Looking for official TTC buddies!!

By the way, forgot to share with all of you that we've decided on a name... BRANDON! 100% sure now, he's definitely a Brandon.
Nice name ...:happydance:..... So nice to see you can keep names before ....... We although can't name our child before 26 th day after birth and that too after a prayer ceremony with a priest...... Funny....:hugs:
Coy- I will go with a boy....... Coz whomever I meet is having a boy.....:happydance::hugs:..... I vote for a handsome hunk....:hugs:
Steph- now you got me worried!:wacko: How are you feeling? Are the contraction/BH getting any stronger or regular? TBH it sounds just like my last two labors...started out as a nuisance that just got progressivly more demanding...Hope you are doing ok! :thumbup: Keep us updated :)

The contractions died down thank goodness... wasn't really in the mood to have a baby tonight. Still need to pack that bag anyway. I need to go to bed soon, hopefully I can get good rest and I'll see how things are in the morning!

Thank god...... I guess brandon loved the food....and was telling you thank you:hugs:.... Take rest...... See you tom.....don't stress....
Lol at the spicy food! Now you both have me wanting Thai and Indian food --and I have never had either! :haha: Nor can I as there are no restaurants near here...well, there is a Thai restaurant but about 50 miles north of here :( That is why I have to try to cook all my new foods, lol!

Steph- glad the contractions settled down- hope you get some rest!

Shradha- laundry early int he morning, huh? For some reason I always do mine at night. In fact, gotta go put my whites in the dryer! :haha: Also- glad you had a wonderful evening! Wow, candle light and wine...homemade too! I would love to try it, what is it made from??
We do our laundry in the morning and keep it out in the sunlight......so that the clothes get some sunlight...... No moisture...... Although it gets dry in the washing machine.....:flower:

My grand mom makes it with black grapes and gooseberry....... My mom made it with gooseberry.......it takes 3-4 months ...... Wow ...the longer you keep th stronger it becomes....no alcohol content......so even pregnant ladies can have....it's good for digestion too but you must have it in a limited quantity..... That's the reason I have it......I not take any other drinks......:hugs:
Shradha- it is a good thing that your cycles have shortened some :thumbup: What kind of opk's are you getting? Do they give you a POSITIVE or Smiley Face when your lh surges or are they just the lines? I found the two lines to be a pain.in.the.butt.:haha: But I did use them during the month before fertile period just to keep an eye on everything as I was just beginning.
I generally use both strips with lines and kit with smiley......but last month my order of smiley was not dispatched......so I had to depend on line ones...... I guess this month I will have to start BD right after AF departs...:winkwink:...short cycle..... Hopefully this time I get dark lines in opk...and the temps are helpful too..... Cd3.....
Steph- how are feeling? Thai food is spicy........ Oh god.......

Really? I find a lot of Indian food to be spicier... but I guess it depends on the kitchen and the cook... I know at Thai restaurants you can order things mild, medium or hot... but even that depends on the restaurant.

I have to blame the green chillies....it depends on the taste....you are absolutely right....... In Thai food a lot of chilli sauce is put.....
Ok....cord blood... Now even in India they have started advertising.......it's only been about 8 months... I did read about it in the newspapers..... it's not that common as its very expensive....... I mean to store it.....We don't have insurance for that.... So only few can afford it.......
Shradha- it is a good thing that your cycles have shortened some :thumbup: What kind of opk's are you getting? Do they give you a POSITIVE or Smiley Face when your lh surges or are they just the lines? I found the two lines to be a pain.in.the.butt.:haha: But I did use them during the month before fertile period just to keep an eye on everything as I was just beginning.
I generally use both strips with lines and kit with smiley......but last month my order of smiley was not dispatched......so I had to depend on line ones...... I guess this month I will have to start BD right after AF departs...:winkwink:...short cycle..... Hopefully this time I get dark lines in opk...and the temps are helpful too..... Cd3.....

Smart lady! Bd'ing early is a good idea...My cycles were generally always 27-29 days give or take and I Ov on about CD15 or so, but if cycle is a day or two shorter it's best to get started early! :thumbup:

Wow, the homemade wine sounds awesome- non-alcoholic too, and goosberry MMmm! :) Your mom sounds talented! :winkwink: We used to make Meade (sp) when I was a young girl in Alaska but haven't done that in ages. Basically fermented honey with spices like clove, etc. Very tasty but also non-alcoholic.

Well, I have the kids put to bed, and have had my midnight dinner, lol. I usually end up hungry about now and have cereal but tonight was starving so made an omelot...I swear I want to watch my weight and not blimp out :haha: but when you're hungry--you're hungry lol! What's a girl to do!

