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Looking for June 2012 IVF Buddies

Ok so I had my first sono after 5 days of stimming. I had 7 follicles on my right side all measuring about 10. I had 1 at 8 almost 9 and one that was 11 but closer to 12. On the left I had 8 all measuring 9-10. He said my lining looks fanstastic and everything is looking perfect. I am going in on Saturday morning for another sono and he said I'll keep stimming until Tuesday and have my retrieval on Thursday the 21st. I am very happy to have so many follicles since I only had a little bit of ovary pain a couple days ago for a few hours and that was it. He did say we need I be careful about over stimulating since I am responding so well so I went and got some Gatorade on my way home. I figure I'll drink a few glasses a day through maybe a week after my transfer.

Babyhope2011- I am scheduled for retrieval on the 21st and we are shooting for a 5 day transfer so if everything goes as planned then we should be transferring the same day! So cool!
Hi tiff ur not heavy 4 ur height silly,I'm 5 ft my weight normally is 7s 9 but since i started this I have stayed around 8s 2 but wen I had ohss god it woz awful, I have a scan on 19th so finger crossed if all ok Im hoping 4 a 5 day transfer but I'm really nervous coz they froze them on day 1, I think they r thawing them all & hoping 2 get sum 2 freeze, I'm finding the fet so much beta than fresh it's less stressful. I really hope we get our bfp, do u know et date yet?? X

Babyhope2011-hi i think iam but thats not really bothering me i will deal with it at a later stage :blush: have they started to thaw them already?? my embroys are on day3 today and the embryo person rang me this morning and all 6 of them are still going strong ha i really hope all of your embries develop to day 5 blast stage how many did they frezze??ya i think it defo would be less stressful.........my ET date if everything goes ok will be 6/16 this sat but iam still feeling good actully iam feeling better everyday there is only 10 days between us thats not alot of time :hugs: we will hopefully be PUPO at nearly the same time :dust: to you
Ok so I had my first sono after 5 days of stimming. I had 7 follicles on my right side all measuring about 10. I had 1 at 8 almost 9 and one that was 11 but closer to 12. On the left I had 8 all measuring 9-10. He said my lining looks fanstastic and everything is looking perfect. I am going in on Saturday morning for another sono and he said I'll keep stimming until Tuesday and have my retrieval on Thursday the 21st. I am very happy to have so many follicles since I only had a little bit of ovary pain a couple days ago for a few hours and that was it. He did say we need I be careful about over stimulating since I am responding so well so I went and got some Gatorade on my way home. I figure I'll drink a few glasses a day through maybe a week after my transfer.

Babyhope2011- I am scheduled for retrieval on the 21st and we are shooting for a 5 day transfer so if everything goes as planned then we should be transferring the same day! So cool!

everything is going well!!!!! so exciting!!!:happydance::happydance:
Ok so I had my first sono after 5 days of stimming. I had 7 follicles on my right side all measuring about 10. I had 1 at 8 almost 9 and one that was 11 but closer to 12. On the left I had 8 all measuring 9-10. He said my lining looks fanstastic and everything is looking perfect. I am going in on Saturday morning for another sono and he said I'll keep stimming until Tuesday and have my retrieval on Thursday the 21st. I am very happy to have so many follicles since I only had a little bit of ovary pain a couple days ago for a few hours and that was it. He did say we need I be careful about over stimulating since I am responding so well so I went and got some Gatorade on my way home. I figure I'll drink a few glasses a day through maybe a week after my transfer.

Babyhope2011- I am scheduled for retrieval on the 21st and we are shooting for a 5 day transfer so if everything goes as planned then we should be transferring the same day! So cool!

