Looking for bump buddy - due 30th May 2011

Good luck huni! Soooo jealous! Hope its an easy labour for you :hugs: so excited for you! Xx
Started petocin since I'm not I active labor and water broke. I thought it was urine but I wasn't sure so I asked when I went in for my nonstress test and she gave me a little strip to test it and sure enough! She was really shocked and said that usually doesn't happen. She called my dr and they told me to go right to labor and delivery. They are worried of chance of infection since I'm not sure when my water started to leak. It wAs all a bit scary and I wanted to cry. But now I'm here it's calm and might be a very long process. Sent dh to get a light snack and some things from home.

I suppose my little man is early but then again he has good timing as full term today!
Jess glad tp hear you're hanging in there.
Yep perfect timing as full term to the day! Glad to hear your feeling calmer, hope it all goes all well for you. Good to hear your in good hands, be thinking of you over night xxx

Hi jess, good to hear from you. You ok xxx
Just wanted to pop by and say hope all is going well, thinking of you xxxx
I'm ok thanks ladies, on crutches now with my spd. So just taking it easy at the moment.

Want my little man to appear now, sooo sore!

Hope all is going well mama2b!

How u doin lou? Xx
Sorry to hear your spd got so bad. Know what you mean, just wish things would get moving!

Off to consultant today at 3 40, will be booked in for c section. Not sure if they will do internal first, babys engaged but doubt ive dilated!

Any signs your end jess?
Well I've been in slow/latent stages of labour for 3 weeks now. I'm dilated by 2cm bt have been for over a week. I have days where I get contractions alongside the tightenings I already have but as they stop after about 4 hours and my waters haven't gone I've just been advised to stay at home until waters break of I have the contractions for more than 6 hours... I'm going insane! Xxx
Baby is here!! 5lbs 14!!! Little guy is doing great. Had a few little bumps along the way but overall everything went well. Only pushed 35 mins. Very determined to meet my little guy:) more update later
Congrats hunni! Aww how lovely, looking forward to pics and birth story! You must be so happy! xxx

Jess you must be going insane, wondering when it will actually be it!

I have no idea if i am dilated or not, MW did not check, in constant pain - getting frustrated. Had the most pointless consultant appointment ever. Waited for 1 hour 20 mins to be seen, to be then told we will send you a letter with your c section date on it. Then more or less rushed out as they wanted to go home with a leaflet on c sections! No can't manually turn baby it's too late. Been told be in hopsital for 4 days, just feel more deflated than i already did.
Hey ladies! Been thinking about you wondering how you are hanging in there. Hard for me to believe that I would still be pregnant now that Dylan is 11 days old! Everything is great and he is perfect if every way! Breastfeeding is a real challenge! Although I was warned, nothing could prepare me for how tough it is. There have been so many emotional highs/lows with pediatrician saying one thing and lactation consultant saying another. I think it just boils down to baby is little/boob is big. He can't really get his mouth open wide enough to get a good latch and once he gets on he just sort of hangs out and sucks on me like a pacifier. It's been so painful, especially when my milk came in and I was engorged!! Anyhow, I am sticking it out cause I know it is best for baby, but I just pray it gets better soon.

I'm still feeling a bit sore downstairs. I will post the entire birth story to you guys soon. In the mean time I will send a baby pic to you privately.

Hope you're both well and hanging in there!

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This is my little man ConorJames.
He was born after 35 hours of labour on 12/5/11

Hope u ladies are all well will come bk on later and catch up fully xxx

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This is my little man ConorJames.
He was born after 35 hours of labour on 12/5/11

Hope u ladies are all well will come bk on later and catch up fully xxx
Awww Jess congrats. He is precious. We went with James for muddle name too! Hope u are feeling well. How big was the little guy?

Lou, you still hanging in there or us lo here?
Congratulations Jess! He is adorable! Hope your feeling well after the labour. Looking forward to your story too.

Mama2b nice to hear from you, glad you are doing well. I brought a book called 'so thats what their for' about breastfeeding. I believe it is an american book, it's well written and has lots of good tips for getting a good latch. Do you have any breast feeding support groups you can join out there? Hope it improves for you. xx

Well i should have been joining you both today as a mummy as today was my c section date. however when we got there i mentioned that the movements had changed and thought baby may have turned. 3 people felt baby and was not sure, after a scan we found baby was very much head down now! So turned at 39 weeks! Shocked them all as know it was still head up on sunday! So now i am waiting for natural labour, hope i'm not waiting too long!
Lou, that's wonderful! You are smart to read up on breastfeeding. I wish I had done more research. The class I took was totally worthless. But then again, I think a lot of our issues are with the fact that LO is so tiny. As of right now he hasn't gained back his birth weight. So pediatrician has me pumping for every feeding and offering the breast just for a short time. It's so time consuming, especially the night time feedings. I breast feed for 20 mins then feed a bottle then pump. Usually it takes an hour to do everything and then I get an hour or 2 break before starting all over again. It's particularly challenging because DH is back to work today. The plan was for him to help with one of the night time feedings (he's been helping every time) but last night I got SO frustrated. I did the whole process and changed him and 1 1/2 hours later he was still up and fussing and nothing was working to calm him. Dh wanted to feed him the pumped milk but I was worried if we did then I wouldn't have anything for the next feeding. DH ended up going out for formula at 3am so that LO could get enough to eat. I am doing everything to increase my milk supply, pumping all the time (rented a hospital pump) and taking fenugreek supplements. It is going up but so is LO's appetite so it's hard to keep up. It's been so frustrating feeling like I am failing at feeding my baby. But I know other moms go through this. There are support groups around and I've seen a lactation consultant. Also our neighbors recently had a baby and so it's nice to talk to another mom with breastfeeding challenges.

