Looking for Bump Buddy-TWINS, Due Nov. 29th

Tink-please let us know how your ultrasound goes. You will be in my thoughts and prayers!!
Thanks Wind! It went well... they only saw one sac, though but he said it's still early. The US dated me at 4wks 6 days, which is 3 days behind my dating, and if that was right, then I got a BFP at 6 dpo and implanted at 3 dpo... I don't know. Any way, they couldn't see how many were in the sac, so I go back in 2 weeks. I'm just glad everything looks good this time!
That's great news Tink!! It's always a great relief when things are as they should be. :hugs:
Wow, hi everyone! All of you jumped in after I left for an Easter visit to my parents, so I was pleasantly surprised to see so many ladies in this thread when I checked!

Elizabeth - I had spotting for about a week with my DD. It was mostly brown, but some was bright red, and boy did I ever freak! I was actually on a training exercise with my Army ROTC at the time, and we were sleeping on the ground in 32 degree weather, carrying 100lb rucksacks, etc, so I was absolutely petrified of miscarrying! But DD is perfectly healthy, and my OB said that the spotting probably had no correlation to anything I was doing at the time. It just happens, and in a surprising majority of pregnancies too.
And I don't even want to talk about round ligament pain. I can't stop sneezing because of all of this darn pollen, and UGH! I feel like I'm in a knot for about 10 minutes after! I feel like I get more of this if I'm not active - I haven't noticed it at all this weekend, since I've been chasing after DD and her four cousins. I also try to do a couple of good stretches every day. Arms above the head seems to work well, and leaning to the side (hands on hips) might help too.

Tink- Glad to hear everything went well for you. Keep us posted!

Mimey- I feel the same way - exhausted. All I want to do right now is sit down with a good book and some tea. Unfortunately, with a toddler at home (who's sick right now, worse luck), I don't foresee it happening! It will get better in the 2nd trimester! It will! :thumbup:

Wind - When is your next appointment? I have my first OB appointment on the 10th of May, and I figure we should be going with about the same frequency because we're both considered high-risk - you because of your twins, and me because of my blood pressure. I'm looking forward to seeing a u/s picture of your beautiful babies! Please????

Well, I got randomly assigned to the only midwife at our hospital, and I've not heard good things about her "bedside manner," so I'm very nervous. I'm really hoping that they don't just stick me on the path to induction just because I had one with DD. I'm also hoping that they'll honor my request for no drugs, which didn't happen with DD. I had to have some meds in my IV because the nurse was afraid that the intensity of the pitocin-induced contractions would spike my blood pressure (it didn't).
If they try to insist on a epidural, I think I'll be going elsewhere. I know, I sound awfully picky but I am absolutely terrified of being unable to move, even if it is just from the waist down!
So, hopefully they're cooperative, or at least agreeable. I'll keep you posted!
Wind - When is your next appointment? I have my first OB appointment on the 10th of May, and I figure we should be going with about the same frequency because we're both considered high-risk - you because of your twins, and me because of my blood pressure. I'm looking forward to seeing a u/s picture of your beautiful babies! Please????

My next appointment is tomorrow morning. I'm not sure when my next ultrasound will be. Hopefully I will be able to schedule it soon. I will post a pic as soon as I get one. I didn't even think to ask to get one last time because I was in such a state of shock.:blush:
Thanks for the encouragement ladies.

I went to see my Dr Monday night but he said because I am only 8 weeks that there ws nothing he could really do that day. No US, no doppler, just bp, weight and peeing in a cup.

I was hoping for a doppler at least to check the hb's, but he said 10 wks is the usual time you can begin hearing the hb via doppler. I think he was erring on the side of caution though. I am sure you can hear hb's earlier, but on the off chance they both couldn't be found or maybe it is too earlier to distinguish between multiples this early, whatever the reason I feel a little better after the appt. I know if my Dr thought it was serious - we would have scheduled something asap.

I have an appt 5/16 but hate to wait 3 more weeks. Ughhhh. I still have ms on and off throughout the day but I am beginning to feel much better. I have read several sites that say spotting/bleeding is more common with multiples and I know that if something unfortunate happens, there is nothing I can do about it so I just need to try and be relaxed and positive.
I just wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing.

Tink-have you had your follow up ultrasound yet?

I have been feeling better. My morning sickness subsided a little over a week ago. It worries me some, but hopefully I will feel better when I hear their hearts beating Monday at my next appointment. I guess they are supposed to schedule my second ultrasound at that appointment too. Hopefully it won't be too far out. My husband wants to go with me this time. (He missed the first one.)
I just wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing.

Tink-have you had your follow up ultrasound yet?

I have been feeling better. My morning sickness subsided a little over a week ago. It worries me some, but hopefully I will feel better when I hear their hearts beating Monday at my next appointment. I guess they are supposed to schedule my second ultrasound at that appointment too. Hopefully it won't be too far out. My husband wants to go with me this time. (He missed the first one.)

Sorry it's taken me so long to write back! I had my follow up ultrasound last week and heard a wonderfuly stong heartbeat! Everything looks good! The doc offically made my EDD Dec. 26, but I know it's the 24, my babies just seem a little smaller until they are 2 weeks old, then they jump to the 90%! I have really been it with the MS, though... not fun, but at least it reminds me that things are working the way they are supposed to!

Do you have your next ultra sound set up yet? How did your last appointment go?
Hi ladies,
I am expecting too and my due date is 29th Nov as well ! Looking for pregnant buddies. I live in Sevenoaks (30 mins from central London)!
Hey wind! How are you doing? Looks like we can't be bump buddies anymore. I found out on Monday that my baby had died. I wish you lots of luck with your twins and hope everything works out well!
Oh Tink, I am so very sorry for your loss. :hugs: If you ever need an ear, just let me know.

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