What is gatorade?? can you get that in ireland??? coz iam at risk of OHSS aswell but iam 3 days after EC and iam feeling good but i guess if i can get gatorade that cant hurt :flower:
It's a flavored drink with electrolytes in it. If they don't have Gatorade they might have an electrolyte drink you can buy. I hear it's supposed to help so I'm sticking to that and water.
Mrs tx- thanks iam gonna try and get something wit that in it.....o so much i dont no i just hope i can find a drink with that in it iam living in a country that is like 10 years behind america:haha:
tiff- i think lucozade may be similar

oy what a morning.. got a text from the news saying that transbay bart is shut down due to a fire.. so i got up at 6:15 to drive to the city for a 9am court time.. only to get a call from the lawyer at 7 saying i didnt have to be at court til 1 pm. bart is still closed and there is a giants game at 12:45. im thinking about leaving 2 hrs early... sigh he coulnt have called last night... im actualy feeling ok today.. a bit bloaty but not too bad. mild crampy. got a call from my doc.. 11 fertilized.. i said, ok that is good, he was like.. no that is fantastic. he is actually happy.. i made a joke about not counting my embryos til they hatch at which point he started going on about blasts, and i had to tell him i was joking..
Yay drsquid!!!! 11 is amazing. That's promising but I know what you mean about not getting too excited. Are you doing a 3 day or 5 day transfer?

Good news and bad news today for me. The good news is DH SA came back (2nd one for him) and all looks well. Morphology not so great but there was 273 million sperm so that's fine. My u/s shows a 13mm, a 12 mm, an 11mm and several right on the verge of 10mm. This is way better than my last cycle. She said I will trigger when the 10mm get tp 16mm so I'm not far off. I love Menopur even though it stings!! Lol.

My BFF texted me today and her 13 year old son has scoliosis so bad his spine is at 48 degree angle. Surgery is the only option. He is a sweet kid and she just divorced his father last year after the guy had an affair that resulted in a baby with a much younger woman. The woman is nuts and lost custody of the baby 2 months ago. My friend's poor son has been through the ringer and I feel awful for them. she's been soooooooo supportive of me and TTC, I hate that this is happening. They live out of state so I can't go help like I want to.
Hi tiff, that's brilliant news ur embryos r growing nicely! They haven't thawed them yet I think it will b next wk sometime, I have 15 that r frozen on day1 so I'm hoping we will get a few 5 day blasts,Im gona have a word wiv them on tues wen I go coz I think they r thawing all of them, I woz going 2 go wiv thawing half of them but we've decided 2 go wiv it & if doesn't work we will just have 2 try again least I know I respond 2 the drugs well, got all my fingers & ties crossed 4 u hun keep me posted
Ok so I had my first sono after 5 days of stimming. I had 7 follicles on my right side all measuring about 10. I had 1 at 8 almost 9 and one that was 11 but closer to 12. On the left I had 8 all measuring 9-10. He said my lining looks fanstastic and everything is looking perfect. I am going in on Saturday morning for another sono and he said I'll keep stimming until Tuesday and have my retrieval on Thursday the 21st. I am very happy to have so many follicles since I only had a little bit of ovary pain a couple days ago for a few hours and that was it. He did say we need I be careful about over stimulating since I am responding so well so I went and got some Gatorade on my way home. I figure I'll drink a few glasses a day through maybe a week after my transfer.

Babyhope2011- I am scheduled for retrieval on the 21st and we are shooting for a 5 day transfer so if everything goes as planned then we should be transferring the same day! So cool!

We're about neck and neck now as far as mature eggs :) I'm even going in Saturday too. LOL. All stocked up on gatorade here too. Lining is 7 and E2 is 323 but my follies are about the same size as yours with lots of little ones in the wings. My ER is scheduled for Tuesday but based on what you're saying mine may be around Thursday as well. Good luck MsTX!! Are you on Ganirelix or anything else right now to keep you from ovulating?
Nosaint- How cool is that?!? I don't know what my E2 was, it was 100 on Monday but I didn't ask today. My lining was only 4.7 but he said it looks great and he was happy with that so I'm going to take his word for it. I'm taking Lupron to keep me from ovulating. I talked to them this afternoon and they said to keep my meds the same today and then to not use the menopur tomorrow night, just the bravelle. He also told me there were a lot of little follicles he didn't measure. You will have to keep me posted about your appt on Saturday.
Babyhope- i had my ET this morning it went brillant she transfered 1 perfect blast :baby: iam feeling really good after it and iam going to take it easy for my ttw my test date is 28th so only 12 days to wait i cant wait i really hope it works i booked an appt in my clinic for them to do the test coz iam a bit suspisous of doing it myself coz it always bfn wen i do it i hope you are still doing ok keep me posted on your progress :happydance::happydance:

