Looking for bump buddy due 20th Sept?? x


Mammy to a boy and girl
Jul 5, 2010
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Hi Ladies, my name is Jodie, Im 29 and live in North East England... this is my 2nd baby, I have a son 4 1/2 yrs old to a previous relationship. Im due my baby girl on 20th September and would love a bump buddy if anyone is due around the same time?? x :winkwink:
hi there! i just saw your reply on the other September thread and I thought that I would drop you a little note over here. im 25 and live in hawaii. this is my first pregnancy, but i have a 3.5 year old stepson that we have part time. :) hope you have been having a great pregnancy so far! i, personally, am now in the uncomfortable stage and cant wait for the next 30 or so days to fly by! :)
Hi there... I havent had the best of times its been pretty rough, they say that girls are harder to carry than boys. I cant wait for my baby to come though, only 42 days to go now. how often do you see your stepson? I have a 3yo step daughter as well we have her every weekend x
awww thats not too great. im a little nervous that will happen to me too, because this pregnancy has been really good for me. i didnt have any sickness or anything and my only complaints have been of late, and theyre all to do with getting bigger: rib pain, back pain, swollen feet. but, if i have to be honest, nothing too bad. i just know that the next time we decide to try and i get pregnant i will be expecting the same thing and end up with a much harder time. :-/ at least this one is almost over and soon youll have your little girl to hold in your arms, instead of your tummy. ;) im on the countdown too...31 days. and i cant wait! 1st tri took forever, 2nd tri was pretty fast, and now 3rd tri seems to be crawling by.

we get my stepson one evening during the week and then for the weekend. his mom has been out of town since thursday though, so weve had him since then until tonight. its been really nice to spend the extra time with him. normally it seems like we just get him and the weekend speeds by and its time for him to go back to his mom again... so you have a 4 year old son, a 3 yr old step daughter and a daughter on the way? thats very cool! are your son and stepdaughter excited for the new arrival? we are kind of nervous because my stepson is VERY used to being the only child and having all of the attention, and we just arent sure how he is going to react to having a new baby around all the time. we have tried to prepare him for her arrival, but hes still kind of young and just doesnt really seem to understand the whole thing...
The kids are totally excited for the baby, my little boy Luke will find it hardest I think as he is the only one here and he will have to share the attention, he asked me the other day when baby comes where will she live... it takes so much explaining I think it will have to be one of those things they get used to haha.

I had such an easy pregnancy with Luke, other than getting fatter, going 10 days over and needing to be induced it was a breeze... with this one I had constant sickness until 20wks, low blood pressure then I got Gastiritis which is inflammation of the lining of my tummy... its been shitty but things arent too bad at the moment, I measure a little behind for my dates, only a week or so so I dont think she is a big baby. Luke was 8lb 9oz born and I had to have an emergency section as he got stuck in my pelvis!! I have a growth scan on Monday 16th to make sure this baby isnt too big (I cant see it) and they will let me try for a natural birth this time round... I have to be monitored in hospital the whole time though.

Are you going for a natural / home / water birth / section???? x
that is so funny that you say that, because we had my stepson this weekend and he was asking me about the baby and where she will be sleeping. i told him that the room we've been working on (the nursery) is for the baby and he was like "i know...because its pink, for girls. and shes a girl" but i think because he is only at our house part time and has his own room, he doesnt really coorelate that with her living here all the time. because later he asked me if he was going to get to see the baby a lot (his mom's friend just had a baby about 2 months ago, whom they see occassionally) and i told him she would be here every time he comes over. his response was "oh, wow! thats a lot!" haha. so its all still kind of strange to him, and im sure that it will just take a lot of getting used to. thats awesome that your kids are excited though...and hopefully that will make the transition easier. for my stepson, sometimes when we ask him about the baby and if hes excited he will say yes and go on about how hes going to sing her songs and teach her how to talk, but other times he's like "im playing with my toys, i dont want to talk about the baby" sooo...should be interesting! lol

