Looking for official TTC buddies!!

Coy- Ok, so I talked to DH about the coffee. The ones that are available right now are the Extra Fancy (both med and dark roasts)... they are all out of Peaberry at the moment. The price online is $28.95 but will discount to $22.95... if you place an order, just write in the comment box that you are a friend of mine and are entitled to the discount. DH is the one that gets the orders, so he will know who you are and what to do.
Good morning friends! Temp 96.7f..... Cramps gone...lower back pain reduced.... I am good to start the day..poor dh again had the leg pain......so both of us couldnt sleep properly......massaging and all and we both knew I may O so BD is necessary......so finally BD at 4 am......:hugs:.... He tends to get more leg pain becoz of continuous sitting in front of the computer..... Can't complain it's it's job..... But always keep telling him to take small breaks and move a bit.... Blood circulation is imp.......

Steph- so it can be anytime......:happydance:.......are you nervous?
Thanx for the pics......:happydance: they were fantastic..so real..... Specially the family pic...... I just loved it......:hugs: you look so good with the bump.....touchwood!

Laura- how are you doing ? Hope no pain....

Coy- it's ok to have 2 sandwiches...... Which type of coffee do you like? Black,creamy, espresso ?

I like my coffee to be creamy so I beat it nicely.....I mean coffee powder with sugar....

Emma- how are you?

Patrice- few more days to test....... :happydance: ..how are you? Any symptoms?
Steph - sorry it's not better new re the dialation but I guess something is better than nothing. I will be totally in the dark re that until I'm in hospital in labour as they won't check before in the uk unless there is a concern, such as waters breaking early or preterm contractions.

Re the back labour i know a couple of people who have had it & 1 thing that can happen is irregular contractions so watch out for that. We were told in yoga & anti natal classes the best way to get babies to turn id by either sitting on a birthing ball (added bonus is bouncing on it as well also helps baby engage & open cervix) or sitting up straight on high backed chairs. This creates optimal turning room for baby & is more comfortable for them to be the right way. Unfortunately my current favourite position of slouching on sofa with feet up is very very bad so will have to try not to sit like this too much after I hit 37 weeks!! Back labors for first babies is worse apparently & I don't want that if I also end up being induced!!

Coy - that's great about the placenta, one thing less to think about. Re the 2nd sandwich I went through a stage of doubling my lunch, my normal lunch didn't touch the sides. Didn't last long though do think it was just a growth spurt. I embraced it!!

Beanie is definately going to be an early riser/night baby. Been awake since 4.30 today & had to get up to have breakfast as was starving!! This is turning into a daily routine now! I've heard that their waking times in the womb at the end of pregnancy are the same when they're born. Is this true to your experiences Steph & Coy? I'm sure I've also read somewhere that your hunger when pregnant can actually be the baby who's hungry, which for Besnie kindof makes sense as unlike most babies who are more active after eating he kicks up a storm when I'm hungry but is often then quiet after I eat!!'I do have a noisy digestive system though & wonder if the gurgled send him to sleep!! Perhaps I'll be lying him on my tummy to get him to sleep when he's born!! :haha:
I asked the other day to my mom....how I was born? She told me the previous day i.e on 8 th they went for check up and doc told her I would not be born before 13 th ..... So they went out for a late night movie as the movie hall was near to the house .... It was an action movie... My mom was getting all sorts of feeling coz it had too much of action scenes and was very noisy..... Suddenly contractions begin..... She had to be taken to the hospital......
Which type of coffee do you like? Black,creamy, espresso ?

YES! :haha: lol I like it all! In the morning if I have coffee it is usually black but there are times when I like it with just cream...I used to get these tall Startbucks iced coffees 4 espresso shots on ice with skim milk :cloud9: Mmmm lol!
Laura- yes I did find that babies tend to have the same initial schedule once they are born as they had in the womb. Unfortunately this meant a wide awake happy baby starting at midnight to about 4 a.m....then sleep most of the day :wacko: lol! But here I sit all late at night wide awake...hmmm. :haha:
I did end up skipping the seocnd sandwich btw as I oculdn't let myself do it, lol. Now I am starving again as it is 10:30 p.m. and I got busy and skipped dinner again :dohh: So now I think I am off to raid he fridge of leftovers...or SOMETHING :shrug: Not positive what they left me but I always have crackers and milk, lol...

Got everyone asleep early tongiht- it is windy so that always seems lulling :shrug: So I have a bit of "me" time :) Wonder if I can find a good English comedy on tv...Laura and Emma what is it with your dry English comedies? Silly ones like "Keeping Up Appearances" and the like... I have loved them since I was a kid, poor dh...He buys me the dvd's for my birthday etc, then slips out of the room while I watch them! :rofl: Too dry for him I guess :)
Which type of coffee do you like? Black,creamy, espresso ?

