Cute bump pics everyone!
Bella, ouch! I sleep the same way too but it ends up hurting the ligaments in the back part of my hips. So I think I will have to give up that position for the time being. Holy crap about your quick labor!!!!! I was told I'd go in 2.5, I'd probably be rushing to the hospital at every little twinge past 36 weeks haha.
And wow to the birth story. yeah I remember you mentioning some complications due to tearing, but wow!!!! That would traumatize me right to the bone. Hopefully you have found a much better OB/MW
I plan on having OH deliver and cut the cord, but who knows, he just might get stagefright too! GL this go around with your hubby
Destiny, have fun at your baby shower! It sounds like it will be a lot of fun. Holy crap to your friend's birth story! OMG the way some people run their hospitals. Almost makes me glad to be at a birth center but I don't want to speak too soon as the experience is not over yet. That just sounds so horrible! At least she didn't have to go through all the in between paint though, she just slept through it!
Blessedheart, same thing about the movements--in the bath just now they were twitching and gently kicking away. I could feel their arms really low with my hands. It's so amazing! I do not have any experience with a baby measuring that much ahead! That doesn't mean they will be too large, their growth might slow down a bit at this point to even out. Don't cut back but maybe try to exercise more and stay mindful of what kind of food you're eating
AFTG: nice tattoo! What is it of? My bump disappears when I'm on my back, too. Was just in the bath and I could see my lady bits! Imagine that. Thinking it might have to do with whether baby is posterior but it seemed like Zodi was head down and sort of on the side--I felt their feet kicking under my ribs. OH is probably going to have to trim mine up again here soon. Just did it myself about 2 weeks ago, now it's grown again and I'm just too damn big. Probably didn't even do that great of a job last go around any how....
Very interesting birth story too! Wow I'm getting really nervous about tearing now and I hope the MW I prefer is on call when I go into labor.
AFM: I am pretty much just an emotional wreck right now. Haven't any sleep, OH picked a fight with me all night and just kept coming at me with shitty things to say. Cried and cried and cried. On 3 hrs sleep.. After packing up our storage unit and unloading it to the house and grocery shopping earlier that morning, also on 3 hrs sleep. Sorry, am I rambling?
I am just getting so tired. Even a sleep aid or benadryl doesn't help. Ladies have you ever felt just so down in the crapper like this? Like nothing that used to be my go-to feel goods don't work because of the belly or fatigue. Just feeling so crappy and low and OH has no idea how to help either so we're both so miserable the cat doesn't even want to be around this tension.