Looking for bump buddies! DD February 2013!

mine was only 60 dollars off of ebay.
brand new.
and it got here, without express mail, in 7 days :)
and i know how you feel, only it isn't chocolate for me.
i love the sour candy :)
As the day for my 20 week ultrasound approaches... I am trying my hardest to be patient! @.@ I'm so excited, that I did what I did not want to do and - search online for some gender prediction thingies. :blush:

... I shouldn't have done that. There were a few interesting things like:
1. If you're craving sweets, it's a girl. If you're craving sour, it's a boy.
2. If you experienced morning sickness in the first trimester, it's a girl. If you didn't experience morning sickness in the first trimester, it's a boy.
3. If you're breaking out in zits, it's a girl. If not, a boy.
etc, etc, etc...

It's a girl! It's a boy! It's a girl! I have now officially given up on gender prediction and will wait until Tuesday morning, when I go in. *sigh*

The first thing I'm going to do once I get home Tuesday? Break out the yarn and crochet needle and start working on baby blankets and baby booties. :happydance:
I got a doppler but cant find the heart beat its not always easy
As the day for my 20 week ultrasound approaches... I am trying my hardest to be patient! @.@ I'm so excited, that I did what I did not want to do and - search online for some gender prediction thingies. :blush:

... I shouldn't have done that. There were a few interesting things like:
1. If you're craving sweets, it's a girl. If you're craving sour, it's a boy.
2. If you experienced morning sickness in the first trimester, it's a girl. If you didn't experience morning sickness in the first trimester, it's a boy.
3. If you're breaking out in zits, it's a girl. If not, a boy.
etc, etc, etc...

It's a girl! It's a boy! It's a girl! I have now officially given up on gender prediction and will wait until Tuesday morning, when I go in. *sigh*

The first thing I'm going to do once I get home Tuesday? Break out the yarn and crochet needle and start working on baby blankets and baby booties. :happydance:

you sound like me about the gender prediction tests and everything.
i'm predidcted a boy with chinese chart and some test, but all the symptoms and acne, etc. point to a girl. my scan is monday morning:)
anxious as all get out too!
make sure to let us know what your having! and i wish i knew how to crochet. lol
I got a doppler but cant find the heart beat its not always easy

what kind of doppler are you using?
and how far along are you?
i can never find mine and had the darn thing since i was 10 weeks, lol.
but OH on the other hand he can find it every time right off the bat.
guess i'm just not holding my mouth right or something. lmao:haha:
It's a boy! :happydance:

Heh, my dad is ecstatic (with my mother, my sister, and I, he claims he was weary of being surrounded by women)! My hubby was only a tad disappointed - he was looking forward to a girl - but he quickly recovered and is eagerly talking about buying toy dinosaurs for our li'l one instead of dresses.

My hubby, his mother, my sister, and I went to a "Mommy Mart" hosted at a nearby church this past weekend, and came away with a lot of stuff at a bargain (a walker for $10!!). Cute story - my sister demanded we get a bib that read, "My Auntie Loves Me", with a heart taking the place of the word "loves". Of course, I said, "But what if it turns out to be a boy?" Her response? "Oh, he won't remember wearing a pink bib as a baby." I laughed at that logic, and bought the bib. :haha:
Congratssssssssss on ur little Boy

I can now listen to my baby's hb with my doppler. I also might be having anterior placenta and near my cervics. Going to have another ultrasound to see exactly where it is located.
Thanks Sara!

Honestly, I thought that was going to be my last ultrasound, but it looks like I'll have to go back in on the 16th. They need to measure my lil boy's spine, and he kept hiding under my belly button! :haha:
Found out today I am having a Boy:)) And my placenta is in right place
Congrats! :happydance:

I know it's highly likely that I'm having a boy now, but I'm still going to have a girl name on reserve. My sister was "supposed to" be a boy, and her name was supposed to be Joseph Anthony, but when she came out... SURPRISE! And then she got stuck with a bunch of names with hyphens and all that lovely stuff. The lesson? Be prepared to be surprised. ;)
This thread's been neglected for a while, I think. :)

How is everyone doing? Any updates?

I'm on my last week of my second trimester. :happydance: My little guy's kicks are definitely getting stronger. I think he's already having dreams of becoming a drummer, the way he bangs away at my bladder. :haha:

At the end of the month, I'll be having my glucose test. Not looking forward to that, but still, I'm getting more excited as the weeks pass by.
This thread's been neglected for a while, I think. :)

How is everyone doing? Any updates?

