Looking for official TTC buddies!!

Coy- I know how you feel, and definitely felt that way throughout the pregnancy, like this sense of urgency and impending HUGE event that I felt everyone else was taking so casually, or at least not feeling that "let's go" "let's get things done" kind of attitude. Cause I knew when I hit 3rd tri or more importantly late 3rd tri that it would be hard for me to get things done and I'd basically want to take the time to rest and have things be at a sort of lull before baby comes. It wasn't until like the end of May when it finally hit everyone else that a real baby is coming. :haha:

Coy/Laura- My sleep/wake cycles are crazy too. I don't know if it's because my body is getting ready for baby's sleep cycles, but I don't even have a set time I go to bed and wake up anymore. Generally I go to sleep very late, and wake up (I think baby's movements wake me up) very early and then I might go back to sleep for a nap in the late morning or afternoon. Oh and Laura is right, try not to skip meals! I have a habit of doing that occasionally and it is so bad for my BS. And then at the next meal you overindulge. Even when I'm not pregnant I get irritable and dizzy when I don't eat. And of course when I overindulge my BS goes up and I get tired and fall asleep.

AFM don't think I've made much progress on anything unfortunately. I keep reading that posterior babies have a habit of going past their due date!! NO!! I want to have this baby before the 19th, not only for the sake of my comfort, sanity and anxiousness, but also want my family here to help me. So by late next week I'll be doing everything to try to jumpstart labor if it hasn't happened yet. I am trying to get this baby to turn so he's ready, by making sure I'm not reclining anymore (I would do that A LOT), going on my hands and knees, and sitting on or slumping over the birth ball. I will also talk to my acupuncturist if she can help me get him to turn. My appt is on Monday.
Laura- yes I am feeling better this morning. usually if I can identify the problem I can focus on getting rid of it. I am settled that once I get the house in order I am good to go for delivery (when the time comes) :) So I have been working ont he girls room as it is the "hinge" in my nesting success :haha: That is the room that started as Teagens nursery...then her bedroom...then Katana's room...then it is now both their room with a huge queen bed in it. The changing table is this massive set of wooden drawers. The chest holds 9 drawers all together and is very long. The end of it is perfect for laying our changing pad and there is a perfect space for the diaper genie. Then the drawers near the pad are taken for diapers, rash creme, and onesies, socks, etc. The girls have been told that I am taking it over :haha: Teagen was a bit upset at the idea but I had to hold firm.

Stresses of mine - I am trying to centralize them :haha: 1) getting their room ready for baby AND the girls. 2) getting my room ready for the baby's bed..it is a gorgeous woven piece, white, with a hood that can detatch. It stands on tall legs...I removed the wheels as they brought me nightmares lol! Both girls used it so I hope it is sound for another go! :) It will be a miracle if I can fit it next to my bed again, lol, as I brought my antique oak desk in my room to be next to our bed. It fits very nicely and cannot me moved! It is hideously heavy and dh and I actually had to remove our door and parts of the walling to get it into our room. Um, so that piece stays :rofl:

3) Just getting the girls to understand a new routine. I spoke with Teagen today that this baby is very real and will soon be here so we have to work as team members to be ready for her. She understand when I put it that way. It is hard for them to understand that their lives do have to change for a new sister but- that's life, and dh and I will try to make the adjustment for them as easy and smooth as possible.
Steph- I know, being rpegnant can cause a lot of stress! I think sometimes our dh's (they are men afterall :haha:) have a view that we just pack babies around like little bags of groceries or something then - one day - they pop out! :rofl: But no- we have a lot of natural worries and stresses that drive us to make this world a better place for their arrival. That usually involves getting mean and crabby :rofl: For me anyway :) I do feel better today though as the girls room is coming along nicely. I am taking the other stuff in stride if I can, re: the lawn :wacko: My lawn mower is buried in the garage and will take aseveral hour athletic event just to free it :haha: I think the worst part about that is whenever I pull things from my garage the neighbors come out to peruse my items over the fence and I hate that. Last year this car pulled into my driveway and this little old lady came tottering over and demanded to know much for my quilt racks! I told her "not for sale" but she kept at me until I frustratedly said "Okay! Okay! Give me $20.oo and go away!" lol! Aargh!:wacko:
Steph - sounds like you're doing the right things to turn him. Can your accupuncturist do anything to induce labour if he's not here by 40 weeks a friend of mine has one who has promised she can induce labour within 24 hours if she goes over!! I'm with you on the sleep patterns. Almost 11.30 here & it just starting to feel a little sleepy, I've had a glass of milk to try & help me fall sleep, only prob with that which I've only just thought of as I've almost finished it is the amount of fluid!! At least hourly toilet breaks for the next 5 hours probably!! :dohh:
Steph - sounds like you're doing the right things to turn him. Can your accupuncturist do anything to induce labour if he's not here by 40 weeks a friend of mine has one who has promised she can induce labour within 24 hours if she goes over!! I'm with you on the sleep patterns. Almost 11.30 here & it just starting to feel a little sleepy, I've had a glass of milk to try & help me fall sleep, only prob with that which I've only just thought of as I've almost finished it is the amount of fluid!! At least hourly toilet breaks for the next 5 hours probably!! :dohh:

Lol, yep you'll be amking the midnight run :haha: I have been having htat problem more frequently :growlmad: It can be so annoying, I try to ignore it but end up going any way.