oh my gosh! it sounds like you really have had a pretty rough go of it this pregnancy. im glad things are getting better in these last few weeks for you though! i have heard that the sickness is the worst, and i imagine that since you didnt suffer to badly in your first pregnancy that this all came as a bit of a surprise. at least it seems like this baby will be a bit smaller and more manageable as far as labour and birthing goes. im so terrified that this baby is going to be just huge. i dont know why...i guess because it feels like shes big. at the same time i dont have anything to compare it too, so i dont really know. but my nephew was 10lb6oz and my neice was 9lbs4oz...so that kind of scares me. me and my husband were both small though (me premature at 4lbs11oz and him at about 6lbs) and my stepson was just barely over 7lbs. so im hoping that she isnt too big. i guess thats my biggest fear lately and what ive been thinking about most, because i am really hoping to have a natural birth and i want to be able to do it without any pain medications. i guess we will see though...im still not even sure if shes in the right position! at my last appointment 2 weeks ago i asked the doctor if she could tell and she said she would check at my next appointment...which is a week from today and ill almost be 37 weeks by then. it seems like thats a bit late to be finding out shes breech or something. and, because im not used to her movements or telling what body part is what, i have a hard time guessing what position she is in myself.

i take it that you prefer to have a natural birth this go around? what was it like to have a c-section? was it really difficult afterwards to take care of the baby and get around and everything? im really scared that if i do have a c-section there will be a long, rough recovery period, and i dont really have anyone to help me with the baby. my husband gets a few days off after she is born but then will be back to work. and my mom is coming out after she is born, but can only stay for about 10 days before she has to go back to her home and to work. and i dont really know anyone else out here...no family or anything out here with us...well enough to get help from them. so im keeping my fingers crossed that i dont end up needing one. :)
Ahh I hope you dont need a section, have you gained a lot of weight? It wasnt too bad actually, Lukes dad left when I was pregnant so the hardest part was during the night as obviousy I had no one else to help me and going from the lying to sitting to breastfeed was really difficult for the first week or so. My scar didnt heal very well and I burst my stitches (overdoing it i guess) about 10days after the operation and then I got an infection so my recovery wasnt typical. However on the plus side, my sister had a natural birth and they had to cut her and she had to sit on a blow up ring for 2 weeks and was screaming when she went to pee and I didnt have any of that so I think there are downsides to both... I know the recover of your tummy muscles takes a lot longer with a section, I think it took a good 6-8 weeks before I was as fit as I had been before the birth. When you were saying that your neice and nephew were big babies, are they your sisters babies? Were they born naturally? As for the drugs I managed really well as I had said I only wanted gas and air, however after about 8 hours I asked for morphine and I had 2 shots of that but no epidural (which Im pretty proud of as I laboured through the night and was exhausted - they even offered me one at around 10am)

As for the movements Mia was breech until recently and the midwife told me that if I feel kicks lower down, like lower left or right hand sides or into my bladder/urethra then its likely that baby is breech... when Mia was breech I could feel her head either at my rib cage or right in the middle where my tummy is, her head is totally noticeable as it is the only part that feels hard, everything else will feel squishy when you push it and the head really is like a tiny medicine ball in there. If baby is head down their head is usually at one side or the other until they engage and when they engage you would feel an uncomfortable pressure down below (my baby isnt engaged I just keep hoping she is)!! Usually first babies engage and then stay engaged where as 2nd babies usually wait a little longer or until you are in labour... I really really hope I have a natural birth!

Hope my bits of knowledge are useful to you haha x
ive been keeping my fingers crossed that i dont have to get one either! so far ive gained about 27lbs...eeek! i was doing so good too and had only gained a few lbs, but it seems that my body went into storage mode at about 28 weeks. i didnt change my eating habits at all, but since then it seems like im just packing on the pounds :-/ at the last appointment my doctor mentioned the weight gain and that it might indicate a big baby...which was what got me a bit scared in the first place. it sounds like you had a really rough go of it with your last, trying to do everything yourself when youre supposed to be recovering! i really feel for you on that, but at least this time youll have more help even if you do have to have a second c-section! :) i have heard that the recovery from a natural birth can be just as bad as a c-section though, like you said. and the risk of infection from an episiotomy is supposedly higher than for a natural tear or a c-section...so i really hope i dont need one. :-/ my neice and nephew are my brothers children, my nephew was born to his ex-wife and my neice to his ex-girlfriend.. :-/ my nephew was born naturally, which was impressive since his ex was a tiny woman of about 5'2" and maybe 110lbs before birth. my neice, also born to a tiny girl...only about 5'3" and maybe 90lbs before brith, ended up being born by c-section after her heartrate dropped drastically during labour. apparently my brother a) likes small women, and b) has huge children. lol. for drugs they dont give a gas&air option at my hospital otherwise i would have gone that route completely. so im hoping i can do it all naturally and not need narcotic pain medication or an epidural...but i really dont know. i like to think that i have a high pain tolerance...i once shattered my knee rock climbing and then climbed the rest of the way out and walked over a mile back to where the car was parked, so i can manage pain somewhat...but ive heard that the pain of labour is so much worse. so i guess i really wont know if i can do it au naturel until i get to that point. it sounds like you did an awesome job of it though! im hoping that i can be as strong...ive heard that my hospital likes to push the epidural on people, and im scared that if they keep asking me if i want it when im having bad contractions that ill eventually give into them.

