Looking for official TTC buddies!!

Coy- Re: gender what does the Chinese calendar say? It's usually pretty accurate, but it wasn't for me this time. And what does DH and the girls say? Kids are usually right!
Based on when you dtd and o'd, if you go with the Shettles theory/method, then it would be a boy. The more you dtd and the closer you are to ovulation, the quicker sperm (males) would get there before the slower female sperm.
No one is online.....
Coy - you will only be back by say 3- 4pm.....so that means 4 am here.....gosh....can't stay awake for that long.....it's 12.30 am..... Tom will come online as soon as I wake up.........

Steph- hope your cold had gone..... It must be bad having one now.......
Nuts! The U/S Technician called--lucky us we were going to get Molly but then she decided she wanted to leave work early today which just so happened to cut my U/S out! :growlmad: She wanted us to just reschedulelike it's no big deal- but it is to me so I said no. Marty is coming in later today so we got rescheduled for 3:30. :growlmad: Which might slightly get in the way of Doc's appointment but hey- I wanna see my baby! :haha: She gave me one other option though- now. Ugh. So there is dh giving himself a shot and the girls snacking on their lunch so I said no to that as well. I have enough stress without rushing wround. Am I dificult to please :haha:

So here I sit with the girls all dressed and ready for another stupid hour longer than we wanted to :sad1: lol...O well, at least it's still today, right?? I am a bit irritated at Molly though, but maybe there is a God-sent reason for this. Maybe Molly is cross-eyed today or doesn't know her butt from apple butter or something.....lol. Sigh.

Steph- sorry to hear about your cold :( I hate getting them, but have been blessed so far in that department.

Shradha- no, please don't stay up til 4 am on my account! lol, especially with this crazy schedule! Will let ya know tomorrow :)
I can understand ...... You are so anxious.......:flower: and want everything to be fine....don't worry..... Everything will turn up good.... Today is a good day.....:hugs:.........

Yea....you are right I may just dose off while online...:hugs: so I will sleep and come early tom as soon as I wake up....... :thumbup::hugs:
Yea.....you are most welcome dear.....I guess today I am going to dream about you coy....... I can't believe I am so excited:happydance:......good night:hugs:
Wow, I am suddenly in a very bad mood :growlmad: verything is irritating me now! lol...Dh in the livnig room and the tv is on...but he is reading a book. So I ask for the remote- wrong thing to do with a man, I forgot! :haha: He grabs it and checks the channel and acts all concerned and I said "What?" he says "Oh, nothing..I was just watching this" but he actually had to check to see what he was "watching". Argh! And I say "but you're reading a book" "Oh," he says"Um, no I'm watchig this..." So I give him the stupid remote and leave the room :haha: Gosh men! Wth is it with tv control? At night when he gets ready to go to bed I like to stay up for some quiet "me time" and he actually will pop back in to the living room, grab up the remote, change the channel, check the programming and I'll say "You know, I can choose wether or not to watch tv AND change my own channel" to which he gets very embarassed and goes to bed. Argh! I tell him I don't need him to plug me in and leave, lol. Any of you ladies have this problem or is it just me? I don't watch a ton of tv but if I am stressed out and waiting like today I may look for something distracting...
No, it's okay, I'm just hormonal and moody...feeling better now! ::haha: Sheesh...
Arggghhhh what is it with bnb deleting huge posts which have taken me ages to type!!!!! I’ll try again, but in word this time!

Coy – I’d be well mad if I was you, that’s so inconsiderate wanting to change your scan date at the last minute just because she wants to finish early. I’d complain if I were you. That said, like you say, things happen for a reason so perhaps bubs will have his/her legs wide open now?! The waiting is hard, our first scan at 7 weeks was at 6.30 at night and was a horrible day waiting for it, especially as it was the furthest we’d got. We were however lucky with the rest of our scans as they’ve all been in the morning.
Re the TV remote, DH is pretty good as when we are in the house together generally if we watch tv it’s together so something we both like. DH isn’t however to keen on trying an y of the programs I like, the girly ones I understand but they aren’t all that way whereas he’s converted me to a few of his. It’s a good job we have sky+ (think it’s called tivo over there?) so I can record and watch my programs when he’s at work.

Shradha – Ouchy on the lip, hope it hells soon. Sleep well.

