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Looking for June 2012 IVF Buddies

hello girls! :hi::hugs:

how is everyone doing?:flower:

hockey: 6-28 is in two weeks! so exciting! no time left almost. :)

tiffttc: welcome and congrats on the ET, and best of luck tomorrow am for the call. Will you freeze any extra embryos?

Teenie3: welcome! how long do you have to be on menopur for?

raelynn: I am glad the mock transfer went fine! you are on your way! how exciting to get started!

drsquid: why would the doctor say that about your eggs? don't worry, you'll do fine! :hugs: good luck on Wednesday!

MsTX: when are you back at the doctor's to see the follicles?

noasaint: 5 days until ER according to your ticker. How do you feel?

to everyone else :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

AFM, the doctors wants me to be on BC for 21 days starting today and I have another baseline sono on July 5th. Hopefully the cyst is gone then! All I have to do then is wait...:coffee:
Wana - So they did stick you on BC! Glad they went that route rather than something more invasive. Apparently BC worked for me since I know I had cysts before because of PCOS and doctor mentioned nothing about it during the mock transfer. Hoping the baseline tomorrow morning shows nothing as well. Hopefully BC works for you too and you're right back on track shortly!
Wana - So they did stick you on BC! Glad they went that route rather than something more invasive. Apparently BC worked for me since I know I had cysts before because of PCOS and doctor mentioned nothing about it during the mock transfer. Hoping the baseline tomorrow morning shows nothing as well. Hopefully BC works for you too and you're right back on track shortly!

thanks girl, yeah, it is a bit of a set back but there's always a reason for things to happen a certain way, right?

Best of luck tomorrow!!! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you, hoping that everything looks good for you to start!!! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
tifftcc - I actually made a last minute to decision to cancel my cycle and switch clinics. It only delays me a couple weeks and hopefully worth it. My gut told me to switch to a clinic out of state with higher success rates and I hope its worth travel!

I'll begin stimming on 6/28.

I think this might be your month! If you have no known problems and its just low motility, IVF is a perfect option for you and I hope you get to do a transfer this month instead of a frozen later.

Hockey24- i think it was a wise decision to move because if it has higher success rates that can make all the difference
thanks for your kind words you have made me feel so much better i really hope i get to do ET this month aswell but whatever is meant to will be :hugs:
Hey Hockey24.
I'm new to the site and this is my first round of IVF. I started menopur injections on the 8th June having been on the pill for 5 weeks prior to this. Four days in and not 100% how I'm feeling at the moment.

Would love to share this experience with someone else who actually understands.

How you getting on?

Welcome Teenie!!! What's got you not feeling 100%? I'm on day 6 today myself with Gonal F and Menopur. My emotions are starting to get a little weepy but I'm hanging in there.

Welcome Teenie3 and Tiffttc!

Teenie - have you had any u/s's or bloodwork done yet since you started your shots? :flower:

Tiffttc - 14 eggs is fantastic and 6 fertilized is great news! So are you planning on a 5 day transfer or taking it day by day? Very exciting!! :happydance:

Thanks hockey24 for the welcome iam going to be taking it day by day but i will know in the morning when the embyro person rings me she said tomorrow will b decision day whether they will be transfering and what day or freezing and then doing FET in 2 months because my hormones was high and because iam so young i was at risk of hyperstimulation but so far i have no syptoms of that so f'xd that i will make it to ET iam really nervous and cant wait till my phone call in the morning xXx:happydance:

Hockey24- how are you have you started your cycle yet??

Welcome to you too Tiffttc!!! Crossing my fingers and toes for you. Can't wait to hear the news.

hey guys
Just waiting on AF to arrive either tomorrow or thursday.
Starting ICSI then...nervous but excited....what a mix of emotions.

Good luck to all xx

Sounds like the ball will be rolling here soon. The emotions with this are like a roller coaster!!

hello girls! :hi::hugs:

how is everyone doing?:flower:

drsquid: why would the doctor say that about your eggs? don't worry, you'll do fine! :hugs: good luck on Wednesday!

AFM, the doctors wants me to be on BC for 21 days starting today and I have another baseline sono on July 5th. Hopefully the cyst is gone then! All I have to do then is wait...:coffee:

BCP is not a bad option at all and you'll have that much more time to prepare. I'm glad you didn't need surgery :thumbup:

Drsquid, I missed the thing about court too, what's going on? I read your post about not wanting to scan your brain because of the work you do and it made me laugh so thanks for the chuckle :flower: My mom worked for a nerurologist for 25 years and she refused as well.

AFM, E2 is now at 203 so it doubled since Sunday. I have one 10mm and one 9mm on the left side, a whole bunch of small ones on the right side. I'm staying at my same low dose. Today's blood draw was AWFUL. Mid day I wanted to cry. :cry: I have a big bruise and red mark in the crook of my arm and it hurts. Work was frustrating too, I just wanted to be left alone. My lupron trigger arrived today and I have to say Alexander's Pharmacy did a pretty good job on top of being the cheapest I called for it. Only $60 for two shots and everywhere else I called was $200 and up. I'm still not quite sure ER will be next Tuesday but we'll see I guess.
noasaint - Glad you got a good deal on your trigger! My meds are supposed to arrive tomorrow. Weird that I am excited about that. Hubby had a bit of a panic attack when he saw the price of the charge come through...can't imagine how he'd feel if insurance wasn't covering some of it! Crazy how expensive it us just for us to try and get pregnant!
wanna- cause he is super negative about age... but im actually ok with it.. makes me more positive cause im the argumentative type

