Looking for official TTC buddies!!

Yeah, I don't currently have any tabasco in my kitchen, although I like it. I've been trying to do the spicy food thing, but didn't really help.
Well, today I did manage to get some stuff done :) I installed an air conditioner and aired up the girls play pool - manually :help: lol. Then got all my mailing done for the day, went shopping...um...watered the garden, didn't get the grass cut though :nope: Tomorrow is supposed to be cooler so I'll don my jeans early and do it :)

And for some reason it has been, let's see, going on 5 days just to get my doctor to call in the silly prescription for my girls vitamins! When I called and asked why they said "well, we talked to your husband and he didn't know for sure..." That was DAYS ago! I have talked to them, like, 6 times since :devil: lol. Aargh, doctor staff ..... Speaking of vitamins, you ladies have any clue about flouride in kids vitamins? Dentist recommends 1 mg for my oldest and .5 mg for the LO. This vitamin has .5 in it's alrgest serving so I am thinking it should be okay? They brish twice a day with toothpaste - that's the only flouride they get...:shrug:
O man, I think I'm gonna go crazzzzy! Seriously! I guess dh was up all night so he has been asleep almost all day-which leaves me to take care of the girls. That's okay but with everything else I have to do it gets difficult to get everything done. I am managing to do a second load of laundry, with clothes drying from the first :laundry: , I got dinner cooked but now I am trying to do an assignment for my Juvenile Crimes class that is due tonight and I've got kids running back and forth through my office, dinner scattered throughout the house instead of being eaten :wacko: and a serious game of hide-and-seek that includes a "mom I have to hide here" trip through my closet which spreads my clothes all over the place :muaha:....because of the air conditioner the entire house is nice and cool except of course for my office where I am working which has this huge south - westerly facing window with the evening sun beating hard into it and I am a swealtering pregnant lady! :devil: OMG :haha: And I know as soon as I either give up on my assignment or resolve to turn it in late dh will wake up just in time for me to bathe and put the girls to bed :trouble: He does need his rest though, so I am glad he is sleeping at some point but man I would love it if he woke up and entertained the girls for a few hours! :cloud9: so I could do my work.

Did I mention I am excited about my appointment tomorrow? :happydance: I am soooo hoping Molly can get some better images. The other guy Marty is good but he was so out-of-his mind tired that it was more of a giggle fest and he kept rubbing his arm on my thigh while moving the belly-wand which made me really uncomfortable ... I felt like kicking him :haha: Dh was so glued to the screen he probably didn't notice but I told him as soon as we got home.

So probably a girl but maybe a boy and for sure a baby! :cloud9: lol
I am taking the girls for a walk. This is my last ditch effort to burn out their energy resources so they fall asleep and I can study :rofl:
K ladies :hi:, I know it's just me on here, but I'm gonna talk for a bit anyway :shhh:

I am now officially beat! Went on the walk with the girls and we got attacked by swarming mosquitos so ran home, lol. Then...I hurried and put them in the tub, changed everyone's bedding, brought all the delicate plants in (in case of snow :growlmad:) covered the garden, and started on my assignment. Got the girls out of the tub, in their p.j.'s, into bed and asleep, and finished my assignment at 11:58 p.m. and submitted it PHEW! It was due by 12 midnight so that's what I call cutting it close :haha: Everyone is asleep so I think I am going to take a nice long shower and maybe forget the dishes tonight :blush: and just relax for a bit then go to sleep :shrug:

......................... ...:sleep:...................
Laura- where are you? I am getting worried :nope: Are you having a baby yet? Hope you are just relaxing at home with dh or doing something else equally enjoyable...

Shradha- are you on tonight or is your internet giving you fits :hissy: lol...Hope to "see" you soon...

Steph- hope your cold gets better and you find some relief for your cough :(
No baby yet Coy. Got a MW appointment today & I'm interested to see if he has dropped/engaged like I think he has.

Looking forward to seeing the results of your scan today, hopefully it'll be a much nicer experience.

Re the floride no idea what supplements are right. We have it in our water & in our area it's the amount we need I think. Do you have it in your water? Well done for getting your assignment done! Once again it astounds me how much you do!
Steph - I really think your cold is a sign he'll be here soon!