thanks for explaining the movements to me! i think maybe audrey might be breech then, or at least trasverse. i hardly feel any movements down low and all the pokes and prods are in the middle of my belly. but i always get a really hard spot right under my ribs and on either side of the middle of my tummy. a lot of times there will be the hard spot on one side and pokes and kicks on the other...making me think she might be transverse. i really cant wait to go to my next appointment and find out for sure, and if she is breech im hoping there is something we can do to get her to turn. once a baby's head engages does that mean labour is close, or can it be that way for awhile before the whole process actually begins? sorry for all the questions! i love talking to people who have gone through this before because i just dont know a lot about it. im glad that your little mia has turned though! it sounds like youre on the right track for your natural delivery! and its only a few more weeks now to go! :D ive offically started the countdown...29 days. it seems like forever away still, but i guess its getting closer each day. when the time finally comes ill probably look back and think "where did the past month go?!" hehe.
Feel free to ask questions I dont mind at all... with first babies almost always engages before labour (my mum said my sisters head engaged when she was 34weeks, I think 34-36weeks is about normal) you will know when she engages though as you get LOADS of pressure down below and my sister said it makes your bits swell a bit. When is your next appointment and is it with a midwife or consultant? Have they measured your fundal height?... top to bottom of your tummy? Thats usually an indication of how big the baby is.... I put over 35lb on when pregnant with Luke and believe me it easily falls off when you are running around after a baby haha. I have only put about 17lb on this time (so far) but plenty time yet! If they think your baby is really large over here they send you for growth scans where they estimate the size of the baby... do they do that in Hawaii??

With regards to the Epidural, have you done a birth plan yet? If you put on their that you do not want to be asked if you want an epidural then they shouldnt ask you if you want one... the only time I would have one was if I went over 24hrs as the lack of sleep is a killer, the pain you can cope with but its exhausting after a while... its so much easier when you focus on the outcome, breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth and just thinking it wont be long until you have your little baby in your arms :) totally worth the pain haha

So are you working or on Maternity Leave? I took early leave this time as I had such a horrible first and second trimester, I am a little bored now if Im honest xx
hmmm...i dont think she is engaged yet then. when i stand up from sitting or laying i will get a big rush of pressure and it feels like everything is going to fall out, but i figure thats probably just the work of gravity because i never get any feeling of pressure at any other time. sometimes though my whole stomach will go just rock hard (ive heard this might be braxton hicks) but it doesnt hurt at all. when that happens i get the same big rush of pressure. its very weird feeling...i always rush off to the toilet when that happens because im so afraid that ill end up wetting myself. hehe. my husbands ex was telling me that she involuntarily peed in her pants twice when she was pregnant, and now im just terrified of that happening...especailly at work or something! :-/

my appointments are with a general OB doctor. DH is in the military and so we go to a military hospital. they have a MW programme there, but i didnt know about it until i was already about 20 weeks and it was too late to sign up for it. my next appointment is this monday and i will be at 36+4. she always measures my fundal height, but she never tells me anything about it, or mentions it. i think her mention of this being a big baby was mainly just to scare me into watching my weight more. i told her though that i cant watch it any better, as ive been eating really healthily and watching my caloric intake the entire time. this baby is just greedy and storing every last calorie im taking in lately. here, at least with the military programme, they dont do any growth scans. i really wish they would...i even asked about it because im so curious about it. but we also only got a single scan the entire time...at 20 weeks. unless something is wrong you dont get anything more than that. its kind of a bare bones service really, but its free. and compared to the several thousands of dollars women spend on medical costs during pregnancy and labour in normal hospitals, i wont complain ;)

