Looking for official TTC buddies!!

Steph- so sad so there won't be anyone with you? That's sad.....your mom? Do you have good neighbors whom you can trust and depend on? Taking care of Nicholas ?
Hi ladies!

Shradha- temps look good, justa couple more days before testing, right??

Laura- defo sounds like baby coming soon! The nesting urge is undeniably one of the most prevalent symptoms of impending birth :haha: I had that too. Sucks that you should be resting and then get the urge to work work work :haha:

Steph- I know I have mentioned this before but we had Teagen in the labor room with us when I had Kat. She just sat in a chair and looked over her picture books...she was 4 at the time and did admittedly jump up to "peek" once but capped her hands over her eyes and decided its best to read her book :haha: So if it comes to that maybe just keep Nicholas in the room with you? :shrug: Re: the family leaving...sometimes stuff like this is a blessing in disguise :thumbup: Just try to look at the bright side...after babes is born you all can take a very lovely vacation together just the four of you :thumbup: Others not invted :growlmad: lol

AFM- I totally blew yesterday. I was going to be so good and get my assignment done early and twittered the day away. Now it is due tonight so I have to do it :haha: Also thought "I'll go to bed early" so I can start altering mys chedule in a positive fashion. I got showered and to bed by 11:45 (that's early for me) but danged if Kat didn't wake up like every 45 minutes and wake me up too! :growlmad: Never a major issue, she has stopped throwing fits, just won't go back to sleep until I "check in" on her :roll: So now I need to get her to stop doing tht and I think we're good to go. But anyway I got to sleep at about 4 a.m. and she woke me at 4:30 getting ito our bed..then I slept til 6 am...got up, wandered around, then crashed until 8:30 :wacko: So now I am all drug out again :shrug: Gonna try hard tongiht though as I have to travel with the girls to an out-of-town appt tomorrow in the earrrrrlly morning.
Coy- Tom you will be traveling....take care...:hugs:... Sometimes it happens that we plan something's and it doesn't workout..... Never mind try again....this time you will succeed.:happydance:

Yea today I went and got some preg kit from the medical stores.... Very tempted to start testing from tomorrow morning.....9dpo I know it's early....no harm just checking :flower:..... I can sense something in my lower abdominal.... I have lost my thirst completely.....my water intake has reduced...:shrug:....
I don't mind him being in the room with us during labor if it comes down to that, but kids are not allowed to stay overnight, and we'll be in the hospital at least 2 days (4 days in the case of a c-section)... so we need to have to have plans for someone to stay with him at our house. Coy, what did you guys do with Teagen while you were recovering in the hospital? It's either going to be our sitter or DH's parents who I don't really feel comfortable with (just the logistics of it all is going to be a little more tricky)...
Well all my nesting seems to have bought on is my spd & insomnia. :( day on the sofa I guess tomorrow. That's if I ever get to sleep tonight. Given up for the mo & got up as kept disturbing DH who has to be up at 5 for work. Only good things which seems to have come out of today is that from where I feel beanies kicks & his favourite position of sticking his bum out he's definitely lower!! His bum is only just above my belly button now.

Steph - have you got your last Accupunture session today?

Shardha - now my sensible head says wait another couple of days before testing but as an ex poasa I say go for it as long as you have enough tests!! It would be quite fitting for you to get your bfp just as Steph is about to give birth!!

Coy - hope kats kinder to you sleep wise tonight. It's good progress though if she's not throwing a fit any more. I remember how hard my Mum worked getting my sister out of bad sleep habits. Took literally a year or something rediculous like that, but she did have learning difficulties.
Coy, what did you guys do with Teagen while you were recovering in the hospital? QUOTE]

