Looking for official TTC buddies!!

Why do you say you have neglected health? In what way are oyu unhealthy? I know yu mentioned your dh has diabetes- I know that can be very difficult to manage :( It can be scary too! I hope your test results for lipids come back good :thumbup:
hi, if anyone could be of any help would be sooo grateful!!!

I have pcos and irregular periods that can range from 34-87 days!!! over the last 3-4 months they have become more regular, 38, 34, 35 days, last month we used the clearblue fertility monitor, i got high readings from cd16-26, no peak! anyway I am now on cd45 and no sign of period, if i did ovulate surely i was due on around cd40? just dont want to test cause im sooo fed up of bfns and just dont think it will be positive
Why do you say you have neglected health? In what way are oyu unhealthy? I know yu mentioned your dh has diabetes- I know that can be very difficult to manage :( It can be scary too! I hope your test results for lipids come back good :thumbup:

Yes I was healthy. All my tests always came normal. I use to workout, sleep and eat right. Never stressed. But from the time I have been TTC..everything has taken a back seat. Every month i feel I am going to get a BFP so I should not strain myself...prevent Miscarriage.....so stressed out...I sleep less, stopped workouts, eat a lot of junk and chocolate cakes....as a result have put on weight.. When checked my lipid profile...it had jumped the normal range and everything was in high level. its almost 2 months ..now i am scared coz i feel it may have gone further up...i dont want to eat pills ..not now...want a healthy baby....pills can have side effects.......i should have taken care...but things are not that easy..... feel so much of load on my back.....
Sorry coy..y am I saying all this....we all have enough on our minds.... I know you too have things on your head....so much more than I can handle...thats why I call you super mom.....
hi, if anyone could be of any help would be sooo grateful!!!

I have pcos and irregular periods that can range from 34-87 days!!! over the last 3-4 months they have become more regular, 38, 34, 35 days, last month we used the clearblue fertility monitor, i got high readings from cd16-26, no peak! anyway I am now on cd45 and no sign of period, if i did ovulate surely i was due on around cd40? just dont want to test cause im sooo fed up of bfns and just dont think it will be positive

Well, it could be one of 3 things:
1) you're pregnant
2) you ovulated really late
3) you didn't ovulate or haven't ovulated yet

I would take an hpt, you never know!
Shradha- do you have naturopathic or ayurvedic doctors there you could see?
I guess I will visit an ayurvedic doc......I am waiting for this months results.. then will go and visit....the thing with ayurveda is that it gives a lot of heat in the stomach.....I dont want to create any problem during implantation or so....once I get a + result then I can tell the doctor accordingly......to take care..before that i cant say anything.....:shrug:
Hi ladies! How is everyone today?

Shradha- as far as exersizing: it is perfectly fine to life weights, jog, walk anything like that while ttc- just not to the point that you totally strip your body of fat and you effect your monthly cycles in a negative way. In fact exersize can be very beneficial! Once you are prego you can continue to do anything that you did before unless your doc tell you otherwise. As far as exersize affecting implantation- it won't. The uterus is so small that the egg has to burrow into it and the uterus grows as the embryo grows-- so virtually impossible to "jug it loose" so to speak! I had thse worries too but you are much better off statying healthy and exersizing to keep healthy rather than giving it all up in fear of preventing pregnancy. You have to see to yourself first! :thumbup: So stay healthy :)

If you do anything different just make sure to take your multi-vitamin, Folic Acid, cut out caffeine and too much of salt, and drink lots of water (stay hydrated). And bd alot :haha: But at this point in your cycle I wouldn't start any heavy exersizing as you could have a bfp just around the corner :thumbup: :)
Hi ladies! How is everyone today?

Shradha- as far as exersizing: it is perfectly fine to life weights, jog, walk anything like that while ttc- just not to the point that you totally strip your body of fat and you effect your monthly cycles in a negative way. In fact exersize can be very beneficial! Once you are prego you can continue to do anything that you did before unless your doc tell you otherwise. As far as exersize affecting implantation- it won't. The uterus is so small that the egg has to burrow into it and the uterus grows as the embryo grows-- so virtually impossible to "jug it loose" so to speak! I had thse worries too but you are much better off statying healthy and exersizing to keep healthy rather than giving it all up in fear of preventing pregnancy. You have to see to yourself first! :thumbup: So stay healthy :)

If you do anything different just make sure to take your multi-vitamin, Folic Acid, cut out caffeine and too much of salt, and drink lots of water (stay hydrated). And bd alot :haha: But at this point in your cycle I wouldn't start any heavy exersizing as you could have a bfp just around the corner :thumbup: :)

Coy- Thanx dear........... I will take care..atleast from tom ..will try and have a healthy lifestyle....... The way you are saying good chances of bfp...... i really wish.. what you say comes TRUE... :happydance::hugs:.......

