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Looking for buddies who also have unpredictable cycles....

Af type cramps are a sign of pregnancy as well as af. FX's!!

No I haven't gotten my results yet. If she doesn't call me tomorrrow then I'm supposed to call her on Thursday.

Hope everythings going great ttcbean.

I read polas journal that's in her signature and she's been going through a lot of bad stuff right now. So she might not be back on this thread.
Oh no, sorry to hear that about pola. Will have a look at her journal later, offer some moral support.

Took an IC this morning (at hubby's insistence lol) and was unsurprised it was neg.
Still feels like AF is due to start any minute but no spotting yet (I nearly always get spotting before AF starts)

But I did the preg test calculator on countdown to pregnancy and that reckons I'm no even due on until next week (3rd) so I guess I just wait and maybe test again if still no AF?! :shrug::wacko:

Hope you get your results soon! I can't remember, did your hubby go for a sa yet, or does it depend on your results?
Hubby's sa depends on my results. Probably won't be for a while even id the doc's want us to cause he doesn't have insurance and it depends on how much it cost. Thinking about using OPK's next cycle and possibly soy. Just so I feel like I'm doing something besides :sex: not saying i don't enjoy it cuz i do. I just need to feel like i have some control in a situation where i could never possibly have any control.

But eternity i really hope your not out yet and that you still get that :bfp:
Thanks hun :hugs:

I have just ordered a bbt thermometer, hope it arrives before AF does.
I love my smiley opk, after using it for only one cycle (and on an off chance doing it so early) I've already learnt that I O earlier than I thought and my cycles are slightly linger than average because I have a longer than average LP and not a later o date.

I know what you mean, that's exactly how I feel - like I'm DOING something and taking charge!

I hope you get positive results!

Oh, hubby let slip yesterday that he's been doing some online research too, looking into what helps/hinders his lil swimmers. I'm glad it's not just me lol.

Though I kinda wish there was a forum like this for the men, instead of having to keep their worries/pressure to themselves!
Hey gals! Sorry for being away!

Its just unexpectedly my husband request me a divorce, I bought an air ticket and went to spend time with my family in the US, stayed 2 weeks. While in there, I told about what happened to the last boyfriend I had before meeting my husband.. he lives in Germany and told me that maybe I could move near him and try.. So all of this made me confuse.
I told my husband about me not wanting to stay in Ecuador anymore... the country is too small for both of us to be there.... so when he found out about me wanting to move somewhere else, he cried, begged me to come back..

So 2 weeks ago I returned to Ecuador.. hes being lovely to me, but Im still cold.. I havent spoken to my ex, but he is texting me constantly, and I really dont wanna know about getting into another relationship.

Im going to try to make things work out again.. but Im very resented by the things he told me.. ironically hes desperate to get me pregnant, while I dont think getting pregnant is a good idea for us! But I do hope deep inside we can save this marriage.

What did I miss, BTW?
Oh pola, I'm so sorry you've had to go through all of that! :hugs:
Sometimes all it takes for a guy to realise how good he has it and how much he loves his girl, is to almost lose her! (been there)

Not missed anything on my end. Have found out that I O earlier than I thought and have a longer than average LP, so at least I know for future months, downside is I get a 3ww lol.

AF due about mon/tues but felt like she arrived earlier, painful cramps on left side, but nothing yet.

Bbt thermometer turned up today so I will be charting/temping next cycle, as well as monitoring cm for the first time (plus the OPKs again) so I *WILL* catch my egg next cycle!!!

Hope you and hubby can work things out pola :hugs:

Did you get your scan results mattsgirl?
Hey Pola nice to hear from you. I was so sad for you when I read what had happened in your journal. But I'm glad that you guys are trying to work things out.

Eternity you sound ready for some serious baby making. Good luck my fingers are crossed for you.

AFM I got an email from my doc yesterday and she said my ultrasound was completely normal. AF is due the 5th or 6th but had a streak of blood yesterday in my cm and this morning it was tinged brown. So I'll probably start right on time or a little early. Which sucks. I want to temp but my schedule is so crazy so I can't :nope: Hoping to do OPK's but don't know if hubby would be ok with it. He's more the relax and let it happen kinda guy.
Eternity... if a 2ww is a pain in the butt, I cant imagine a 3ww! :hugs: but the good news is that you know when you ovulate! :flower:

Mattsgirl, a normal ultrasound and brown CM sounds good to me! Ill cross my fingers so this is your cycle!

And thanks to both of you... Even tho Im still cold, Im dieting, taking care of myself, and enjoying some me time... so this is not so bad after all.. I do hope things end up in a positive way!

Keep on stalking my journal! ;)
Hey ladies, I hope you are both well??

Currently cd8 and got a smiley on my opk yesterday, and temp seems to be dipping so I should o in the next day or two. Hoping to get a second smiley today though.

FXed this is *the* cycle, as it's our wedding anniversary on 5th Aug!
Hey ladies sorry been gone for a while. Haven't been home much the last week or so. But just to catch up Hubby got home Tuesday after being gone for 2 weeks. So it really wasn't too much of a surprise that af showed up on Saturday. It seems that my cycles are starting to become regular again. It was 30 days last cycle and this one was 31. So FX'd it stays that way. Just hate that I start spotting a week before I actually start. But Doc said to try OKP's or temping for 6 months to a year (since everything so far has come up good) then if nothing happens we can schedule an infertility appointment where they'll check more on me and do some checking on hubby. But I really pray that this is our cycle to get that BFP cuz my younger sister is getting married (to my husbands brother) on August 3 and I just know they're gonna get pregnant right away. And I have no idea how I'm gonna react if she gets pregnant first.

