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Looking for June 2012 IVF Buddies

Thanks hockey- I'm still in shock. Cannot take it in!
Hey ladies. Hope you are all doing well? I have been following you all patiently waiting for AF 3 so I could start ICSI again.

So I'm back from holiday now, still no sign of AF number 3...... But a BFP on my CB test and 3+ on digital test...... And a tiny little heart beat on scan we paid for yesterday ( could not believe the tests after getting positive last time!!)

Good luck to you all, I will keep following your cycles... Fx

:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:great news!! congrats!!:happydance::happydance::happydance:
Thanks hockey- I'm still in shock. Cannot take it in!

:happydance::happydance: YAY!!!! for the natural BFP!!:happydance::happydance:

Tiffttc, tons of baby dust to you!!! How was the ET in terms of cramps? Did they give you valium or anyting? I know what you mean about the testing, I just can't help myself. I think mine does it 10 days after transfer.

So apparently this cycle my follies are growing slow. Go figure. But with my PCOS they expect it to spike overnight so we're just waiting to see when that is. I've got a 14mm, 2 at 13mm, one 12 mm and she said about 18 small ones on each side with some being close to 10mm. Staying on the same meds which as of yesterday include Ganirelix. Forgot to ask what my E2 is but I'll find out when I go back on Monday. We are now looking at ER being end of next week or maybe early the following week. My poor arms are blue and yellow bruised :( Not sure how I'll handle one more week of blood draws but I'm gonna have to do it.

NOASAINT- Thanks.....and it wasnt that bad just very mild cramps for the last few days i didnt have any bleeding after which was good.......its gonna b soooooo hard not to test but iam just going to wait ( well try anyway!!) :haha:........dont worry about your arms it will b all worth it mine wer the same :nope: Congrats on ER being soon:happydance::hugs:
hi tiff,

fantastic news on ur transfer soooooooo exciting i have a real good feeling about it,i c a bfp cuming ur way,hope the 12 days goes quick 4 u,keep thinking positive hun, u will get ur bfp.

my transfer date is still scheduled 26th at the moment im feeling ok at the moment trying not 2 think about it.

keep me posted il add u 2 my friends list.


BABYHOPE2011- ya im gald i made it to ET but its going to be soooooo hard not to test early but i wil try and stick it out........thanks hun for the kind words i really hope your right and CONGRATS on ET being so soon you will be PUPO in no time and then you will get your BFP very soon
If i was going to test early when do you think would be the best day but iam goin to really try hard to wait.........thanks for adding me i accepted there.....i hope to hear your good news very soon lots of :dust: to you
Well I've got bad news and need some advice ladies. I only have 4 potentially mature follies. They will do ER for 4 follies but I don't know that I want to go through that for just 4. I've got lots of small ones but they aren't even 10mm and they have not grown at all in the last few scans. My insurance is paying most of the IVF so out of pocket isn't much for us but at this point I'm wondering if we should just do IUI. My RE is not really wanting to (for some reason she thinks multiples would happen even though I'm 38). Maybe they miraculously think my follies will grow over night because I have to go back in tomorrow morning. Then in the afternoon we have to decide. Last cycle was IUI and it cancelled because my E2 was over 1000 and RE would not do it. My E2 is well over 1000 now but at this point what option do I have?

So what do you think? ER for 4 follies or convert to IUI? And I'm prepared that if the RE won't do IUI I will trigger anyway and BD taking my chances.
Well I've got bad news and need some advice ladies. I only have 4 potentially mature follies. They will do ER for 4 follies but I don't know that I want to go through that for just 4. I've got lots of small ones but they aren't even 10mm and they have not grown at all in the last few scans. My insurance is paying most of the IVF so out of pocket isn't much for us but at this point I'm wondering if we should just do IUI. My RE is not really wanting to (for some reason she thinks multiples would happen even though I'm 38). Maybe they miraculously think my follies will grow over night because I have to go back in tomorrow morning. Then in the afternoon we have to decide. Last cycle was IUI and it cancelled because my E2 was over 1000 and RE would not do it. My E2 is well over 1000 now but at this point what option do I have?

So what do you think? ER for 4 follies or convert to IUI? And I'm prepared that if the RE won't do IUI I will trigger anyway and BD taking my chances.

What is your E2? 1000 would indicate 5 or 6 mature eggs. So if your over - could be even more.
Well I've got bad news and need some advice ladies. I only have 4 potentially mature follies. They will do ER for 4 follies but I don't know that I want to go through that for just 4. I've got lots of small ones but they aren't even 10mm and they have not grown at all in the last few scans. My insurance is paying most of the IVF so out of pocket isn't much for us but at this point I'm wondering if we should just do IUI. My RE is not really wanting to (for some reason she thinks multiples would happen even though I'm 38). Maybe they miraculously think my follies will grow over night because I have to go back in tomorrow morning. Then in the afternoon we have to decide. Last cycle was IUI and it cancelled because my E2 was over 1000 and RE would not do it. My E2 is well over 1000 now but at this point what option do I have?

