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Sorry ladies it is so late but birth story #5

This one is a bit different, normal but not.

So I am going to start this story a few weeks prior to my due date... I was certain that my waters broke and had a slow drip at about 36 weeks or so but they couldn't see anything. Fine I went on with my weeks. I had horrible SPD and was having troubles walking, especially if he was engaged and he liked to pop in and out all the time on me.

Around 40 weeks I went back in to get checked because I was sure my waters went. I even had two sweeps done too (which hurt and for me did nothing). They said nothing went. I tried out those panty liners you can buy, that are very expensive where I am, that turn blue if your waters go, but I guess they will turn too when you had sex in the last 24hrs. We were having sex a lot to try and soften the cervix. So I begrudgingly went on with my day.

Me going overdue for the first time ever, got me into walking and more walking. I was having my normal tightenings (which I started calling BH or contractions because I was working on my hypnobirthing) as I always had them. They would get really crazy after a long walk, just nothing seemed to actually start. So went with my mother and walked the camping trailer show we have here. I was starting to feel more regular tightenings and they were a bit stronger than the ones before. I went to the bathroom because my panty liner was wet. Walked on for a bit more and decided maybe we should go because mom and I agreed baby was finally coming.

Went home grabbed my stuff, and hit the hospital. They checked me for my waters again and they said no, but I was having tightenings every 3-5 min apart and they were good and strong, and I wouldn't even call them painful at this point. The nurses went to talk to the OB on call and came back and said she is in labour, put her in a room.

So here I am in one the fancy new rooms they have now. Handed my birth plan to the nurse. Which stated that I wanted to hypnobirth, little intervention, and only drug would be gas and air. It also told them I was saving my placenta to be encapsulated.

Not long after I got settled I went pee and my waters truly gushed out into the toilet. It was very very fuzzy looking, just like it looked on the last scan I had.I was excited to get things going. Though once again my labour started to slow down. After an hour things really slowed right down. So the OB said (because they like you to actively labouring once on in a room) to start the drip. Well I really didn't want the drip and the nurse said that she convinced the OB to only give the very very minimum dose, I looked at her said then I am not doing that without gas....... she came back and told me there was none......oh for goodness sake. My panic started in and I really was not going to labour without some pain relief as I know my body and it labours very very hard on the drip. So I said you will have to give a small amount of epidural. So that is what happened, got one shot in my back and that was it.

It wasn't long after that things started moving and pretty fast too. Maybe an hour or so the epi was gone and I was feeling everything. After that it was weird, as I knew I no longer had control of my body and baby was coming fast. It was like I retreated within my body. Like I was watching what was going on from somewhere deep with inside of my body. Because of this I am pretty rusty with what exactly happened at this point. DH said it went really fast....

Because of the SPD and the possibility of making it worse there were birthing positions I wasn't willing to do. I don't remember what position I started out in but what I do remember is that baby's heart rate started to drop (which is consistant with baby's mommies who have had the drip), and he wasn't moving down fast enough at that point. She shifted me and he turned and came out with in a push or two.

He was set on my chest and did not cut the cord right away as I asked for a delay to allow his blood to go back. I also asked for him to stay on my chest for as long as I wanted before taken to be weighed and such. We had such a nice time together and he was so wide eyed it wasn't funny!!! He was none stop looking around. We cuddled and allowed him to baby led latch. It was so nice as it was a perfect latch right off the start. It helped that I was not in there trying to do what he naturally knows to do. After he was finished nursing DH took him to get weighed, I just wanted to get out of the room and go to my room and just spend some quiet with him bonding.

We ended staying in the hospital for about five days because he was so jaundice. Not only that he would NOT lay in under the lights, he would just scream, so they had to bring in a blue blanket so he could stay in my arms nurse and get what he needed.

Once home I was starting to feel uncomfortable. I went to Dr and they figured I had a uterine infection. So I was put on a bunch of antibiotics, but after a week of them I didn't really feel that much better. Went into the hospital and had a scan and said there may be a piece of the placenta left in. So they did a DnC and gave me a spinal to allow me still to nurse baby when I was done.

