Looking for official TTC buddies!!

Btw, hope I didn't offend either of you, or make you feel bad...

Not at all Steph. I have thought about it before. Logically it makes sense in some cases as you've said in later posts. Like you & Coy I'm also very analytical about things. It really helped me to get past the mc by learning as much as I could about them & possible causes so I could try & take control & do what I could to try and avoid any future ones. Normally I'd be interested in looking into the gender thing further but on this one occasion I really dont want to know. I'm currently clinging on to the hope that baby number 2 will be a girl!!
Laura- I'm sorry I brought up the m/c thing, and after you saw that movie and everything. I wanted to see the movie, now I'm not so sure! But it seems pretty funny at the same time.

Sorry, I've ruined it a bit for you telling you about the mc. It is still worth seeing though, definately very funny. I still would have wanted to see it if I'd known about the mc but perhaps with some1 other than the anti natal girls, or stuck myself in the corner!!
I really hope he comes soon for you :hugs: I can't wait to hear your birth story & see his first pics.

Steph- ready to have that baby yet :haha: lol, man the last few weeks are the worst huh?! I remember thinking it would never end, lol! I remember fantasizing about doing tummy crunches again and laying on my belly. Silly me, huh! I would tighten my tummy msucles as far as I could and it would feel like bliss! Dh would run over and pat my belly and say sternly "Stop that! You're disturbing the baby!" lol.

Yeah, dh knows I say every minute how I need to have this baby NOW. I can't do anything anymore, just getting up and doing one thing I get exhausted. And it's funny, when I go out, people look at me like "Whoa! Shouldn't you be having that baby, like right now?" I must look about 12 months pregnant. I feel 12 months pregnant.

Okay, so I saw another theory today about predicting your baby's due date based on the moon cycle (only really applies if you already have a child/children)... would you like to know about it?
Afm - had a bit of a pamper day today, had my hair done, lunch round Mums then a massage!! The massage was fantastic. A proper maternity one my friend bought for me for Xmas. I thought it was just shoulders but it was shoulders, neck, arms, hands & a full facial! Pure heaven. DH is now cooking fatitas for dinner, yum yum. Now this is what maternity leave should be about!!
I really hope he comes soon for you :hugs: I can't wait to hear your birth story & see his first pics.

Steph- ready to have that baby yet :haha: lol, man the last few weeks are the worst huh?! I remember thinking it would never end, lol! I remember fantasizing about doing tummy crunches again and laying on my belly. Silly me, huh! I would tighten my tummy msucles as far as I could and it would feel like bliss! Dh would run over and pat my belly and say sternly "Stop that! You're disturbing the baby!" lol.

Yeah, dh knows I say every minute how I need to have this baby NOW. I can't do anything anymore, just getting up and doing one thing I get exhausted. And it's funny, when I go out, people look at me like "Whoa! Shouldn't you be having that baby, like right now?" I must look about 12 months pregnant. I feel 12 months pregnant.

Okay, so I saw another theory today about predicting your baby's due date based on the moon cycle (only really applies if you already have a child/children)... would you like to know about it?

K, I missed the movie part--what movie is it? I wonder if I should watch it...
Afm - had a bit of a pamper day today, had my hair done, lunch round Mums then a massage!! The massage was fantastic. A proper maternity one my friend bought for me for Xmas. I thought it was just shoulders but it was shoulders, neck, arms, hands & a full facial! Pure heaven. DH is now cooking fatitas for dinner, yum yum. Now this is what maternity leave should be about!!

OMG that all sounds awesome!! I would sooo love a massage right now but can't get passed having anyone but dh do it. He is so schooled in nerve points and muscle mechanics (from martial arts) he knows how to do it very well....except one time when I was prego with Kat he statred a back massage and missed and hit the wrong nerve bundle. Yeah. Afterwards he felt so bad because that just happens to be the nerve bundle that can make an individual violently nauseas and causes projectile vomiting :roll: Had I known...lol!
Oops, that's quite a miss but I imagine easily done, I'm always amazed at how people find pressure points on different sized people!! There were some pressure points used in the massage I had.

