Looking for a TTC Buddy...

Hello Everyone, I am very new to this however I have been reading other post so I thought I would say hello and I would say Im definately looking to share this journey with others.
I dont really know all the abbreviations for words yet but i shall pick them up quickly i hope.
My boyfriend and I have been trying to conceive since the beginning of this year, it doesnt seem like a long time when I write it but it feels like years. My boyfriend has known for a while (since previous relationship) that he has a low sperm count and poor motility. He recently underwent a semen analysis and things are really no better. Our GP referred my boyfriend to Urology who basically said they couldnt do anything and told us we would have to wait and see, in the meantime we also got referred to the fertility specialists at our local hospital. I did my day 2 and day 21 progresterone tests and found out that I also have low progesterone. Shocked yes but I have always known in my heart that something wasnt right, I just didnt expect it to be that.Our consultant told us our only option was IVF ICSI, however because of the length of time we have been TTC we would have to wait until 1yr had passed.
I have since been prescribed Clomid and just waiting now for my next cycle to start so i can begin taking it, i have a 4 month supply of clomid so fingers crossed for a sprinkling of

My boyfriend and I are staying positive but know we have a long road ahead of us, I have cried so much over this and it makes me feel very sad that so many couples are in similar situations. I wish every single one of you the very best of luck xx
can i join too? its so difficult as no-one (apart from th boyf) knows we are ttc.
Hello Everyone, I am very new to this however I have been reading other post so I thought I would say hello and I would say Im definately looking to share this journey with others.
I dont really know all the abbreviations for words yet but i shall pick them up quickly i hope.
My boyfriend and I have been trying to conceive since the beginning of this year, it doesnt seem like a long time when I write it but it feels like years. My boyfriend has known for a while (since previous relationship) that he has a low sperm count and poor motility. He recently underwent a semen analysis and things are really no better. Our GP referred my boyfriend to Urology who basically said they couldnt do anything and told us we would have to wait and see, in the meantime we also got referred to the fertility specialists at our local hospital. I did my day 2 and day 21 progresterone tests and found out that I also have low progesterone. Shocked yes but I have always known in my heart that something wasnt right, I just didnt expect it to be that.Our consultant told us our only option was IVF ICSI, however because of the length of time we have been TTC we would have to wait until 1yr had passed.
I have since been prescribed Clomid and just waiting now for my next cycle to start so i can begin taking it, i have a 4 month supply of clomid so fingers crossed for a sprinkling of

My boyfriend and I are staying positive but know we have a long road ahead of us, I have cried so much over this and it makes me feel very sad that so many couples are in similar situations. I wish every single one of you the very best of luck xx

Welcome :happydance:
Sorry you guys have had such a hard time. Have you guys tried the holistic approach? Couldn't hurt... I hope the clomid helps also. Glad to have you with us!:hugs:
can i join too? its so difficult as no-one (apart from th boyf) knows we are ttc.

You are in good company!
There are many of us Trying to conceive (TTC) without telling anyone.
Mainly due to the pressure it causes from the outside. Nothing worse than advice from you grandmother on doing the deed (DTD) right. Yuck :haha:
Well I had my appt today.. I already ovulated this month but when I got my ultrasound done today it showed I had a mature egg about to release so I'm going to ovulate again this month. The doctor said it was because of the chemical pregnancy I had last month that caused a double ovulation. Aside from that everything is normal. I guess my body is just getting back into the swing of things. Soooo I guess Dh and I will be spending alot of time in the bedroom for the next day or two. Doctor said the egg would drop either today or tomorrow so lets hope all goes well!!:happydance:

How is everyone doing today??
Well I had my appt today.. I already ovulated this month but when I got my ultrasound done today it showed I had a mature egg about to release so I'm going to ovulate again this month. The doctor said it was because of the chemical pregnancy I had last month that caused a double ovulation. Aside from that everything is normal. I guess my body is just getting back into the swing of things. Soooo I guess Dh and I will be spending alot of time in the bedroom for the next day or two. Doctor said the egg would drop either today or tomorrow so lets hope all goes well!!:happydance:

How is everyone doing today??

