Looking for official TTC buddies!!

Steph- darn, this is a tough situation with Nicholas. The only advice I can give at this point is look for an on-call support- someone who can come within a couple (2-4) hours of your pains starting that will care for Nicholas for a day or so or at least until your dh can take over. I imagine dh can take him after the first night?

This is something my dh and I have talked about also. As they will not allow children in a surgery room if I ended up having to undergo a c-section dh would HAVE to stay out with the girls. No way aorund it :shrug: I would hate for him to not be there and so would he but we have the girls too and they need us just as much as we need each other--and they are our priority. So we have decided they will be in the delivery room where dh can oversee them and in an emergency he will stay with them. And yes, our hospital allows you to leave after about 8 hours if all is looking good. If I end up having to stay the night dh will simply take the girls home when they kcik them out :shrug: Then come back as soon as possible.
Coy- dear try to get some sleep....u need it badly:hugs:
I have got over the depresso mood.... And trying to focus my mind on something good.....so in-spite of the temps I went for a test now...... I found what I was thinking....it's too early.....:bfn: ....it's fine.....
Hi there new to the site..I'm 27 from kcmo ttc #3 first dose of clomid and on d5po..hate the waiting game would love to have a buddy in this journey..are you also on clomid..I have secondary infertility don't know why..bit I have a 7 year old daughter and my son just turned 5 now trying for a third kinda hoping for twins so i don't have to try again
Hi there new to the site..I'm 27 from kcmo ttc #3 first dose of clomid and on d5po..hate the waiting game would love to have a buddy in this journey..are you also on clomid..I have secondary infertility don't know why..bit I have a 7 year old daughter and my son just turned 5 now trying for a third kinda hoping for twins so i don't have to try again

Hi, welcome! This this my 5th month TTC.....well I am not on any meds apart from folic acid tablets.:flower: so you are on 5dpo? I am 9dpo.....so keeping fingers fixed for both of us.....:thumbup: :dust:.... So this is your third...wow....I am trying for my first.....it will be great sharing this journey with you.... Do you take temperature?
Shardha - unfortunately this is the down side if temping you can count yourself out early. I'm not so sure you are though. Like coy said it could be the weather which has affected it or it could well be implantation. It seems a little early of a drop to indicate af to me. Don't get downhearted, hopefully it'll be better news tomorrow.

Coy - that's not good you & DH are arguing. I can totally understand your frustrations though. If he leaves the budgeting to you then he's got to accept your decisions. You do seem to do everything around the house though & organising your family & of course your studying. It's an awful lot for anyone to do but more so when pregnant. Would you feel comfortable sitting down with DH & dividing some of the chores to take a bit of pressure off you? It's really not good for you & baby forgetting to eat as often as you do. There's no way your getting anywhere near the calories you need. Baby will be fine, body feeds them first but I'm worried about your health, especially as you get further on.

Steph - hope you find a solution re Nicholas that you're comfortable with. In the uk partners can't stay overnight at all. Generally for a straight forward labour they keep you in for 5 hours but overnight if you give birth in the evening. For first time Mums if they want to they can often stay 1 night. For a c section I think it's 3 days minimum you're in for but again partners can't stay over. Other than when you're in labour they also have really strict visiting times so partners can only be with you from 11.30am to 8.30pm + 1 other after the babys born. Even if you're induced & the 1sr pessary isn't inserted until the evening they'll also send partners home!!

Afm - our summer has finally arrived!! Although having said that a rather dark cloud has just blown over the sun!! Doesn't look like its staying though. It's so nice to. E able to sit & relax in the garden. It's not too warm either at 20 degrees so quite pleasent. Would be nice to get a little colour on my skin!!

Nesting yesterday clearly meant nothing as still no sign of Beanie. My nesting today is revolved around myself. I finally braved shaving my Bakini line, was hard work but not done too bad a job, a nice surprise for DH later! I've also managed to cut & paint my tie nails. Had to do some leg contortion to do it & know I'm going to suffer with my pelvis when I get up but feel suitably preened now for hospital. Once again Beanie. TIME TO VACATE MUMMYS WOMB!!! Not holding out much hope though!!
Well ladies... I woke up this morning to brown spotting.. I wiped and its light brown and not very much.. not enough for a pad or anything.. implantation bleeding perhaps? technically I havent had AF in under 35 days since after the wedding.
Coy- hope you had a good sleep.... Coy I am so sorry I didn't read your post....I was totally into my own frustrations that I didn't notice even you needed us...:hugs:... Last few days have been mentally stressful for me too..... Dh has suddenly developed a new habit of blaming me for everything that goes wrong.... I don't argue coz he has a temper...... But yesterday I just couldn't bear it...... :growlmad:...... I just burst out....:dohh:....
How are things now ? Is dh ok now? I feel so bad for you..... You have kids to look after, do all the chores all by yourself, take care of dh but no one is there to take care of you.....:hugs:..... Dh should help you with something...... Make him aware that you do need help......or else you will fall sick.....not taking proper care of your health......you are the pillar of strength in the family.

