Looking for official TTC buddies!!

I can tell you that I've been eating tons of pineapple everyday, and it definitely does NOT work. :haha: Just bought some EPO, going to take it orally and insert vaginally. Oh, and tried to dtd last night... couldn't even manage to find a position... it was quite frustrating to say the least. So you know what I had to do? I made him give me a sample and then tried to put it in myself :rofl: Didn't have a syringe, so I was not very successful... :blush:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I think I almost laughed the baby out at the sample comment!!! You know it's thought that ingesting it is more effective than dtd!! We're doing the stay still as long as possible to keep it all in there!!

Have you had any really sharp stabbing pains in the cervix? I've been getting it all evening, feels like he's poking me right in the cervix of maybe scratching it, but it's far worse than anything I've felt before. Also still getting back ache. Spent the evening with my mum who said it was her first sign of labour with me. Went to bed with back ache woke up with contractions, I was born about 10 hours later!! I so hope that would happen to me, but thinks its probably wishful thinking and the back ache is simply muscular!! Im having a good bounce on my ball though just in case!!
Laura- you and Steph wanting the pain! lol! I would love to have a painless labor :cloud9: But I know that's not gonna happen, so when the time comes- bring it on :growlmad:

Re: the pineapple...I wonder if it works? :shrug: I love pineapple so that's an awesome excuse to eat it when time comes :thumbup:

Oh! And the 55 pounds...don't worry about it! I know I know...here I am Miss Mental about weight but when I am not looking at myself I can be very analytical and objective. I know from experience (twice now) that you loose the first 30 pounds at least in the first two weeks. Yes, it is water retentiona nd as badly as you have swollen throughout this pregnancy in your feet, etc, I would say you are going to lose a lot of water. So it's not fat it's water :) Then the fat reserves that are there (unavoidable) will melt away in the few weeks during and after. No worries :)

I really hope you're right. I'm already planning my new food regime once he's born. Another reason for him to come now, I could potentially put on a few more pounds over the next 2 & a half weeks!!
Just had my appt and no change in cervix. She said baby is too happy and oblivious in there :p Here's to hoping my acupuncture session today might jump start things...

I have high hopes for your acupuncture session. Heard great things about it. Think positive labour thoughts & visualise the cervix opening at the same time as well.
Hi ladies!

You are driving yourselves :wacko: over induction methods lol! :haha: I can't blame you...10-14 days overdue was driving me bonkers! Best method (in my opinion) is relax, try to think of something else, and walk a lot...the movement is beneficial. Maybe try some gentle squats as that spreads the pelvic area more and may help jug baby down some.

Laura- re:cervical pain could be related to dialation. When is your next check-up? I bet you are dialting for sure now.
Hi ladies!

You are driving yourselves :wacko: over induction methods lol! :haha: I can't blame you...10-14 days overdue was driving me bonkers! Best method (in my opinion) is relax, try to think of something else, and walk a lot...the movement is beneficial. Maybe try some gentle squats as that spreads the pelvic area more and may help jug baby down some.

Laura- re:cervical pain could be related to dialation. When is your next check-up? I bet you are dialting for sure now.

Will have to give the squats a go. They don't check dialation in the uk other than while in labour or if they do a sweep. I've got a hospital appointment next week were they'll set a date to induce me do hopefully will get a sweep about a week before then.
Temp have gone down not that much 97.3 f..is it ok...do I have to worry?...got a cold in the night......so got up sneezing with running nose.....but now everything is under control..... Not more of sneezing....had ginger, tulasi( herb) with honey in empty stomach and took steam inhalation....... But as a result I couldn't do my yoga properly....had to even give the walk a miss..... So I am walking around the house....
Coy - thanx for the tip...... Lunch is going to be as it is....no compromise.... I can give my body body 1 good meal.....for motivation..:happydance:

You can add that veg stock with a little steamed rice...4 a change.....I tasted it....it's not that bad...
Temp have gone down not that much 97.3 f..is it ok...do I have to worry?...got a cold in the night......so got up sneezing with running nose.....but now everything is under control..... Not more of sneezing....had ginger, tulasi( herb) with honey in empty stomach and took steam inhalation....... But as a result I couldn't do my yoga properly....had to even give the walk a miss..... So I am walking around the house....

