Its been different every time here. The first time the receptionist at the doctors had me do a sample, which was sent off and I had to call after 3 days to get the results. They then referred me to the midwife, who called me to make the appointment. Second time I had to do a sample which the nurse then used to do a test there and then, and referred me. The 3Rd I needed a doctors appointment but he just took my word for it and didn't make me do a test, and 4th I called the doctors surgery to be told I needed to call the midwife directly. Who knows what this time will bring.
Ds3 I bled loads from 8-16 weeks, and he was fine. I think being so much earlier this time and everything having fallen into place with timing of the pregnancy I feel like something has to go wrong. I've had a little cry and the spotting seems to have stopped for now. All I can do is see what tomorrow brings.