Well I know my dh doesn't even lift one needle....... It's so annoying.....
Well ladies... I woke up this morning to brown spotting.. I wiped and its light brown and not very much.. not enough for a pad or anything.. implantation bleeding perhaps? technically I havent had AF in under 35 days since after the wedding.
I too am new to this.....but as far I know implantation bleed doesn't happen before 6dpo....you are in 2dpo right? It's highly not possibly for the bleed to happen so early........I am so sorry to disappoint you..... My cycles were also of 34 days..suddenly now things have changed.....last 2 months it has come down to 26 days...... Don't lose hope...... Keep fingers crossed.....you still have time.......
Hi there new to the site..I'm 27 from kcmo ttc #3 first dose of clomid and on d5po..hate the waiting game would love to have a buddy in this journey..are you also on clomid..I have secondary infertility don't know why..bit I have a 7 year old daughter and my son just turned 5 now trying for a third kinda hoping for twins so i don't have to try again

Hi, welcome! This this my 5th month TTC.....well I am not on any meds apart from folic acid tablets.:flower: so you are on 5dpo? I am 9dpo.....so keeping fingers fixed for both of us.....:thumbup: :dust:.... So this is your third...wow....I am trying for my first.....it will be great sharing this journey with you.... Do you take temperature?

hi shradha.. no im not taking temps i thought about starting but not sure if i should or not.../i know it will take a month or more to get an idea of what my temp runs i don't know... which is more acurate taking temps or just using the opk kit..I never even thought i would have had problems trying to have another baby i had two already with no problems concieving at all and all this time we've been trying i thought i was ovulating I mean i had been getting what i thought was ovulation pain but unfortunately i found out i wasn't.. i think im 5dpo but i didn't test just went off my calendar and the fact that i usually have a 30 day cycle.. just really looking for support here the dh doesn't go on the same rollercoaster or at least it seems like that anyway..
well i know that i've read that ovulation a's driving me crazy today and clomid can cause similar symptoms to being prego and it's driving me crazy..I'm blaoted and feeling well just weird in my tummy I know I'm probably just imaging things.. and the fact that it's been almost 6 years since i've been prego don't know now that I could even tell the difference so early anyway..I mean I remember when i was prego with my son i was about 4-6 weeks when i knew but that was because of my bb's...then i have some anxiety about the clomid and concieving mostly scared about a possoble miscarriage...i know my progesterone level has to be high enough to make me ovulate but does it also have to stay high enough to carry the baby as well...my doctor hasn't given me a whole lot to go on here..and my last visit when i saw her due to gyn issues not related to ttc she didn't even remember that iust seen her a few weeks prior for infertility as she asked me what kind of bc i was taking..considering a fertility specialist perhaps..and then there's the side effects from the clomid the rages which to me weren't too bad not much different then my monthly mood swings..the hot flashes which i've gotten since a very young age so wasn't much of a surprise but the migraines which i get occassionaly but with the clomid they were just aweful..well for now waiting to do blood work tomorrow and see if i o'd then wait some more to test I should be able to test on my bday july 2nd if af hasn't come wish me luck.
i have alto of catching up to do. will do when i can.

AFM, im on cd42 today. Still no AF and looks like my temps are flatlining. Oh well. Just patiently waiting. It would be just my luck i get AF when I dont want her to come. I just want her to come already and get it out the way so i can start on a new cycle and hope this one comes on time. Looks like I havent o'd yet which sucks and makes me think im going to miss a month of AF and its going to come in july :dohh: Also, saturday will be my last day working for the library before I start my new job. :thumbup: DH only has a week left (next week) before he leaves to boot camp on July 5th. Today we have a meeting with our recruiter so we are going to bring up the paperwork we got to fill out. My recruiter already told me that he put my paperwork into processing so i can leave early so im just waiting to see what happens. Well thats it for now.
Hi ladies!