Re: turning the baby. I think he probably will turn...how can you tell he is facing the wrong direction? I don't remember if I could tell with my other two :shrug:
Coy - that's great that you can identify the prob & have a plan. I always like to be well prepared & even though I hadn't experienced late pregnancy before I read enough to realise do all the big stuff in the 2nd tri/early. 3rd tri & I'm do glad I did!

I'm a bit worried for my sil. She's just in the 3rd tri & has only painted the nursery, still had to get a carpet, furnish & accessorise it. They also need a car & car seat which they're leaving until July when she'll be in the last 6 ish weeks. She's away this weekend, next week then has a full Sat & Sun of anti natal classes & is working full time up to 36 weeks!! To me that is way way too much, oh & they've still got lots to buy for the baby. She's had a very easy pregnancy & I think she's underestimated how hard the last couple of months are!!
Yes I told my acupuncturist that my doctors would want to induce if I go more than a few days past my due date because of my GD. I am going to try to stretch it as much as I can, BUT my acupuncturist will do several induction sessions as I get closer to my date (like the end of next week) to see if it might do anything. She says 50% of the time it works within a few days. I have other things like herbs and stuff, that might help too. With the combination of things I have planned, surely it has to work!

I know that he's posterior because the Dr told me yesterday. I don't think I'd be able to tell on my own, and I never really thought about it (I was only concerned that he was head down). But after she told me and I looked it up, it made sense because I have always felt his kicks in the front, above the belly button, and his arms in the front of my pubic bone...and my tummy kind of concaves near the belly button. So I guess those are all signs. I do have a lot of amniotic fluid, so it's hard for me to "belly map" so to speak.
Laura- yes, I think your sil will have wished she'd started sooner...some ladies though are "dead-liners" which means they generally perofrm better under pressure...I am like that in ,y academic and legal issues but when it ocmes to baby I tend to look at it as - I'm going to have this child for at least 20 years :) so better start now lol! And babies take all of your attention the first few months so it's better to have everything set up for yourself to save the headache. I am fortunate that I have everything like the stoller, bassinett, moses-basket-thingy :haha:, changing table and diaper genie, etc. from the girls. In taht respect I don't have to do any planning, just erecting it all again....and convincing the girls to not take it all down :wacko: lol!

Steph- I am sure you will be able to get baby flipped around. He is able to do so pretty much on his own so making him a bit uncomfortable might do the trick :haha: I remember if I was uncomfortable I would deliberatley annoy the baby (with T and Kat) and get her to shift. My luck this time around I'll end up with a breach or something :rofl:
Ah, I have been very naughty :blush: I ate a Watchamacallit (sp) for the first time in about 3 years! In fact, I thinkt he last time I ate one I was prego with Kat! Naughty me, o well :haha: I am not a huge candy bar fan and very rarely ever have one but got the urge today for some reason :shrug:

I am currently cooking dinner and working on my final - O, Laura you asked about myf inals week. This is just the last week of the current course I am taking and our Finals have to be pretty impressive compared to our other assignments. Plus we have an unwaivering deadline to meet. Deadline in day after tomorrow and lucky me I have a teammate that JUST THIS EVENING decided to show up :growlmad:
wow i dont like dealing with those type of teammates. They are the ones that just sit there and do nothing and reap the benefits that everyone else worked hard for.