noasaint- medical malpractice caase.. been dragging on for years and finally started this am.. picked a jury. omg most boring thing ever
Wanna b a mom- I go in tomorrow morning for my it's US since starting the stims. I'm excited to see how everything is going. My ovaries were hurting or a couple of hours yesterday which was uncomfortable but nice to know something was going on in there.
Hey girls just thought id pop in for a update so..........the embryo person rang me this morning and she told me that all 6 embryos are still dividing as they should be so she is looking to do a day5 ET so it can be a blast and since i still am felling ok and dont have any syptoms of OHSS so far hopefully i will have something still to frezze by day5 she said that before they do ET she wants me to have a scan to see is ther any fluid around my ovaries and if i get the all clear then ET will be able to be done my fingers and toes are crossed i really hope i can get it done

girls this might sound really crazy but i want yer opinion i have being weighing myself since EC and the day after EC i was weighing 9st 10lbs today i weighed myself again and iam 9st 9lbs so if i was getting OHSS and my belly was bloating and i weigh heavier right??? what do ye think??? iam just really afraid iam going to get it
hi tiff

hiya u wud of put weight on hun, i had real bad ohss, i looked about 4-5 months pregnant i woz huge, i normally only weigh just under 8(only a little short arse) i must of easliy put on bout 6lbs mine kicked in about 6 hours after ec then i woz bad for bout 5 days hence why they didnt transfer.

hope u get bfp lots of luck
hi tiff

hiya u wud of put weight on hun, i had real bad ohss, i looked about 4-5 months pregnant i woz huge, i normally only weigh just under 8(only a little short arse) i must of easliy put on bout 6lbs mine kicked in about 6 hours after ec then i woz bad for bout 5 days hence why they didnt transfer.

hope u get bfp lots of luck

babyhope2011- thank you for your post it makes me feel so much better iam on day 2 after EC so hopefully it will continue to stay good i actully think iam to heavy for my height iam only 5ft 3inches i was always between 8st to 8st 7lbs and that suited me but since this ttc my weight has kind gone outta control but hopefully i will get my bfp soon so i can use that as an excuse :haha: and when i have the baby i can go on a diet and start running again i miss that
how is your frozen cycle going?? when is your ET i think there is not much time between us so hopefully we will both get our BFP round the same time :dust: to you
had my egg retrieval today. went with a friend who is going to the same ivf doctor and his eyes nearly bugged out of his head when he saw us both (he knows we are friends but..) he saw her first and looked quite confused. all went smoothly. got 13 eggs, and 12 were mature so.. yay. already bummed about my 1 sad immature egg even though that is silly. tomorrow i find out how many fertilized (and i know i have to be ready to lose a bunch). of course doc for some reason decided to talk to me when i was still hammered. all i caught was 13 and had to call him later for more details. nurse said he looked really happy with the results (which is nice from dr doom and gloom)
Thats great drsquid! 12 is a really good number! I can't wait for your update tomorrow!
had my egg retrieval today. went with a friend who is going to the same ivf doctor and his eyes nearly bugged out of his head when he saw us both (he knows we are friends but..) he saw her first and looked quite confused. all went smoothly. got 13 eggs, and 12 were mature so.. yay. already bummed about my 1 sad immature egg even though that is silly. tomorrow i find out how many fertilized (and i know i have to be ready to lose a bunch). of course doc for some reason decided to talk to me when i was still hammered. all i caught was 13 and had to call him later for more details. nurse said he looked really happy with the results (which is nice from dr doom and gloom)

:happydance::happydance::happydance: best of luck!!
Hi tiff ur not heavy 4 ur height silly,I'm 5 ft my weight normally is 7s 9 but since i started this I have stayed around 8s 2 but wen I had ohss god it woz awful, I have a scan on 19th so finger crossed if all ok Im hoping 4 a 5 day transfer but I'm really nervous coz they froze them on day 1, I think they r thawing them all & hoping 2 get sum 2 freeze, I'm finding the fet so much beta than fresh it's less stressful. I really hope we get our bfp, do u know et date yet?? X
drsquid - That is a great number. Keeping my fingers crossed for you for fertilization!

Had my baseline tests today and all is well. I'll be starting stims on Saturday. My meds were delivered today and I'll be on 112.5IU Gonal f and 75IU menopur to start. What doses is everyone else on? I forget. The needles already freak me out :wacko: I'm just gonna ice my tummy close my eyes and get through it. I'm also missing my trigger so....that is pretty important. Left a message for the nurse tonight to figure out where it was left out, prescription or pharmacy.
raelynn, it is so great to hear everything went well with the baseline!! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

I was on for 187 but now I am going to start @ 220 of the Gonal F (I think it is 220.. I have to check again, they switched becasue the doctor thought after BC for 21 days it may take more medicine to make my ovaries react.) but I am not on menopur.

Icing sounds like a good idea :thumbup:... I would do that too. And don't think too much about it, just go for it, I think it's better that way (shots also scare me :wacko:... and I know, it is easier said than done) good luck!!
question ladies:

I read somewhere that you are supposed to rotate the areas where you inject the Gonal F: one day in the tummy, one day in the arm, one day in the leg. My doctor only told me either leg or tummy. What have you guys heard? I'll look for the link where I read it (or was it a video) and post it.

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