Looking for official TTC buddies!!

I honestly don't know how much more my belly can stick out at this point. And all I'm wearing are night gowns and dresses because they're the only things that fit these days and I'm soooo lazy to get dressed.

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Wow Steph, beautriful bump, you can see how much he's dropped, he's definaely preparing for his exit.

I'm with you in the comfy clothes, dresses are my favourite thing for when I'm leaving the house but otherwise I'm in yoga pants and big tops, usually DH t shirts or maternity pj tops. I've also found DH pj shorts fit well under the bump and are lovely and cool when it's a hotter day. DH thought it was hilarious the day when I worked this out and came downstairs wearing his shorts and t shirt, I ddin't ask just raided his drawers in the need for cool and comfortable!!
Shradha- no the girls are very excited--and Kat is quick to assure us that she is not a baby anymore :haha: She is so eager to be "big" like T that she insists on growing up too fast :( But we still baby both of them and I think they are soiled rotten :rofl: We worried about it most with T because for 4 years she was an only child but she so loves having a sister to play with! I think having another one will just make life more interesting and fun for them :hugs:
That's great Coy..:happydance:...... I never had that feeling coz I am the only daughter......I always wanted a sibling...... Whom I could pamper so much......never got that opportunity :cry:...... Also have heard about sibling rivalry so much that I start thinking good I am alone...... You have raised your kids well..... They know that their parents love would never reduce.....parents love all their children......no need to worry....:hugs:

I was an only child up to the age of 7 and remember it well. I think it had a lot to do with my independance now as an adult and although I have a few very close friends I don't need a big circle. I loved it when my little sister was born, because of the age gap I mothered her more and we've still got a great relationship now.

Shradha - Do you have any cousin sisiters/brothers you are really close to instead of a siboing. I know within the Indian communities in England they are a lot closer to their extended family than we tend to be, making a lot more effort to see them, be there for them and have wonderful relationships.
Oh, and when I was in London I drank like a fish... you Brits know how to drink! I had my favorite pubs and usually went for a Guinness or a Black and Tan... and those Hard Apple Ciders... omg... At the liquor stores over there you guys would sell them in huge jugs!!! Doesn't make for a pretty evening... :rofl:

Sounds like you fully embraced the English culture there Steph!! We are partial to a drink or 10. There are however some sensible well behaved people like Emma. I however was not, at all well behaved. I started going out in town drinking at the age of 16 and from there through to about 22 every weekend was not a pretty sight!! (In fact, there were week nights involved in that too!) At about 22 I bcame a manager so slowed it down somewhat and moved into my own home so didn't quite have the finances to continue getting smashed every weekend, still prob did a couple of times a month though and even up to getting pregnent I still like my drink but prob only got properly drunk once every 3 months. By now I can handle my wine far better and don't mix it with nasty alcopops. I'm either a cocktail or wine girl. I got myself into so many drunken predicaments in my time, not proud of them but have to look back and laugh. The worst has got to be smashing my face on a brick wall costing about £1000 in dental work, 2 weeks off work and a scar!!

I have to say though, I really really miss wine and I havent actually fully gievn up alcohol since being pregnant. UK guidelines are 1 - 2 units once or twice a week. I haven't drank this much but it we've been having a family meal and there's wine I'll have half a glass. I've also recently got a taste for bud (never liked beer before) DH had one one day and I just needed some!! So occaisionally I'll have a small bottle of bud66 (similar to bud light) which only has 1.2 units in it. I tell you I can't wait to be able to have a whole glass of wine followed by a second!! Think that's as much as I'll be having for a while as don't like the thought of feeling influcenced at all by alcohol while looking atfer Beanie. Interesting fact though that I learnt from a friend who was told this by a breastfeeding Dr. You can drink what you like while breastfeeding as it does not go into the milk at all!! DH family were horrifed when I told them this (his Mum thinks she knows everythign there is to know about breastfeeding/brining up babies) but in my science mind it maks sense. I still don''t intend to drink a lot or get drunk while breastfeeding but if I want 2 glasses of wine on a Friday I'm going to have them now (just not when the in laws are around, unless I'm feeling rebellious!!)