But for now- I am off to bed, it is 12:44 midnight here so I am "bushed" as they say :) Good night from Idaho and hope you have an awesome rest of the day Shradha! :thumbup: ................................:sleep:..................
Wow....that too sounds yummy.....honey.......
Yes...gooseberry with sugar and spices.....kept for fermentation........

Have a good night sleep dear...... Rest..... Eat what you want...... See you Tom.....
Oh God, stop with the curry talk... it's my one BIG aversion! :rofl: I used to love love love Indian food (never been a fan of Thai though), but the one time I tried having tikka masala back in first trimester... well, let's just say it was a bit of a mess :blush: Now all I have to do is hear about it or smell it and :sick: We have an Indian couple next door to us and they cook a lot of curries which means I have to keep my living room window closed, otherwise the smell lingers around my house :dohh:

Steph, so glad you've settled on a name and Brandon suits him very well!

Coy, I cannot for the life of me remember what I predicted for you, can you? :blush: I'll go with boy (although secretly I hope you're having another girl so I've got a pink bump buddy :haha:)

Laura, how are you today? You've got your appt in just under two hours... xx
Just a quick post, will reply to you all properly later but on my way to my appointment. Blood pressure came down overnight & is back to normal this morning. Feeling a combination of excited to see beanie again but terrified he's poorly in some way, mum thinks hes going to be small, I really can't see how he cam be as bump has been measuring a week ahead & I seem to have had a bum in my ribs for the past week!! Really nervous that my bloods will show something though as I'm still not feeling well but can't figure out what's normal pregnancy, hay fever or possible pre-e!!
I'm not too good with the spicy food, medium is about as hot as I can go and my version of medium would prob be mild to everyone else! I do like Inidan food thoughn and Thai. Red and green thai currys are amazing.

Steph - I don't know if I was channeling you or it;s just a conincedance but I was dreaming about being in labour and having contrasctions last night!! I'm starting to dream a lot about cramps / contractions although not for as long as I did last night. the dreams are so vivid that when I wake up I'm not entirely sure if I was perhaps having some cramps in my sleep!! The niggliny period pains on my back and lower tummy are getting more frequent now though. Give it a nother couple of weeks I think I'm going to be getting very impatient somehow!!

Coy - Final guess from me is girl. Thats what my gut is saying, I hope I'm wrong!!

Hospital appointment went really really well today, I was in and out within an hour!! Firstly Beanie was measuring great. He is nicely tucked with his head down, his head now being spot average, all measurements came in either a little under or a little over average so overall looks great. His estimated weight is 5lb 4 oz so a little on the small side around the 35% percentile but nothing worrying and the blood flow / placenta looked fine. Also fluid levels are avaerage so I can be certain I'm not leaking fluid it really is just cm and bladder control (the joys of being pregnant!!)

After my blood pressure was fine this morning it went back up while in hospital but borderline at 91 then went down to 89. They weren;t in the slightest bit worried by it. Still have protein but it's still low at 1+ and the sample they sent off last week came back all within normal ranges. Got a check up again with my midwife on Tuesday and back at yhe hospital to see my consultant in the hypertension clinic on Thursday but everything is looking good at the mo. Feel a lot more reassured now and hopeful that I may actually make it closer to 40 weeks than I thought! Hopefully he's still come naturally on his own accord slightly before then so I don't have to be induced!!

I think given both our experiences steph on head measurements babies heads obvioulsy have a growth spurt around 29 weeks and it's completely normal! Perhaos its to accomdoate the growing brain needed for other developemnt from this point?!

Steph - you tend to be on here the post at around 3am our time so give it a month when Beanie's here and I can see me b eing on here far more around then giving Beanie nightfeeds!! Well maybe not to start with when I'm learning but hopefully after a few qweeks when we may have a bit of a routine. Is that wishful thinking??!!
Coy-im thinking boy. But so far i only got two right which is Emma's and my friend. So hopefully im lucky with your prediction :haha:

Steph-Well actually, dh and I havent been dtd as much as we do this cycle. But we have dtd on o-1, o, and o+1 so i think we should be okay..well im hoping we are.

Laura-Glad your BP went down now. Hopefully it stays down before we have to give your BP a stern talk about rising randomly :haha:

Shradha-How are you?

