Looking for official TTC buddies!!

Hi Shradha! Yay, I am glad that you are online! Lhugs: How are you feeling?? Chart looks good! Thanks for updating Msperry btw- I couldn't remember if you could start charting in middle of cycle or not :dohh: lol
Coy- you sounded so happy in the morning :happydance:.....then what happened dear.......I guess the dress made you feel bad...... I can understand when my dresses are not fitting me I too felt horrible.......:cry:..... Did you try wearing something that dh doesn't wear..... I mean you can tie a knot in the side to make it fitting..... something different for a change......
We are here for you....don't worry:hugs:.....can say whatever you want....:hugs:....how is the day going now?
Today temp dipped to 97.2 f I don't know the reason? Is it normal? Having little cramping but it comes and goes.......Tested:bfn:
Coy- you sounded so happy in the morning :happydance:.....then what happened dear.......I guess the dress made you feel bad...... I can understand when my dresses are not fitting me I too felt horrible.......:cry:..... Did you try wearing something that dh doesn't wear..... I mean you can tie a knot in the side to make it fitting..... something different for a change......
We are here for you....don't worry:hugs:.....can say whatever you want....:hugs:....how is the day going now?

Lol, I try not to wear dh's clothes :haha: except for his shirts to sleep in :) I was just off today because I was so tired and dragged out. I felt good this morning after a nights rest, yes, but after struggling in heat of dday to find something suitable to wear that didn't make me feel huge and fat :haha: dh's comment just hit a really sore spot with me. :shrug: Women, huh? :haha: I have to learn to get over myself some...plus my skin is super sensitive in pregnancy so I burn easily- thus the red chest. So it's hard for me to avoid :shrug:
I'm gonna go put the girls to bed and I'll be back on here checkin in with everyone! :hugs:

Oh- Shradha, have you updated your chart for Thursday? I only see Wednesday on there...And yes, it is normal to dip and rise,e tc, fluctuate,s o don't worry. When would Af be scheduled to show her ugly face if she does?
Oh no this is the 4 th time I am typing......it's not loading.....
Coy I have updated the charts....AF not due before 23 - 25 June ...keep getting some pricking sensation....never felt anything like this before AF.... Well have to agree upon 1 thing I can't predict anything now....body has changed a lot after TTC....

I too never wear dh clothes...it's too loose although the length is fine coz we both are of the same height....:flower: but I had to wear 1 when we had gone to the beach....my spares were all wet...so had to put on his shirt....I remember how I had to tie a big knot on the side to make it look ok on me..:haha:.....
Still here at home, contractions still about 5 min apart. Our doula isn't coming over quite yet. Things generally move slow for me so I don't anticipate a fast labor like Coy's... but as soon as things get even stronger and contractions 3 min apart then we are going to haul a$$... But this could last for a while, unfortunately though, strong enough to keep me from sleeping...
Yay Steph - I am hugely jealous & so so excited for you!! :happydance: :happydance: hope you took Coys advice & got yourself to the hospital sharpish!! Can't wait for your big announcement & first pics of Brandon :D

Shradha - the thing is with temping it gives you more info after you have a few months data. At the mo we don't know if all these dips are normal for a bfn cycle for you. What it does show though is that you've definitely ovulated. Don't worry about your cycles changing. Mine did the same when I started ttc.

Coy - yay for a great nights sleep but boo for thoughtless comments from DH. I totally understand your pain re clothes, I have had a few tantrums over trying to find clothes which fit, look nice & is practical for the tasks of the day & weather!! What does DH mean by you not concentrating on him? Surely the girls & your new baby are more important right now?

Afm - got out of hospital really quickly yesterday for a change, even though my bp averages 98!! They were quite happy that an extra tablet in the middle of the day would keep my blood pressure down until Tues. they ran some bloods as well which were all clear. My midwife us coming out again tomorrow to re check blood pressure & check for protein, if alls ok I'll be having a relaxing weekend ready for the big day Tuesday!! Annoyingly DH is on horrible late shifted every night now & only has Monday off so no actual quality time together. I'm convinced he's going to end up finishing late most nights as well which is going to really really pee me off!! Re Beanies arrival I would be very surprised if he decides to come of his own accord before Tuesday but I'm continuing with my evict beanie plan in the hope it at least softens my cervix and maybe makes me dilate a couple if cms which should speed up the induction, hopefully!!
Still here at home, contractions still about 5 min apart. Our doula isn't coming over quite yet. Things generally move slow for me so I don't anticipate a fast labor like Coy's... but as soon as things get even stronger and contractions 3 min apart then we are going to haul a$$... But this could last for a while, unfortunately though, strong enough to keep me from sleeping...

Try and take the time to relax, our anti natal teacher told us adrenaline just slows things down. Although I think that must be pretty hard, I get excited now at the thought of going into labour!! Where are your contractions? Do you think brandon has moved?
Coy - yay for a great nights sleep but boo for thoughtless comments from DH. I totally understand your pain re clothes, I have had a few tantrums over trying to find clothes which fit, look nice & is practical for the tasks of the day & weather!! What does DH mean by you not concentrating on him? Surely the girls & your new baby are more important right now?