that is so awesome that youve only put on about 17lbs...im pretty jealous! i thought it would be so easy to keep my weight gain under 20lbs. ha! ive been corrected on that front, thats for sure! ;) i put in the birth plan that i dont want to have an epidural and that i dont want to be offered one, so im hoping they will follow it. my neighbour delivered at that hospital though and had indicated the same thing and she said they asked her pretty much every hour because she was saying she was in pain. i mean, i know that it will be painful. and to be honest ill probably bitch about the pain...a lot. but that doesnt mean i want to change my mind about the epidural. plus with the epidural youre confined to the bed...i want to be able to get in the jacuzzi, bounce on the birthing ball, walk the halls, etc. sitting in one place the whole time, especially if its a long labour, would just drive me insane. they said to bring a focal point to focus on through the contractions...so i am making a sign with the ultrasound picture and a little message from the baby on it to look at...hopefully it will remind me that all the pain isn't for naught. :)

i am working up until...well, until she decides to come pretty much. here we only get 12 weeks of leave and i dont want to spend any of it on the before time, i want to use it all to spend as much time with her as possible after the birth. its getting kind of rough though because i bus to and from work, and its about and hour each way. luckily i work as an architect though, so my job is pretty much solely at a desk. sometimes sitting is uncomfortable though with this rib pain. the worst part is that im losing my patience with people though...yesterday i had to walk away from a meeting with my team on one project because i nearly said something i would regret. hehe. i do have this terrible fear of my water breaking in the office, or worse in a meeting with clients :-/ thats very cool though that you took early leave...that means you can spend a lot of quality time with your son before the baby arrives. i bet that he really enjoys that, and that its something you will really cherish looking back as well. i had monday off to watch my stepson and we just hung out all day, played superheroes, went to the park, watched movies in bed...it was a great day. got me to thinking that i really wouldnt mind doing that everyday to get in extra time with him before the baby comes :) i could see where it could get boring though, especially because its kind of at that point where youre just waiting on the LO, and without work or something to distract you the days might seem to be longer and pass more slowly... savor it though...wont be bored much longer, once youve got another infant to take care of alongside an energetic little boy! ;)
Wow I forget the health system is so different over there... We really take our National Health System for granted (although I pay astronomical taxes) I had a scan at 8wks then one at 19wks and I had a 3D scan done privately (cost me £135 which is about $200USD I think) when I was 27weeks then again I will have my growth scan on monday when Im 35 weeks exactly, I wouldnt normally get that if it wasnt for the complications with Luke being a big boy... I have been having some funny feelings today, it feels like her head is grinding against my pubic bone, Im not sure if it is her trying to engage or not as she did this for an hour or so and then stopped, I am looking forward to seeing the OB on Monday and hopefully they will be able to tell me a little bit more information!! :thumbup:

I cant believe you only get 12 weeks off work, When I had Luke I was entitled to 6 months (you get 6wks at 90% of your average wage and the remaining weeks at £124 per week so not a lot of money really) this time I am entitled to 9 months so thats why I managed to finish work 8 weeks before I was due, its actually saved me money as Luke was with a childminder during the day and with it being the summer holidays he is off nursery for 6 weeks and I would have had to pay her a fortune but with me being off I dont have to... it is very hard work being heavily pregnant and looking after him, he has been a cheeky little boy for the last few weeks, he contradicts everything I say to him... like you said, patience isnt exactly at the forefront when you are pregnant hahaha. he is very well behaved though, we have no need for a supernanny here!!!