Everything seemed to be ok and they sent me home. I then curled up in bed with baby and went to sleep. I don't know how much longer but I woke up suddenly, but tried to figure out why, maybe I had to pee? No not really but should since I am awake kind of thing. When I went to take the covers off I noticed something weird. I was sleeping in a large pool of blood. I called for DH to come help me get to the bathroom to clean up. When I stood up I could feel very large clots falling out. A huge amount panic washed over me. When I got to the bathroom numerous amount of clots slashed into the toilet, and I instantly almost passed out. DH then called an ambulance. Though once they arrived my bleeding stopped. Got into the ambulance and and i could feel my abdomen getting hard. Once at the hospital (5 min drive) my belly was getting very tender. I was told I was going to be rushed into the operating room as my abdomen was filling up with blood.

Panic for a second time was washing over me. I was very very worried about Zander.....how will he eat? I wasn't worried about my life I was worried that I would never be able to nurse him again, if he liked bottle feeding better than bfing.

From there I don't remember much other than the panic from the OB on call that they needed to get a line into me very fast, they must have poked me 20 times at least. I was in and out of consciousness when they were trying to poke me in my feet. They called the so called expert of iv and she still took three shots at me before finally getting one in. After that I don't remember anything other the OB explaining what they were going to have to do, but don't remember exactly what, only that it was important I agreed with him.

I woke up in the recovery room, and the first thing I wanted was my baby. I didn't care what they did to save my life.

The nurse came in and told me I could have a private room so I could stay in baby until I was allowed to go home, but that meant that DH had to stay with me too. Once moved later that day apparently I looked way better considering what happened. A few the nurses came in to see me because they wanted to see this girl that they didn't think would live past morning. The OB that worked on my explained that I had a balloon placed inside my uterus to stop the bleeding. He also mentioned how scared he was, and also shocked that my hemoglobin was as high as it was for only being 3.5-4weeks postpartum. I explained that I was taking placenta capsules and he said those saved my life for sure.

Well because of the blood loss I ended up completely no breast milk left. After a day of dry nursing and a baby that was so so so hungry we called in a lactation consultant. I was so damn determined to make bfing work, regardless of everything that happened. I wanted to try doing the flange technique, where a very tiny tube goes into baby's mouth so that while baby still nurses that he gets some nutrition with formula. Man it helped so much as he still wanted to nurse all the time but not constant, so i could sleep some. Which I knew was very important to bring in my milk as well as recover from the surgery I just went through.

I stayed about a week and thankfully was able to go home, and I was able to continue baby and he did so until about 12 months.
Allforthegirl, WOW! That's SO scary! And you haven't had any complications since?? So glad you're okay, and that (on top of that) you were able to continue to breastfeed Zander! You're amazing! :hugs:

If there's one thing I learned from your birth stories, it's that all births really are vastly different. Here I am, pretty much expecting the same thing to happen with Jacob that happened with Madelyn, and that's just not so... I mean, of course, it could.... but most likely, he will have a different birth story. And, I suppose, there's always hope in that, right?? (My story was NOT as traumatic as yours, but scary to me all the same...)
bombshell, cute bump! DD2 looks a lot lower this time around, have you been feeling her in your pelvis more?

Allforthegirl, that is scary! Did it end up being due to the placenta being in there?Like Bella said, it definitely has been illuminating to how different births can be. FX this go around is nice and easy all the way through. Is Declan still breech in there?
Allforthegirl, WOW! That's SO scary! And you haven't had any complications since?? So glad you're okay, and that (on top of that) you were able to continue to breastfeed Zander! You're amazing! :hugs:

If there's one thing I learned from your birth stories, it's that all births really are vastly different. Here I am, pretty much expecting the same thing to happen with Jacob that happened with Madelyn, and that's just not so... I mean, of course, it could.... but most likely, he will have a different birth story. And, I suppose, there's always hope in that, right?? (My story was NOT as traumatic as yours, but scary to me all the same...)

No complications and my current OB is not worried at all. As really it was all caused by the DnC not the actual birth.

Yes there is always hope that you will have a different even better birth than you did before.

bombshell, cute bump! DD2 looks a lot lower this time around, have you been feeling her in your pelvis more?

Allforthegirl, that is scary! Did it end up being due to the placenta being in there?Like Bella said, it definitely has been illuminating to how different births can be. FX this go around is nice and easy all the way through. Is Declan still breech in there?

You know they didn't find anything actually being in there. The pathology was clean.