YES! :haha: lol I like it all! In the morning if I have coffee it is usually black but there are times when I like it with just cream...I used to get these tall Startbucks iced coffees 4 espresso shots on ice with skim milk :cloud9: Mmmm lol!

Hmm ...... Me too....I remember when I was small I loved drinking coffee..... But as I grew up ......things changed....but that doesn't mean I don't drink...once in a while I enjoy a cup of hot or ice coffee....depending on my mood:happydance:
Coy - so finally you got some personal space ....:hugs: no disturbance..... Enjoy this free time.....
Whinge warning!!!


It's driving me mad now, I feel tired, my eyes are sore from being tired & my blood pressure is up prob due to lack of sleep!! It's not even beanie keeping me awake with lots of movement. Why can't I sleep??!! :( it's been 3 hours now :(
Try not to skip meals Coy, I know easier said than done with your hectic schedule but nutrionally its really really bad skipping meal times & I guess worse when pregnant. Set yourself an alarm or something to remind you to eat something, even if it's just a bowl of cereal.

I did end up skipping the seocnd sandwich btw as I oculdn't let myself do it, lol. Now I am starving again as it is 10:30 p.m. and I got busy and skipped dinner again :dohh: So now I think I am off to raid he fridge of leftovers...or SOMETHING :shrug: Not positive what they left me but I always have crackers and milk, lol...

Got everyone asleep early tongiht- it is windy so that always seems lulling :shrug: So I have a bit of "me" time :) Wonder if I can find a good English comedy on tv...Laura and Emma what is it with your dry English comedies? Silly ones like "Keeping Up Appearances" and the like... I have loved them since I was a kid, poor dh...He buys me the dvd's for my birthday etc, then slips out of the room while I watch them! :rofl: Too dry for him I guess :)
Laura- are you still awake? I'd say "weird-O" but--here I am :blush: lol...I am having trouble with sleep lately also...at night I find my mind goes bonkers, I basically stress out about things at this point. I wonder if you aren't just naturally starting to worry about things out of your control? Maybe the idea of labor just suddenly springnig upon you, not knowing how it feels, what to expect, etc...that is all very normal and I can honestly say it's nothing to worry about :) You'll have your dh to watch over and protect you and make sure everybody tows the line of your expectations and a complete medical L & D crew at the hospital to ensure baby is delivered safely and carefully. Try to relax if you are worried about stuff.

Now if I could just take my own advice! :dohh: Lol, I had the strangest feeling this evening. Like I had a deadline I was missing or something and I wandered aorund the house for about an hour doing laundry, etc...I actually ended up flushing my dinner as the idea of it was extremely unappealing. Then I started working with my weights and stretching on the machine when I started to realize that I was stressing not having control of things. I guess that was my way of trying to get a modicum of control back! :shrug: I have a feeling that there's this huge responsibility that just I am packing around while trying to get ready for the baby and yet everyone else around me seems totally unaffected, almost like it's not real for them or something? Does this make sense or do I sound crazy? :haha:
Try not to skip meals Coy, I know easier said than done with your hectic schedule but nutrionally its really really bad skipping meal times & I guess worse when pregnant. Set yourself an alarm or something to remind you to eat something, even if it's just a bowl of cereal.

I know, huh? I am not supposed to skip but I will rush in and cook breakfast for everyone then something always comes up and I end up bolting half a up of coffee and a piece of toast then off I go...Then I get lunch for the girls and start working on my assignment for school..take a break and do the house errands, then when I start to cook something the girls come clamoring int hat they are hungry and I give it to them instead (which is fine, I just have to remember to cook extra :haha:) or I put it off because I feel silly just cooking for me iykwim? Then at dinner I take advantage of the fact that the girls are busy eating and I use that time to polish my team assignments, etc (this is a Finals week of testing btw) so I skip dinner...:shrug:

I did eat some cottage cheese tonight as I thought that had better qualities (e.g. protein) than crackers, lol!
I guess you too found some sleep.....good! Sleep tight!

Laura- try and get some sleep in small sessions here and there....coz soon you are going to be sleep deprived when the baby comes...... Start making a habit from now on to have a nap whenever possible......if beanie is a day sleeper and night watcher .......then you may not get sleep at all......

Coy- I know it is difficult to manage everything....... But don't get stressed..... Eat properly......by the way ....... You are always on your toes...so there is less chances of you to put in a lot of weight......
Hello ladies.

Coy-I was saying bfp too. If anything i can always enlist in the Navy after baby is born but we shall see.