On relationships actually, I've always been able to let a lot MIL opinions go over my head, but I really really struggle now and can hear myself getting argumentative with her. I really hate it as feel bad and that I am being disresectful but I get infuriated by the crap she comes out with at times and her inability to acutally have a conversation about opinions, with her, she's right and won't even acknowldge what I'm saying. She once as making a song and a dance when going through a book my sil had about different stories and MIL only knew a couple ou tof 20. She brought up her children 25 years ago and expected it to be the same books!! Total inability to see that the world has moved on!!She's also acquired herself second hand travel cots without asking me or SIL if we are happy for our children to go in them. I am totally not at all happy that's why we bought our own but it has not at all crossed her mind that there may be an issue with second hand mattresses. She also keeps going on and on about buying herself a pushchair for when she has the kids again with total disregard that we have bought her own. She said it woud be helping us as we wouldn't have to bring ours but we bought an easy to fold oen which fits easiily in our car and we bought it to be used. she's just wasting her money. Some of it I think is a one up mans ship on my Mum and she can't afford to buy these things for herself. Do you think this will stay now or calm down when the pregnancy hormones have subsided and I'll be able to let it go over my head again? Although these things annoy me as MIL go she's really not bad and I don't want to fall out with her if I just lose it one day!!

Has anyone else reltaionships changed? I guess yours have to some extent Emma with your recent dilemma with your Grandma and Aunt.
No, I've never touched alcohol. I think I probably would've at some point but my uncle changed my perspective (he died of alcoholism). Whilst I know that having the odd glass of wine is nothing compared to an addiction, he made me promise I'd never touch booze or cigarettes and I've just stuck to it ever since. He also made me promise to never take off these two white wristbands I wear, I'd had them for my birthday just before the 2006 football World Cup. Even though they're only silly little wristbands, I refuse to take them off unless I'm washing them :haha: You lot might have noticed them before, they're visible on a lot of my bump pics.

I would say the only relationship that has really changed is the one I have with my Dad. We're a lot closer now and we stay in contact more often, rather than just seeing each other every couple of weeks. When it comes to my Grandma and aunt... well, they've always been like that. Everything is just that little bit more sensitized now that my Mom is ill and I'm expecting though :wacko:
lovely bump Steph!!!!

AFM, its cd27 and my temp is 97.63. It is rising slowly but surely. And today starts the hectic week. I have an appt. with the recruiter at 2pm and then at 5pm, I have to go to my best friend's (the one who is pregnant) wedding dinner at 5pm today (yes she is now getting married :shock: ). So i will be busy later on today. I dont know what to make of my temps but im just going to continue it out until next AF. And then after that its bye bye to temping and the opks because on july 23rd, i have our appt so im not going to bother with temping etc. Im just going to let nature take its course between next af and july 23rd. Im going to do some cleaning around the house today because we have been sooo busy with work etc that the house work has been slipping our minds. So now got to get back to the house work. Well let's see how today plays out. Oh and I just noticed its 1 month, 2 weeks and 6 days before the doc appt :shock: where does time go? Lastly, i was tinkering with FF and if my temps go to 97.75 or higher, then i will get dotted crosshairs on cd19 and i will be listed as 7dpo :shock:
That's so sad about your Uncle but good on you for you on following through on not touching any. I think sensitized is a really good way of describing how my feelings have changed. You know thinking of your situation with your Mum fighting cancer & the effect that alone has on a family kindof puts my mil into perspective. That's great that you & your Dad are closer now. Part of me hoped my Dad might suddenly take an interest in me again now hes going to be a Grandad but nope, not heard from him. Prob for the best as he & my Mum hate each other & DH hates him for walking away from us & basically forgetting he has a child, DH thinks he doesn't deserve a part in our lives.

No, I've never touched alcohol. I think I probably would've at some point but my uncle changed my perspective (he died of alcoholism). Whilst I know that having the odd glass of wine is nothing compared to an addiction, he made me promise I'd never touch booze or cigarettes and I've just stuck to it ever since. He also made me promise to never take off these two white wristbands I wear, I'd had them for my birthday just before the 2006 football World Cup. Even though they're only silly little wristbands, I refuse to take them off unless I'm washing them :haha: You lot might have noticed them before, they're visible on a lot of my bump pics.

I would say the only relationship that has really changed is the one I have with my Dad. We're a lot closer now and we stay in contact more often, rather than just seeing each other every couple of weeks. When it comes to my Grandma and aunt... well, they've always been like that. Everything is just that little bit more sensitized now that my Mom is ill and I'm expecting though :wacko:
Dam blood pressure, back up to 90 & got a headache again. Hopefully it'll go back down like it did the other day. Randomly it's after I've cleaned the bathroom again, clearly cleaning the bathroom is bad for my health & will have to be DH job!!

