Looking for official TTC buddies!!

Oh, I forgot to mention--when I went in for the second u/s the technician was concerned as my placenta is very low and very near the cervix edge. So the hope is it will move up - not sure if they can do that? Anyway the tech suggested another u/s at about 32-35 weeks to check it. If it doesn't move up we may have to consider a c-section. I would worry that during labor stages the contractions would try to push the placenta out first or it would block the cervix :shrug: So I have partial previa at the moment...kind of scary but apparently as the uterus grows the hope is the placenta will naturally move up with the uterine wall. I'm gonna have to doc to doc about this one!
COY-yes i will be taking the new job. I start june 25th :happydance: So everything is moving along quickly and i like it that way.
Coy- Teagan has a great name for you there! I like both Alexandra and Xena. My niece's name is Alexandra, Ally for short. Re: the placenta, yes I have totally heard that in most cases, actually, the placenta moves on up throughout the pregnancy. So I think there's a good chance you'll be fine. But since yours is so low to begin with, we just want it to move up a lot! I don't think there is anything you can do about it, just wait it out.

Btw, I am definitely BF'ing, no doubt about it. Well, unless there are issues with it, but hoping there aren't, as there wasn't any last time. I think I told you guys, but I actually had an EXCESS of milk, and had a freezer full of filled milk storage bags and felt bad because they sat in there too long without using them and I couldn't donate it at that point. But yeah, in the early days I was so engorged that I had to wake up every 2 hours to feed the baby and if he didn't need it, I had to wake up anyway to pump. But, definitely better than having a low supply, so I'm not complaining. I hope I have the same problem this time around. I just LOVED BF'ing, it was such a bonding experience, and especially in the early days when you are dealing with other stressful moments like crying, changing diapers, waking up, etc... it really helps to have that one time where you can just rest and have that intimate, quiet moment with your child. If I didn't BF, I don't know what I would have done with that time!! Sometimes he'd be at my breast for like 45 minutes... which is much better than 45 minutes of crying and screaming!

Emma- I say do what you're comfortable with re: BF'ing. After the baby is born, you'll see how it goes and you'll know what you want to do. You never know how you're going to feel about it after baby is here. Same for you Laura.

And Coy- Your mom was SOOO wrong about being "flat" equating to not enough milk :rofl: Couldn't be farther from the truth with me! I am flat as a board (what the miracles of padding can do) and I had enough milk to feed triplets!
Speaking of breastfeeding, I'm hoping my profile pic doesn't look like he's kissing one big giant boob! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I just noticed that... :haha:
Speaking of breastfeeding, I'm hoping my profile pic doesn't look like he's kissing one big giant boob! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I just noticed that... :haha:

:rofl: :rofl: You made me laugh hard with that one! :haha: :laugh2: Lol, that's too funny. No, it's pretty obvious what he's kissing! Super cute btw!

Yeah, my mom also told me to drink mass quantities of alcohol to ensure adequate milk supply :shrug: Sometimes I think she's just out-to-get-me lol :nope: I did NOT drink alcohol while BF'ing btw :roll: lol!

And yes, I love padding :cloud9: Dh told me he doesn't want me to get enhancements, plus it sounds uber painful! Yikes.

I wonder why you had so much extra? I had tons also but never enough to save in large amounts...I wonder if I stated pumping right away, like maybe in between every feeding to convince my body to make more? That might work. I would love if this LO would take a bottle (the other two refused flatly) so the family could partake once in a while. But I loved BF'ing too. Btw "BF'ing" could be sooo bad, I feel funny writing it out that way! :haha: I'm gonna say "BRF'ing" just for my moral sanity! :rofl:
Really? BRF'ing looks like barfing!! LOL!!

Yeah, I don't know why I had so much milk... maybe just because the engorgement in the beginning made me need to pump... although I didn't start pumping until a few months in I think... then of course the more I pumped, the more I produced... but I couldn't help it, your just get into the cycle! Things did even out eventually though so I wasn't too badly engorged, but I always had more than enough. I think we started giving N a bottle when he was 3 months old. I didn't want "nipple confusion" as they say, although I'm sure he would have been fine because he never had a problem latching. I might try giving Brandon a bottle (and pacifier) earlier this time.
Really? BRF'ing looks like barfing!! LOL!!

