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Looking for buddies who also have unpredictable cycles....

Thanks ladies for the kind words. Af still isn't here and the spotting has been on and off. I wish af would just start if its going to cuz I keep getting false hope every now and then but I have to tell myself that its just my body playing tricks on me.

Good luck eternity hope you cautch that eggy.
Mattsgirl have you actually tested? If you're only spotting and not full on AF it might be worth a test?

:hugs: to you!
I know how youre feeling though, my body still isn't finished playing silly games with me!
Had my usual four day AF, but it was soooo light it was practically just heavy spotting and really bright red instead of the usual dark brownish-red.

Been getting weird twinges this morning and yesterday, like a stitch after running but not so painful and mostly on the right but sometimes the left and the occasional twinge in my lower back.

Weirdest thing of all though was the fact I nearly passed out last night. I walked up the stairs and went really dizzy and faint. The feeling lasted about half an hour, and my head didn't feel light it felt heavy as did my arms. It was sooooo strange.

Pola how are things with you?
I was planning on testing on Saturday because that would have been spotting for a week but naturally an hour or so after posting last it started. It wasn't full force til this morning but it was enough to know that I wasn't pregnant. So I'm really disappointed :nope: I kinda wanted to cry but after 13 months knowing that we're gonna hit 14 makes it feel a little pointless. But have my doctors appointment in less than a week so that might also be whats helping me get through this one.

Eternity that sounds really odd.....it might be worth testing cuz I've heard of people thinking that they got their af like you described and still be pregnant. My moms aunt (who is like a grandma to me) had 2 days of EXTREMELY heavy bleeding when she was pregnant with her first.

Yay TTC on the + opk thats so exciting :happydance:

Pola hows everything with you?
Yeah someone on my journal suggested I test so I'm just gonna do an IC in the morning, I'm sure it's nothing, just a bit odd. Its probably just the sheer amount of :sex: last month messing with my hormone levels or something lol.

:hugs: to you for AF!!

I am declaring that vile :witch: banned next month!! :haha:
I did another IC this morning out of curiosity and got bfn, which is what I expected.

I still keep getting the weird twinges and a light pinching sensation. Also yesterday evening it kept feeling like a small but heavy ball was being dropped into my lower abdomen, then gradually the weight/pressure would ease and then drop again later.

It would make sense if I was actually pregnant but as I'm not I can only assume it's still my body playing tricks/my subconscious desperate for signs lol.

I have no idea!!!

How is everyone else????
And who's with me for banning the witch??????
Where is everyone??
Hope you all had a good weekend.

Opk arrived on sat, did a test that night even though it was only cd8 and got a smiley face!!

So very short cycle this time around as I am somewhere at the start of my tww again!

Smiley had disappeared by last night. But we still dtd sat night and last night. Planning on it again tonight as per SMEP. Hope we can catch the egg!!
Good Luck!!! Good thing you tested when you did, you could've went your whole cycle thinking you weren't ovulating.

AFM cd 5 today and AF left yesterday afternoon. I'm really starting to like these short AF's. But Doctors appointment day after tomorrow!!! Please please please don't be a waste of time and money.
Am I right in thinking it's your drs appt today mattsgirl?
I hope you get the answers/action plan you want/need!!

Well I'm into my tww of a very short cycle, should only be about 24 days.
Definitely not very hopeful for this cycle though! But planning ahead to next month instead (including starting SMEP earlier on cd6 in case of another early o) and looking into other aids, like soft cups, etc.

GL at the drs and baby dust for this cycle mattsgirl! Get at it :sex:
You are indeed correct. I had my dr.s appointment today and it went great. She ordered a bumch of blood work and an ultrasound. I did most of the blood work today except one. I'll go in tomorrow to do that one cuz I can't have anything to eat for 10 hours before hand (of course the one day I decided to eat breakfast) so I am about to call and schedule my ultrsound for sometime in the next couple days. Yay! I'm just so excited to have some action being taken.
Great news mattsgirl, I'm so pleased for you - finally a step in the right direction! Thank goodness you now have a doc willing to actually do something!!

What about hubby? Is he going to have a sa or anything done?

Hope everything comes back clear for you!!
She said we would talk about dh's testing after we get my results back. Oh and my ultrasound is on Friday afternoon.
Good luck TTCBEAN, everything crossed this is your month!!
Wow ttcbean you're ever so good, waiting patiently!!

GL and FXed for you to get a bfp!!!

I'm only about 4dpo and I'm almost positive I'm out this time around!
Hey ho it works better for me next month anyway (looking on the bright side)
Good Luck Eternity!!!

Hope everyone is doing good!

AFM Had my ultrasound on friday and the results are getting to my doctor on Monday and I have a phone appointment with her either this wednesday or the next. I'm so nervous/excited. Downside is DH left this evening for 2 weeks. So not only are we gonna have no chance of getting a BFP but this is going to be the longest we've ever been apart. So when we were hugging goodbye I started crying. It was really sad. Hoping for good news on Wednesday cuz I couldn't handle bad news without my hubby here.
Hope your scan results are good news!

I think the witch might be coming early, she's not due until Sunday at the earliest, but I've already been getting light cramping, tenderness in my boobs (which is a bit rare) and I've been getting clumsy which for me is a sure sign of the witch!

I've got plans for the weekend so I was hoping she'd hold off til Monday, but at the same time I'm ready for this cycle to be over!
Those are also good signs of pregnancy Eternity!! FX hope this is it for you.

AFM Dr. called yesterday and said all my blood work looked normal and that shes just waiting to get my ultrsound results. She should have those within the next week.

Hope everyone is doing good!
Any news on your ultrasound results yet mattsgirl?

Ttcbean, any news?? Btw I LOVE your avatar!

Pola, how have you been?

Afm, still no sign of AF yet, but I had light definitely AF-type cramps yesterday so I am pretty sure she's on her way. But I knew this wasn't my cycle anyway, and I had a brilliant weekend away with all of my family!

Though once AF has gone you'd better believe that I am going to catch that egg!!!!

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