No def do not worry! It is a very small dip of .3 or less and you are still way above your cover line. One day really cannot tell you much- plus your temps will always look out of whack if oyu have been sick in any way- a fever, a chill, whatever, can effect your bbt! :thumbup: So no worries. I have heard of implantation dip occuring aorund 6-8 dpo- right in your range. Doesn't mean you are prego but certainly does not indiciate that you are not prego! I would test in about 4 days with an early result hpt :thumbup:

Hope you get feeling better soon! And yes- a good meal is the way to go! :)
So I did the acupuncture today. If anything, it did produce more BH... and still having some... but just like any other night. She wants to do another session tomorrow because she says she has the most success with several sessions. And hopefully doing back to back it will get the ball rolling.

Laura- I do get the sharp stabbing cervix pains... and I never knew if it was the cervix or bladder or what, but it's probably the cervix. At my prenatal appt today the MW massaged my cervix (she couldn't technically do a sweep because I'm not dilated enough) and it really kinda hurt my cervix, and afterwards was noticing a lot of those stabbing pains. It really stops you in your tracks, huh? I have to hunch over and can't walk and get myself to lay down immediately!

I wish you could get checked for dilation/effacement, I bet you are more dilated than me! You very well may have your baby before I do!

Anyway, I have my next appt on Tuesday when I'll be exactly 40 weeks. That is when my OB comes back from his vacation. And that will probably be the day he will talk about an induction plan... going to really try to stretch it out as long as possible, I'm going to suggest just monitoring things, looking at the baby, fluid level, placenta, growth, etc and if everything is okay then there shouldn't be a reason to induce? Going to try to stretch it til 41 weeks if I can. BUT... I will have this baby before then!!!!!!!!
Steph - I had a dream last night that you had Brandon!! It was a water birth!! Now get on with it and get him out of there do its my turn!! :haha:

The cervix pains are pretty nasty but all gone now. Back to a few twinges here & there & only a bit of mild backache. Starting to get serious baby envy as well. Someone I know had their baby yesterday, 10 days early. There's also been lots of this is it threads on the 3 rd tri forum from ladies who are 37 weeks. I'm on a July babies thread & 3 people have now gone into labour, I want to meet my baby :(

I've also had a headache all night & woke up with it, another pre-e symptom, taken some more paracetamol but if it doesn't go going up have to call the hospital. My blood pressure however is fine although I think 85 is a tad high after a nights sleep but I know the hospital won't care. Wish my body would either give me all the signs so I'm induced earlier or not give me any do I'm not worrying that my body might be hurting Beanie in some way!!

Beanie please please come out for Mummy NOW!!!!
Shradha - don't worry about the temp drop, it's normal for there to be some variation. Could be implantation but also a fall back temp. Your chart is still looking good.
Steph - I had a dream last night that you had Brandon!! It was a water birth!! Now get on with it and get him out of there do its my turn!! :haha:

The cervix pains are pretty nasty but all gone now. Back to a few twinges here & there & only a bit of mild backache. Starting to get serious baby envy as well. Someone I know had their baby yesterday, 10 days early. There's also been lots of this is it threads on the 3 rd tri forum from ladies who are 37 weeks. I'm on a July babies thread & 3 people have now gone into labour, I want to meet my baby :(

I've also had a headache all night & woke up with it, another pre-e symptom, taken some more paracetamol but if it doesn't go going up have to call the hospital. My blood pressure however is fine although I think 85 is a tad high after a nights sleep but I know the hospital won't care. Wish my body would either give me all the signs so I'm induced earlier or not give me any do I'm not worrying that my body might be hurting Beanie in some way!!

Beanie please please come out for Mummy NOW!!!!

AHHH I so hope your dream comes true for me!!!! Although I won't be able to do a water birth at my hospital :( We are getting so crazy aren't we? I know it kind of sucks when you start to see women who's due dates are behind yours already have their babies! Serious envy. It's like, NOOO it's my turn!! :rofl: I know you are getting anxious too but you still have time before they'll want to induce right? But I know, everyday that goes by it just gets harder to wait.

I'm also tired of worrying about the baby... will he be too big, how will he handle labor, do I have too much amniotic fluid (something they keep telling me?) and tonight is a new one... too much movement?? He's been moving like crazy, kind of thrashing around for like the last 4-5 hours. Definitely not able to sleep or just trying to lay down and rest it is really distracting. Almost makes me want to scream "CALM DOWN!" :haha: I feel like I say that all the time with Nicholas but never thought I'd be saying that to a child that is still in the womb! :haha: But anyway, I know that it is more worrisome when there is decreased fetal movement but I've read some stories about increased movement possibly being a sign of distress... so of course I'm worried. Don't know if I'd be overreacting to call the Dr this late at night (it's after 1am here) or if I should to be safe. Even if they wanted me to come in to L&D to monitor things, it would be kind of hard to leave the house right now, I'd have to take myself. He just won't slow down, it's been non-stop... what to do??
Steph - I had a dream last night that you had Brandon!! It was a water birth!! Now get on with it and get him out of there do its my turn!! :haha:

