Looking for bump buddies! DD February 2013!

free food is always good (; lol
and my lil' man loves any kind of music, he'll start kicking away when i get a text or if his daddy starts talking to him.
its the sweetest thing ever<3
I'm 29 weeks today! :thumbup: Yay!

I've been brooding today. *sigh* My husband's last name is Coleman, and I want our child (and future children) to take his name, but it's MY name I'm having a problem with. We've been married for more than 2 years, but I've been too lazy to change my last name. Also, it took me a while, but I've gotten to love my last name (Fazekas) and I was either going to be Katherine Fazekas-Coleman or Katherine Fazekas Coleman. There's one BIG problem, though. Either way, I end up with the initials KFC. :blush: For those who don't live in the US, KFC is a huge chicken chain restaurant, as popular and well-known as McDonald's.

I'm going to apply for a name change as soon as I can... but I'm seriously considering adding another middle name just so I CAN'T BE KFC. Those initials are just begging for weight jokes. "KFC, huh? Makes sense. You're looking a little chubby lately. Been downin' that chicken, haven't you?" :wacko:

Heh, aside from that little rant, I've been doing good. Been doing weird exercises to change the baby's position, that's all (he's been in breech position). Turn, baby, turn! :happydance:
Ooh, this place is empty again. <:) Oh well.

Anyway, baby turned! He's head-down! I'm quite relieved about that. :)
i think me and you are the only one's who even post in here anymore.
lol. glad LO has turned :)
are you getting excited yet, i know i am! :D
Hah! Your signature this week made me laugh. :haha: Cake... mmm...

Fortunately (or unfortunately), my hubby is very good at keeping me on a fixed, healthy diet. *sigh* I know it's weird, but whenever I look at the scale, at the fact that I'm gaining about a lb. a week, I grumble about it. I KNOW most of that weight's my LO's, but I did so enjoy seeing my weight go down in the 1st and 2nd trimester. :blush:

I am sleeping more and more. I also find that I'm feeling clingier to my hubby. When he leaves for work, I find myself whining along with my cat. I just want him home so I can snuggle! :haha:
my hubby tries, lol. but i've been craving chocolate lately BAD, so he lets me slide :p
advantage of pregnancy horomones? :haha:
and i've probably gained more than i should have, or would have like to, but hey once lil man is here i can go on a diet and start up at the gym. but right now imma stuff my face, within reason that is. haha. who knows when i'll get the chance again!
i constantly feel like i could use a nap, and i'm getting clingier too, lol. maybe its just a phase of pregnancy, but i don't mind it and neither does DH. makes for good movie nights!
Happy Holidays, everyone! :D

I've got a list of movies to watch tonight and tomorrow, but I'm taking the moment to say 'hi' online. :)

I'm trying to hang on to my cheer, unfortunately, as I shiver and shake tonight. The hubby caught a lil bug from a friend's 1 1/2 year old the other day, and I'm feeling it's effects. *sigh* My upper body feels a mite too warm and my feet can't GET warm. But oh well. Good excuse to have nice warm drinks tonight!

The LO has been pretty active these past few days, wiggling up a storm. How has yours been? :flower:
wriggling up a storm too, and putting alot of pressure on my pelvic area.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Years to you :)
hope you get to feeling better soon!
Right, it's official. I'm bored.

Don't get me wrong, I still smile a little and feel so relieved every time he kicks/punches, but I want him out of me and into my arms. Half of the reason is that it gets stressful, feeling if he's making 10 movements in an hour (especially when he's not moving and sleepy), and I would much rather be able to SEE that he's doing okay. The other half of the reason is... I'm bored. For a while, it was a sort of an amusing inconvenience to not be able to sleep the way I'm used to, my bladder becoming the size of a pea, and the occasional head-throbbing... but it's becoming ridiculous.

All I want to do is sleep. Actually, my body wants to sleep. My mind is constantly on the move, feeling restless. I can't take my daily walks anymore (the round ligament pain gets so bad I end up limping within 5-7 minutes), I am tired of always being in the bathroom, and not being able to take ANYTHING when I have these piercing headaches is near unbearable. I feel horrible for feeling this way, but I'm just... so impatient! *looks at what I just wrote* Hm. Quite wordy, aren't I? I think I'll go now then. I think I just needed to rant a bit. :blush:
I've been lucky enough not to have headaches or round ligament pain but i am a little sore in the pelvic area. I am SO ready for him to be here though...only 4 weeks exactly for me until my induction date, but I'm still crossing my fingers and hoping i go on mh own. Lol wishful thinking i know, but hey it could happen haha. Are you being induced or anything? Have you moved up to the every two weeks appointments yet? And you said 10 kicks every hr..i haven't even been doing kick counts /: i just thought if i was still feeling movement then all was good. OH! How is the dinosaur hat coming along?:) sorry for such a long post, can you tell I've been in a chatty mood lately? HaHa.:haha:
Yes, I've gone up to the two weeks appointment already. <:) I'm seeing the midwife this coming Tuesday, actually. Then it's the 22nd, and then I'm seeing her every week. It's comforting to me, being able to hear my LO's heartbeat more often now. :3
Ugh! The dinosaur hat is taking a break lol! I'm all crochet-ed out temporarily. I made scarves for my sis and dad for the holidays, and the hubby asked me to make one for his mother, and now he wants me to make him two more scarves, one that looks like a "bacon" scarf (deep red and white) and an extremely long scarf mimicking the Doctor Who scarf. THAT'S going to take me a while. I'm getting tired of scarves, can't you tell? ;)
What have you been doing to pass the time? I'm just getting more and more anxious! :haha:
I go back Wednesday for my 36 week ultrasound :) and goodness you have been busy lol you must be super good at crochet for everybody to keep requesting stuff! If you didn't have so many to do already i might have requested one :p haha. And i don't really have much keeping me entertained..I've been baking and trying new recipes out just to keep me busy lol. If it wasn't for the internet, and routine housework i do believe I'd have went stir crazy lol! The Bacon scarf sounds awesome by the way, very creative. Sounds like something my OH would love too. I'm more of a sausage person, haha. I think I've rambled enough for one post, hope all goes well at your doctor app Tuesday! :)
How have you been?