Otherwise, Dylan just sleep all the time. Oh and he poops a lot too!!! He also like to pee on dad ;) during diaper changes. He is a really silly little guy making all kinds of funny faces and noises. We are really hoping he's gained some weight and we'll find out at tomorrows check up! He's been really hungry every 2 hours so it's a good sign. Speaking of which, must go feed the baby now! I can't believe he'll be 2 weeks old tomorrow and should've been in there another week!!
Mama2b hope dylan put on some weight this week. I can imagine that would be very time consuming! It's so hard when people give you conflicting advice! I would def reconmend the book, i found it useful and it's in my hopsital bag. My friend breastfed both of her's and she says it is hard but it does get better, so don't feel like your failing, i'm sure it will all work out. xxx I think types of food can increase it too, and lots of fluid. Glad he is doing well and being cheeky to daddy during changes! Must be lovely to sit and watch him xx

I still can't believe that LO managed to turn at 38+6 and i didn't even notice! Worried now i will go overdue as LO is still so high, and doubt it will be able to engage that quick. I feel fustrated already (DH keeps reminding me that due date is tuesday coming, but i feel like i'm already overdue as had geared myself up for meeting LO last tuesday). I'm really worried i'll end up being induced as it was such a late turn, i'm walking the dog an 1 hour and half twice a day, always on my ball, but baby just so high still!

Jess hope you and conor are doing well xx
Hang in there Lou! Not long now! Keep us posted with any news :). I think it's so great LO turned at the last minute. It's great to have a chance at a vaginal birth.

Still having highs and lows with the breastfeeding. The good news is that Dylan gained 7 ounces in just 4 days and weighed in t 6lbs 1 oz at his last appointment. I'm sure he's gained more since then as he's been eating everyone 2 hours around the clock. Still trying to navigate the pumping, nursing and bottle feeding. Some times I nurse him and I feel like he's gotten a lot to eat but then he'll start crying and sucking his fingers after I end up giving him an expressed bottle. It's frustrating but I'm just trying to stay positive. It's been way too hard to get out of the house for a meeting with other moms. Yesterday I did a dry run of taking LO out in the stroller and it didn't go so well. I have a big set of stairs to contend with out front. After getting LO strapped int he car seat carrying it down the stairs, getting the stroller out of the car, etc, I walked one block and then decided to turn around as it was really cold and windy and I was worried about LO getting too cold. Ironically when I took him out of the car seat he was all toasty warm under all the blankets/clothes. I just feel very weak still from labor and pregnancy I suppose. This made me feel really bad and I ended up in tears. I guess I didn't realize it might take a while to get my strength back, and my back was killing me after all of that. Dh is being very supportive. I know a lot of my tears are about the hormones and baby blues. I just feel so guilty all the time if I can't be what I think is the "perfect" mom.

But most of the time things are great and I am just enjoying LO. He is much more alert now and gets stronger every day. His favorite past time is peeing!!! He esp likes to see how many things he can pee on during diaper changes. The boys got range too!! He also like peeing in the bath tub and after the bath he likes to poop and pee in the towel :(. LOL. He's so entertaining you can't even get upset about it even after he's soaked through 3 outfits and peed on you, the wall, the changing table, his own self.

Jess, How's it going with Connor?
Hey ladies, things been chaotic here hence nt been on much...

Conor is now sleeping in his moses basket most nights although ended up co-sleeping last night as he refused to go down in his moses basket or crib, not ideal but im a very light sleeper so i dont mind every so oftern on a bad night co-sleeping but it does mean OH ends up on settee.

Conor breastfeeding well and gaining just over an ounce a day, i wouldn't worry too much about the sucking fingers after a feed, last night i expressed so OH could do a little feed and conor has 3oz expressed milk then 50 minutes breastfeeding and stil was sucking his fingers n wanted feeding again within an hour.
With breastfeeding i think a lot of it is a comfort thing for them,what with being close to you and warm and still getting the suckling... Conor will always go back on the breast no matter how long hes been feeding for!! Midwife said hes just a greedy boy and gets comfort from being on it and not necessarily feeding.
Thinking of possibly introducing a formula feed before bed as otherwise i can be feeding him every hour through the night ...soooo tired!!! xx

How you getting on Lou, good news that baby turned, cant wait to see pics of LO when baby finally makes a grand entrance!! xx
Hi ladies, had midwife today. Well LO stayed head down and is now fully engaged (the midwife laughed as it's done it all in the last week!). Been having mild contractions about every 20 mins since sunday, nothing has happened so just BH but midwife hopes it's good sign something might happen soon. Got sweep booked for next tuesday, and my induction date is 7th June (which she hopes i won't need). Feeling quite fed up with waiting, went to watch pirates 4 yesterday and meeting with my friend and her 6 month old for tea tomorrow so trying to stay busy.

Jess glad conor is doing well and feeding well. From what my friends told me they do seem to want to feed all the time in the first few weeks. Must be a real shock for them and it must be comforting for them being so close to thier mummy.

How do you find conor and dylan when they go from breast to expressed in a bottle? any problems breastfeeding after or are they doing ok switching over.

Mama2b so glad dylan has put on a good bit for weight this week and DH is being really great for you. So glad you are enjoying watching him and laughing at his peeing everywhere! Bless him, he must love having his nappy off! How is your dog liking Dylan?

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