Patrice – Why have you decided to stop temping? I would really really think about that as without it you are only seeing half a picture. Getting a positive opk does not confirm ovulation the only way to confirm it is to temp. I think this info is really important if you go to a fertility specialist. That said, with your change of plans in going into the navy then perhaps it’s not so important now but even having the info anf not using it for a year or 2 I think it would still be better to have it than not. Congrats on the new job as well, sounds like good timing to save some pennys.

Steph – Not sure what truth there is to this but I’ve seen threads in the 3rd tri forum about colds being an early sign of labour!! Hopefully it’s not too imminent though.
Can’t remember if I commented on the name choice (now I’m off work my brain has gone to complete mush!!) Yay for Brandon, I thought you may end up going for that one and it’s great that you had signs. We’re still waiting until he’s here although I’ve started to imagine referring to him as Reece or Xander to see what feels right, currently neither!! I can’t get past Beanie, to the extent I’ve tried to think of names which sound a bit like Beanie!!
Re the cord blood, it’s still really new in the UK, you can go private and store the blood for yourself but I think it’s quite pricy and depends on whether the hospital will allow you to do it. We are doing it via the Anthony Nolan Trust charity, Leicester is apparently one of the leading cities along with London and it’s not widely done across the UK yet but basically it will go into a bank of cord blood and can be used for anyone. We’re also registered with them as bone marrow donors.

Afm – Had our bump photo shoot today, it was lots of fun. The photographer was brilliant, really nice guy, we did lots of poses and in a couple of outfits. We’re going to schedule the pics of Beanie for when he’s about 5 weeks old so he can hold his head up to get a variety of shots then view them all together after. Although we get 1 pic of bump and 1 pic of baby as part of the package my friends bought I know we’re going to want a lot more and looking at his pricelist today it’s going to cost us a small fortune!! Time to start saving!
Also feeling really really tired today. I haven’t actually had proper lie in at all this week, we’ve always had an appointment to get up for. This morning we had the shoot then went and did some shopping, I came home and literally crashed out on the sofa and had a nap. I could barely keep my eyes open. I then had another nap from 5 – 7! I’m also getting tired of getting up to go to the toiler every 2 hours, although it’s good practice for when I am getting up to feed Beanie I guess!! I really am so ready to have him now!
Dying to know the outcome of your scan but need to sleep :(

I will be checking in at each toilet trip!!
Coy- Ahhhh! The wait!!! Hope to hear some news soon. Sorry you had to deal with that, I'd be irritated too... and the remote control thing... your dh should understand on a day like today! Here we avoid tv issues by just watching in different rooms. We have a big tv in the living room and a smaller one in the family room. And a small one in the bedroom. (We have a small house, but need our tv's.. haha) So we are almost always in different parts of the house watching our own shows. We used to watch things together more often but lately we've had different interests as far as which shows we like. And he's always been the sports fan, so he's gotta watch his games and I just can't even be in the same room... too much stimulation.

Laura- That's great you got to have a photo shoot! I've been irritated because our photographer for one took so long with editing and uploading our photos, I only got to see them on her site just about 5 days ago. Took over 3 weeks! She's horrible with responding to my emails, etc, and now that I've told her what I wanted she's taking so long to give me any of the pics and digitals. I want to have these pics and share them before the baby is born! Once the baby is here, no one cares about the bump anymore! Anyway, I saw them and they are very cute. Just anxious to share!

Re: the cold, I have heard that as well. I don't know if that's true in my case, I just caught this cold from Nicholas as he was sick last week. I do know that pregnancy makes your nose stuffy near the end, but I think that's because whatever hormones involved in starting labor trigger that immune response. The thing that is mostly bothering me right now is the sore throat. It's very raw, burny and itchy.

So names... I still like Reece, but let's see... names that sound like Beanie... Brady? Brody? Brayden?
What about Ben? Benny? Sounds a lot like Beanie!
Where are you Coy? It's been over 2 hours since your scan, hopefully they really did get you in at 3:30? I don't know if I'll be able to check in for another few hours, so I'm getting anxious!
Hi ladies! Well, got back from my scan very late. Here's the verdict on gender - We're not sure! :dohh: lol...The technician that filled in for Molly had just got back from a very long and exhausting drive and he was extremely rummy- so tired he could barely see straight, poor guy. Anyway, the baby was extremely active- doing rolls, flips, wiggles, etc, so much so that the tech literally got the giggles really bad and couldn't stop :shrug: So, he told us after 40 minutes that he was VERY TENTATIVELY going to say girl but that he really wasn't sure. He wants me to come back in again- just a drop in- and let him look once he is rested and maybe baby will be less acrobatic :haha: But I am going to post a couple pics anyway, one of possible gender shot and one profile :)