Today suddenly dh comes and tells me....if you give me something..All my tensions and frustrations will go away........... I was surprised coz he has never mentioned anything like this before....:shrug:...and I always used to think he has work tensions.....:dohh:
Hi ladies! How is everyone today?

Shradha- as far as exersizing: it is perfectly fine to life weights, jog, walk anything like that while ttc- just not to the point that you totally strip your body of fat and you effect your monthly cycles in a negative way. In fact exersize can be very beneficial! Once you are prego you can continue to do anything that you did before unless your doc tell you otherwise. As far as exersize affecting implantation- it won't. The uterus is so small that the egg has to burrow into it and the uterus grows as the embryo grows-- so virtually impossible to "jug it loose" so to speak! I had thse worries too but you are much better off statying healthy and exersizing to keep healthy rather than giving it all up in fear of preventing pregnancy. You have to see to yourself first! :thumbup: So stay healthy :)

If you do anything different just make sure to take your multi-vitamin, Folic Acid, cut out caffeine and too much of salt, and drink lots of water (stay hydrated). And bd alot :haha: But at this point in your cycle I wouldn't start any heavy exersizing as you could have a bfp just around the corner :thumbup: :)

Coy- Thanx dear........... I will take care..atleast from tom ..will try and have a healthy lifestyle....... The way you are saying good chances of bfp...... i really wish.. what you say comes TRUE... :happydance::hugs:.......

Today suddenly dh comes and tells me....if you give me something..All my tensions and frustrations will go away........... I was surprised coz he has never mentioned anything like this before....:shrug:...and I always used to think he has work tensions.....:dohh:

Well, now you have me in suspense...what did he want (dare I ask?) :huh:?
I had a horrible nightmare lastnight that had me waking up! All has to do with psychologicl issues with my family when I was a teenager :roll: so I am trying to shake it! Then I hear people shouting loudly in my living room and I bolt out of bed to check the girls and Teagen was missing! :shock: So I rush to the living room to find her zombie-like in front of the television set with the volume up so darn loud the speakers were ready to blow! WTH?! So I yanked the remote controls and gave her a good talking to! :haha: Not only did she scare the dayloghts out of me but that's bad for her health :growlmad: So she is being cartoons-grounded for afew days, lol! Silly kid.

Today I am planning on finishing the girls' room completely :happydance: Then I can start stocking the changing table with diapers and baby clothes :dance: Yay!
No news here either although had something weird happen. I had a spell only lasting a couple of minutes were I had some flashing lights kind of moving around my peripheral vision. If I stop & concentrate they're still there a little but not sure if it's in my head!! Had them a few days ago but they lasted such a short time I thought I'd imagined it, it's only now it's happened again that I've remembered it!

I immediately thought of pre-e & checked my bp which is ok at 86. Got a little bit of a headache but it's very very mild & more like a tired need to wear my glasses headache. Any ideas what it could be?

Coy - nightmares are horrible anyway but so much worse I've found since being pregnant. Sending big :hugs:

Wow, what do you think made Teagen do that? Was she sleep walking or just being a rebel?

Shardha - something I learnt about excercise when pregnant which I also applied to the 2ww just in case was that your heart rate shouldn't go above 140 so anything excercise which keeps it under is fine. I found walking lots really beneficial, used to do about 4 miles a day to & from work. It's a lot cooler though here!!

Steph - rubbish that there's no news. Everyday now I get excited to see an update from you hoping it's happening! You know we're all going to be with you emotionally through your labour!
Nightmares are :dohh:........... sometimes they are so real...................
Coy- you must have really been scared not seeing your kids...

Laura- I really have no idea...........do you think it could be the baby dreaming???
No news here either although had something weird happen. I had a spell only lasting a couple of minutes were I had some flashing lights kind of moving around my peripheral vision. Any ideas what it could be?

Coy - nightmares are horrible anyway but so much worse I've found since being pregnant. Sending big :hugs:

Wow, what do you think made Teagen do that? Was she sleep walking or just being a rebel?

Steph - rubbish that there's no news. Everyday now I get excited to see an update from you hoping it's happening! You know we're all going to be with you emotionally through your labour!