Yay for the smily face!! If this isn't our cycle I really want to try those next time. What time of the day do you do them at cuz I've heard morning, afternoon, evening, second pee of the day, third pee of the day, doing them 2 times a day...so just curious what works for you.

Pola glad to hear your taking some time for you. Hoping everything works out for you and DH.
Oh and yesterday we were at church and Dh was playing with one of the little girls and he looks over at me and said "I want one" and the look on his face was so sweet, it made me want to cry. Then later we were at home snuggling on the couch and we were watching a tv show called Heros and they make this dad look like a bad guy because he will do anything to protect his daughter, and at one point the dad and daughter are hugging and he looks at me again and says "I really want a little girl". Which is big for dh cuz he grew up with 5 brothers and is very protective of his sisters. He has been saying since before we got married that he doesn't want girls because one day they will want to get married and he knows what guys will do to his little girls when that happens. And if I even mention the fact that his mom had to have sex to make the 8 kids that she had he freaks out. So him saying that he wants girls is a really big deal. Not that you can really control which gender you have any way.
Sometimes I feel like he doesn't really care if we get pregnant now or 3 years from now and then he says things like that and know that he does care. He just has way more patience than I do and knows it'll happen right when it's supposed to.
Awww mattsgirl that's really sweet!

I know what you mean though, sometimes it's like hubby really isn't that bothered and then he will say or do something to prove me wrong!

As for the opk, I got the clear blue sticks with the reader that gives a smiley simply because I didn't want to faff around trying to decide if the line was dark enough or not.
With the one I have it says to use in the afternoon but I do it in the evening as it's easier for me. But holding for four hours is tough, nothing like knowing you can't go to make you desperate lol!!
I highly recommend them, bit more expensive but worth it! I got a pack of 20 sticks with the reader and you just use one a day until you get a smiley, but at the moment I'm doing it until the smiley disappears to see how long my surge is before Oing.

Hope all that rambling has been of some use lol?!
Thank you for the information Eternity it was really helpful. If I do decide to use opk's it will be those cuz I too didn't want to try and figure out if it was dark enough. I think it would confuse me more. Right now I'm just waiting to ov. Should within the next week or so. Been really busy helping with my sister's wedding that is in a little less than 3 weeks. So I've been able to keep my mind filled with more than ttc. Although last night was a little tough, cuz my in laws had a big get together at their house and invited the whole church. And all the men were surrounding the bbq outside of course and all the ladies were inside. Every married lady in our church, with the exception of me and my older sister, have kids. So 95 to 98 percent of what they talk about are their kids. Normally when that happens I just walk away and go hang out with Matt but I didn't want to go hang out with all the guys. So I stuck it out and it wasn't too bad. I actually had a really nice conversation with one of the ladies who I've been avoiding because she got married and started ttc about four months after us and her little boy is now 2 months old. But she was really sweet and when we were by ourselves she actually told me that her and her husband felt really bad when they got pregnant before us and how they thought it was really unfair. I just said that I had felt that way at first but now I'm at the point where I know it'll happen when it's supposed to. But of course as the night went on it just got harder and harder to be around everyone and I just wanted to go home and cry. Unfortunately those feelings are still hanging on today.

Hope everything is going well with you!

Praying we both get our BFP's this cycle!
I am irregular ! Just stopped pill tho on June 26th had a positive OPK July 15. Have no clue when my period may come so I am using my 29 day bcp cycle count. LOL.
Welcome to this thread cmiclat!! It's horrible not knowing when to expect the witch, and I've heard that the first one or two cycles off of the pill can be really crazy. What CD were you on when you had your pos opk?
Are you using any fertility aids?

Mattsgirl, you are more than welcome, that's the great thing about BnB, is to learn and share!! Where abouts in your cycle are you now?
I'm sorry you had such a bad time at the BBQ! :hugs:
I'm on cd 15 so should be ovulating any day now if I haven't already. I started work again last week so my mind has been kept busy. Thank God!! Plus my sisters wedding is in 2 weeks...which means I should be getting af or a bfp around the same time. Fx this is it. I'm definetly sick of waiting.

Where are you guys at in your cycle?
Good luck ttcbean! :dust:

Mattsgirl it's great that you've got lots of things to take your mind off of TTC for a bit - so long as you're still making time to dtd!! Lol :dust:

AFM, cd22 and 12dpo, AF due around the 31st-ish.
Have a handful of symptoms, but not very optimistic as we only dtd two and three days before O!!
Good luck eternity!!! I've seen lots of women on here get BFP's after only dtd once five days before o. So you have a great chance. What symptoms do you have?

I am definitely making enough time to dtd....dh on the other hand I almost have to force to do it lately. This quarter for school he has a lot of time consuming homework and he feels like he has to get A's in everything or he's a failure. So I either have to jump him first thing in the morning (which I don't really like to do cuz I'm cranky in the mornings) or we do it at like 2 o'clock in the morning when I'm half asleep. But on the plus side we've done it every day for the past 4 days and I had really strong o pains yesterday. Sooo fx's we did enough....now time for the waiting game.

Really hope this cycle we all get our BFP's.....I would be happy even if just one of us got it.

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