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Have any of you ladies started worrying about Labour and birth? Because I have :wacko:
I have started thinking about it, but not worrying at all. Then again this is my sixth time going at it :haha: I know that they are going to worry about me and my chance of haemorrhage but I am not. All the reading I have done about them just because you had one doesn't mean you will have another....plus this last time I haemorrhaged because of a post DNC. So if they didn't do the DNC I would have been fine.
FTM and am a little scared. But recently had a deep spiritual experience while meditating and all the apprehension and fear about labor has been removed. Used to worry about the pain but now I just don't even see it as a painful experience!

It's going to be so sensational to give birth, I'm really looking forward to the moment where my body does the most beautiful and natural thing that could ever happen in nature <3

Hope you start to feel better about your labor SarahLou!!
Have any of you ladies started worrying about Labour and birth? Because I have :wacko:

YES! Every.single.day. :cry: I'm such a baby when it comes to pain & I just don't want to go through the contractions/pushing again. As it gets closer and closer, I get more and more worried (which also can't be good for staying calm through a natural/unmedicated birth, which is what I'm planning).

Last time around was also natural/unmedicated for me... and at the beginning of this pregnancy, I felt more empowered, like "I can do this... this time I will try x,y, & z, which should help, etc." But now as time until labor dwindles, I just keep remembering the bad parts of labor and freaking :nope:

Maybe I'll start to feel better once I check some more books out of the library and finish watching the Ina May series I was watching on YouTube.
:hugs: Bella it must be hard not to worry after having a bad experience with labor before!!! Just try to remember that every pregnancy is different including every labor. So just because last time wasn't great doesn't mean you won't have a lovely experience this time around! A friend of mine had said her last child out of her five was the best birth she had and it was in a tub at a center unmedicated. So don't count yourself out yet and definitely keep looking into different methods that can help you feel more comfortable and confident about yourself!

Your body is doing an amazing natural thing, just have to let it take its course. Which can be a lot easier said than done once the contractions start I imagine :haha:
I've started thinking about it, seems like it's coming so quickly! Sometimes I get a wave of nervousness but overall I feel positively about it, I know at the end of this experience we will have our daughter and I just keep thinking to myself my body was designed to do this.
Destiny that's what I do too. Just gotta remember this is totally natural!

How is everyone feeling? Hope we all had a good weekend. Holidays are keeping everyone busy though! Have been out shopping in preparation the past few days. Wish I could just take the rest of the week to be in bed cuddled up with OH.
Hips are sore.....and I am getting some baking done. Tomorrow I will get even more done!! My freezer is going to be full and I am going to be rolly-polly
I do keep thinking about it... But its strange not knowing what to expect or anything :dohh::wacko:
I do keep thinking about it... But its strange not knowing what to expect or anything :dohh::wacko:

Sarah are there any birthing classes that you can take? They are really useful in explaining what to expect when you go into labor, how to tell if it's false labor or true labor. They even cover things like infant care, CPR, emergency situations, etc. Depending on the one you go to.

Maybe talk to your midwife and they will be able to give you some handouts on classes you can take. Also discussing a birth plan that covers best case scenario and worst case scenario so you are in control no matter what and have as little of a traumatic experience as possible might help.
On the topic of classes, I took a birthing class and a breastfeeding class for my first baby. The breastfeeding class was SO valuable! I highly recommend taking one if you're planning on breastfeeding.

I really enjoyed the birthing class as well. It went over the different kinds of births, different options for pain management, c sections, and even instruments used to help with birthing.

I felt the breastfeeding class was actually MORE valuable than the birthing class, but both were worth it to me.
Bella, I have looked into some handouts on breastfeeding from the WIC office here in WA (not sure if they have it there on the east coast). What kinds of topics do they cover in the classes?
The class I went to had a ton of handouts on everything from the variations of what "normal" (breastfed) poopy diapers should look like, to pumping when back to work, to mastitis, etc. Each topic was covered briefly. We watched some videos on latch. We practiced the various holds with dolls. I think most valuable to me was learning how to hold my baby's head and my breast the correct way to compress my breast in that "sandwich" hold in order to enable baby to get a nice deep latch.
My midwife offers a birthing class which I will be taking and she's also a breast feeding consultant. I was also given a handout from WIC which I may be looking into for breastfeeding.
My MW is a lactation consultant as well (one of the two that I see), and so is the lady I see at the WIC office. Definitely want to learn as much as I can to increase my success rate at breast feeding.

Is it a one-time class that's a few hours long or multiple sessions?
If you haven't already looked into it, the best advise I have had is baby led bf. So please please watch videos or whatever. but for me, someone that has had constant pain regardless of baby positioned at breast (it is a condition called Reynauds syndrome), baby led bfing helped so so so much!!
Ok so I am in so much trouble....my hips are already so angry and now I can add rib pain to my list too. Rib pain is usually a problem in 3rd trimester....I'm not quite there yet....Oh and 3rd trimester sleepiness is starting already.... :sad1:
Ok so I am in so much trouble....my hips are already so angry and now I can add rib pain to my list too. Rib pain is usually a problem in 3rd trimester....I'm not quite there yet....Oh and 3rd trimester sleepiness is starting already.... :sad1:

Sorry about how you feel. I can barely keep my eyes open at work these days too.
Ok so I am in so much trouble....my hips are already so angry and now I can add rib pain to my list too. Rib pain is usually a problem in 3rd trimester....I'm not quite there yet....Oh and 3rd trimester sleepiness is starting already.... :sad1:

Sorry about how you feel. I can barely keep my eyes open at work these days too.

i am so glad you said this.....I thought I was alone.:cry:

I had the worst sleep the last two nights .... I was hoping it was just the one night but nope last night too. My back is just not happy while sleeping. I guess I am just going to have to toughen up because there is nothing I really can do about it.... Sorry for my pitty party over here.

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