Everything I have researched indicates high blood pressure...I am wondering if you didn't have a mild surge?
Re: the nightmares- Yes, what a pain! lol! I have noticed my dreams are so much more vivid, in fact I hardly ever dreamed before bfp :shrug:
Re: Teagen- Just being a rebel I think...little nut! She wanted to wake her sister up to come watch cartoons with her but when you wake Kat up she gets extremely crabby...so generally Teagen thinks if Kat wakes up "on her own" then she'll wake happy. :nope: not so, lol! She went so far as to pull the blankets off Kat so she'd get cold and wake up! :haha:

Re: Steph:

I second that! Rubbish to no news! :growlmad: lol! We want labor and we want it now, lol...
Coy- My first thought was sleepwalking!! Didn't she do something like this before, where she sat up in bed and started screaming, then went back down? That sounds like a night terror... which is related to sleepwalking/talking. When I was a kid I had major sleepwalking issues, some of them quite funny... and to this day I still sleep talk... A LOT. I say the most random things! Whenever DH starts to tell me I talked in my sleep, I'm like, uh oh... what did I say...

Laura- I don't know what could be causing that?? Your bottom number is 86, so what is your top number? Do you get that reading on your bp monitor too? Just making sure, because it sounds pre-e related. I don't know what else it could be though. Have you tried calling your MW?

Shradha- Do what you can now to get your health up to par... but don't worry about doing too much because it's important to get your health the best it could be before getting pregnant... because pregnancy will be a big stress to your body... and even postpartum it's very important to take care of yourself... I neglected my health after N was born and I had all sorts of health issues that needed to be addressed before getting pregnant again.

So my next appt with the MW is on Friday. I wish it was earlier so I know if I have dilated anymore. But I also wouldn't want to be discouraged if she says there has been no change. Really didn't think I'd get to this point, I definitely thought this baby was going to come earlier... or that at least I'd have some early labor feelings by now. But, holding out hope that the 2nd babies just decide to do it all at once, and fast!

Thinking of trying out some homeopathy... or maybe evening primose oil, I heard it's supposed to help thin the cervix?
Top numbers in the 130's so also fine. From what I've read vision changes is a sign that pre-e has progressed but I can't see how that could happen & have normal bp & only a trace of protein in my urine. I spoke to my mum who had pre-e & she never had any sight probs but doesnt think it's anything to worry about. Can't call my mw as its too late at night. I'm now feeling really really anxious, a long time ago I suffered with anxiety attacks & I feel like ones coming. I know I won't have one as I learnt to control them but hate that feeling that it's there in my mind. DH is on a nightshirt as well so alone in the house which isn't helping :( think I've got myself all wound up & worried over nothing, might have overdone it the past few days as well. Thinking about it my bp was high all yesterday evening but I felt fine then & it was back down all day today. Even now I'm suffering with anxiety, my heart rate is surprisingly ok as well.

Sorry, rambling now, think its time for this pregnancy to end!!

Steph - I was reading about evening primrose oil this morning so bought some to try. Even if it doesnt bring in labour as such it should help with dilation!! Also read about caster oil but there's some scary risks with that one so leaving well alone!!
Just coming for a quick update. I am at work and just been pretty busy spending time with DH. FF has now put that i didnt ov. For now, thats a good thing because i dont need to get pregnant right now. Also, i told my recruiter i want to leave earlier than November so now i just wait and see if i can do that. Just been busy getting everything sorted out and just been exercising and spending time together.
Just call your MW in the morning, just to be safe. Those kinds of vision changes sound scary. Was it just one episode, and did it go away?

IKWYM about the panic attacks. I used to get them, and still do occasionally. Started when I was about 12 when I was home alone a lot... resulted in many 911 calls and ambulance visits as back then I thought I was going to die! When I get them now, I can control them a little better but it still takes a while to get back to normal. I immediately have to go outside and take breaths. I've had a few during this pregnancy, which scared me even more because I didn't want to hurt the baby... but I've tried to be more mindful of when they are about to start and try to stop it before it spirals.

I have also heard bad things about castor oil, so I'm not trying that either. When you use the EPO, do you ingest it orally or do you place it in vaginally?

I tried doing some acupressure points on myself, one of the points is the webbing between the thumb and index finger... pressed and massaged in there for a little while, but all I got were tightening BH contractions. And then they eventually went away.
Also bouncing on the ball and rolling my hips around a lot. The only thing I get from all these things I'm doing are BH.... which I get anyway!

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