enough I like not knowing what do I am. Makes my life so much more simple :flower:

...how is everyone doing? Also Rockabybaby congratulations on the baby!! I'm very excited for you. Be sure to give us plenty of updates on how you and the baby are doing:hugs:
Ok. I am so confused. I thought my temp is supposed to stay up after O...
This morning it went all the way down to the cover line. Why would this happen? That's a considerable dip right? could it be a fluke or maybe I slept with my mouth open?
I just hope it doesn't point to an anovulatory cycle.
They scared me in Jan when they found several ovarian cysts on my ovaries but said it was due to comming off bc pills. Now I am worying that I may really have pcos....

Oh crap... I am having breakdown today over a temp.
That's it! I have lost my mind!
Sorry ladies. I'm sooo rubbish at updating now I'm back at work. Truth be told not a lot happening at all which is a bit depressing. Had some cramps and back pain all over the wkend but stopped today. Also left boob sore yesterday but it's gone again too. No cm to speak of either....I'm depressed just writing this....:cry: !!! A girl at work announced she is pregnant with her third baby today,brought in her wee of the scan, im happy for her but kinda sad, you know? Also spent yesterday evening with one of my best friends who is 39 weeks pregnant, looking at all her stuff (pram,crib, car seat etc etc). So just feeling a bit sorry for myself, sorry for the moan!
How about everyone else?

:hugs: I am so sorry sweetie!
I understand. I have been having back pain along with a feeling that someone punched me in my right boob. Just found out one of my coworkers is pg also. I haven't been hit with the jello yet but I know I will soon enough.
Be happy and drink after them. Don't they say it in the water.... :haha:
:hugs: AquaP

I'm currently trying not to read too much into my symptoms I'm experiencing. I can't help but feel a little hopeful. :) Ten more days until testing (one week until AF is due).

Thanks Alyssa:flower:
Hope your temps are a good sign!!
Sorry Alyssa and DBZ34 totally mixed up my two replies-so tired today! I meant:

Thank you DBZ34.


Alyssa hope those high temps are a good sign! Maybe I should try relaxing more.....
Sorry ladies. I'm sooo rubbish at updating now I'm back at work. Truth be told not a lot happening at all which is a bit depressing. Had some cramps and back pain all over the wkend but stopped today. Also left boob sore yesterday but it's gone again too. No cm to speak of either....I'm depressed just writing this....:cry: !!! A girl at work announced she is pregnant with her third baby today,brought in her wee of the scan, im happy for her but kinda sad, you know? Also spent yesterday evening with one of my best friends who is 39 weeks pregnant, looking at all her stuff (pram,crib, car seat etc etc). So just feeling a bit sorry for myself, sorry for the moan!
How about everyone else?

:hugs: I am so sorry sweetie!
I understand. I have been having back pain along with a feeling that someone punched me in my right boob. Just found out one of my coworkers is pg also
. I haven't been hit with the jello yet but I know I will soon enough.
Be happy and drink after them. Don't they say it in the water.... :haha:

Thanks DHime:flower:
Man I wish it was in the water, I'd drink it!!
O the irony...I've been hoping (and maybe imagining) that I've had sore boobs all week and now my left boob is ON FIRE....sadly it's because a wasp crawled down there today and stung me :growlmad: ouch!
So I'm thinking I was imagining the soreness because it wasn't anything like what it actually feels like to have a sore boob, heck but it hurts!
Sorry ladies. I'm sooo rubbish at updating now I'm back at work. Truth be told not a lot happening at all which is a bit depressing. Had some cramps and back pain all over the wkend but stopped today. Also left boob sore yesterday but it's gone again too. No cm to speak of either....I'm depressed just writing this....:cry: !!! A girl at work announced she is pregnant with her third baby today,brought in her wee of the scan, im happy for her but kinda sad, you know? Also spent yesterday evening with one of my best friends who is 39 weeks pregnant, looking at all her stuff (pram,crib, car seat etc etc). So just feeling a bit sorry for myself, sorry for the moan!
How about everyone else?

:hugs: I am so sorry sweetie!
I understand. I have been having back pain along with a feeling that someone punched me in my right boob. Just found out one of my coworkers is pg also
. I haven't been hit with the jello yet but I know I will soon enough.
Be happy and drink after them. Don't they say it in the water.... :haha:

Thanks DHime:flower:
Man I wish it was in the water, I'd drink it!!

Lets go swimming in it!
OMG a wasp?! ouch!

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