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Awe Daisy I'm sure it is all just from lack of sleep. I am way more emotional if I don't get sleep and lately just feels like I can't. Are you able to nap in the afternoon at all?
Sometimes but it is never restful. Always attached to the world around me through the sounds and lights and ugh. But I found a way to prop myself up that is a lot more comfortable than how I was sleeping before.
Was able to nap a little this afternoon before FIL came to wake me up to ask some silly stuff, and then tell me I should go take a walk after politely letting him know I have not been sleeping well. Can't wait to get out of here
Well we just found out yesterday that we are able to move into a house! So hopefully by the end of the week. Think also I am feeling incredibly anxious because we have 0 baby things. But getting that taken care of today :thumbup:
Having your place will be so nice.

You still have tons of time really to start baby-thing collecting. It really does start to feel real once you do have something though that is for sure. Enjoy your shopping!
Is it just me or does baby seem extra active these days? I can feel Zodi's head on my cervix all the time... It's kind of freaking me out! Granted I am sitting on the ball and Zodi seems to favor the left side face down now, which is good.

Other than that they are kicking or wiggling their hands a lot! Seems like it's almost constant. Suppose this is just another growth spurt?
Declan is stronger in his movements for sure. He also seems to be having longer stints of movements too. I do not feel his head low but I am carrying him very high, and his feet seem to give me pokes and such high right. I feel his fingers too at times it is funny to me.
Adrianna is definitely really active. She has grown quite fond of sticking her feet in my lower right hand ribs. She does this stretch where I can feel her butt in my left abdomen and then her feet prod into my ribs on the right, so fun (not really!). It's starting to get a tad uncomfortable, mainly when I'm laying on my right side and she decides to do that. I can imagine this will only get worse :haha: I do feel her head down low in my pubic area but I've been carrying her very low this whole time and I do think she does some exploring with her fingers because I feel weird tickly feelings down there sometimes.
Their movements can get very uncomfortable soon enough. Though the reason that my ribs are sore isn't from his feet but my uterus pushing them up and out. If I am sitting it is almost like he will kick above my ribs....it is kind of freaky.

I have an appt with my OB today, which means I get to see my little monkey again. Then this appt also starts the beginning of the two week appts. So exciting!
I think Zodi was definitely going through a growth spurt, because today they are pretty quiet. A few kicks and wiggles here and there, definitely more than 10 movements in 2 hrs (that's when MW told me to call; if there is less than that), but not as frequent as the past couple days. It seemed so constant, like they never slept!

Destiny, Definitely feeling little feet on the right side of my ribs. Zodi has been low this whole pregnancy too, I think they are already 3/5 engaged. I get a lot of kicks an inch or so above my navel on the right side and I will feel their butt and back pushing out as they kick! Am really beginning to think they find it fun to do this especially when I am laying on my side.... Lots of wiggles right around my pelvic area so they must like having their hands by their face or be sucking their thumb :haha:

AFTG, yes their movements can be uncomfortable! But would way rather they move and it be a little strange feeling than no movements and be worried about baby... Have fun with your appointment today! Do you get to see him on an US every time? If you do, I'm a little jealous :mrgreen: Have only seen Zodi once during the anatomy scan, but I hear their heartbeat every time. I have a MW appt myself today this afternoon and will be doing the Group B Step Test I believe.
Daisy I do get to see him with every appt. I see a specialist, due to the fact I am technically considered high risk. So the protocol is to have a measurement done on the blood flow to his brain every time. This will indicate if he gets anemic or not. My last two only had jaundice, and only my youngest had to have the lights. So he isn't too worried, but the potential risk is there, so they must keep an eye on him. Which is fine with me cause then I get to see him.
Daisy, it's hard for the first week or two, but you really will get into the swing of things. I highly recommend joining a few mommy groups, either on here or on FB. I love my "Breastfeeding Mama Talk Privately" group on FB. It's a great way to learn & get your questions answered pretty quickly (and it's not ONLY for breastfeeding moms - there are a lot of formula feeding moms on there too). "Dairy Queens" is another great FB group, but that one is only for breastfeeding moms.