squid- thanks about the lucozade i wuld have never of thought it would b the same as that iam going to get some today coz apparently you can still get OHSS even after transfer whoa thought??? looks like everything is going good for you hun how are you??
Babyhope- i had my ET this morning it went brillant she transfered 1 perfect blast :baby: iam feeling really good after it and iam going to take it easy for my ttw my test date is 28th so only 12 days to wait i cant wait i really hope it works i booked an appt in my clinic for them to do the test coz iam a bit suspisous of doing it myself coz it always bfn wen i do it i hope you are still doing ok keep me posted on your progress :happydance::happydance:

squid- thanks about the lucozade i wuld have never of thought it would b the same as that iam going to get some today coz apparently you can still get OHSS even after transfer whoa thought??? looks like everything is going good for you hun how are you??

Tiffttc, tons of baby dust to you!!! How was the ET in terms of cramps? Did they give you valium or anyting? I know what you mean about the testing, I just can't help myself. I think mine does it 10 days after transfer.

So apparently this cycle my follies are growing slow. Go figure. But with my PCOS they expect it to spike overnight so we're just waiting to see when that is. I've got a 14mm, 2 at 13mm, one 12 mm and she said about 18 small ones on each side with some being close to 10mm. Staying on the same meds which as of yesterday include Ganirelix. Forgot to ask what my E2 is but I'll find out when I go back on Monday. We are now looking at ER being end of next week or maybe early the following week. My poor arms are blue and yellow bruised :( Not sure how I'll handle one more week of blood draws but I'm gonna have to do it.
Tiff- if you get pregnant you are at higher risk of ohss. Yay for the blast.

Oy totally hit my sciatic last night. Didnt sleep cause of pain in my butt. I don't remember what all I wrote before but the doc actually called me back a second time to say he thought it wouldn't be a problem. I told him I never thought it would be. I had 13 follicles. All of them with be producing progesterone so it isn't like there is none. Besides I was only starting 12 hrs late. So this am the stupid shower had no water pressure... Sigh. Doc of course
Called as I was heading across the bay bridge. Turns out I have 8 embryos that have 8-10 cells do they are gonna go to blast. He was saying how unexpected that was at my age , so I said "see I'm special". He got all serious and was like... We need to manage expectations and they won't all go to blast etc. umm duh. I then went and stopped at the clinic that is gonna do the transfer to get more needles and get them to do my shot today cause I just couldn't face it. Also told them when was best for me Monday (doc was all like... We have to work with their schedule etc... Umm dude squeaky wheel and all). So all is good now other than ass pain
hi tiff,

fantastic news on ur transfer soooooooo exciting i have a real good feeling about it,i c a bfp cuming ur way,hope the 12 days goes quick 4 u,keep thinking positive hun, u will get ur bfp.

my transfer date is still scheduled 26th at the moment im feeling ok at the moment trying not 2 think about it.

keep me posted il add u 2 my friends list.

hey ladies
posted on other june post also.
i am starting day 1 injections tomorrow, the af arrived today so happy.
I am doing icsi first time,i dont have issues i think just the hubbie, so really hoping we get lucky first time with this!!!!
hugs to all in this very hard journey

Hi all, haven't posted on here since the start of this thread.
Been DR since 6th and have a scan to check everything and hopefully start Gonal F injections next Monday, wishing it would hurry up and get here now.
Hey ladies. Hope you are all doing well? I have been following you all patiently waiting for AF 3 so I could start ICSI again.

So I'm back from holiday now, still no sign of AF number 3...... But a BFP on my CB test and 3+ on digital test...... And a tiny little heart beat on scan we paid for yesterday ( could not believe the tests after getting positive last time!!)

Good luck to you all, I will keep following your cycles... Fx

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