Afm - had a bit of a pamper day today, had my hair done, lunch round Mums then a massage!! The massage was fantastic. A proper maternity one my friend bought for me for Xmas. I thought it was just shoulders but it was shoulders, neck, arms, hands & a full facial! Pure heaven. DH is now cooking fatitas for dinner, yum yum. Now this is what maternity leave should be about!!

OMG that all sounds awesome!! I would sooo love a massage right now but can't get passed having anyone but dh do it. He is so schooled in nerve points and muscle mechanics (from martial arts) he knows how to do it very well....except one time when I was prego with Kat he statred a back massage and missed and hit the wrong nerve bundle. Yeah. Afterwards he felt so bad because that just happens to be the nerve bundle that can make an individual violently nauseas and causes projectile vomiting :roll: Had I known...lol!
AFM- I am trying to work on preparing things for this baby's arrival even though it is a few months off yet. I am starting with my "mom" patience. For example: this morning when I walked into the kitchen the girls had sleeping bags out and were pretending to be worms in cocoons...so they were sliding all over the floor and getting under foot. So I calmly thanked them for mopping the floor :haha: and walked back out. Much better than chiding them and telling them to move out of the way.

Oh, and I am also having to stamp down on adiscipline a bit. Well, alot actually :haha: Usually our evenings go with me setting a bedtime for the girls and "papa" breaking it :growlmad: lol- he usually puts ona cartoon to watch with them, etc. But last night I demanded a 9:30 bedtime and darned if I didn't make it happen! :smug: I wasn't super popular but - hey. Kids and I both need to sleep! Especially now with baby coming I need to learn to start making room for my extra time and getting them to where they understand if I set a schedule they have to follow it. Otherwise I paya pretty huge price, either up til midnight on my assignments or rushing to get stuff done while they relax, etc. And funny thing is Teagen slept a sound 12 hours! I told Kat not to be invading my bed at night unless she had nightmares so BOTH girls had nightmares last night :wacko: I did have to laugh secretly to myself though as Teagens nightmare had to do with "another sister" that looked like Katana but was evil and chasing her. :roll: This new baby is freaking her out a bit I think!!
The film is what to expect when you're expecting. It's kindof a spin off from the book. Its about different couples journeys to become a parent. It covers quite a bit & is very funny but also sad in places.
Sorry I left last night too. But I think I came back later? I don't know. It always says we are online long after we are gone, so I don't even look at that anymore!

I've been grumpy today. You know when you wake up feeling miserable that the rest of the day is just going to be miserable. I don't think I slept very well last night, I'm still battling my cold, and I am just so easily annoyed at dh. My birthday is tomorrow and my mom is going to take Nicholas for some of the day, and my dh was going to spend part the day with me, maybe go out to a movie or something, but it turns out he has to work. So I'll be all alone on my birthday :( I mean, I don't really care much this year, I even told my family I don't want any celebrations or anything... but I at least wanted to be able to be with both my boys. And I'm just miserable cause I really need to get this baby out, I am so uncomfortable, I feel so unhealthy and I can't do anything. I feel a bit of depression setting in, hopefully it doesn't get worse after baby comes.

Anyway, here is the article explaining the moon cycle thing. It's pretty interesting, I checked it with my sister's kids and dh and his brother and it was spot on.

Steph- awesome, I will check out the link- sounds like amazing info! :thumbup:

Yes, it is understandable to wake up feeling miserable, especially at this point in your pg...Your body is gearing up for labor and I wouldn't be surprised you are experiencing a rish of hormone necesary to trigger labor also. And if you can't have dh because of work just tell your mom to take Nicholas another day. OR if I were you take advantage of your alone time. What would you normally do during your quet "me time"? Would you go shopping? Hang out with friends? Maybe get a massage or treat yourself to something? I find it is a great stress reliever for me if I force myself not to think or worry- just for a little while- about family. For example: usually when I go shopping or am on errands for the family I am in a hurry because the girls love to misbehave when I am gone and dh isn't always prepared for it. That's partly my fault as I generally take control when I am home and he doesn't have to worry about it. So, in other words, he is trained to ignore it, which ignoring it when I am gone can be disatserous :haha: BUT I have learned if I want to relax I take a few moments to myself, and shrug off the possibilities of what could happen when I am not around. I let him handle it. Usually when I do do that it goes one of two ways: I come home and they are all happily engaged in play time OR I have two near-naked girls wrapped in blankets and a very wet or messy dh trying to clean up a master mess! :haha: Rather than putting them in the tub he usually just patches them up to wait for mom:haha: MEN :roll: So try to let your mind relax about other things and just FOCUS ON YOURSELF for once!