hi alyssa, wow that is great news you get a second chance in the month:thumbup:. that must be pretty special seeing the egg on the ultrasound. all the best and get busy :kiss:
not much happening with me. i am going to start the SMEP thing this month so I am waiting around for that.i am currently on cd 6.
i should let my DH know that he will be busy for a while ! :haha:
Hello Everyone, I am very new to this however I have been reading other post so I thought I would say hello and I would say Im definately looking to share this journey with others.
I dont really know all the abbreviations for words yet but i shall pick them up quickly i hope.
My boyfriend and I have been trying to conceive since the beginning of this year, it doesnt seem like a long time when I write it but it feels like years. My boyfriend has known for a while (since previous relationship) that he has a low sperm count and poor motility. He recently underwent a semen analysis and things are really no better. Our GP referred my boyfriend to Urology who basically said they couldnt do anything and told us we would have to wait and see, in the meantime we also got referred to the fertility specialists at our local hospital. I did my day 2 and day 21 progresterone tests and found out that I also have low progesterone. Shocked yes but I have always known in my heart that something wasnt right, I just didnt expect it to be that.Our consultant told us our only option was IVF ICSI, however because of the length of time we have been TTC we would have to wait until 1yr had passed.
I have since been prescribed Clomid and just waiting now for my next cycle to start so i can begin taking it, i have a 4 month supply of clomid so fingers crossed for a sprinkling of

My boyfriend and I are staying positive but know we have a long road ahead of us, I have cried so much over this and it makes me feel very sad that so many couples are in similar situations. I wish every single one of you the very best of luck xx

Welcome :happydance:
Sorry you guys have had such a hard time. Have you guys tried the holistic approach? Couldn't hurt... I hope the clomid helps also. Glad to have you with us!:hugs:

hi savannah, wishing you all the best and hopefully you won't need the IVF.
i agree with DHime - there is holistic and natural treatments for fertility issues. my naturopath actually told me that male fertility problems can be rectified more easily than female ones with natural remedies. my DH takes herbs to increase male hormones and to improve sperm quality. it is only our first month taking herbs but already it has helped me regulate my own cycles:flower:
Well I had my appt today.. I already ovulated this month but when I got my ultrasound done today it showed I had a mature egg about to release so I'm going to ovulate again this month. The doctor said it was because of the chemical pregnancy I had last month that caused a double ovulation. Aside from that everything is normal. I guess my body is just getting back into the swing of things. Soooo I guess Dh and I will be spending alot of time in the bedroom for the next day or two. Doctor said the egg would drop either today or tomorrow so lets hope all goes well!!:happydance:

How is everyone doing today??

That's so great! Must be so reassuring to actually see visual evidence that's you are actually ovulating. I'm ok, got some cramps the last couple of days and think I might have ov'd but it wasn't really clear-getting a diginone next cycle. The cramps may have been a sign but I've also had cramping on and off since my laparoscopy in May so it may just be that:-( it's just it was around day 11-13 and my cycle used to be 28 days so that made me wonder.
Well I had my appt today.. I already ovulated this month but when I got my ultrasound done today it showed I had a mature egg about to release so I'm going to ovulate again this month. The doctor said it was because of the chemical pregnancy I had last month that caused a double ovulation. Aside from that everything is normal. I guess my body is just getting back into the swing of things. Soooo I guess Dh and I will be spending alot of time in the bedroom for the next day or two. Doctor said the egg would drop either today or tomorrow so lets hope all goes well!!:happydance:

How is everyone doing today??

hi alyssa, wow that is great news you get a second chance in the month:thumbup:. that must be pretty special seeing the egg on the ultrasound. all the best and get busy :kiss:
not much happening with me. i am going to start the SMEP thing this month so I am waiting around for that.i am currently on cd 6.
i should let my DH know that he will be busy for a while ! :haha:

It was pretty cool to see the egg on the ultrasound. I was expe ting to be ovulating so that was just an added bonus. Maybe its a sign that this is our month..and I hope its your month too :hugs:
Well I had my appt today.. I already ovulated this month but when I got my ultrasound done today it showed I had a mature egg about to release so I'm going to ovulate again this month. The doctor said it was because of the chemical pregnancy I had last month that caused a double ovulation. Aside from that everything is normal. I guess my body is just getting back into the swing of things. Soooo I guess Dh and I will be spending alot of time in the bedroom for the next day or two. Doctor said the egg would drop either today or tomorrow so lets hope all goes well!!:happydance:

How is everyone doing today??