AFM, dh just left to go hang out and watch the game with the boys so im back home just relaxing. From looking at FF's estimated ov day, i only dtd on o-2 and o day. So we shall see what happens this cycle. Also, it has my edd as feb. 26th so still a february baby. so just patiently waiting to see how this cycle is going to go. And wondering how my temp will look tomorrow.
Patrice- you have got to be one of the most patient women I know! :) You always sit back and observe and calculate and analyze but I never see you just pitch a fit and get angry! That is very admirable :) Re: ov day and dtd...I think even at just dtd twice you managed it on very critical days so I think you are good :thumbup:
Coy-it took me atleast 1 1/2 years to get this way. I finally calmed down and realized that AF is just something I have no control over so i just let it be and just worry about when the next AF is due. Im hoping tomorrow's temp doesnt do a massive dip but knowing my body, it does what i dont want it to do :dohh: Also, having been getting watery white cm all day. It just leaks out :shrug: Dont think it has anything to do with the tww, i think its probably just random or something seeing that im only 4dpo. The good thing is so far my temps are high and staying that way but my temps usually drop from 5dpo-9dpo so lets see what happens.
Oh man, I am craving tobasco again :( I am trying to break this cycle but can't seem to help it...something about tobasco at night seems to make my stomach feel better and I sleep better...Why is that? I worry about eating at night, don't want to be packing away any unnecessary food y'know? Usually I just make a very thin noodle soupe with tons of plain broth and spice it up with tobasco then sip it. :shrug: Am I weird?:nope:
Oh man, I am craving tobasco again :( I am trying to break this cycle but can't seem to help it...something about tobasco at night seems to make my stomach feel better and I sleep better...Why is that? I worry about eating at night, don't want to be packing away any unnecessary food y'know? Usually I just make a very thin noodle soupe with tons of plain broth and spice it up with tobasco then sip it. :shrug: Am I weird?:nope:

No that is not weird! Whatever you crave and makes your stomach feel better, then that's what you should eat! That actually sounds really good right now. DH has been eating ramen soup all the time and I am jealous because I can't eat noodles. It will spike my BS too much. But he makes pasta all the time (because it's also cheap) and he will smother it with butter and cheese, sometimes pepper, and it is so good. Sucks that I crave cheap food but can't take advantage of it.
I've been having this problem where I just cannot get full. Maybe because every meal I feel like for some reason is my "last" meal (or could be my last meal) so I'm trying to fill up or something. But I just want to eat everything, and I don't ever get full. I put on 2 pounds in the last week, and I hope it's me and not the baby! I just don't want to have a big baby... the other weight, not concerned about because I know that it comes off right away, and even if it doesn't, I could use it!
Yes, the extra weight could be good on you Steph! :haha: You are right- I have always lost it right away after but I always end up stressing too...you understand psychology lol...goes back to - what did Freud say?- ah, yes, my mother :haha: Anyway I have had my tobasco now and feel awesome. :smug: lol...I actually do use the Ramen noodles sometimes just never the packet that goes with it...I just add a tsp of soy sauce (for color I guess? :shrug:) and tobasco. Don't worry abut baby being too big. I actually don't think what we eat makes baby any bigger or smaller than he/she should be...I knew lot's of Athabascan ladies in Alaska that were so heavy (ok, obese :shhh:) you couldn't tell they were prego - one friend surprised her own family including her dh, when she suddenly went into labour and had a baby! Anyway, even being that heavy she had a little 7 lb baby :shrug: I think it's genetics? My mother told me I was only 5 pounds at birth and both my girls were 5...:shrug: Your little Brandon (?) will probably be the same weight Nicholas was.

Re: the cheese on noodles..I have done that especially in first tri when I craved cheese (all of my pregnancies I craved cheese first tri! ) and it's good. But I could abandon noodles and not miss them- I try not to eat toooo many carbs as dh is diabetic but I admit I did make mashed potatoes to go with pork steaks tonight :shhh:

And you are right- they are cheap! Our local grocer has no competition so he cranks the price up on everything...like 8.99 a pound for the cheap grade beef! :wacko: So when dh asks me what's for dinner I laughingly respond "A four-ounce $3.99 and side of $2.99" lol! Beats driving the 120 miles to WalMart.
So here's my mostrecent luck...today I decided that I needed boxes for storage as I prep the house for baby. I look outside and it's calm and sunny so gather the girls to walk to the store to raid their empty box stash. As soon as we get to the store and get our boxes the wind just starts to howl and wail! wtf? So here I am with both girls holding onto my right hand and me trying to maintain my bag, Teagen's hat (kept blowing off in the wind:haha:) and two major huge boxes in my left! :roll: The wind kept yanking at the boxes so I had a terrible hand cramp by time we got home. Next time I take the car lol! Crazy Idaho weather!
K ladies...I am off to snooze :sleep: Wish me an uneventful full nights sleep (dream on, right?!). Here's to hoping T doesn't have any bad dreams and Kat just sleeps the night through...the other night she kept hollering so finally I ran into her room and she sat on the bed with her eyes closed and that characteristic frown on her face....as soon as I asked "what's wrong honey?" and she heard my voice she fell over backwards onto her pillow and was sound asleep! :rofl: I think she was asleep the whole time and was talking in her sleep :shrug: It was funny anyway!
3 long pages of post......wow.....you all are so quick.....
Temp 96.75 f same as yesterday.......FF has predicted O form cd12 -15.....:shrug:...... opk 2 lines ..but not dark...still I will take them as +..... BD.... was a bit busy...had to go to the grocery shop....

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