Yeah, I don't know why I had so much milk... maybe just because the engorgement in the beginning made me need to pump... although I didn't start pumping until a few months in I think... then of course the more I pumped, the more I produced... but I couldn't help it, your just get into the cycle! Things did even out eventually though so I wasn't too badly engorged, but I always had more than enough. I think we started giving N a bottle when he was 3 months old. I didn't want "nipple confusion" as they say, although I'm sure he would have been fine because he never had a problem latching. I might try giving Brandon a bottle (and pacifier) earlier this time.

Nuts! It does look like barfing :rofl: Aw well, I am trying :haha:

I couldn't get my girls to take a bottle :nope: I think you are right it was nipple confusion, they would absolutley refuse it. Dh wanted to participate but nope!
When did you try to give them a bottle? Maybe if it was too early, they rejected it because they weren't ready, but if it was too late, at that point they were too used to the breast...?

About the moon cycle thing... I guess because your first was premature we'll just have to wait and see if it holds true with this one! For me, because N's labor was enhanced by pitocin, I will never know truly what day he would have came naturally... but if I am looking around the time I started contracting, my "day" was day 8. So, if I start contractions at the same time this time, that means I will start labor June 11th. If I look at when he was born, that was day 12, and if I had waited for him to come naturally he might have been born on day 13... so basically going by this, I could have this baby anytime between 11th-16th! Seems to make sense doesn't it?
In a way it does! I am just amazed that going by Kat's b-day this one would actually eb born 4 days past New Moon which puts her right at her edd! I thought that was cool! I believe the moon has a lot to do with it...when I had my first prematurely the midwife told me it was because of the pull of the moon...and I was stunned to see the hospital literally brimming beyond capacity with laboring women! My floor was full and all of the labor rooms had multiple mothers in them...I was in a regular room by myself thank goodness! Whata creepy place, lol, all these moaning and screaming women up and down the halls! :rofl:
Steph- did Nicholas get a hearing test when he was born? They performed one on teagen but not on Kat...I wonder if it was because T was premature?
Yes, I believe they did do an initial one when he was born. I figured it was standard for all newborns to get them in the hospital whether premature or not :shrug: Is there a reason why you ask? Do you think there is a problem with her hearing?

I know, that is funny that it works out to be your exact edd... that would be interesting... we'll just have to see! If this theory turns out to be right for both of us, that just might have me convinced!
Coy- Have a question for you... when you would get BH in the past would you ever actually feel your cervix opening up?? Is that even possible to feel the dilation? I've been getting these kinds of BH where I can feel this kind of sensation like a pressure down on my cervix and I could swear that it is opening. Maybe just wishful thinking that these contractions are doing some work ahead of time! I know they are not real contractions yet though... I've been getting these occasionally for the last week or so, these "cervix opening" kind.
Btw, they are not painful at all, it's kind of a nice feeling?!
Coy- Have a question for you... when you would get BH in the past would you ever actually feel your cervix opening up?? Is that even possible to feel the dilation? I've been getting these kinds of BH where I can feel this kind of sensation like a pressure down on my cervix and I could swear that it is opening. Maybe just wishful thinking that these contractions are doing some work ahead of time! I know they are not real contractions yet though... I've been getting these occasionally for the last week or so, these "cervix opening" kind.

We were told in our antinatal classes that this does happen and actually the early stages of labour can happen over weeks before actual active labour starts. Given you're now 38 weeks + I think it's definately possible.