I'm on my last week of my second trimester. :happydance: My little guy's kicks are definitely getting stronger. I think he's already having dreams of becoming a drummer, the way he bangs away at my bladder. :haha:

At the end of the month, I'll be having my glucose test. Not looking forward to that, but still, I'm getting more excited as the weeks pass by.

i've noticed the further along everybody gets the less they seem to post on here, lol.
and i'm in my last week too! :) its sooo exciting.
braylen definately does a number on my insides with all his kicking/punching.
i wouldn't trade it for anything though, its the best feeling ever. <3
good luck with your glucose test! i had my first one in the middle of october and got called a few days later saying there had been a lab error and i had to retake it on Halloween :growlmad: the first time i threw it up after 2 hours, luckily they had already drawn my blood and i was headed home. but this last time it was okay, i did it early in the morning on an empty stomach and then ate right after having my blood drawn. hopefully that will be my last time during this pregnancy to take it lol. also my baby shower is this coming friday night, and we just got the cake ordered today, its adorable! :) and then the 12th of this month i get another u/s due to a low lying placenta. but i'm not really that concerned, if it moves then yay, but if not c-section here i come :p i'm just excited to see my lil man again and have more pics for his baby book :) sorry such a long post just glad to finally have somebody to talk to! :haha:
Have fun at your baby shower! :flower: I miss talking to someone, too! What can I say? I like being chatty. :)

Me and my hubby have started begging our family to stop giving us baby clothes. We have too much of it! Also, they tend to give us baby clothes for 6 months and older, instead of newborn clothes. *sigh* But at least Justin and I got to buy those ourselves. Our theme? "Dinosaurs in the 100 Acre Wood", which is basically a LOT of mint-green Winnie the Pooh things mixed in with a few dinosaurs. :)

Is it strange that I find myself getting slightly competitive? I'm normally not, but my brother-in-law's girlfriend recently had a newborn girl and showed off how her going-home outfit matched perfectly with their purple flowery car seat. I find myself setting aside pieces of newborn clothing for later consideration - green, of course, to go with our Winnie the Pooh green car seat. I don't want to go overboard, but I'm already thinking of crocheting a little newborn hat with crochet dinosaur spine-ridge thingies. :blush: My hubby likes the idea, but teases me endlessly about my newfound competitive spirit. :haha:
we don't really have a theme, lol. just whatever is cute :)
but i love the whole dinosaur mixed with pooh idea!
and we feel the same about the clothes situation. lol
when i first found out i was pregnant i was soo worried that i wouldn't have enough of everything i need but our parents and grandparents have definately went overboard and have everything taken care of already. normally i would be mad cause i want to buy him stuff but i got the cutest little coming home outfit (yellow with a ducky on the but and ducks for the footies) so i'm super satisfied :)
them buying most of the stuff we need plus the baby shower also allowed me to be able to get DH his suprise christmas present. *a 40 in flat screen that he has been begging for :haha:
and PLEASE make that hat!!! i have to see a picture too, that sounds too adorable! i understand the competitive thing too :p i can't stand to be out done since i've been pregnant. i think its just our horomones though :haha:
The waiting is the worst part, I think. Tomorrow, it'll be the start of my third trimester and I just can't wait to meet my lil boy in February. :3 It's kind of cute, my hubby is already addressing him as Connor.
Have you gone on your hospital tour yet? We keep intending to go, but it seems life wants us to procrastinate even more. :blush: Last time we wanted to go, we got hit by Hurricane Sandy and lost power for a week. *sigh* And then we used too much money eating hot food that week and traveling to take showers. It was not fun. :nope: So to make up for that lost money, me and the hubby have been keeping close to home. How has everyone else been? Everyone excited for the final leg of this pregnancy thing? :haha:
hope everything is getting better down there!
and i haven't even thought about visiting the hospital since i don't trust anybody in the town i live in and our hospital isn't really that great i'll be delivering nearly an hour away.
when are you suppose to register at the hospital and all that jazz?
i've been so excited with picking out clothes and just being pregnant and getting closer to meeting him that i've totally forgot about that! lol:haha:
Online, they say you should take the hospital tour and register 2 to 3 months away from delivery, but my midwife's insisting that we get it done soon. She's insisting on quite a few things, actually. *sigh*

She seems quite perturbed that I won't be having a doula or my family in the delivery room, for starters. It's just who I am - me and my hubby are very private people and we tend to rely on each other for most of our emotional support. And I'm sorry, but even though both me and my sister are daddy's girls, I won't be comfortable with my dad seeing me in such a, well, unelegant position. I told her, "I love my daddy very much, but I'm just not comfortable with him in the room when my vagina's just, well, all out there, for everyone to see!" :haha: That's just my opinion, though. :blush:
i totally understand that.
i want my husband and grandmother in there only because i know she will make sure i'm taken care of. her and my OH together, shew. watch out doc!:haha:
i don't think i would have that great of an experience if my dad was in there. we aren't really that close, i mean he's my dad and i love him to death, but i'd rather not have my tush turned up and him in there lol i'd be embarrassed
Went to a scholarship dinner last night. Sad food, but it was free. :p

Physically, it was a most uncomfortable experience. I love my lil guy kicking, but it was very distracting. My back hurt like the dickens most of the evening, first off, and as I mentioned, my lil guy was kicking up a storm. I read that the baby can hear things by now - I wonder, was he responding to the new sounds of a few hundred people clapping, the echoes the speakers made in the room...?

Have you experienced your lil person responding to "new" noises?

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