Looking for March Bump Buddies!

Destiny, I too have been munching on Cap'n Crunch. I try to opt for Honey Nut Cheerios if the craving strikes too often lol. But capn crunch is so damn good! I think the MW I prefer will be delivering my baby--vaguely recall hearing that at our first appt, so that's good! She is the one to take my calls if I have any concerns too. So that makes me feel better about it.

I am so tired this evening! Hopefully I will catch up on some much needed sleep
The 3rd Tri tiredness has finally hit me. All day yesterday I felt like I could just crawl into bed and not move. I am sure that I wouldn't sleep as my brain is still awake but my body sure isn't.

I may not be eating sugary cereal but I love sweet things for sure. I crave cake or cupcakes....which I may just have to make today :rofl: Mmm chocolate cupcakes....

As for movements I can see my belly move but I don't always feel it like I was. It is very strange. Though my belly does get tender, very tender from him stretching out in a sideways manor. Also noticed a different feeling in my lady bits and hips. Seems that his new comfy spot is putting pressure on them instead of my back. :shrug:
Chocolate cupcakes sounds delicious! Damn you, as if I'm not craving enough junk food :haha: :blush:
Sorry to hear about the fatigue! 31 weeks pretty much on the nose huh? That seems to be when it hits most women. I am still tired and not sleeping well but dealing with it.
I know what you mean about the stretching to one side. It doesn't hurt me so much as it is entertaining to see Zodi's little bum sticking way out and feeling their little feet prod me. I think they are really low because I will feel kicks at my navel and below !
They like to rest their head pretty much smack on a round ligament, of course THAT is where they find it most comfortable. I can feel their head in my pelvis already. It's like they can't wait to get out of there!
My back is hurting though quite a bit from straining on the low weight of my bump. It's really hard for me to not arch my back and correct my posture. I just end up sitting down and flexing my butt muscles to pull my sacro-iliac joints back into place.
Daisy it sounds like your LO may be posterior as why you are having a bit more back ache. I was having a lot before he moved. So I feel you with the back pain. Oh and when they are really engaged it is very funny to feel their hiccups giggling your cervix and lady bits :haha:
YES to the sugary cereals! I'm always a fan of cereal as a snack. I try to stick to Flax Plus Pumpkin Granola - which I really do crave (maybe because of the milk???) but here and there have worked in a box of Frosted Mini Wheats, Honey Nut Cheerios, and one of my favorites - Fruity Pebbles :haha: I swear, I'm on a new cereal each week! It's my go-to late night snack :D
Was going to write more on my last post, but was interrupted.... so to continue....

I am also very tired & having more and more trouble sleeping. I wake in the middle of the night (usually not my own fault - for example, last night my dog woke up my DH. So my DH got up to use the bathroom, which woke me. Cue next 2 hours of me lying awake thinking of labor & the books about natural childbirth that I still need to finish reading...) So, since I'm not sleeping well at night, I'm really tired during the day.

Crotch pain was amplified yesterday. Stopped me dead in my tracks at work. Felt like I had a knife in the area. Saw the midwife last night & was told to try and keep my legs together as much as possible (don't take huge steps, legs together to get in and out of the car or bed, legs together as I roll over in bed, etc). Unfortunately, I'm in bed last night, trying to get to sleep, & I had to decide between legs together to help with the crotch pain, or legs apart to make me comfortable for sleeping. Legs together is NOT comfy for sleeping for me, unfortunately. I usually hike one leg up over my pregnancy pillow, and leave the other straight. (I'm a former belly sleeper & this is the closest I can get to mimic it). I honestly don't even know how/in what position I finally fell asleep.

As for the appointment itself, I'm measuring at 30.5 weeks, HB is 140, & Jacob is head-down. I was told that at this point, he most likely will not move from that position. Since my previous labor was 5 hours from start to finish (teeniest little period type cramp to delivery) that this time, I will most likely be about half that amount of time - 2.5 hours! Eek! Good and bad news - quick labor is great.... as long as I get to the hospital on time! I just don't want a car birth!
Honey bunches of oats are also amazing too ladies!

