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Looking for buddies who also have unpredictable cycles....

:haha: lol! I also express myself "I heard" when I read online!

I should be on CD7. I stopped getting clomid symptoms after CD5.
Dh and I decided for this cycle to take it easy, so much :sex: but lots of cuddles! ;)
Hey pola so sorry to hear about your friend. Stupid cancer doesn't care about age or anything else for that matter. Glad to see you and dh are taking it easy and that the clomis symptoms have gone away.

Yay eternity for no af. Really hoping it stays away and that second line shows up soon.

Afm I'm on cd 21 with o being last week (I'm pretty sure but not 100%) but havebrown spotting today. Which I'm praying is a good sign and not just af starting a week early.
cool! then it means we have to wait one more week to know if maybe you`re expecting a tiny little bean! ;)
Oh mattsgirl, I have my FXed so hard for you that this is your time!! Keep that wicked witch away.

Glad you're feeling better pola, and good on you for taking it easy - you never know, this may turn out to be your cycle without any stress or pressure lol.

AFM, still no sign of AF, still full of symptoms, even had a metallic taste yesterday morning! But still bfn on IC this morning. Now cd32 so AF could still turn up but will use a proper test either fri or sat morning. FXed.....
Hi ttcbean, of course you can join us!
75 days, gosh that is a long cycle, are they always really lon like that?

I hope this thread cab bring you some luck! :hugs: and :dust: to you!
wow! did you get checked on why youre now irregular? :wacko:
I've been seeing an RE and not really getting anywhere. I've had a lot of blood work, 2 different u/s, multiple exams, etc, and everything is coming back looking perfect and healthy! They have no idea as of right now what's going on with me. It's really frustrating! I was on BCP for 6 years, my doctor thinks my irregularity has nothing to do with the pill, but I sometimes think otherwise.
Hi everyone, been a really busy week and not gonna slow down for a while. Between my BIL graduating and trying to get my sisters bridal shower together its been crazy. But thankfully its helped keep my mind off of ttc. Haven't had any more spotting since Tuesday afternoon [-o< thats a good sign. So I think I've decided that I'll test on the 12 if I don't get AF by then. Cuz DH leaves for his annual two week tour for the air force reserves on the 18 and we have a lot going on in between. Normally I would wait til after the 6 week mark but thats right in the middle of when he's going to be gone and I wouldn't test without him (either way + or - I would need his support). I really really really hope this is it. I don't want to take a month off :nope:

Welcome TTCBEAN!! I hope they find out why your cycles are so crazy. It couldn't be your cycles still trying to regulate after the BC, could it? Sorry if thats a stupid question, I was only on bc for two months so I'm kinda ignorant about the subject.

Eternity has AF showed her ugly face?? Really hope not cuz I'm really excited for you to test either tomorrow or the next day with a good test :thumbup:

Hope everything's going good for you Pola and your still relaxing :coffee:

Have a great day everybody, gotta go work on bridal shower invitations :yipee:
A guy that I work with, his wife took bcp's for years and they had trouble getting pregnant for a while. They're sure it was because of the bc. But they did get pregnant after a while, not really sure how long, and they just had they're second little girl earlier this year. But I hope they figure out whats wrong and it's an easy fix.
I have really irregular cycles too, not as bad as yours, mine are anywhere between 28 and 56 days. But I have a doctors appointment on the 13th and hopefully they can find out whats wrong with me too.
Thank you, chica! Im feeling better!
And defenitelly the spotting that stoped is a good sign! :flower:
Mattsgirl, that's a very good sign and I have my fingers crossed tight for you.

AFM, I need a hug....
Did a hpt and got bfn! But it wasn't a branded one, so I'm trying not to be too devastated and thinking that maybe if AF still isn't here or any signs of her when I go into the city on Sunday I think I will pick up some first response or clear blue instead.

Hubby was quite down, but he thinks as there is still no sign of my period we should wait and see then test again.

I'm still feeling nauseous, in fact I've had a couple of close calls this morning. Getting a weird prickly sensation in my abdomen. And I've been getting really emotional over the last few days, filling up over anything sad, or cute, or happy endings?!

I just dont know :shrug::cry:
:hugs: ohhh!! sorry about the BFN.. but being nauseous is really something! Lets just hope it was a fake BFN!
Thanks for all your encouragement ladies but unfortunately it didn't keep the witch at bay; she's here!

Officially CD1.

Tmi warning
It's usually dark red or brownish-red when AF is here but at the moment it's quite a bright red. No idea if that means anything.

I don't understand all the symptoms....

Anyway I have ordered a digi opk and hubby and I are going to try SMEP this cycle. FXed!

:hugs: and :dust: to all.
Hi ladies, So spotting has started again and sharp pains in cervix so probably gonna start within the next couple days. (from past cycles probably Tuesday) :cry: Really disappointed cuz theres very little to no chance for next cycle. At least I know I won't be pregnant at my sisters wedding ( wearing a really form fitting dress that looks perfect on me right now). I'm just really afraid that she's going to get pregnant on their honeymoon and I'm not going to be able to handle it :sad2: I really wish it would happen already. I'm so sick of waiting and watching everybody else get their forever babies.

Sorry I'm a little down right now. I'm trying to look at the positive things right now but it's really hard. Can't wait til my doctors appointment. Please God don't let this one be a waste of time too!! [-o<

Sorry about the witch Eternity she's terrible.
Please don't appologise for how you feel mattsgirl!!
Big :hugs:
You never know, if you think you're unlikely to conceive this cycle, you might relax enough about it to get lucky, happens so often lol.

I truly believe your time will come, but everyone is entitled to get impatient now and again!

It really doesn't help that bumps and young babies seem to be EVERYWHERE at the moment.
And when I say that out loud to hubby, he looks down at my stomach and shakes his head saying no, bot everywhere. Which is actually a good thing because it let's me know he wants this as much as I do!

This is one of the lightest periods I think I've ever had!
Hubby and I have started taking his and hers conception vitamins, and SMEP starts on cd8 (currently cd4, but we will :sex: soon to ensure the :spermy: are fresh :rofl:)

Good luck this cycle ladies!

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