Patrice - what's your appointment with your recruiter for today? Hope you enjoy your friends wedding dinner.
Laura - Your DH will be chuffed to bits to hear that :rofl: Maybe because you're exerting yourself your BP rises? xx
Laura - Your DH will be chuffed to bits to hear that :rofl: Maybe because you're exerting yourself your BP rises? xx

The thing is it doesn't rise for any other phsyical activity. We went to a BBQ yesterday afternoon then food shopping round sainsburys and it was fine!! Very random!
Hi ladies!

Lol, reading some of your posts made me laugh! :)

On drinking...I don't think I have ever been properly drunk :shrug: I love a glass of red wine in the evening after the girls go to bed and it's just me and a book or something...or an ice cold beer in summer. I used to have either Guinness, Alaskan Stout (called Moosehead Beer :shrug:) or the best- Mexican beer-Corona. But once prego I haven't touched anything. And never was heavy before, just once in a while. Oh and on New Years dh and I would usually share a glass of Irish Creme :shrug: Thanks though now I am craving a cold salty beer :growlmad: :haha:
Steph- awesome bump! Lol, yes, believe me--you can always expand more :rofl: Just when yout think that's it- pop!- out it comes some more :haha: I used to wear alot of dresses with my first pg because it was summertime- about the same shcedule as this pregnancy actually, as T was due in late October but born early. I hear women moaning about being prego in summer, giving me condolences, etc, but I prefer it to a winter pregnancy. 1) I get to wear nicer clothes...nothing worse that having a huge tummy and having to wear bigger bulky sweaters! I get to show my legs off once ina while instead of wearing cloddish winter boots...2) My activity level is higher because I spend more time outside working out and walking, etc. 3) I tend to eat better, more fruits, veggies, etc. So I love summer pregnancies!

Gotta admitt though I am getting tired of my girls making fun of my sunburnt chest :growlmad: They are mean to me. :haha: Jk, they point and say "Oooo you're red" lol. I finally told them to stop making fun of me for the color of my skin and when I put it that way they stopped :laugh2: Pregnancy makes me burn faster :sad1:

Oh, did I tell you that my doctors female assistant has a huge crush on my dh? No big deal as I know he has no interest, etc, but she is sort of a "B" (Bee-Otch in laymen terms :trouble:) and whenever dh accompanies me on my visits she never fails to point out my "flaws", e.g., I'll step on the weight scale and you'll hear her gasp and then quickly rush to loudly reassure me that "It's okay- it's not ... bad" lol. Then she'll point to my neck or something and say "Oh, you're red, you must burn- unlike me" har har har...evil wench :growlmad: Then she tosses dh a coquettish smile and hip-swings her way out of the room..'Scuse me- what've I got to be worried about? It's me he impregnated witch! lol :roll:

Anyway, it's sunny today- been tending plants and kids :haha: And feeding both :) Let's see, plans- going to walk when it coold down a bit but I am starving...I always forget to eat until later in the day :dohh: So think I'll go get something healthy to eat...:icecream:
Coy- Funny you just mentioned summer pregnancies, I was just coming on here to complain about the heat!!! I went out for a quick Target trip and even though once I was in the store it was cool and everything, I still felt this internal heat and I started sweating profusely, getting short of breath and almost fainted. Combine the heat, with the amount of weight I am walking around with and it's a disaster for me. I have this heat intolerance that started a few summers ago out of nowhere, so now that I am heavily pregnant in the heat, it just makes it worse. Glad you can handle it.... but if I am ever pregnant again, I will definitely make sure that I am not EVER 9 months pregnant in the summertime again!!!!

Laura- Could the BP rise be due to anything that is in the cleaner you're using? Any chemicals, etc? Also, maybe that activity is a bit more strenuous just because you're scrubbing more, maybe you're bending over, on your hands and feet more, etc?

