Looking for March Bump Buddies!

I think more consistent movement. We were able to see the movements from the outside this weekend.
Sarah yes! Most of the movements felt like they were in my pelvis before and now it seems to be moving upward. I also noticed that I feel less movements like it's not frequently throughout the day so much anymore but when she does move its for quite a while at a time.
Sarah, I'm feeling stronger movements that can actually be seen/felt from the outside. I can tell when my bladder is fuller, he's kicking/moving higher up, and at othertimes, I still feel him way down in my pelvis. He's especially active at night - when I get into bed, and in the morning, when I first wake up. In the mornings, he's pushed way up under my belly button and even sticking out of my belly a little bit. It's kinda crazy!

Do you have a concern you want to share with us?? You okay?
Its just that some days my little boy doesn't seem to move as much as others. For example I didn't feel I'm at all yesterday until bed time ad then today I felt him most of the day on and off. His movements are different every day, some days he's sleepy some he's very active :shrug:
I am having the same thing happen to me. He is really active one day or a few days in a row and then out of nowhere he seems to not be there....I am sure he is just tucked in a place I can't feel him as well.
I've heard that's pretty normal. It was like that for me for a while, but now he's getting more regular in his movements. If you're worried, call your doctor/midwife - it's what they're there for. But in the meantime, know that happens to many women :hugs:
Sarah I wouldn't worry too much. Lately Adrianas been the same, today she was super active all day but the past few days she's been rather quiet. For peace of mind though I'd call doc or MW :)
Here is a great back stretch/abdominal exercise MW gave me at the last appt.

Hope everyone has a great weekend! How are all you ladies doing?

Holidays are stressful but I never thought I would be seriously contemplating becoming a single mother so early on in my motherhood journey! Feeling sad but little Zodi in there gives me a nice kick whenever my mind starts to drift. I love this baby so much! They are the only thing that keeps me going sometimes.


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Daisy thanks for sharing, I believe that's cats breath? Sorry you are feeling stressed and I hope everything works out for you. Please feel free to talk about it if you need too, here for you :hugs:
If you do yoga you will recognize it as cat pose in the cat/cow sequence. It feels great!

Thank you dear there is just not much to say right now? Just some petty crap between OH and his parents and OH wants to keep straddling an insincere relationship with his parents (who treat him like he's 13 still) that doesn't include me (whom they've made perfectly clear how little they care for/respect). It's just a cycle of coming to them asking them to recognize their hurtful behavior, them defending their behavior and never acknowledging the hurtfulness behind it, then OH wants to go over for dinner and be the good son and criticizes me when I've finally put my foot down!
I just want to be acknowledged as a human being who has feelings! I don't really give a shit why his parents did what they did, I don't want to hear their reasoning and defense, I just want acknowledgement that they hurt me. But OH wants to call me begrudging and "holding on". No it's refusing to be part of this fucked cycle.

Not going to be part of the cycle anymore, it is unhealthy and emotionally stressful and if he wants to be part of the cycle, he can count me and Zodi out. It just DOES not work. So right now I'm at my mom's house and I haven't spoken to OH since we were screaming and yelling at each other yesterday morning. Happy Thanksgiving?

It's not as bad as it sounds. Not angry, not sad, just exhausted from this crap.
:hugs: Daisy! Hopefully things will calm down for you & you can work it out with your OH!

As for that pose - that's exactly what I do when my back is bothering me! :)
Daisy I can completely understand what your going through DHs mother is a NIGHTMARE. We moved to north Florida 3 hours away from her and we couldn't be happier, unfortunately that means I am 3 hours away from my family as well luckily my mom is already working on moving up here. We are driving down to spend thanksgiving weekend with my family and his are not to even know we are in town. It sounds bad but they thrive on everyone else's misery and we just want no part of it. For our first year of dating DH and I fought A LOT over his family and finally one day he told me they will never be normal, you will never have a relationship with them so just stop and I did and we've been much happier together. I so badly wanted a relationship with them and now I have nothing to say to them, his mom in particular his step dad is not so horrible. Don't get me wrong when we are in person I am not rude to her though she can be disrespectful and make nasty remarks but I choose to kill her with kindness and not give her the pleasure of seeing me upset over whatever it is she did/said. I hope you and DH can work through this don't let them tear you apart, you'd be giving them exactly what they want hang in there! You know the saying a daughter is a daughter for life a son is a son until he takes a wife, he will come around!
My back isn't bothering me but my hips and legs are cramping up a storm. I wish there was something to ease that but there really isn't. :sad1:

I am sad to hear that you and DH aren't meshing right now. My DH doesn't really say anything when my feelings are hurt by what his rents say to me, but in his mind he thinks that is standing up for me....When in reality to me that just is as bad as agreeing. I hope that something can be worked out between the two of you.
Ladies, thanks for all your support. Don't really have any friends near me or ones that I keep in contact with regularly. Being 19 years old many of them just gravitate away from me because I'm domesticated pretty much.