Allforthegirl I'm not huge on chocolate but I could so eat a strawberry shortcake or cheesecake right now :haha: oh or blueberry muffins I LOVE those!

Bella short labor a are definitely good I would say! But your right I wouldn't want a car birth either. We're you the one who had something not so good happen during delivery? If so would you mind sharing a little about it?

My mom is throwing a small baby shower for me this Sunday. It'll only be her, my grandma, possibly my brother and DHs grandparents. It'll definitely be small but it's a celebration of our coming little one nonetheless. We're picking up the paint to do her crib and dresser this Saturday, this is gonna be fun :)
Hello ladies. I've not posted in a while, my apologies. it's good to know we're all doing well asides the normal complaints.

I wake up every two hours to pee even when I don't take much water but I'm usually able to go right back to sleep. That doesn't stop me from feeling sleepy during the day though.

It feels like my LO does more of squirming and moving around than actual kicks but I'm still able to get 10 kicks in two hours so that's fine. She seems to always have a part of her body at the right ligaments which makes it pretty uncomfortable for me.

Lastly, I'm a little worried. I had a growth scan yesterday and was told she's quite big for her age. The usual weight at this point is between 1.5 and 2kg but she's measuring 2.3kg. Is there anything I can do to control her weight. I have gained about 15kg myself.
Blessedheart I wouldn't say cut down your eating especially if you're eating when your truly hungry but maybe if your snacking on or eating higher calorie foods cut that down a little bit? Other than that I would say not to worry to much about it. Everyone and every baby is different .
Blessed, I've heard of so many doctors being off with the weight estimate... 2.3 is so close to 2, I really wouldn't worry if you can help it. And unless the dr/midwife specifically tells you to change something about what you're doing/emanating, I'd carry on. Remember also - when baby comes out, it's no the weight that matters, it's more so the head circumference! <3
Destiny, yes, that was me.... Ok. Here's my DD's birth story. Trigger warning for those who only want to hear happy birth stories! Mine was complicated.

I was trying to work 2 days past my due date, because of insurance reasons. I worked on my due date, worked a full day, & everything was fairly normal, except I remover feeling kinda off that day & said so to several coworkers ("I feel funny"). When I got home around 4 PM, I had a little pink discharge, but that's all I noticed. My first period cramp like mild contraction was at 6 PM. I don't remember much about the times after that, but before I knew it, contractions pretty much were on top of each other. Called my midwife bc I had been instructed to wait til they were 3-5 mins apart before going in. Was told to stay home despite contractions being so close together that I couldn't figure out when one ended & the next began... Because it was my first & midwife said I had a long night ahead of me. Was told to get in the shower for pain management. Did that, got out to dry heave into toilet. Finally decided screw it, we're going to the hospital.

Longest 15 min ride of my life, because all I wanted to do was walk around & sitting in the car was excruciating. DH dropped me off at the maternity ward door (where I puked on the ground) & drove away to park. What a joke - it was after hours & the door turned out to be locked. I literally put my hand on the door and asked it to please open in a pitiful way (funny looking back on it, not so funny in the moment). Then I hobbled off waving my hands around to try & find DH. Finally got back in the car as we drove around trying to find the emergency entrance. Waited for what felt like forever for a nurse to WALK all the way from the maternity ward to come get me & WALJ me all the way back. Felt like the longest walk of my life. By this time, I had decided screw the natural birth, I wanted an epidural.

So I finally get to the maternity ward, they have me try to use the bathroom, (couldn't) hook me up to the fetal monitoring thing, get on the bed & check me. I'm 9 cm dilated. I'm told no time for an epidural. I'm pretty sure I cried. Told them I couldn't do it. Was hooked up to an IV & told if the liquid got into me fast enough I could have an epidural. So i stood in front of the IV, willing it to get into my veins faster. Kept my legs closed (bad idea - learned later I could have hurt my DD - def don't do this!) finally told my midwife I thought I was holding my DD in. She didn't believe me, but checked my cervix anyway. I was fully dilated & ready to push.

Pushing was a relief!!! Mad at myself for waiting so darn long & holding off from doing it! Body pretty much took over for me, very instinctual. Not sure how to w long I pushed for, but she was out at 11:54 PM.