That's so great! Must be so reassuring to actually see visual evidence that's you are actually ovulating. I'm ok, got some cramps the last couple of days and think I might have ov'd but it wasn't really clear-getting a diginone next cycle. The cramps may have been a sign but I've also had cramping on and off since my laparoscopy in May so it may just be that:-( it's just it was around day 11-13 and my cycle used to be 28 days so that made me wonder.

Hmm I would say you probably ovulated! Maybe this month will be all of our months to get pregnant :happydance:
Well I had my appt today.. I already ovulated this month but when I got my ultrasound done today it showed I had a mature egg about to release so I'm going to ovulate again this month. The doctor said it was because of the chemical pregnancy I had last month that caused a double ovulation. Aside from that everything is normal. I guess my body is just getting back into the swing of things. Soooo I guess Dh and I will be spending alot of time in the bedroom for the next day or two. Doctor said the egg would drop either today or tomorrow so lets hope all goes well!!:happydance:

How is everyone doing today??

Good Luck!:happydance:
Hey All,

Alyssa, good luck with your egg :) really hope ye catch it :)
Dhime, glad to hear you OH's wee problem is nearly fixed!! and your back in action!!
Wel... I was still bleeding yesterday (it was a public holidayhere) so couldnt get to the Doc's and of course when i called today - they had no app's avail so finally got one for tomorrow.. but, i decided yesterday to do another wee test to see if i still hada wee line, ( i had 3 positives last Thurdsday) but none yesterday - it was a negative. So i guess its gone... I will know for def tomorrow - but it looks that way now. Can only look at it in the sense that my body just wasnt ready for it yet. I wrecked my head thinking what did i do wrong etc, and there are a few thing i prob shouldnt have been doing - painting walls, excercise that i wasnt used to - those type of things... so all i can do is learn from it and move on and hope for the next time :) I will get some advice from the doc's. Its quite draining though - hopes raised, hopes dashed... just glad i wasnt further on - thanks for your thoughts and hugs guys, Im so glad i found this site - its fab!! Great support for everyone!

And welcome to the new ladies also!! Good luck with your journey to babyland!! :) It has its ups and downs!! but as long as there are more ups - we're flying x :flower:
Thank you!!! How is everything going for you??:hugs:

Good today! I think I ovulated yesterday (judging from small cramps) been keeping busy so far though. Gonna keep DTD as much as possible and just have fun.

Just wish I could tell my friends. My boss doesn't even know I am married. lol :shrug:
Hey All,

Alyssa, good luck with your egg :) really hope ye catch it :)
Dhime, glad to hear you OH's wee problem is nearly fixed!! and your back in action!!
Wel... I was still bleeding yesterday (it was a public holidayhere) so couldnt get to the Doc's and of course when i called today - they had no app's avail so finally got one for tomorrow.. but, i decided yesterday to do another wee test to see if i still hada wee line, ( i had 3 positives last Thurdsday) but none yesterday - it was a negative. So i guess its gone... I will know for def tomorrow - but it looks that way now. Can only look at it in the sense that my body just wasnt ready for it yet. I wrecked my head thinking what did i do wrong etc, and there are a few thing i prob shouldnt have been doing - painting walls, excercise that i wasnt used to - those type of things... so all i can do is learn from it and move on and hope for the next time :) I will get some advice from the doc's. Its quite draining though - hopes raised, hopes dashed... just glad i wasnt further on - thanks for your thoughts and hugs guys, Im so glad i found this site - its fab!! Great support for everyone!

And welcome to the new ladies also!! Good luck with your journey to babyland!! :) It has its ups and downs!! but as long as there are more ups - we're flying x :flower:

OMG :hugs:
I am so sorry sweetie! :cry:
Hang in there. There will be more and it will be worth the wait.:thumbup:
Thank you!!! How is everything going for you??:hugs:

Good today! I think I ovulated yesterday (judging from small cramps) been keeping busy so far though. Gonna keep DTD as much as possible and just have fun.

Just wish I could tell my friends. My boss doesn't even know I am married. lol :shrug:

Well I hope this is your month! I know how you feel, none of my friends really know we are trying but the couple that do know just don't understand..ughhh so frusrating. Lol how come your boss doesn't know you are married :haha:
Thanks Alyssa, I hope so too!

Rockabybaby I'm so sorry, I was really praying that wouldn't be the case,hope you're ok xo
Maybe I've asked this before...but did any of you ladies suffer from headaches badly when you came off BCP. Been plagued with them for a couple of weeks and wondered if they were related?

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