Happy birthday btw! Here's what would be awesome: For your birthday your mom has Nicholas (so no worries about where he is, right?) and you go into labor--so you have the baby out AND get to spend the day with your dh :haha: Here's to willing it to happen!\\:D/
Sorry for all my misspellings- I generally type fast and I should double check, but .... :shrug:.....
laura- i dont know what to guess coz the opk arent helping:shrug:.....the C line is not so dark and the T line is light..... today's testing was better...... was checking with various O calculators ...all showing days from june 6-10.......
hopefully opk helps me soon......
AFM- I woke up feeeling miserable too...with the girls both waking me up last night with nightmares I was up and down at least 3-4 times ...So I am exhausted. Then Kat came bounding in to wake me up early :wacko: BUT I am set to believe today is a good day as I washed a load of laundry for the girls last night and this morning I found in the dryer two pairs of matching socks for them :haha: Believe me- as a mom of two kids I can honestly say that is an awesome accomplishment! lol...I am greatful to dh for pointing out the obvious to me...after months of combatting the matching sock issue he finally asked me why I don't just buy them white socks- that way they always match no matter what....:saywhat:....Why didn't I think of that? I always try to make them look nice so am buying pink socks, green socks, striped socks...just cute "outfit" things but dh is right- I am off to buy a huge bag of white socks! :haha: This is all part of my self-examination to prepare for the baby- by simplifying things for myself in general life matters. :) Next it is organizing their room to accomodate the changing table. Plus I have to re-do their closet to fit all their things as I am taking their dresser for the baby's things. 1) they just love to empty their drawers onto the floor and make huge messes so this will eliminate that from happening 2) I can put a lock on the closet to keep them out :haha: Am I terrible? :devil: THEN I gotta figure out how to fit the baby bassinet into my room....:coffee:...
Steph- thanx dear......... today i only gave him fruits and a cup of milk..... we only get ordinary wheat,oats and brown bread.......... today touchwood he is feeling better...:hugs:......
Shradha- I am glad you are so keen on helping dh with his diabetes! Wether they like it or not it does help I think to have another person viewing the glucose issues from diff angles. My dh gets frustrated at having to monitor but he is awesome about it and always checks- 5-6 times daily.
Coy- good you are setting a time table...... its good coz soon you will have to manage 4 kids...... (m including dh coz sometimes they act as one :hugs:)...
Oh, another thing I did yesterday even though I felt slightly bad about it...I told the girls "no". :saywhat: lol...They asked to go for a walk and I gave them a time table to get ready and we would go but they kept playing around until it was dark, cloudy, and windy out. So by the time they came to me for their walk I was exhausted and my tummy muscles were hurtine stretching and feeling crampy- so I said "no". Boy talk about howling kids! They ran to their dad to "make him make me" go but he just told them no also :) So I spent an hour resting on the couch while they pouted :shrug: I am learning to be tougher on them to give myself some much-needed room. Either for rest or whatever. I am finding I need the rest more now :shrug:
Coy- good you are setting a time table...... its good coz soon you will have to manage 4 kids...... (m including dh coz sometimes they act as one :hugs:)...

LOL! You are so right! My dh is very responsible and pretty darn awesome about most things but there are times he is just a big kid with the girls! I know much of this is because he had to grow up fast. His dad died when he was 10 years old and he had to raise his two little brothers. So he now has a "kid streak" in him :haha: He likes to buy Hot Wheel cars, etc, just for fun of it and plays with the girls a lot...and it is good sometimes he has an insight to kid-things that I miss.
I gotta love thse sites on line where it tells pregnant women "to avoid or alleviate leg cramps try elevating your feet and drinking plenty of fluids". Right. Like, as working women or women with children already we can actually sit, prop up our feet, and sip on a drink? LMAO! This is why I wear slip on shoes, lol, cause I never have time for laces :haha:

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