I still dont think your weight gain is that bad though, I have been really lucky this time round, Im estimating that by the time she comes I will have put on about 24lb but I was so much bigger with my first pregnancy... I think maybe I was bigger before I fell pregnant with Luke as as I had no sickness I was bloody hungry all the time haha. I have only had the odd 'hungry day' this time round and most days I eat about the same as I did before I was pregnant... worst thing is that my husband Andrew works 11-8pm every day so we dont eat dinner until about 8.30 and then I get tired and go straight to bed!! :blush:

You seem to have a great relationship with your stepson and his mum though, thats wonderful, I love Andrews daughter (she is called Lexi Jane) but her Mum absolutely hates me and Andrew... dont ask me why, they split up when Lexi was only 5 months and Lexi was almost 1 when we got together but we moved in together and got married really quickly and I think she is a bit jealous that we have a nice home together and she is still back at her parents house and she isnt having the best of luck with men... she has been pretty vindictive actually but thats another story, I have to let it wash over me as I am pretty bad tempered at the moment :growlmad::growlmad: hahaha

I hope your waters dont break at work haha, that would be really embarassing, do you work with many men? I work for a construction company, I was the only woman working with about 12 guys and I imagine they would freak out if my waters had broken :blush: then again they all looked after me really well so I cant complain really! xx
i know...its really different. we were recently trying to get a sytem more like yours, but it didnt really get passed. we will be getting a very watered down form of public health here in the future now. it seems like everywhere but here has an early scan in addition to the 20 weeks one. we could have done the 3D scan through a private provider, but my husband, Bobby, didnt want to. he said that seeing the baby in that much detail is ruining the surprise. i tried to convince him, but he just wouldnt budge on the issue! argh. oh that would be exciting if she was trying to engage! at least then you know shes starting to go through the proper motions and all. i bet that feels so weird though. i dont really get too many movements low down yet, it seems like she is still up really high. but everything is pretty tight and cramped in there, so a lot of the time i have a hard time distinguishing what is going on where. how often are you having appointments now? i still am not going in every week yet... i think the hospital i go to is just understaffed and overcrowded.

whats worse is that out 12 weeks is not required to be paid. luckily my firm provides short term disability benefits and so i will get 72% of my average salary, but a lot of places are completely unpaid maternity leave. i keep telling bobby that we should claim his italian citizenship and move to the EU...they have better benefits. lol. he is in the military and cant claim his italian citizenship right now, but he probably will after he gets out. at the very least we will retire somewhere over there. :) it seems like it really worked out for you to take off early. i imagine that over there is the same as here...childcare is outrageous! here the discount price we get for military rates is $600/mo. once couple i work with pays $1400/mo for childcare! its crazy...at that rate its almost better to have one spouse stay home.

i wonder if it has something to do with the labour nearing that the kids are snarkier than normal. dylan was really moody this weekend too and was talking back and just not listening at all. hes so well behaved usually, so it was out of the ordinary. but if your son is the same, maybe its got something to do with that. or, maybe its just the summertime and the heat...seems to make kids go crazy sometimes! its hard though because his acting out, even though it wasnt too terrible, was just more than i could take. im just so impatient right now. so bobby is in charge of discipline lately. lol.

oooh im so hungry all the time! i have been since i got pregnant. and i never got sick or really had any food aversions. i heard many women lost weight in the first trimester from being sick and nauseated. i wouldnt want the sickness at all...but i could have done without some of those extra helping of supper im sure! :-/ oh well, i know it will come off after the labour. i cant wait to be able to go on long walks/jogs again. and, silly as it sounds, i miss being able to do crunches! plus im sure the baby will keep my so busy that i wont have time for the extra munching! ;) i do the go to bed after dinner thing too! i know its bad, but we usually eat around 830 or so too. and after im full i just cant keep my eyes open any longer. thats one thing the doctor told me too, to try and eat dinner earlier and stay awake after.

the relationship with bobby's ex is complicated. for me, i get along with her. but im really the sort who can get along with most anyone (normally at least...pregnancy has disproved this a bit though) and i figure that she never did anything to be rude to me, so ill play nice. but her and bobby dont really get along. they were split when dylan was only 2 months old...and it was actually over long before that. she lies a lot when it comes to my stepson and her plans for their future. she plays the system so that he cant get as much visitation as he should. its pretty bad between them, but they play nice in front of my stepson and dont say bad things about each other. my MIL though (and she is a whole different story...the woman is horrid!) is like best friends with the ex and she uses it to hurt her own son. its really hard to watch that, especially because his dad left when he was young and has been pretty much out of the picture all his life. her and his brother are the only family he has really, as they arent close with her extended family, and she plays nasty games. shes constantly trying to turn him against me too. its ridiculous. it sounds like you guys have a bad situation with the ex too...i dont understand why people have to make situations like this so hard. for me its the lying that is the worst...what a bad example to set for a kid.