What do you think ladies? Girl? Boy? Hard to tell? :shrug:


As I said- the tech (Marty) listed the pic as "girl" but when he did so he turned and stated he was only listing it so he'd have something to write- not to bet on a girl just yet :shrug: So, we're not sure. he told me to just pop in and see if one of them were available and we'd re-do it :) So that's the plan :) At one point the baby was in an almost perfect squat shot and I swear it looked like boy but just as the tech went to freeze for pic the baby blurred out again...Notice in the top his/her hands are a blur! Always moving this one :)

Sorry it took so long to post- First we had to go to the doctor's office...then we find out that his staff overbooked and they asked us to go to U/S first. So after the 40 minutes waiting int he dosc's office we went to wait for our U/S...then they wanted us to come back to the doctors office after :dohh: So we did that and our doc got all chatty and we were there talking for almost an hour! Then dh decided since we were all out to take the girls and go shopping ... then when we got home they were all clamoring that they were starving to death so I had to cook dinner and just finished up :sleep: lol...
Oh, btw...according to their digital scale I weigh between 131 and 132...so I gained like 5-6 pounds ! Crap, I hope that's not every month! But I have to admit this is the first month I have seen real bump growth. Maybe it will slow down now? Here's a rough diet for me:

Rice, Chicken, Salad, Eggs, lots of Fruit, Broccoli, Whole Grain Toast, cold cereal (not the crap sugar stuff)....all I drink is water, maybe 1-3 root beers or sprites a month is all...Is this bad? Should I change anything? I do eat ice cream ocassionally, maybe 1-2 a week. Hmm.. :dohh:! lol...

At my 7 week check-up I weighed 122 - which doc told me after the mc to not lose even a pound while ttc. I am normally 110 at 5'5"...So I stayed at that 122 for quite a while but now- wow, 10 pounds! :wacko: Does this seem extreme or normal? :shrug:

And baby measures in at 19 weeks 6 days - perfect for what we have figured and the tech showed an EDD of October 19-- exactly what I had figured! lol, so we will see :shrug:
Phooey! I was afraid that would happen... I remember Emma didn't find out at first, she had to go back too. Looking at the potty shot on the screen it does look like there are 3 lines, but I know the angle has a lot to do with it. Sometimes you'll see a flash of boy parts real quick at the right angle. That's what happened to me, at first the potty shot didn't show anything between the legs, then all of a sudden he moved the wand and it popped up! So, yeah, it's hard to say from that pic.... but I do know that the presence of 3 lines is a girl (indicates the labia). When do you think you'll go back?

I wouldn't be concerned about the weight. I know they say if you are underweight to begin with (which you were slightly, right?) that you need to put on more weight in the pregnancy than average. 10 lbs at this stage doesn't sound like much at all! Also, the baby goes through growth spurts, so it's possible that you would put a lot on for a few weeks or a month, and then the next few weeks barely anything. I also find that it doesn't really have much to do with what I eat. The baby gains when the baby is sprouting, and that has always been at random times. No need to really watch what you're eating, as long as you're eating healthy, nutrient dense foods most of the time... a lot of calories are fine, just not a lot of empty calories! Like, you wouldn't want to be eating candy and ice cream, white bread and cake all day, right? Sounds to me like you're eating right and of course you're allowed to top it off with ice cream! I never miss a chance for dessert... as long as I had a well-rounded meal I always feel like I'm allowed to treat myself after. Also, more important than fat and calorie content, etc, are chemicals, artificial colors and preservatives that are in processed foods. Like, I would say soda is fine in larger quantities, as long as it doesn't have things like high fructose corn syrup and/or artificial sweeteners. I drank a lot of soda in the beginning of the pregnancy but got the kind with natural sugars. So, not the greatest because of all the sugar, but much better than HCFS or aspartame.
BTW, baby's profile is soooo cute! Judging by the profile, it looks like a girl to me :)
I know- dh and I get sick if we drink anything with aspartame in it :sick: so avoid it like the plague anyway...

I know! I was thinking of Emma the whole time we were at the scan, she had to go back to! And I swear at first I thought I saw boy parts - he was saying "here's the thigh and the knee bent " and it was a front shot and I swear looked like boy parts to me but baby moved :shrug: So I will call tomorrow and set up for next week I think? I don't really want to wiat another month for my next check-up- what a drag that'd be!

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