So what do you think? ER for 4 follies or convert to IUI? And I'm prepared that if the RE won't do IUI I will trigger anyway and BD taking my chances.

What is your E2? 1000 would indicate 5 or 6 mature eggs. So if your over - could be even more.

E2 is 1100 currently so will be higher tomorrow since I'm doing Gonal and Menopur tonight. I have many follies on each side that are less than 10mm so that's why my E2 is getting high, they just aren't growing for some reason
yay lindy

so i had 4 grade 1, 2 grade 2 and 5 grade 3 blasts. had 2 transfered, 1 frozen today and they are checking again tomorrow to see if more make the freezing grade. the transfer went well today (other than lying down on the table which was excrutiating on my poor tushie). was only 30 min late to court and the lawyers and judge were actually on a sidebar anyway so no one even noticed. figure it isnt bed rest.. but i sat all day without doing much. tomorrow night my new meds come in but.. i dont have to do another shot (this am was the last one.. sucked to have to do it knowing how bad it would be)

btw named them inky and squirt
Thanks tiff, mammy and drsq. Hoping everybody gets their BFP this go.

Nosaint- my friend got 1 mature egg, it fertilised and she has a beautiful little boy now. It only take 1!
btw named them inky and squirt

Inky and Squirt - too cute!

We named our two blastocysts 'Emmy' and 'Emberson' - both plays on the word Embryo. We also sing the Destiny's Child song 'I'm a survivor' to them every day...
You guys are are really lifting my spirits so thank you!!! I love the funny names and rituals. Too cute!!

Congrats drsquid on being PUPO :) Crossing fingers and toes for you.

Can you believe it I'm still on stims?!?!? I've got a 21mm, a 17mm, and 2 16mm. Not sure why we aren't triggering for ER Thursday but we're not. She wants one more night of stims to see if the small ones grow at all (18 on each side). My poor arms are so sore and the drive is long very early in the morning. If there are 4 we will go with ER. Such a waiting game. E2 is now 1600 so hopefully those small ones start catching up!
noasaint - I feel for you! I'm already frustrated and ready to be done and I'm only halfway through!

The mood swings have kicked in tonight. I accidentally dropped one of my needles tonight which bent it all up. Of course it was the gonal f that uses a syringe with the needle already attached so I couldn't just pop on a new one. Lost a dose of meds and decided I needed to cry over it for whatever reason. I think the early mornings and emotional stress of working up to the injections each night is getting to me and making me a crazy person.
noasaint - I feel for you! I'm already frustrated and ready to be done and I'm only halfway through!

The mood swings have kicked in tonight. I accidentally dropped one of my needles tonight which bent it all up. Of course it was the gonal f that uses a syringe with the needle already attached so I couldn't just pop on a new one. Lost a dose of meds and decided I needed to cry over it for whatever reason. I think the early mornings and emotional stress of working up to the injections each night is getting to me and making me a crazy person.

oh no... :nope: I hope it gets better! try not to be too hard on yourself; you can do it! I hope you feel better :hugs::hugs::hugs:
You guys are are really lifting my spirits so thank you!!! I love the funny names and rituals. Too cute!!

Congrats drsquid on being PUPO :) Crossing fingers and toes for you.

Can you believe it I'm still on stims?!?!? I've got a 21mm, a 17mm, and 2 16mm. Not sure why we aren't triggering for ER Thursday but we're not. She wants one more night of stims to see if the small ones grow at all (18 on each side). My poor arms are so sore and the drive is long very early in the morning. If there are 4 we will go with ER. Such a waiting game. E2 is now 1600 so hopefully those small ones start catching up!

just a little bit longer hun :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
noa- fingers crossed

rae- sorry that sucks.. id likely have got out the alcohol swab and seen if i could unbend it

got a call from the doc. 3 more frozen today. i think he said i have 2 grade 1 and 2 grade 2 blasts.
drsquid - I seriously considered unbending it but figured I'd end up stabbing up my fingers and since I'm already having a hard time working up to the injections (even though I know it doesn't hurt, crazy I know) I figured just starting fresh would be better. At least I'm on low doses so I only lost a tiny bit. So awesome you got some good quality blasts to freeze!
rae- im mostly happy about it cause doc was sooo sure it wouldnt happen =) (ok im happy for me too but..)

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