AFM, today i am officially 3dpo. I got my dashed crosshairs today :happydance: FF is probably confused because of the opk but as long as i still got my crosshairs, i am fine :thumbup: Yesterday was a good day. I cleaned up and I gave both my dogs baths. After that, dh came home early and we cuddled up together and then he decided to let me nap undisturbed so he went on the computer while i took a nap on the couch. But i woke up a few hours later to my husband sounding super happy and talking on the phone. After he was done, he told me that was our recruiter and we have an appt tomorrow to complete the financial part and we are scheduled to take our physical next wednesday :happydance: So things are moving along now. They said the physical is an all day event and they are sending us to a hotel to stay overnight on tuesday so we can be there bright and early that following day. So good news all around I suppose. One, i have ovulated and am now in the tww and two the Navy process is finally coming through. Also he told us that after we pick our jobs after the physical, depending on the availability, it can take 2-6 months before we go into boot camp etc so we shall see how long ours will take. Now, FF has my new AF due date as either June 8th or 9th. And seeing that it says i have a LP of 11 days, that means I have 8 more days before I know whats going on :happydance: So thats not long. I might start testing at 8dpo though :haha: I've talked to my boss and she is letting me make up the hours im going to miss while doing the Navy process so today i was suppose to go in from 3:45-8:15. But now im going in 12pm-8pm and then tomorrow i was suppose to work from 10:45-6:15 but seeing that I got the appt at 1pm tomorrow, I will be working from 10am-12pm and then I have wednesday off so everything is turning out good. Oh and dh and I dtd this morning...i think it was from the excitement of the Navy process :rofl: But now everything is all a waiting game :coffee:
Hi ladies!

Emma- mmmm, all this talk about curry is making me hungry! :haha: I feel bad for you though, in my first pregnancy all I could keep down initially was corn nuts :shrug: and, well, after seeing them again later I can no longer stomach the thought of corn nuts :rofl: Oh, and kung pow beef :sick: Keep that window closed! Just draft the scent over this way :haha:

Laura- glad they didn't have to keep you over at the hospital and your BP is coming to a good level! :thumbup: How are you feeling? You sound energetic :shrug: Oh, and trust me when I say it is nearly impossible to eye your bump and predict if beanie will be small or large! My first pregnancy I was sooo tiny- barelya bump at all until labor, and she was born at 5 lbs 6 oz. My second dd I was absolutley huge! And she was born at 5 lbs 10 oz...but then she, um, emptied her bowel at least twice (much to the nappy-changing doctors surprise) so we are guessing about 5.6 as well :shrug:

Patrice- wow, sounds like things are coming together fast for the Navy...I am glad your boss is working with you on your schedule, that is rare :thumbup: And yes, sounds like either way (Ov day variations) you and dh have it covered! :)

Shradha- how are you today? Are you still temping as Steph suggested? I am trying to remember if I temped during AF.....
AFM- crazy morning here today so far...my girls are setting a pace I am not too fond of: fit throwing, crying attacks, fighting each other .....:roll:......I'm like "Not today..." lol. Yesterday they were so good...:shrug:

So here is the poll so far:

Emma: I'll go with boy (although secretly I hope you're having another girl so I've got a pink bump buddy )

Laura: Final guess from me is girl. That's what my gut is saying, I hope I'm wrong!!

Shradha: I will go with a boy.......

Steph: I say girl...

Patrice: I'm thinking boy....

Am I allowed to guess? :shrug: For the sake of the poll I'll say boy...

So far 4 Boy guesses and 2 girl guesses...I am actually afraid to guess! I tried to bo by bd dates and ov date...Let's see, what are the odds if:

1) male sperm are FASTER but die sooner.
2) Female sperm are slower but live longer? This is a tortoise and hare event I think :haha: But we dtd on: 23, 24, 27, OVULATED 28, dtd 29... So I am trying to make an educated guess...and it could be either! :dohh:
I am very excited about the scan tomorrow, then we'll know for sure--that is if baby sits just right and is fairly accomodating :) I am hoping for a boy...I will be so happy with either but I want to be able to give dh a son...so if this one is a girl then I will secretly plan my next Ov Day attack (after labor of course) and try again, lol!
Coy- all the best for tomorrow's scan....... I am really excited and waiting for the result...... I will come online Tom even if its late night here......:happydance:........ I am sure it's a BOY!
Everybody at hone must be excited about the scan.....what is dh saying? And the girls?

Yes I am still temping....... Just curious to see if ff catches the date of O correctly.....:happydance:..... Yesterday it had dipped...today it has gone up....
Laura- so happy that everything went well....:hugs: I told you not to worry....Beanie will be fine...... Beanie loves mommy and knows you are and will take good care of your baby:happydance:.......glad that your bp is under control........ Just rest and rest.....
Steph- how are you? Hope you are having no more contractions........ Did Brandon crave for anything special.....:happydance:
Patrice- that's good news....... I am really happy that things are going great in your end....... Dh must be a happy man.....Touchwood...:happydance:

I am doing good.....just waiting for AF to depart so that I can start with my testing and dancing....:winkwink:......dh is excited too....that's a good sign.....

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