Shradha-Nope no symptoms other than creamy cm every now and then and just the feeling of being hot but i think its because its been hot lately i guess :shrug:

Steph-Everything is sounding good on your end :thumbup:

Laura-Dont you just love waking up to active babies :haha: My sister had to experience that with her 1st child. She use to say okay be a good little girl and let mommy sleep and i will give you a good meal when i wake up...but that never worked :rofl:

AFM, well im 13dpo today and my temp dropped a little to 97.78 so it dropped by .09 degrees from yesterday. Pretty much not a significant drop which im happy about. My temps are still a little high so thats good. FF estimated my AF was suppose to come between yesterday and today but thats based off a 34 day/11 day LP cycle. AF is suppose to actually come in 4 days so im not late just yet. Yesterday, DH and I went running and I must admit it was pretty invigorating. I havent ran since high school in p.e. so i had alot of catching up to do. DH and I are going to run every day so he can get into shape. DH would be leaving in 2 1/2 weeks :shock: I must admit its hitting me hard now that he will be leaving me soon and I wont see him for 2 months (i will be able to fly to chicago for his graduation) and then 8 months because of his job training. So almost a year. But im preparing myself mentally for that. I work today so atleast im going to keep busy. DH is resigning soon and I will be giving my 2 weeks notice soon before I start my new job. So alot is going on and now im going to be pretty busy because we got to figure out what we are going to do about the house etc. Well, we got to start cleaning it up to prepare for the new residents. Hopefully, we got majority of the things done so i wont have alot to worry about on my own. We shall see.
well i removed the opks from my chart and FF put me at 4dpo today so i am just going to base it off of that from now on.
So when are you going to test? 9 dpo? I know it's early....but I wouldn't be able to take the suspense....:hugs:..... The symptoms generally start after a week....right?
They can start as early as 6 days i think. And yes i will start testing around 9dpo so in 5 days. I have enough to test so i will be testing daily most likely. Also, i've noticed how high my CL is this time. I wonder why.
Patrice - ff has put your cross hairs high due to your high pre I temps. Another good temp for you today. I can't make up my mind if you are 3dpo or the previous chart was more accurate.

That's a long time youre going to be away from your DH. Will it be easy to keep in touch during that time? Gotta say, I couldn't do it. I found it hard when it was 5 days last year while he worked down in London. I am a bit possessive & jealous though (bad previous experiences) can usually control it but not while he's away. I hate anyone else spending time with MY husband!! :blush: silly really as I trust him 1000%!!

Shrafha - how you doing? We should be seeing your temp increase in the next day or 2 hopefully. Got high hopes for you & Patrice.

Coy - What's involved with finals week? Will you get a nice break once it's finished? I've no doubt you'll do a great job & pass with flying colours!

Steph - how are you feeling? Any progress do you think on the dialation?

Afm - had a fairly lazy day then very busy evening. Finally got to nest in our bedroom!! Cleared out all my old cosmetics & put everything away in cupboards instead of all over the top of our draws. Gave everywhere a good clean & polish then bought Beanies Moses basket in as an incentive to keep it clean & tidy!! Very glad it's done as its the last must to on the list before Beanie arrives but it killed my back!! I rewarded myself afterwards with pancakes though!! Wanted some for ages but not been able to find wheat free baking powder but my best mate found me some yesterday!! : happydance:

No more nasty pains just a twinge here & there. Cm is starting to thicken though which I think is a good sign. You know, i don't know how I'll cope if he doesn't arrive before his due date, I've convinced myself that much that he'll be early I'm already getting impatient!! :dohh:

Managed to get another couple of hours sleep this morning on the couch. Should feel knackered now but other than my sore back I feel really really awake! I think you're prob right Coy with a lot of what you said is keeping me awake, that & some excitement of the unknown & that we are so close now to something we've waited almost 3 years for!! I'm going to go bed later tonight do I'm as tired as possible in the hope I'll sleep better!
I know exactly what you mean re the strange feeling. I used to get that quite often when I was working. It's only thinking back now that I actually acknowledge it. For me is was pure stress & feeling like I had more to do then phsycally possible & a lot of pressure & expectation. It's a really horrible feeling & hope I won't go back to it when I return to work. I hope you're feeling better now.

Laura- are you still awake? I'd say "weird-O" but--here I am :blush: lol...I am having trouble with sleep lately also...at night I find my mind goes bonkers, I basically stress out about things at this point. I wonder if you aren't just naturally starting to worry about things out of your control? Maybe the idea of labor just suddenly springnig upon you, not knowing how it feels, what to expect, etc...that is all very normal and I can honestly say it's nothing to worry about :) You'll have your dh to watch over and protect you and make sure everybody tows the line of your expectations and a complete medical L & D crew at the hospital to ensure baby is delivered safely and carefully. Try to relax if you are worried about stuff.

Now if I could just take my own advice! :dohh: Lol, I had the strangest feeling this evening. Like I had a deadline I was missing or something and I wandered aorund the house for about an hour doing laundry, etc...I actually ended up flushing my dinner as the idea of it was extremely unappealing. Then I started working with my weights and stretching on the machine when I started to realize that I was stressing not having control of things. I guess that was my way of trying to get a modicum of control back! :shrug: I have a feeling that there's this huge responsibility that just I am packing around while trying to get ready for the baby and yet everyone else around me seems totally unaffected, almost like it's not real for them or something? Does this make sense or do I sound crazy? :haha:

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