Shradha- Thanks... I've just always been thin and even if I wanted to put on weight I just can't. I don't have any exercise regimen or anything, just probably a high metabolism. But it's still interesting, I have gained about 35 lbs so far in this pregnancy, which is about normal or even more than average. And even though it looks like I am all belly, all that weight surely can't be just in my belly! Although my MW says that I have a lot of amniotic fluid!
Re: the drinking-- Wow Coy, I can't believe you've never been drunk! Maybe your body metabolizes it fast or maybe you just don't drink more than one at a time? Well, all the better... I seriously wish I didn't binge drink back in my day, it really took a toll on my body. And it burned me out so fast that I think I am done with drinking for the rest of my life. Even just one sip of anything triggers the negative effects. In about 5 years I probably drank like 20 years worth. Sad, huh? And Laura, I've had a lot of the same drinking follies, unfortunately!! Anyway-- it ended up wrecking my health, and played a big part into why I changed my lifestyle and became interested in holistic health, natural supplements, healthy food, etc.
Coy- That Dr's assistant... you're right, what a biotch!!! I can't believe her! The nerve to even treat you like that or do those things in front of you... not very professional either. Hopefully this "assistant" doesn't play much of a role in any of your appts, your labor or delivery. Anyway, you're a hot mama and she's probably just jealous.
Patrice- When do you find out where you'll be stationed? Is there a reason you would like to be in Japan? Is it even safe over there, after the radiation and everything?
Btw Laura-- You say that it looks like he's dropped, and that's what I thought... but MW tells me (or at least at my last appt told me) that he hasn't officially dropped yet. And usually with 2nd pregnancies she says the process happens at the last minute and in most cases during labor! I can't imagine carrying him any lower than this! Ahhh... I just hope it's soon, I am very very uncomfortable... I want my life back, I want to be able to walk again!
Steph- I know what you mean about wanting to have your life back--you want to feel like yourself again, the "old" you wheer you can belly flop across the bed or "run" to the car, or jog around the block- lol, I used to be that way in my late term pregnancies :) Not much longer doll and you'll be there! A few weeks, maybe just days...even a few hours :shrug: Walking a lot helps jug the baby down they say and it seemed to help in my case both times...

Re: the doctors assistant. No, the only role she plays is taking my weight, bp, and , well, pee :haha: In a cup of course :) I was having some allergy trouble a while back and she reccommended a "totally safe" medicine (can't remember now what it was :shrug:) to take that was actually "for pregnant women".....well, I researched it and it earned a very low grade, barely passable, by FDA! And, it stated, not safe for pregnant women as it CAUSED BIRTH DEFECTS. K, can I say "the b word" on bnb? :shrug: Cause I'm thinking of saying "the B word" lol...thought of reporting it then decided to heck with her. Dh says she's got a complex because she is from one of the "reknowned and respected" religious families here in town; you know the type- the ones who look down upon the non-locals :haha: Anyway, thanks for the "bee-otch" support :laugh2:
AFM- hot here today but in no way comparable to Shradha's 113 degrees!! Wow, you got my vote Shradha, you're tough! I am trying to get dinner done and the girls play pool set up at the same time...trying to multi-task more so I get some me-time :haha: Oh, speaking of multi-tasking; this morning I was able to cook the family pancakes, bacon, eggs, toast, coffee, sliced fresh fruit and cold milk erved without burning or spilling anything! And I managed to squeeze a toasted bagel in there for myself simultaneously :smug: MUCH better than yesterday when I kept putting evrything in the fridge instead of the oven to cook! :dohh: When I told dh that I kept putting everything in the fridge he laughingly scolded me for my baby brain. Then, later, as I was putting left-overs away int he fridge I found his coffee mug...full of coffee... :rofl: I asked about it and he got all embarassed and admitted he had been, ahem...looking for it for quite a while! :haha: So he has baby brain too :smug: lol. MEN. :rolleyes:
Yep, Shradha definitely wins the award for dealing with the heat!! It's actually not even THAT hot here, it's not even a heatwave yet, but to me it's always 20 degrees warmer than it really is!

And I don't know if it's "okay" to use the B word either, that's why I'll just write biotch! Haha... But wow, that's pretty bad with her trying to give you a possibly dangerous medication?? Don't those kinds of things (prescriptions, etc) have to go through the doctor before it gets to you anyway?

I know how you feel about baby brain. It is now official, that I can no longer be allowed to cook in the kitchen. I had about 8 mishaps last night while making dinner. I burned myself while pouring out boiling water into the sink (twice!), I bent my fingernail back while trying to poke through the cap on a bottle, I dropped and cracked a jar of food while trying to get something out of the fridge, I overcooked the chicken, and I cooked a bunch of broccoli before I noticed that there were bugs all over it and inside of it :sick: :dohh:
AND this morning... I cooked bacon on the stove, went back to lay in bed and about 3 hours later he came in saying that the stove was still on :dohh: I don't know why we didn't notice or smell anything for that entire time, but geez... could I be any more of a failure?! I'm scaring myself, I probably shouldn't even be driving either...

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