Declan has turned. I figured as much the day she told me I was feeling pinching in my pelvis as only a head could do :haha: I also was feeling his hiccups a bit lower.... I am happy that he has moved for an optimal birthing position but I liked him in breech :blush:
Allforthegirl that is one crazy story, glad you and baby ended up okay. Relieved that you have no complications right now and I hope this birth is smooth and easy for you!

Got Adrianna's room painted today finally! Just have to finish painting her doors white and touch up the trimming. Really excited to see her room come along. My mom found a lavender rug for her room on sale at target and she is going to be making her mobile for her this weekend! My grandmother and I will probably go to the store to buy fabric either tomorrow or Sunday to start making her canopy. I also got her mattress protector in the mail yesterday so I'll be washing that and then I'll be able to put her bedding on.
Allforthegirl that is one crazy story, glad you and baby ended up okay. Relieved that you have no complications right now and I hope this birth is smooth and easy for you!

Got Adrianna's room painted today finally! Just have to finish painting her doors white and touch up the trimming. Really excited to see her room come along. My mom found a lavender rug for her room on sale at target and she is going to be making her mobile for her this weekend! My grandmother and I will probably go to the store to buy fabric either tomorrow or Sunday to start making her canopy. I also got her mattress protector in the mail yesterday so I'll be washing that and then I'll be able to put her bedding on.

Sounds like things are really starting to come along!!

And thanks I am planning on allow more of my body do its work this time so it should be tons and tons better!!:thumbup:
Anyone else just feeling really anxious for labor? I definitely want to make it to 37 weeks so I can deliver at the birth center but given how uncomfortable I am it seems like forever away! We've got just about everything we need taken care of (except a car seat--ugh!). Just stuck in labor limbo with cramps and cervix is dilated a fingertip from what I can tell as of last night
I am not anxious to say, but I am worried that this one is going to try and come early. I know he is measuring about 2 weeks ahead, but I don't want to come and then be in the NICU. He is also started to allow the pressure of his head to ripen my cervix. It is very uncomfortable, but with my last this didn't start happening until about 36 weeks, so this has me nervous. Last night while I went pee it felt like I was pushing his head down, which I remember distinctly something I would get during labour. For multigravita mom's this is very common a couple weeks prior to labour.
I know what you mean, but not from personal experience just kinesthetic awareness. Have you been having any other signs of labor? I really hope bub stays in there just long enough for you, FX!! Xx
Zodi is definitely squirming in there quite a bit more now. Think they're getting cramped in there already
Not really many more signs. I get some odd AF type cramping, but it is not significant. He also isn't constantly in the beginning of the birthing canal. Today he has stayed out. Actually he has put a bit of pressure on my tail bone, so that was achy, but that is telling me he is on his way. I will know he will be coming when he doesn't leave the canal.

He is definitely running out of room. For some time now I don't get the swift kicks, but more of a pushing. It can get uncomfortable at times
Yes I have been getting the cramping too and some odd sensation in my cervix that is different than that of the baby's head moving on my cervix. Definitely getting that pushing sensation too, but also feeling feet pushing around my ribs too.
Is it normal for babies to turn from LOA/ROA position to back-to-back and then back again? I baby map often and sometimes I can feel Zodi's back on one side usually I can feel their head engaging too and other times my whole belly feels more squishy, I feel more squirmy movements and my low back aches--so I'm thinking they are back to back at that time.
Oh for sure, through out the day he will move from being back to back and then to the one side. Though not very often does he like to sit back to my right. Most often he is facing out.
Hi ladies! How is everyone today?

AFM, overdid it this weekend.... went all-day shopping with my mom on Saturday (which was a MUCH NEEDED get-out-of-the-house-to-actually-do-something-fun time!) and then yesterday I went crazy with cleaning out all of my kitchen cabinets... nesting much, right?? But I didn't realize until I woke up this morning how badly I overdid it... I ache clear up to my waist, to the point that I just feel like dissolving into tears at any/every moment. So... sitting here at work, getting my first group in 7 minutes, and hoping to keep it together for the kiddos. Oh, and I have to grocery shop after work today too :cry:
Hi ladies! How is everyone today?