Um, well, I had Katana, then after she got checked out by the doctor I just put my clothes back on and we went home :blush: Lol...was I supposed to demand recovery time? :dohh: lol :growlmad:
Aargh, I am very upset today. The day started good, things were coming together nicely- or so I thought. I have been stressing over bills as usual and as I have mentioned i am the one who handles budgeting everything, and I think sometimes dh thinks I am not budgeting well...But with what I have to work with there are literally miracles having to occur each month just to keep up! Well, seeing as we are having a baby soon I have been trimming back all of the unnecessary stuff to save money. There was this particular utility that we have been paying for monthly for literally almost a decade now that we never use and it takes hundreds of dollars a year to maintain a year. Well today I had the guy come and disconnect. :dohh: Wow, did dh and I get into it. He started yelling at me about irresponsibility. I'm like :saywhat: I thought I was being very responsible...why pay for an item that is connected to the house but NEVER USED IN THE LAST DECADE. I can use those hundreds to buy diapers, you know? I think what it comes down to is he took it as a surprise or an embarrassing thing to have something turned off or disconnected while I viewed it as a smart move. But he stresses badly over things and like, continually--won't let up about it and that is bad for his health. But anyway, I reacted very negatively to his reaction and have been angry since. I am still very upset and he is kind of treating me like an irresponsible teenager- which I take great offense too. So I guess I am just destined to be angry tonight :sad1:
But I still got dinner cooked and am almost finished with my hideous assignment...and I serviced the car, oil, fluids of all kinds, car seats, etc, for our appointment tomorrow. Plus Teagen and Kat are both sporting low-grade fevers and I am sitting at 99.0 right now :shrug: Ever just want a danged break? :haha:
I feel so depressed :cry:Was expecting a rise in temp instead I find a dip again.......oh no ....:nope: does that mean the wicked AF is on it's way to punish me again? I couldn't take the test today...... Temps 97.05f......it again rained the whole night ......when I woke up it was so cold....thank god I had the blankets on me...:sleep:....
I feel so depressed :cry:Was expecting a rise in temp instead I find a dip again.......oh no ....:nope: does that mean the wicked AF is on it's way to punish me again? I couldn't take the test today...... Temps 97.05f......it again rained the whole night ......when I woke up it was so cold....thank god I had the blankets on me...:sleep:....

Shradha- often the temp outside can ffec your bbt...If you are feeling cold it stands to reason that your bb will be slightly lower. I noticed this also with temping. If I got col enough to need an blanet or an extrablnket my temp sually showed a slight dip. Nothing to worry about! :thumbup:
Thanx coy.... That will give me some hope....... I know I have ruined my day..... Whatever I do this will be always behind the back on my mind...... I was really happy yesterday...... Well I guess I have to be strong..... Was just trying to compare my charts with others and it added to my worries....everybody ending up with AF.....so I have stopped looking.....

Coy- try to get some sleep today.....next day will be a hectic day for you......carry some drinks as it is going to be hot....keep yourself and family hydrated.....
Laura- beanie must be saying that momma good work done....everything is so clean.....all set for my arrival....before that I will give you sometime to rest....you get ready to see me...:hugs::thumbup:
Step- I guess they can allow Nicholas to stay with you and dh if you explain to then that he is alone.....
Hey everyone
My dh and I have been trying for 10 months now but my cycles are super long, around 50 days.

So far this is where i'm at.

BD: 9TH CD 23 - Glob, like a big marble glob (usually get this once or twice)
BD: 10TH CD 24 - EWCM (stand up and runs)
11TH CD 25 - Glob again
BD: 12TH CD 26 - Cream
13TH CD 27 - POPK
BD: 14TH CD 28 - Positive OPK
15th CD 29 - Positive OPK
16th CD 30 - Don't remember
17th CD 31 - Negative OPK - Really warm – DH was shocked like “why are you so hot!?” and wouldn’t let me cuddle with him haha.
18th CD 32 - BFN

So far I have been really warm, tired, and cramping in lower back and lower abd.
When would you calculate 1 DPO?
Hey everyone
My dh and I have been trying for 10 months now but my cycles are super long, around 50 days.

So far this is where i'm at.

BD: 9TH CD 23 - Glob, like a big marble glob (usually get this once or twice)
BD: 10TH CD 24 - EWCM (stand up and runs)
11TH CD 25 - Glob again
BD: 12TH CD 26 - Cream
13TH CD 27 - POPK
BD: 14TH CD 28 - Positive OPK
15th CD 29 - Positive OPK
16th CD 30 - Don't remember
17th CD 31 - Negative OPK - Really warm – DH was shocked like “why are you so hot!?” and wouldn’t let me cuddle with him haha.
18th CD 32 - BFN

So far I have been really warm, tired, and cramping in lower back and lower abd.
When would you calculate 1 DPO?