oh i so dont want to go into labour at work! my firm is about half men and half women, but on the projects im on its pretty much all men. one of my project leaders was asking when i was going to start maternity leave and i said when the baby decides to show up...his jaw dropped. he was like "well...if you need a ride to the hospital, i drive to work" lol. but he looked scared as hell that he would actually have to carry through on that offer. poor guy probably has his fingers crossed! i think he was imagining my water breaking at the desk next to him ;) im just hoping labour starts early morning or late night...sometime when im at home! lol
Oooh emigrating to somewhere in the EU sounds really exciting, are you originally from Hawaii or just posted there with your husband? We are pretty lucky with the health system and you really do take it for granted... just out of curiosity are you allowed to take any extra time off after your 12 weeks or do you HAVE to returnt o work after that? Do they let you come back part time if you request it and things like that?

Your husbands Ex sounds very similar to Lexis mum, she tells lies all the time, she told Andrew that she was moving to London (which is 4hrs drive away) with her new boyfriend and he would not be able to see Lexi again but it was a total fabrication.. however she is pretty nasty about me, I have seen messages on Andrews phone where she has been really rude about me not pulling my weight looking after Lexi adn saying how she is struggling! Well it really angers me as I raised Luke single handed for 2years, I never got any help on weekends as his Dad moved to Spain and Luke has never met him.. I get up on my high horse when I think about it, I just cant stand that she is already poisoning her daughters mind with her small mindedness, she is a bitch hahaha... I think thats the pregnancy hormones making me angry, honest :blush:

So have you had any cravings? Or have you just been hungry in general, with Luke I wanted peanut butter all of the time (which is why I put on so much weight probably) this time I just want to eat sweet foods far more than usual. I am usually a savoury type person and much prefer pastrys to chocolate but not recently... my night isnt complete unless I have had a bar of chocolate or some fudge :blush:

My parents have gone on holiday tonight for 1 week, my poor mum is convinced I am going to have the baby prematurely in the next week so she will miss it... I doubt it very much though haha, we went shopping today and I had a few pains and Braxton Hicks (where it tightens and leaves you a little breathless like you were saying) when we were out and she was giving me the eye :haha: lol
i am originally from the middle of nowhere in wyoming. most people dont even know where that is so i have to say "yellowstone national park" and then they can get some sort of an idea. lol. i moved to hawaii just out of high school to come to university. i just finished with that, and so ive been here for a little over 7 years now (im not a perpetual student who couldnt just finish or anything, i was getting my doctorate. lol) my husband got posted here with his ex actually and we met not too long after his split with the ex, when dylan was about 6 months old. we will be here for at least another 1.5 years, and then we will probably end up in the washington d.c. area. we are hoping, once he reaches his 20 years of service and can retire, that we can move over there...were thinking england, spain or italy. i love england and the language is a plus, spanish was my second major in university, and italy is where his heritage is. its all really exciting to think about, but its still about 11 years off until he reaches retirement age.

as for the leave thing, i work for a really great and understanding firm, so im really lucky. i worked for them for the last two years of my schooling and they let me work around my schedule and were understanding of me needing to take time to work on my thesis too. so, if i requested it, i could probably come back part time or even take off extra time (unpaid of course). i also have some vacation time saved that i could use after the maternity leave runs out too. but, generally, i dont think most places are so lenient. i think the general rule is that places give you your 12 weeks unpaid and then they want you back, full time and like nothing has changed. between the medical costs of having a baby here and the fact that few places pay you for your leave, having a baby in the US can be quite a financial endeavour...and im not even talking about the cost of diapers, childcare, or any of that other stuff! :-/

the ex in your life sounds crazy! i cant believe that she would complain about how much effort youre putting in! yes youre the stepmother to her daughter, but what does she honestly expect from you?! it seems like she just wants to hurt your husband too, saying things like she is taking his daughter away. with dylans mom she is never outright rude and shes never spoken badly about us, that we know of. the things with her is that she has this attitude of "im the mom and ill do whatever i want, and theres really nothing you can do about it." we alternate holidays and for one christmas (which was supposed to be our holiday that year) she took dylan off island without saying where she was going. and when bobby asked her about it and said she couldnt do that according to the custody agreement, her only answer was "ill let you know when were home and you can see your son." she really just does whatever she wants and we have to live with it. its sad because she is like 6 years older than us and in her 30s, but she acts very immaturely at times. at least with your ex it doesnt seem like you have to worry about the petty fighting and all that. its sad that he just left his son, but im sure your husband now is a great father to him. :)