AFM, overdid it this weekend.... went all-day shopping with my mom on Saturday (which was a MUCH NEEDED get-out-of-the-house-to-actually-do-something-fun time!) and then yesterday I went crazy with cleaning out all of my kitchen cabinets... nesting much, right?? But I didn't realize until I woke up this morning how badly I overdid it... I ache clear up to my waist, to the point that I just feel like dissolving into tears at any/every moment. So... sitting here at work, getting my first group in 7 minutes, and hoping to keep it together for the kiddos. Oh, and I have to grocery shop after work today too :cry:

Do you have time to soak in the tub? That always seems to help me a bit.

AFM I am good, though I am pretty sure he turned again :dohh:
I really don't think I do, Allforthegirl... Mondays are just crazy. By the time I finish work, grocery shop, pick up DD, get home, cook dinner, actually eat dinner, & then clean up after dinner, it's time for bed routine. And I usually put DD in bed and crawl into bed myself, I'm so exhausted! So, yeah, I could get into the tub instead of crawling into bed.... but at that point I feel like it would probably be one more thing to do/too much effort!

Thanks for the advice though! If I were "free" after work, maybe I'd give it a try! Although, knowing DD, she'd end up in the tub with me!

Oh no! Turned again? :haha: Fairly sure that although mine flip flops from time to time, from the right to the left side of my belly, he's been head down for quite some time now. Anyway, Declan still has time to turn! :)
bella, be careful! It's so easy to overestimate how much we can do at this time. I thought crocheting a blanket was harmless.... Now I've got tingles in my hand at night and some times in the day :dohh: This too shall pass, hopefully you will find some slot of time to let yourself enjoy some r&r

allforthegirl, what a finicky little guy in there! I guess there's still time to turn in there. Do they allow you to attempt frank breech delivery (if that were the case when you went into labor) or just c-section straight away? I hope they turn in there...

AFM eating pho again. Seriously can't stop craving it + nigiri rolls especially salmon or yellowtail :cloud9::winkwink::wacko: . Was having horrible back pain and cramping but MW said it could just be baby moving low or false labor since there are no actual contractions present. :shrug: Feeling impatient incredibly so
I think he has moved transverse again. I don't know what he is doing, the little stinker. Tonight my legs are crampy, even my foot too. Having a hard time moving around. Even going pee at one point felt like all the blood in my body was rushing to my lady bits. It very painful to sit on the toilet. It past thank goodness as I was wondering how I would poo if it stayed. :dohh::blush:

I have also been antsy for the last couple of days. Which makes a sore body worse in my opinion, as you know you should be resting but need to do something at the same time.
bella, be careful! It's so easy to overestimate how much we can do at this time. I thought crocheting a blanket was harmless.... Now I've got tingles in my hand at night and some times in the day :dohh: This too shall pass, hopefully you will find some slot of time to let yourself enjoy some r&r

allforthegirl, what a finicky little guy in there! I guess there's still time to turn in there. Do they allow you to attempt frank breech delivery (if that were the case when you went into labor) or just c-section straight away? I hope they turn in there...

AFM eating pho again. Seriously can't stop craving it + nigiri rolls especially salmon or yellowtail :cloud9::winkwink::wacko: . Was having horrible back pain and cramping but MW said it could just be baby moving low or false labor since there are no actual contractions present. :shrug: Feeling impatient incredibly so

I'm trying to rest as much as possible. Thank you! I think I'll be calling my OB/midwife's office if what happened yesterday continues into today. I can deal with leg pain/buckling if its only a couple times a day, but yesterday where it was multiple times one right after the other, all day long... I just can't do it. So far, today has gone fairly well.

Just looked up what pho is - sounds yummy! As for sushi OMG I've been craving it SO MUCH too! My favorites are the spicy specialty (raw) rolls.... I've gotten sushi rolls twice since pregnant, but made sure they were cooked rolls (eel w/ avocado, california rolls, etc). Not even usually a huge fan of california rolls, but it helped with the craving... just really wanted the raw stuff so bad! I told DH that I'm going to need sushi takeout right after we get out of the hospital when we have Jacob :haha:
If your leg is still bothering you, do you think a massage would help? If you can't get in to make an appt, tell OH what to do.
Generally long sweeping motions up and down the leg starting at the foot with pressure moving upwards and light pressure moving downwards is a good start. If that doesn't make sense youtube "effleurage tutorial"
And if there are more spots that need extra attention then just tell hubby from there where you need it!

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