Afm - we had the family over for a BBQ yesterday. It was lovely as the weather stayed nice enough for us to eat outside. Between my DH, Mum & MIL I didn't have to do a lot either which was really nice. When we held 1 for a friends a month ago I was totally exhausted afterwards. Feeling really tired though today. Supposed to be going out for lunch & to the cinema with the girls from my antinatel class later, if MW shows up this morning so hoping I wake up a bit more BH then!! It'll be quite funny with 7 heavily pregnant ladies going to see what to expect when you're expecting!!
MW been. Alls looking good. Bump measures 36 & heart beat was good. He has started to engage but is only at the brim at the moment but that's moved his bum a good inch or 2 lower which is a relief to the ribs!! Protein has finally gone from my urine but leukocytes have gone up so she thinks I might have a urine infection, the hospital thought the sane so she's going to chase up their results tomorrow when the labs are open again. Bloods taken as well to recheck for anemia, think they'll be fine though as my iron levs have always been really good. If things stay steady as they are now I think I may make it to full term after all!!
You know Laura, it's strange because I was thinking about you and Steph getting close to having your babies this morning, and I wouldn't be surprised if he came nearer his due date than we've all been thinking. Boo for the urine infection but at least they're easily cleared with some antibiotics :thumbup: xx
:happydance: I am back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I better get through with all the post.............. Today I couldnt temp coz dh played a prank on me:winkwink: he hid the thermometer.............:shrug: I had to get up and search....:growlmad: so testing gone............... opk..negative..... according to all ovulation predictors I should be O tom......:shrug: was not feeling good the whole day...felt drained and tired....... i took a nap after lunch....now feeling much better...:flower:
Coy, Steph, Laura, Emma, Patrice--- How are you all????
Hi ladies!

Lol, reading some of your posts made me laugh! :)

On drinking...I don't think I have ever been properly drunk :shrug: I love a glass of red wine in the evening after the girls go to bed and it's just me and a book or something...or an ice cold beer in summer. I used to have either Guinness, Alaskan Stout (called Moosehead Beer :shrug:) or the best- Mexican beer-Corona. But once prego I haven't touched anything. And never was heavy before, just once in a while. Oh and on New Years dh and I would usually share a glass of Irish Creme :shrug: Thanks though now I am craving a cold salty beer :growlmad: :haha:

Just out of curiousity I would like to taste and be drunk just once in my life and see how it feels:winkwink:......Have never tasted anything ........ just enjoy drinking home made wine...which is 100% alchohol free...... dh is an occasional drinker...only in parties.....
Shradha- Thanks... I've just always been thin and even if I wanted to put on weight I just can't. I don't have any exercise regimen or anything, just probably a high metabolism. But it's still interesting, I have gained about 35 lbs so far in this pregnancy, which is about normal or even more than average. And even though it looks like I am all belly, all that weight surely can't be just in my belly! Although my MW says that I have a lot of amniotic fluid!
You are very lucky dear.....cant say the same about myself.....have very low metabolism .....:cry:.... I have to really workout to be in shape....which i am not at the present...thats the reason i am putting on weight.... but i am not stressing myself about it ...... will eat nicely during pregnancy and after delivery will workout like crazy.....:happydance:
Steph- awesome bump! Lol, yes, believe me--you can always expand more :rofl: Just when yout think that's it- pop!- out it comes some more :haha: I used to wear alot of dresses with my first pg because it was summertime- about the same shcedule as this pregnancy actually, as T was due in late October but born early. I hear women moaning about being prego in summer, giving me condolences, etc, but I prefer it to a winter pregnancy. 1) I get to wear nicer clothes...nothing worse that having a huge tummy and having to wear bigger bulky sweaters! I get to show my legs off once ina while instead of wearing cloddish winter boots...2) My activity level is higher because I spend more time outside working out and walking, etc. 3) I tend to eat better, more fruits, veggies, etc. So I love summer pregnancies!