I've also got a question if that's ok. I think I lost a bit of my mucus plug last night, only a small amount but it was really stringy, thick snot like cm a kindof of dark yellowy/orange/brown colour. Never had CM like it before so figured mucus plug would make sense. This was probably at about 9pm last night. Since about 3.30 am this morningI've been getting period pains, quite bad ones in my pelvis area and back. If I lie flat they get worse in the front but eases the back and if I curl up in a kindof fetal position it helps the pain in the front, just like what used to help with AF pains. I've also felt noticeable pressure on my bladder and back passage but not obvious wind/digestion problems. i think I've also had some braxton hicks. It;s now 5.30 and still in pain, its not there bad all the time but isn't fully going and I wouldn't say they are coming and going in a contraction type way. I had something similar a few weeks ago but it only lasted about half an hour. Logic makes me think it's just my uterus starting to losses at the bottom to allow Beanie to start engaing which may be the pressure feeling. Would you agree or do you think more could be happening?
Btw, they are not painful at all, it's kind of a nice feeling?!

:rofl: If only active labour was like that!! Although for some people it is, my cousin didn't ever really feel in a lot of pain apparently!!! Perhaps you're in for a speedy painless birth!
Oh, I forgot to mention--when I went in for the second u/s the technician was concerned as my placenta is very low and very near the cervix edge. So the hope is it will move up - not sure if they can do that? Anyway the tech suggested another u/s at about 32-35 weeks to check it. If it doesn't move up we may have to consider a c-section. I would worry that during labor stages the contractions would try to push the placenta out first or it would block the cervix :shrug: So I have partial previa at the moment...kind of scary but apparently as the uterus grows the hope is the placenta will naturally move up with the uterine wall. I'm gonna have to doc to doc about this one!

Hopefully you should, I know someone who had a full previa at 20 weeks, had a scan recently at 35 weeks and it had moved up and totally out of the way. As i understand more move than stay over it so fingers crossed you'll be ok.
Love the name Xena! I have an aunt called Zena and she's a very strong, fiery woman :haha: xx

I really like the name Xena as well. Teagan's done well on that suggestion!! It's funny how kids like them to use their name, my friends little boy who is 3 refers to his little brother in his Mummys tummy by his name!!
Laura- Sounds like it COULD be the start of something. Would you say the mucus plug was bloody? I remember mine was clear with streaks of red blood in it. I'm not totally sure that what you saw was part of the mucus plug, but because it was discolored I would definitely wonder. And the other big thing is that you are having pain with the contractions... usually when it starts to get painful that is how you know labor is starting... could be early labor... but it is starting. Like you said, early labor could go on for weeks, but if you're in a lot of pain (especially period like pain) AND you are having some kind of discharge, I would either call your MW or go into L&D and get checked out. You never know.... and if you're not in labor, they'll just send you home. Are these contractions keeping you up, preventing you from sleeping? Are they regular?
Try drinking a lot of water and laying down on your side... and go to the bathroom if you need to (I know sometimes if I have to go or if I have wind, it can mimic contractions)... if they go away after trying all that it's probably not labor.
Laura- Sounds like it COULD be the start of something. Would you say the mucus plug was bloody? I remember mine was clear with streaks of red blood in it. I'm not totally sure that what you saw was part of the mucus plug, but because it was discolored I would definitely wonder. And the other big thing is that you are having pain with the contractions... usually when it starts to get painful that is how you know labor is starting... could be early labor... but it is starting. Like you said, early labor could go on for weeks, but if you're in a lot of pain (especially period like pain) AND you are having some kind of discharge, I would either call your MW or go into L&D and get checked out. You never know.... and if you're not in labor, they'll just send you home. Are these contractions keeping you up, preventing you from sleeping? Are they regular?

There definately wasn't any fresh blood in it but I guess maybe some old blood could have caused the colour. There was only al little bit and not had any since, it was about an hour after DTD so I though at the time it may have got a little dislodged, even though we are very careful and gentle!!! :blush:

I was awake before they started, having a very bad pregnancy insomia night and been awake since 1.30am with only the odd snooze here and then. Since it started though it's stopped me going sleep. There isn't any kindof of regualarity to it. The pain is still there now but not too bad then occaisionally it gets worst sometimes for longer than others. Something else I'm getting and I've been having this seperate to any pain for a week now is throbbing in my lower back. Not painful throbbing either, almost feels like a really strong pulse in my back. MW has never heard of it before though!! She thought it may just be weight of Beanie on some nerves.

Feeling kindof nervous / excited and terrifeid now!! I'm going to sit it our for a few more hours to see if they go away like they did before or get worse.

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