A few days ago, my midwife pushed my due date back because she forgot to take into account the number of days between my menstrual cycles. :( So instead of my LO coming out Feb. 10, he's coming around Feb. 18. *sigh* I HATE waiting. But I'm going to have to anyway, since I'm going the natural route. *sigh, sigh*

My midwife and her assistant insisted I watch on Netflix, "The Business of Being Born", and while a good movie, it's frightening to watch at the same time. When they flashed to a clip of a C-Section in progress, I had to race out of the room and puked a bit in the bathroom. :haha: I'm the type of person who CAN'T watch stuff like zombie movies, medical dramas, etc. :blush:

Hm... anything else... OH! My biggest rant right now! I can't sleep well, no matter how hard I try! If I sleep on one side too long, my rib starts to hurt. Is this common, you think?
Babys are hardly ontime anyways.I am due 25/2 but cause if GD they want the baby out 2 weeks early, if i go to labor early myself its a diff story.

Came back from the midwife's office a few hours ago... and I'm worried. My blood pressure's has been steadily going up. The midwife's concerned about pre-eclampsia. :( Aside from my rising blood pressure, everything's been good (tested negative on the other tests)

4-6 weeks to go... Oh boy. I am nervous. I still have to pick a pediatrician though. Midwife says I can't leave the hospital without picking one. :/ And other stuff to do... need to buy nursing bras, nipple cream, baby rash cream, disposable undies, etc etc.... The list for our go-bags keeps getting longer. :blush: I have used the gift cards my MIL gave me during the holidays to buy books for my hospital stay. It's so frustrating! My hubby has hidden away those books as they're reserved for the hospital stay! Agh! I want to read them so bad! :haha:

How has everyone else been?
Oh no):
I hope you don't have pre eclampsia.
but if so I'm sure your dr will be able to keep you and lo safe.
nothing new to report here except i go tomorrow to schedule my induction date:)
It will be the 31st, 1st, or the 4th!
Oh no):
I hope you don't have pre eclampsia.
but if so I'm sure your dr will be able to keep you and lo safe.
nothing new to report here except i go tomorrow to schedule my induction date:)
It will be the 31st, 1st, or the 4th!
That's so exciting! :happydance:

Can't wait to hear your birth story! :flower: Is it weird that I visit the birth story section quite a bit here, to see what I could be in for? My hubby's about to ban me doing that. He says I'm going to psych myself out that way. :haha:

I had the strangest feeling today. I think the baby's dropped a bit. My chest doesn't hurt as much and the pressure on my bladder has become ridiculous! :haha: I'm going for an ultrasound on Monday to check my LO's position and growth. It's to check if the baby's okay mostly, but I am a bit excited to see his face again! :)
I find myself at the birth stories too since I've gotten closer to time lol
some scare the pee outta me though!
Sounds like lo has moved down, exciting! :)
Baby Connor is here! :baby: He was born on Feb. 4, 2013 at 5 lbs and 3 oz. Me and the hubby are in love.

I had my Connor with me for three glorious days until the hospital pediatrician came in and told us that he had been born with CMV, and would have to be transferred to another hospital's NICU. Me and the hubby were devastated - especially since he told us this a mere two hours before we were to start home as a family for the first time.

I am recovering from an emergency C-Section, and cannot stay with my child at the hospital for long stretches. It's tearing me apart. Today, we might be able to finally take him home, or it may be tomorrow. We have to wait until he's able to get an MRI to check his brain. They've checked everything already and although he's passed every test, they're re-checking everything. We will find out today or tomorrow if he can come home with us or if he has to stay at the hospital for another 6 weeks for treatment. I got up today at 4 in the morning and can't get back to sleep. I'm going to wait until my hubby wakes up (both of our nerves were shot last night and we went to sleep at around midnight) and then as casually as we can, prepare to head out for the hospital. I am praying he comes home today. :cry:

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