The cervix pains are pretty nasty but all gone now. Back to a few twinges here & there & only a bit of mild backache. Starting to get serious baby envy as well. Someone I know had their baby yesterday, 10 days early. There's also been lots of this is it threads on the 3 rd tri forum from ladies who are 37 weeks. I'm on a July babies thread & 3 people have now gone into labour, I want to meet my baby :(

I've also had a headache all night & woke up with it, another pre-e symptom, taken some more paracetamol but if it doesn't go going up have to call the hospital. My blood pressure however is fine although I think 85 is a tad high after a nights sleep but I know the hospital won't care. Wish my body would either give me all the signs so I'm induced earlier or not give me any do I'm not worrying that my body might be hurting Beanie in some way!!

Beanie please please come out for Mummy NOW!!!!

AHHH I so hope your dream comes true for me!!!! Although I won't be able to do a water birth at my hospital :( We are getting so crazy aren't we? I know it kind of sucks when you start to see women who's due dates are behind yours already have their babies! Serious envy. It's like, NOOO it's my turn!! :rofl: I know you are getting anxious too but you still have time before they'll want to induce right? But I know, everyday that goes by it just gets harder to wait.

I'm also tired of worrying about the baby... will he be too big, how will he handle labor, do I have too much amniotic fluid (something they keep telling me?) and tonight is a new one... too much movement?? He's been moving like crazy, kind of thrashing around for like the last 4-5 hours. Definitely not able to sleep or just trying to lay down and rest it is really distracting. Almost makes me want to scream "CALM DOWN!" :haha: I feel like I say that all the time with Nicholas but never thought I'd be saying that to a child that is still in the womb! :haha: But anyway, I know that it is more worrisome when there is decreased fetal movement but I've read some stories about increased movement possibly being a sign of distress... so of course I'm worried. Don't know if I'd be overreacting to call the Dr this late at night (it's after 1am here) or if I should to be safe. Even if they wanted me to come in to L&D to monitor things, it would be kind of hard to leave the house right now, I'd have to take myself. He just won't slow down, it's been non-stop... what to do??

What did you decide to do re the movement? I've worried about increased movement before mainly as my little man is a lazy baby!! I always imagine him thrashing around in pain but when I've been at the hospital 1 of the first things they ask is if I'm feeling movement & the more the better. I was hooked up to one of the machines which monitor heart rate & movement & he kept thrashing around trying to move away from it & they were quite happy with him. That said my sensible & cautious head days it's worth a call but I think if it was menid wait until the morning. ( I'm no good at taking my own advice & don't like to make a fuss!!)

If anything my babies movements are getting less now, he's not besting me up in the middle of the night & he's really quite in the morning, it's late afternoon & evening when he gets his excercise now!!

Found out something random re my blood pressure, there appears to be about a 10 point difference between my left & right arm. I know there is often a difference but that seems a lot up me. It's the difference between having high blood pressure & not for me! Going to have to research it.
steph-my sister was just like you. once she got close to her due date...she was trying everything to jumpstart labor. She went from i love being pregnant to get this baby out of me :rofl:

laura and everyone-how are you ladies doing today?

AFM, im cd39 today and my temp is staying in the 97.20s range. My temp today is 97.28. Hoping it means AF is going to jump start soon. I have been having watery cm for the past few days now though and i know and I know it isnt leftovers from dh's soldiers because we have been dtd protected for like a week now. So i dont know whats going on with that but will get to the bottom of it :haha: Maybe its because im drinking more water :shrug: Oh well. AF needs to come already because im already 3 days late of normal AF. Today, Im at work and get off at 6pm. Next week is my last week here at the library and then its off to my new job :happydance: Next week will be dh's last week with me before he goes off to boot camp that following week :cry: Im going to miss him but hopefully i get to leave earlier than November so atleast we get to finish around the same time. So its been pretty busy with everything and we already started cleaning up and packing everything so we are going to be prepared for once we leave. :thumbup:
Hoping it means AF is going to jump start soon. AF needs to come already because im already 3 days late of normal AF.

Patrice, I just gotta say you have us all going in circles! :haha: lol! I do understand though, don't mess with the Navy! Time enough and I am happy that you and dh have chosen a career path that keep you together! :thumbup: :friends:

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