ohmygoodness...i cannot get enough peanut butter lately! maybe thats the real reason for the weight gain lately. ive been having toast with peanut butter every morning pretty much. in the beginning i didnt want it at all, but the last 3 or 4 weeks im craving it all the time. that and fruit...i cant get enough fresh pineapple, watermelon, apples, grapes, mango, papaya...ahhh, my tummy is growling now! lol. im usually the same as you, not a big sweet tooth, but chocolate calls to me lately. and ice cream too. :-/ its really crazy how pregnancy can change things so much. i hope things go back to normal after the baby comes...i rather liked not being tempted by chocolate before. now i have to fight the cravings off, and its not pleasant! ;)

awww...hopefully your poor mom can enjoy her holiday and not worry too much about missing the birth! at least she isnt saying that youll go late! my mom, on the other hand, is convinced ill go late. i keep yelling at her for saying that. she is coming out here, but she doesnt want to come out for the EDD and have me end up going two weeks late (thats how long they will let me go before inducing) and then have to leave before getting much time with the baby. so she bought her tickets to come out 20 september. thats 11 days after my due date! she will pay the change fee to come out earlier i think if the birth ends up being early or on time though. it just seems like ive waiting so long, i dont want to think about going even longer past my due date. :-/ i gave her a little scare last night though...i accidentally pocket dialed her from my cell at midnight her time. and, obviously i was unware of it, so she hung up and tried to call back three times but my cell was on vibrate and i didnt feel it. she was nervous...and she left me this faux scolding message that im not allowed to accidentally call her in the middle of the night when im so very pregnant and then not say anything or answer her return calls, as it gives her a heart attack. poor lady, i noticed about 45 minutes later that i had missed her calls and i called her back, she was waiting up. i guess its true what they say though, no matter how old they get you never stop worrying about your kids.
Hey there how are things with you? Any signs yet?

I had my growth scan today, they wanted to make sure she wasnt big and she certianly wasnt! They estimated her weight as 4lb 8oz and she is only in 6th centile... which means that 94% of babies will be bigger than her at 35wks gestation :nope: poor little mite!

They also said that my water levels are really low and asked if I had ben losing any water, I thought I did about a month ago but everything has been fine since then so I ignored it! So... I have to go back to hospital in about 10 days for another scan as they want to make sure that baby is growing OK, she has dropped down the scale over the last few weeks, I am a bit worried in case she hasnt grown much on my next scan, they might feel its better for me to be induced early... Im probably just thinking worse case scenario! She will probs be really healthy at my next appointment... its just a worry as Luke was so big and healthy!!!

Anyway Im sure all will be fine... have you had Dylan this weekend? Hope you have had fun :thumbup: x
things here are pretty good. im getting so slow though and walking is becoming much more of a chore lately. no real signs that i can tell yet though. i have been having period type crampy pains in the night for the past few nights. they are strong enough to wake me out of a sleep, but thy maybe only last like 20 minutes or so before fading.

wow! mia is going to be a petite little baby it seems. i have heard that those growth scans can be off quite a bit though, so maybe she isnt quite as small as they are thinking. but it will be good to keep an eye on it for sure. hopefully at the next scan her growth will be on par. im sure everything will be okay and that you shouldnt worry about it too much. easier said than done, i know! maybe eat some peanut butter to give her a little extra fat for the day :) would they induce early for her being too small though? ive only ever heard of them inducing early for babies who are getting too big...

we didnt have dylan this weekend because his mom wanted to make up the time she missed when she went on vacation last week. so it was a quiet weekend. i really miss him on the days that he isnt over. but we took the time to get a lot of cleaning done around the house and everything. bobby steamed the carpets and we rearranged the living room a bit to make room for the baby swing and such. i worked on painting the shelves im making for the kids' rooms too. so, overall it was pretty nice weekend, but oh so quiet without the munchkin running around :)

i have my appointment this afternoon. im hoping to find out if audrey is in the right position. and i think they are going to do an internal exam too..so it will be interesting to find out if anything is starting to happen at all. i really dont feel like anything is, but maybe ill be pleasantly surprised! ;)
Ooh Im excited for you to find out, they don't do internal examinations until you are in labour over here (unless there is a problem) hopefully she will be ready to come soon, its all very exciting isnt it! I have been getting period like cramps on an evening, usually comes on around tea time and eases when I go to bed, I was thinking it was maybe Mias head engaging but I have to be honest I havent got a clue!!