Now for the complications.... Midwife took 45 mins to stitch me up. Felt like I had a knife in my rectum. Would tell midwife & she'd reach her arm up into my uterus, & pull out blood clots, etc. worse pain than labor while she did that. While I didn't swear in labor, I swore when she did that & grabbed her arm. She did it twice more - the pain would build, she'd pull stuff out, I'd feel better. Then it would build again. She called in the on-call ob from my practice. They determined I had a hematoma under my stitches. They put me out & did vaginal surgery & redid my stitches while I was under. Unfortunately missed out on showing DD off to my family, who was in the waiting room. Missed out on telling them she was a girl (we were team yellow). Really crappy time. The next day my blood counts & iron were so low I needed 2 blood transfusions. I wasn't allowed to get up & hold my daughter. I had to be sitting or lying in bed. I needed to be walked to the bathroom & watched so i wouldn't fall. Recovery down under was so awful & painful, I remember thinking it was worse than labor & wondered why nobody told me postpartum recovery was so bad. (Was told by many people there later that it's usually not quite that bad).

Then, at my 6 week checkup, when I'm finally starting to feel a little bit better down there, the midwife used silver nitrate on me because she said I had some granular tissue. (I had no idea what she was talking about or what she was about to do to me. It was awful. It burned and bled like crazy after she did that for a couple of days). Between the birth with this particular midwife & the after care, I was basically terrified of her after all of this.

Meanwhile, I had also developed a weird issue with my left foot. I discovered I couldn't flex my toes up toward my knee. & I had pain up & down that leg. Doctors tried to say it was probably due to my epidural - but I was quick to say I had an unmedicated/natural birth! (And this is another reason why I want to have another unmedicated birth this time around - I don't want to mess with my back &/or have doctors attribute any issues to an epidural). Anyway, very quickly started going downhill from there. When I walked, my left foot would drag/limp along. I actually fell while holding my daughter because of that. It was bad. Saw a neurologist, was sent for an MRI & was told it was the worst bulging disc he had ever seen in my back & id certainly need surgery. So I'm sent to a neurosurgeon, but the closest appointment they had was a month away. At the time that wait was awful, but now I'm thankful for it, because my foot had mostly resolved itself by the time I got in to that doctor (probably because I lost a lot of my pregnancy weight by then) & I was no longer in pain. They have me on "watch" there now - said despite my horrible back, they wouldn't perform surgery on someone who wasn't in pain.

So. There's my whole story. :haha: sorry you asked?? :D
Destiny & Allforthegirl - cute bump pics!!! Here's mine from Tuesday at 30+1 :flower:


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funny thing....DH helped me trim up my mess around my lady bits :blush:, I cut myself trying :dohh:. Anyways sorry for the TMI....but I was laying on my back and my belly almost completely disappeared!! LIKE WHAT?!? Any of your belly's do that? In previous pg my belly usually stayed somewhat the same shape. :shock: It acted like a giant boob :haha::rofl:
Bella no I'm not sorry I asked I want to go into this with realistic expectations! Thank you for sharing and im sorry that happened to you, I pray that this time is much easier for you which I think it should be if you scrapped the midwife. How horrible! Did you ever get any red flags at all with her? Do you think it would've been a little differently if you weren't in a hospital or are you relieved you were at a hospital?
Allforthegirl yes that happens to me! It kinda freaks me out and then I think gee that must be doing WONDERS for my back so I reposition :haha:
Allforthegirl yes that happens to me! It kinda freaks me out and then I think gee that must be doing WONDERS for my back so I reposition :haha:

How freaking freaky!! Even laying on my side my belly will compact a bit and get narrower. I guess maybe as our babies get bigger the less and less that will happen....
funny thing....DH helped me trim up my mess around my lady bits :blush:, I cut myself trying :dohh:. Anyways sorry for the TMI....but I was laying on my back and my belly almost completely disappeared!! LIKE WHAT?!? Any of your belly's do that? In previous pg my belly usually stayed somewhat the same shape. :shock: It acted like a giant boob :haha::rofl:

YES! Mine does! I have a teeny bump when I lay on my back, comparatively speaking! :haha:

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