As for activity - YES! Jacob is starting to make me uncomfortable when he rolls! I feel like he's more active for a longer amount of time. Last night, he woke me up with his kicking & rolling at 3 AM. SO tired today!
So had my ultrasound first. He is measuring to be about 4 lbs and that puts him at 32 weeks. Wow two weeks ahead!! Not to mention this is my first breech baby. What a little stinker.
Bella, I am not on FB but I have considered seeking out some support groups online as I will be SAHM and don't have mommy friends to begin with :shrug: there's also la leche league which meets in my town that I might do.
Can't say Zodi has ever woken me up with their movements but when I get up to pee at 3 AM they seem to already be up and at 'em!

AFTG glad everything went ok at MW today. Hopefully baby will turn before long
Bella, I am not on FB but I have considered seeking out some support groups online as I will be SAHM and don't have mommy friends to begin with :shrug: there's also la leche league which meets in my town that I might do.
Can't say Zodi has ever woken me up with their movements but when I get up to pee at 3 AM they seem to already be up and at 'em!

AFTG glad everything went ok at MW today. Hopefully baby will turn before long

Maybe consider joining FB anonymously just for the support groups? There really are some great ones on there. Just something to think about :flower:

La Leche sounds like a good idea - I'm also part of a breastfeeding support group (in person) that is run by a local lactation consultant. :)
MW was good. She said my weight is past the recommended amount (I've gained 37 lbs) but I feel like I have been eating really well and not indulging my cravings now that I can keep regular food down.....
Maybe have been splurging on sugary cereal this past month but I don't think I'm eating poorly at all :nope: Guess I should up my exercise regime.

Measured 33 cm even though I was at 32 cm last time, but she didn't seem that worried about it. Zodi's BP was 140 so all is good...

I see two MW at the clinic I go to but I really prefer one to the other! The one I saw today seems to be a bit reserved and judgmental of me. Somehow I feel like there's a communication breakdown. And she seems annoyed when I ask questions about when I'm getting certain tests etc.

Oh well I'm just glad that baby looks good and I'm guess I'm going to be more active these last few months!
Daisy aren't you a smaller lady? If I remember correctly you posted a pic a while back?

Oh Declans movements feel so dang funny. I am not used to the majority of movement so low.
Daisy, I gained 45 lbs with DD by the end! This time, I've only gained 10 so far! Every pregnancy is different. I've had people tell me they've gained 65 lbs! I wouldn't worry too terribly much, especially if you're not overweight to begin with. The weight will come off after birth.

As for movements, YES! I can relate. Jacob isn't always down so low, he actually seems to be all over the place... but I feel like he's down low more often than my DD was. And the movements are becoming uncomfortable - I don't remember this with DD, but I'm sure it happened & I'm just... well, not remembering! :wacko:
AFTG yes I was pretty small before I got pregnant. I already just get weird vibes from this particular MW and feel like a whale because being this voluptuous is new to me. But I'm sure it's nothing to worry about

Bella, same about uncomfortable movements! Especially when baby's head engages. Sometimes I have to stoop at 45 degrees because it's so uncomfortable.
Daisy so funny you mention the sugary cereals as Cap'n Crunch has been a real thing for me these past two weeks! Because I was so sick I've only gained 8 pounds from where I was pre pregnancy, as Bella said I wouldn't worry about it at all especially if you were already small. As far as the MW in sorry you feel that way, some people just do not have bedside manners. I hope she is not the one to deliver your baby. I too am a little jealous of Allforthegirl for her USs, the only one my MW ordered was for the anatomy scan. The other scan I had was a 3D/4D we paid for mainly for gender determination at 16+ because DH and I were too impatient to wait!

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