Shradha and Laura- Thanks for your supportive words :hugs: Laura- dh and I almost never argue so that's why when we do it's usuallya doozy :dohh: I am very stubborn and so is he. Just yesterday it really hit a sore poijnt with me is all. I am sure he has already forgotten it whereas I still steam when I reflect back :haha: He helps with the girls as far as keeping them entertained, etc, and he works with them on certain projects, but yeah as far as planning stuff, prepareing for htings, organizing, budgeting, household stuff, everything, it's pretty much me. So I kind of get this "how dare you" atitude when he is irritated over my method :shrug: I try not to take things perosnal but like I said- I am stubborn :blush:
AFM- today started yesterday--ever have a day like that? :dohh: lol! In order to get the girls up and out by daybreak I had to have their clothes cleaned, folded and set out for morning, shoes (yay!I found the lost shoe :thumbup:)ready, coffee set to go, breakfast prepped, car ready and set, lunch packed in case, then I had to shower the night before as I wouldn't have time in the morning...girls got up early and I dressed them, fed them, fed the dog put her out then back in :wacko: packed the car, etc...not a bad mroning at all justa ll the prep work involved! We all went today which was kinda nice...girls were tickled that dh went with us as they like his fast driving :sick: lol! I do to, like my own personal roller coaster :rofl:
We are back now surprisingly, appointment went well. T still has her strange little fever? Not sure what from? :shrug: My stress is beginning to ease some now Phew!

Thinking of grabbing some breakfast :)
Juts started having some cramps....it comes and goes......my lower abdorminal suddenly feels heavy and little hard.....
AFM- today started yesterday--ever have a day like that? :dohh: lol! In order to get the girls up and out by daybreak I had to have their clothes cleaned, folded and set out for morning, shoes (yay!I found the lost shoe :thumbup:)ready, coffee set to go, breakfast prepped, car ready and set, lunch packed in case, then I had to shower the night before as I wouldn't have time in the morning...girls got up early and I dressed them, fed them, fed the dog put her out then back in :wacko: packed the car, etc...not a bad mroning at all justa ll the prep work involved! We all went today which was kinda nice...girls were tickled that dh went with us as they like his fast driving :sick: lol! I do to, like my own personal roller coaster :rofl:
We are back now surprisingly, appointment went well. T still has her strange little fever? Not sure what from? :shrug: My stress is beginning to ease some now Phew!

Thinking of grabbing some breakfast :)

We have your back hon......
Good to know that everything went well :happydance:. Is T having cold and fever or is it just fever?
Patrice- So few more days in the library.... Your boss will miss you I am sure.....
All excited to join the new job? :thumbup:....
Well ladies... I woke up this morning to brown spotting.. I wiped and its light brown and not very much.. not enough for a pad or anything.. implantation bleeding perhaps? technically I havent had AF in under 35 days since after the wedding.
I too am new to this.....but as far I know implantation bleed doesn't happen before 6dpo....you are in 2dpo right? It's highly not possibly for the bleed to happen so early........I am so sorry to disappoint you..... My cycles were also of 34 days..suddenly now things have changed.....last 2 months it has come down to 26 days...... Don't lose hope...... Keep fingers crossed.....you still have time.......

Well I looked over my calendar and talked with a few people and im thinking I O around the 10th which means im 9 DPO. OPK don't work for me and are usually positive all the time so I can't trust them.
Hi there new to the site..I'm 27 from kcmo ttc #3 first dose of clomid and on d5po..hate the waiting game would love to have a buddy in this journey..are you also on clomid..I have secondary infertility don't know why..bit I have a 7 year old daughter and my son just turned 5 now trying for a third kinda hoping for twins so i don't have to try again

Hi, welcome! This this my 5th month TTC.....well I am not on any meds apart from folic acid tablets.:flower: so you are on 5dpo? I am 9dpo.....so keeping fingers fixed for both of us.....:thumbup: :dust:.... So this is your third...wow....I am trying for my first.....it will be great sharing this journey with you.... Do you take temperature?

hi shradha.. no im not taking temps i thought about starting but not sure if i should or not.../i know it will take a month or more to get an idea of what my temp runs i don't know... which is more acurate taking temps or just using the opk kit..I never even thought i would have had problems trying to have another baby i had two already with no problems concieving at all and all this time we've been trying i thought i was ovulating I mean i had been getting what i thought was ovulation pain but unfortunately i found out i wasn't.. i think im 5dpo but i didn't test just went off my calendar and the fact that i usually have a 30 day cycle.. just really looking for support here the dh doesn't go on the same rollercoaster or at least it seems like that anyway..

I do understand....the wait is real test...I too am in the line...waiting when my chance will come:flower:..... you must test......i too test with opk...but my friends here suggested me to also go with the temping....So I started a month ago.....and still continue temping.....All the best:thumbup:
Shradha- is it possible for AF? Is this too early? TWW is a pain! :growlmad:

And no, T doesn't have a cold, no aches or pains, nothing...just a slight fever:shrug: KIDS! :wacko:
Coy i generally never have pain before AF.....she just arrives......And she is not expected to come before 23rd.....26 days cycle....today is just cd23......Had planned everything so well this time.........:shrug:...all gone waste:dohh:........

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