With the scan I agree they can be slightly out, its still such a worry, we saw her little legs and everything on the scan and her femur was tiny! I just looked at Andrew straight away and said my god look how little she is. The guy doing this scan asked a few questions and seemed quite concerned, then the consultant acted as if nothing was the matter, pissed me off a little bit! They dont reaslise how much worry you go through for your babies! Its pretty upsetting thinking that Im supposed to be an incubator for 9 months and I might not be doing a very good job of it... then again it could just be a mistake and they have measured her wrong, I hope my next scan shows something a little different.

Dont worry about me passing on the peanut butter, its my favourite at the best of times haha, I cant go a day without it on toast or just on bread!! Ive had a really healthy apetite the last few weeks so maybe at my next scan she will have piled the weight on! Im going to tuck into some ice cream tonight :happydance: x
i think here the internals are technically optional, at least thats what it says on the schedule of appointments. but the other things that have been marked optional on there really werent. lol. i guess i could tell her i dont want one, but id prefer to see what she can tell me about whats happening (if anything). i was sort of thinking the same thing about the pains, that maybe its a sign of the head engaging, but i really dont know. its weird because it hardly happens during the day, and if it does its really breif. but they are much stronger and longer lasting in the night. i was actually wondering if it had something to do with laying down..maybe everything putting pressure on everything else in that position or something. im going to ask her today and see if she can tell me anything about it. ill let you know what she says! :)

i know exactly what you mean...everyone is always saying not to worry and that excessive worrying and stress is bad for the baby. its really hard not to though! especially when you dont know what is going on in there and you dont know if everything is progressing as it should be. hopefully it was all a bit of a mistake in the measuring. i watched a special on pregnancy once and they were discussing the growth scans...they really can be quite a bit off sometimes, and its far from a technical science. i read a post on here once where this woman was told she was to have an 11 lb baby according to the scan and so they scheduled her a c-section, and they ended up pulling out a 7lb something baby. so hopefully they are wrong, in just the opposite way on this one, and they will have something else to see on the next scan. or maybe little mia is just watching her figure! ;) keep feeding her the peanut butter, she wont be able to resist it! and ice cream too! hehe
How did it go with the hospital? Any progress with Audrey?

Im feeling a bit more positive today, I have everything ready for my hospital bag and did a little bit nesting round the house to cheer me up this morning! :winkwink:
things went well. the doctor said that she is head down and in the right position, so that was a relief. im not starting to dialate or anything yet though. i asked her about the period-type pains and she said that is usually what labour feels like in the early stages. she said to start paying more attention to them and to try to figure out if they come in a rhythm. because they are intermittant right now though, she said its probably just my body starting to get ready. and because i said that it was mostly at night, she said it could have something to do with having drank too much water right before bed. our kidneys are more active at night and the extra liquid can cause extra pressure, as a result causing some discomfort. the whole internal exam was pretty uncomfortable though and it upset audrey! she was kicking and squirming the whole time!

its funny how cleaning can make us feel better lately! last night after i got home i was feeling kind gloomy...for no real reason other than being uncomfortable i suppose. but i cleaned the floors and scrubbed the counters...totally made me feel better. and normally i dont much fancy cleaning! lol. thats awesome that you got your bag together. i finally put the finishing touches on mine this weekend...it feels like such a relief to have it finished and ready to go. i hear that the packing for the UK is much more intense than here though...we dont have to take anything for baby except for an outfit to go home in. but i heard that they dont provide clothes, diapers, pads, etc there. so really it wasnt too bad for me, i just needed some clothes and toiletries for me and DH. so glad that youre feeling better today! im sure yesterday was just a bit of a shock too

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