A big part of me wants to TRY to make it work with his parents but I just see my past self tugging at my coat saying "are you fucking kidding me? Has anything really changed?" Our living situation has put us each at our parents' house. It seems like OH is resentful of the fact that I'm not willing to try living under his parents' roof again when there's been no indication I won't be treated like crap. Even if I'm not, the psychological toll of constantly worrying and wondering if what I'm doing is going to be ridiculed or criticized is not worth it to me.

Even if they weren't to be miraculously enlightened to their volatile being-ness, if they just showed SOME initiative to the mother of their grandchild directly? I would be blown away. Something as simple as calling OH and asking to speak with me to ask me how I'm doing. Or writing a note to pass on to me, because OH sees them often enough. Or even a verbal message that starts with something like "Make sure you tell Taylor that......"
Nothing. They talk about me to OH like an abstract concept that has no physical manifestation and that's good enough for OH! I gotta hear about how great they are now because they've asked when my birthday is. BFD.
There doesn't seem to be a willingness to extend their interest where they know I can reach it. No they don't have my # or email but they know where we live, they know we are together and they don't try like at all.

OH wants to argue with me because he is the one that keeps going over there and initiating with them, the way he always does, the way they EXPECT him too. And I won't be a part of it. He can be a good son all by him-fucking-self. He can act like and be treated like a 13 y/o. I'm having this baby. It's up to him if he wants to man up and take care of the family he's created instead of salvaging the pieces of two people who can't even recognize the important things in their only living child's life.

Sorry to blow up this whole page again. It's just a crock of shit and I'm sure my mom has heard enough from me about how I feel.

Hope every one is doing better and prepping for the holidaze
Daisy I understand completely my MIL doesn't give a rats ass how I'm doing either but then again she hardly cares about anyone besides herself. I try not to take it personally. Hope this doesn't cause you too much stress and feel free to vent.
Well any time we talk on the phone it just goes to crap. It feels so stupid to try to work it out when I am just criticized for many of the pregnancy things I can't really help right now. Feel so misunderstood by him; usually he is my best friend.

His parents I couldn't care less about but now he is with them in our home town and I'm two hrs away at my mom's while we find a new place to live. I really just can't stand to be around their manipulative duplicitous behavior.
Never have felt more contempt and disgust for a human than them and if you knew me you'd know that's just not in my personality to harbor negative feelings towards many people.

What must be will be. Going to try to take things one day at a time. If OH comes to visit this weekend maybe we can talk it out. :flow:
DaisyDreamer is your OH the same age as you are? I know in my previous marriage that his family was a bit weirded out about our age difference, and made comments....and then at his funeral I was his "estranged" wife because we were separated....even though we were great friends and I knew more about his life than they did..... In laws are tough regardless. I talked about my current ones and I have trouble with them too.....then again I have my own troubles with my family so go figure. We can't choose our family's so we have to find a way to be at peace with what we have. We just can't give them the power to make us feel horrible about ourselves. We must rise above their pettiness and be a better person and allow their crap stay their crap.

With that being said we need a healthy place to talk about it too that doesn't affect them energetically or karmically.
Yes he is 28 I turn 20 right after I give birth. Have always been the kind of person that just gets along better with adults, even as an 8 year old I wouldn't talk to kids my own age just their parents or older siblings. So I'm not too shocked to think it has something to do with it, along with many other years of convoluted and bitterness they were living before I came along.

Well all it really comes down to is if his parents are willing to give me a call directly, acknowledge me as a human then we can be together at their house while things work. But from the sounds of things (his father doesn't understand why he needs to b/c the last conversation we had he just criticized my choice to use their last name unwed and whether or not this pregnancy was planned--apparently that's respect?) I don't expect much.

Will be going up there today to get my cat, guitar, and a few art things. You ladies have been awesome. We will find a way to make it work but it feels like I have had to make a lot of sacrifices with his parents just in the last year only to get beat down by them time after time.
Yes sometimes it can be very very on sided. But you can only change yourself and hope that they will follow......eventually. <3
All in all I think time away to sort ourselves will do us some good!

In other news my hips have been okay but my neck is killing me :nope: baby has been super active today as usual, always a nice reminder when I can feel them. Have noticed the kicks are getting very forceful. Doesn't quite hurt yet but I think they knocked my spine yesterday AM.

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