Oh, did I tell you that my doctors female assistant has a huge crush on my dh? No big deal as I know he has no interest, etc, but she is sort of a "B" (Bee-Otch in laymen terms :trouble:) and whenever dh accompanies me on my visits she never fails to point out my "flaws", e.g., I'll step on the weight scale and you'll hear her gasp and then quickly rush to loudly reassure me that "It's okay- it's not ... bad" lol. Then she'll point to my neck or something and say "Oh, you're red, you must burn- unlike me" har har har...evil wench :growlmad: Then she tosses dh a coquettish smile and hip-swings her way out of the room..'Scuse me- what've I got to be worried about? It's me he impregnated witch! lol :roll:

Anyway, it's sunny today- been tending plants and kids :haha: And feeding both :) Let's see, plans- going to walk when it coold down a bit but I am starving...I always forget to eat until later in the day :dohh: So think I'll go get something healthy to eat...:icecream:

I hope for a winter pregnancy...or else i will die.....:cry:.. its so hot.... they say that during pregnancy you will feel the heat even more..... if i have a summer baby i will explode...:nope:.....

coy- it must be annoying more coz the assistant is trying to show your flaws in front of dh...... she must be envying you to be his wife:hugs:....... but she is mistaken.....dh who love their wife are least bothered about all this.... specially when you are carrying their child.....:happydance:...dont worry next time she says anything about weight ...just say i am happy that the baby is healthy..... have to eat properly.....
Yep, Shradha definitely wins the award for dealing with the heat!! It's actually not even THAT hot here, it's not even a heatwave yet, but to me it's always 20 degrees warmer than it really is!

And I don't know if it's "okay" to use the B word either, that's why I'll just write biotch! Haha... But wow, that's pretty bad with her trying to give you a possibly dangerous medication?? Don't those kinds of things (prescriptions, etc) have to go through the doctor before it gets to you anyway?

I know how you feel about baby brain. It is now official, that I can no longer be allowed to cook in the kitchen. I had about 8 mishaps last night while making dinner. I burned myself while pouring out boiling water into the sink (twice!), I bent my fingernail back while trying to poke through the cap on a bottle, I dropped and cracked a jar of food while trying to get something out of the fridge, I overcooked the chicken, and I cooked a bunch of broccoli before I noticed that there were bugs all over it and inside of it :sick: :dohh:
AND this morning... I cooked bacon on the stove, went back to lay in bed and about 3 hours later he came in saying that the stove was still on :dohh: I don't know why we didn't notice or smell anything for that entire time, but geez... could I be any more of a failure?! I'm scaring myself, I probably shouldn't even be driving either...

Steph- It has happened with me once......i was making mango jelly.....which requires a lot of time.....so i put the vessel with mangoes and spices and went to take a bath..thinking that by the time i finish the jelly will be made.....gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i completely forgot about it and it was only when smell started coming i rushed ...... my jelly had got burnt....:dohh:
Shradha- Did you get my message here on bnb? Send me your email (if you don't mind) and I can send you a link to the photos...

yea..steph....just checked .....i have already replied...:happydance:....nice bump.....nicholas is so cute.......he must be so excited....
Ahhhh....chocolate vanilla ice cream bars really should have more chocolate in them but they're still pretty awesome :haha: Chocolate: my favorite mood enhancer :rofl:
Mine too Coy!!!!!!!!! Dh loves Vanilla and I dont....:nope:but I still buy for him...and with my portion I add liquid chocolate syrup or strawberry syrup.....:happydance:
Steph- Heard cough is back...so sad....... how are you today??
Hi everyone- Sorry I've been away nursing my cold... but looks like not a whole lot of happenings to catch up with.

Laura, glad your appt went well, the leukocytes could just be a temporary thing and also sometimes they get in the urine from the cm or not wiping well enough. I had a bit in my urine a few appts ago, and they asked me if I've had any symptoms, ie burning or anything, and I told them no so they said that it probably wasn't anything. And just in case it was the beginning of a uti, I just drank lots of water to flush it out and I ended up being fine.

So if Beanie has dropped a bit, I'm guessing he might be here between 38-39 weeks. That's my guess. Assuming your bp doesn't cause any problems! Will they let you go that far if he hasn't arrived yet?

Coy- Fluoride is a controversial thing. I, personally, am against using it, even in my toothpaste. I think a minimal amount is fine, like in your toothpaste, but when it comes to supplementing that's where I think it is not needed and can actually do more harm than good. If you look it up online, you'll find the dangers. You should also check if the city puts it in your water, because that is very common now. If they do, the dentist wouldn't need to give you the supplement. Everytime we go to our ped dentist, they ask us if it's in our water... I tell them that it is (even though the truth is that I'm not really sure) and he just says, okay, you don't need the supplement. We also decline any fluoride treatment they would do also.

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