Wow, actually I would calculate you at probably 2 dpo today...judging from your two positive opk's I would count the 16th as Ovulation day. Actually your cycle is long but everything looks really awesome this month! Have you tried charting on FertilityFriend? They have a pretty awesome site and try to predict ov day, etc...

So maybe try to test with an early hpt (FRER or some other) around...next Tuesday the 26th or so? At 10 dpo or 11 dpo?
Coy- Sorry you are having a bad day. Join the club... hahahaha... Question, when you were pregnant either time before, were things this difficult between you and DH? I wonder if he's got those pregnancy hormones too, and he just doesn't know how to deal with them. Well, who does really...

Shradha- Don't give up hope just yet. I've said before, I don't really know much about temping, and I never relied on it, so I can't really comment on that situation but I just think there are a lot of other factors that come into play with the rise and fall of your temp and how/when it is taken.

Laura- Well I hope for your sake, after all that cleaning, that Beanie comes soon!! My DH all of a sudden got this wind of energy tonight to clean (shouldn't that be me?) saying that he thinks baby is coming tomorrow. He is usually very instinctual, moreso than me, so who knows? Not getting anyone's hopes up though.

AFM I did have my last acupuncture session today. Good news is that she did tell me that she noticed my energy moving downwards and things were more open and flowing down there... unlike the past 2 sessions. So that could mean things are on its way, but no indication of how long! I just had spicy Thai food, still been taking my EPO, and collecting my "samples" from DH... :rofl: I'm so tired of doing the same things everyday, just waiting and bouncing on my ball, always waiting for some kind of twinge. I never thought I'd see my ticker say 40 weeks but here we go.

Re: the hospital rules, they do not allow kids to be there without another caretaker (doesn't include father) AND they don't allow other visitors, including children, to spend the night. It is strictly enforced. Besides, there would be no place for him to sleep?!

Coy- They require you to stay in the hospital 2 days after giving birth (and 4 days after a c-section).... so unfortunately can't leave right away... don't know if I'd want to either! I remember how I felt even the next day, and I couldn't even get out of the bed yet. I needed a nurse to help me go to the bathroom, get changed, and all of that. I'm surprised that your hospital lets you leave right away??

mbh- My dr has always told me to go with the first day of positive opk. So that would be CD27, making 1 DPO at CD 28. But also, since you are ovulating so late, it could mean that your body keeps gearing up to try to ovulate and it finally does, so in that case it might be the last opk spurt. If I were you I'd try to get your cycles shorter, maybe with the use of Vitex (Chaste Tree Berry) or another supplement.
Step- I guess they can allow Nicholas to stay with you and dh if you explain to then that he is alone.....
Steph- I can't remember, I know that there are always stresses in life and they always seem to be magnified in pregnancy. Dh and I actually have a very good relationship which is why these little spats seem so hard to handle. It really is nothing major, I think he hates the idea of anything being disconnected and on this particular issue we have atlked about it before and he suggested NOT disconnecting it. But seeing as I am the official "budgeteer" :haha: I went ahead and did it anyway and it made hima ngry or upset :shrug: I can't see the point of paying for something we never use and then having trouble paying for the stuff we need IYKWIM? Things are a bit better now, I think I hold on to tension longer.

AFM- so much for my early night! I ended up slamming out my horrific assignment on time, getting the girls temps checked, dinner fed, teeth brushed, pj's on, in bed and ASLEEP by 10'ish ...about an hour past where I wanted it all :dohh: Then here I sit correcting my paper,e tc...Then I had to do dishes, get their clothes set out for tomorrow, rinse a load of towels, dry a load of clothes, bring in the flowers cause its getting cold, cover the garden, and now I am planning a shower and something to eat as I skipped dinner again :blush:
I want to say "thank you" for all of the positive and supportive comments you ladies always post! You are immense sources of inspiration to me and a real support =from WOMEN that Iwouldn't have otherwise :hugs: All the women in town wanted my dh but I got him instead so, well, they hate me :haha: Seriously :huh: lol

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