Looking for March Bump Buddies!

Chrissy05 yes it's a huge relief! He was really upset because he wasn't sure if he'd be able to be there for the delivery if he had to be over the road which of course made me a little nervous. It's definitely exciting and baffling how time flies we are all getting so close!

Bellarose I'm so sorry to hear that, me and my tummy still haven't made up yet :(

Allforthegirl oh dear :( is it just hormones and emotional or is something wrong? Either way here for you :hugs:
Btw ladies next Saturday September 26 DH and I get to find out what our LO is!! We are soo excited
Btw ladies next Saturday September 26 DH and I get to find out what our LO is!! We are soo excited

That is very exciting!! We go on the 2nd to find out what we are having!! Do you have any feelings?

Nothing is going on to make me like this other than just being pg. Pretty much anything can set me off, happy things (like watching people run a marathon with their kids), stupid things (like someone saying something at work that wouldn't bother me before, such thin skin), oh and when my kids school was on partial lockdown (stupid threat being made to a school, all schools city wide were locked) I was a blubbering mess. I was crying so dang hard, and then when we got the call they were safe, I cried even more!:blush: Even this morning I just want to cry.....Don't know about what just cry.
I would have been a wreck about a lockdown too, hun. :hugs:

I've been a crybaby too. Cried myself to work today actually... when I dropped off DD at daycare, her normal teacher wasn't there (I knew she would be out today and tomorrow because of her sister's wedding). Unfortunately, DD wasn't happy to be dropped off. I settled her down at the breakfast table, but as I walked out and peeked in the window (as usual) to blow her kisses and wave, she just crumpled into tears. And the part that killed me?? NOBODY WENT TO TEND TO HER. There were two other teachers in the room - one on the carpet playing with kiddos, and one who was standing at the counter sorting out the lunches. Neither one of them went to her. I was SO MAD. I just got in my car and started crying. I considered complaining or going back in & asking one of them to grab her, but honestly - since they're not her normal teacher, it probably wouldn't have helped. It just made me upset that they didn't even TRY. :cry:
Awe that would be hard. Maybe they just didn't hear her right away. I am sure that someone would have attended to her as soon as they noticed. So hard. I would have been upset too.
Awe that would be hard. Maybe they just didn't hear her right away. I am sure that someone would have attended to her as soon as they noticed. So hard. I would have been upset too.

Well, the part I forgot to mention is that as I was about to walk out, I said loudly to the teachers, "She's about to C-R-Y" and the teacher responded "Ok!"

..... :grr: If you heard me, why didn't you go get my kid?? :growlmad: And, of course, DH is picking up today because I have to work late due to "parents' night" at my school. I'm just exhausted & want to go home & hold my baby girl :nope: Sorry. Rant over.
I'm right there with you ladies on being a cry baby :blush:

I won't admit it to DH or anyone else though, whenever he says "oh youre just upset about this because you're pregnant normally it wouldn't faze you" I always say something like "no you're wrong I would be pissed about it even if I wasn't pregnant" I blow things out of proportion ....but only sometimes though :haha:
Allforthegirl i have a feeling it's a boy, I'm not sure if that's because we're hoping for a boy but I have a really strong feeling and I would be totally surprised if it wasn't. Do you have any feelings?

So sorry to hear everyone is crying so much :( I get teary with commercials and all :haha:

Bellarose sorry to hear about the incident with your baby girl, did you stick around for a few and still no one tended to her? Or did you maybe walk away right when someone could've possibly came over and comforted her?

I had a dream (or night mare) last night that took place after the birth and I could NOT get baby to take to the breast and it was so frustrating and I woke up worried :haha:
Destiny at times I have a very strong feeling it's a girl, but I haven't been right all the time in the past so I'm trying not to get too excited. :haha:
Allforthegirl have you noticed anything different from your other pregnancies? I've got my fingers crossed for you!

AFM really bummed because I've only gained half a pound since I've seen my midwife and I don't want her to be upset with me. I'm trying my best to gain the 4-6 pounds but it's just not happening and I see her on the 29th :( help
Allforthegirl have you noticed anything different from your other pregnancies? I've got my fingers crossed for you!

AFM really bummed because I've only gained half a pound since I've seen my midwife and I don't want her to be upset with me. I'm trying my best to gain the 4-6 pounds but it's just not happening and I see her on the 29th :( help

There are some differences but all my pg were a tiny bit different...so it is hard to say for sure. What gets me thinking that I have a girl is that I have always thought since I was very little that I was going to have a girl. Call it weird, intuition, or whatever, but always thought once she would be here I would feel more complete. I always felt something was missing. So what gets me thinking it is her (or her soul for that matter) is that I feel complete. :flower:

Sorry if this offends you as that is not my intention, but were you a bit over weight prior to being pg? Because that could be the reason......I have only gain 2-4 since too.....but I went into it a but over what I should be....more like almost what I was at the end of my last :haha: oops.

How is everyone else feeling?

I am still battling heartburn/indigestion and it wrecking havoc on me. Hopefully it doesn't last too much longer....if it does then I guess I am just going to have to learn to eat where I don't continue to get sick.
Allforthegirl aww well I'm rooting for your girl! Not offended at all, I wasn't overweight I was about 120 at 5'5" and now I'm 107.5 which is underweight for my height for a non pregnant person which freaks me out :/ I hope your heartburn settles :(
Allforthegirl aww well I'm rooting for your girl! Not offended at all, I wasn't overweight I was about 120 at 5'5" and now I'm 107.5 which is underweight for my height for a non pregnant person which freaks me out :/ I hope your heartburn settles :(

Oh yeah, that sounds like baby is taking from you a bit. Are you sure there is only one in there?
Allforthegirl from what we saw at my 10 week scan yes unless the second one was hiding! I guess we will find out on Saturday when we get our gender scan, hopefully it's not a twin reveal as well :haha:
oh well if you already had one I am sure that there is only one. It is pretty hard these days to miss the second.

You may just have to eat more high caloric meals. Go nuts on ice cream. Just sounds like you are very efficient in giving baby nutrients. So if I was you ..... GO TO TOWN!!
Destiny, have you tried healthy high fat foods? Avocados, whole milk/whole fat plain yogurt, nuts & nut butters, etc?
Allforthegirl cool now I have an excuse to have it out on ice cream :haha:

Bellarosa I was eating cereal with whole milk in the morning but milk has not been agreeing with me at all. Nuts I've been eating though I could be eating more of them, not so much nut butters so I'll have to start back up with my apples and peanut butter. All I know is I need to do something!
Oh wow, gender reveal already! Very exciting time for you Destinyk!

I too have lost weird since the beginning, but seeing as I was clearly on the overweight side before hand, my doctor is very quite pleased with the progression.

I had my second ultrasound today, since at the first one they pushed my dates back a week and told me it was too early to do the NT scan since baby was not cooperating. Anyway, fast forward 2 weeks and this time baby cooperated wonderfully. Baby's size confirmed the new EDD of March 30th (instead of the 23rd as we thought it was based on my ovulation date). So I guess it really was a late implantation that caused the delay, because I stand by my ovulation date. But at least now I'm not bummed out about being pushed back a week because I still feel like I'm moving ahead instead of backwards. And seeing baby grow so much in a short while was a huge reassurance.

For the curious, here is baby at 13+1. Baby measured 6.9cm, had a heartbeat of 156, and NT measurement of 1.6mm (which I'm told is very good). I'm a proud FTM to be!


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