He never actually said that I should concentrate on him-- and I know he doesn't think it, as he has told me before that he has dealt with his issues since war, etc, plus his diabetes and that he doesn't want me stressing over it. And he makes the girls apriority - I think what has happened is I am usually a very competant and independant persona and he has gotten used to me taking care of my stuff by myself all the time. Like when I was mc'ing back In November...I was stacking and splitting wood with the family outside even with heavy bad cramping, etc, and he told me not to but I did it anyway and I'm not sure if I made things worse? Buta t that opint he thought I was okay because of the work I was doing...when in fact I needed to be rushed to the hospital. It wasn't until about an hour later when I told him I'd have to go that he realized how serious it was. I think I have a tendancy to hide stuff like that or keep it to myself when I should just tell him outright. Men are different than women--they need to be told stuff whereas I think we generally can figure things out on own own. We are, in a sense, very emotional snoops! :haha:

But when he is dealing with a lot he gets grumpy and focus' inwardly to deal with it. At which point I get concerned and I also focus on him...then when I suddenly realize that I have neglected issues with myself I get angry with him for not noticing :blush: A very childish thing now I reflect on it...oh well, I will try to think more analytically in future and maybe less emotionally? Is that possible in pregnancy? :haha: Thank you for "having my back" so to speak, it is nice to know I have female support group! :) :friends:
I can relax but as soon as I try to drift off, the contraction wakes me up. Brandon was pretty active at the start, maybe he was trying to move, but he hasn't been active much in the last few hours. I don't know if he's still posterior, but I know that they take longer to he in position and laboratory are longer when that's the case. Feeling a lot of "back labor," but it's generally how I remember things feeling the first time with Nicholas, in early labor when I was dilating from 0-4. So I doubt I'm more than 3-4 right now. My labor with him was 4 days, and eventually needed pitocin to get my contractions regular and past 5cm, so that's why I don't expect this labor to be drastically different. It'll probably be shorter but don't think it will happen overnight. Maybe tomorrow, tomorrow night at the earliest.
Still here at home, contractions still about 5 min apart. Our doula isn't coming over quite yet. Things generally move slow for me so I don't anticipate a fast labor like Coy's... but as soon as things get even stronger and contractions 3 min apart then we are going to haul a$$... But this could last for a while, unfortunately though, strong enough to keep me from sleeping...

Try and take the time to relax, our anti natal teacher told us adrenaline just slows things down. Although I think that must be pretty hard, I get excited now at the thought of going into labour!! Where are your contractions? Do you think brandon has moved?

Om gosh, yeah, it's hard not to get excited when you know babes is "just around the corner"! And I think the ecitement at that point can be helpful? Not positive...I wish Steph and Laura that I had taken anti-natal (what does that mean btw?) classes before! :thumbup:
Steph- I spoke with a lady yesterday that told me back labors never meant REAL labor...she said her mw told her years ago that if yu feel back pain it's not real. Hell it aint! :haha: Don't believe everything old ladies tell you! :haha: She told me that she was in labor (hard back pain) for like 4 days or some such and just bustled around th ehouse oding her ironing and cooking, etc...I was thinking, then you prob weren't in labor lady! :haha: Because as you say- it's diifult to even get rest with these contractions, let alone do household chores!

I hope you manage to get some sleep tonight but if they are coming every 5 min or so it's unlikely that you will get any real deep sleep. Remember to stay hydrated, drink water, and snack once in a while!
Anti -natal I think translates pretty directly to pre birth. There's 2 different types in the uk. Standard free nhs ones which depending on where you are are only a few hours long & with as many as 20 couples. We paid to have private classes do had 7 2& half hour sessions with 6 other couples who we now stay in touch with. Actually the first baby was born yesterday!! The classes were brilliant. Through this site and Internet I already know quite a bit but still learnt loads & it was great for DH to be part of it. He even got to practice dressing a baby (not a real one though, a doll!!) it covered everything to do with labour & the early days with a new born including how it can affect relationships. I guess they don't easily have access to classes like this in the us?

Sounds like you're properly relaxed. It's funny what you say about sleep as again it was something we were taught, sleep for as long as possible but I can't see how you could sleep through a contraction!!!
Laura- I am glad that they let you go home! I hope the additional bp med a day will help...the bp issue should disappear once babes is born :thumbup: So yay for Tuesday if he doesn't come sooner! Maybe Steph can send yousome of her magic dust and get your contractions going? :happydance: Lol!

And boo for dh's crappy late schedule! Can't he tell his work that you are a priority and that he needs to stay close? I guess he couldn't explain why he had to be with you when you were awake necessarily but dang it they should know better :growlmad: lol! I hated it when dh and were separated, I don;t like being a jealous wife but oh man you should have seen me when he had to stay overnight in the hospital for testing (2-3 years ago)! I was a wreck and totally p'd off at him by the time he came home the next morning! :haha: He was clueless of course :blush: I am truely silly sometimes!

I was wondering if you are getting tired of that ball yet...I nnever had one but from what you and Steph say they are very useful :thumbup: Wish I'd have had one when I was prego with Kat!
Anti -natal I think translates pretty directly to pre birth. There's 2 different types in the uk. Standard free nhs ones which depending on where you are are only a few hours long & with as many as 20 couples. We paid to have private classes do had 7 2& half hour sessions with 6 other couples who we now stay in touch with. Actually the first baby was born yesterday!! The classes were brilliant. Through this site and Internet I already know quite a bit but still learnt loads & it was great for DH to be part of it. He even got to practice dressing a baby (not a real one though, a doll!!) it covered everything to do with labour & the early days with a new born including how it can affect relationships. I guess they don't easily have access to classes like this in the us?

Sounds like you're properly relaxed. It's funny what you say about sleep as again it was something we were taught, sleep for as long as possible but I can't see how you could sleep through a contraction!!!

:nope: I was pretty clueless when I had my first! Wish I had taken classes, I think I would have been more relaxed with the knowledge. As it was dh bought me loads of books at the time and he taught me what he knew--not sure if I have mentioned this but my dh is also a midwife! :roll: He just HAS to be good at everything, right? lol! Anyway he took classes and became a midwife and has actually been a much better coach than any my mw or obgyns during labor. So i relied upon him for most of my learning first time around.
Laura- lol re: clothes! O my gosh I had a time today :) I hate when I can't find just the right item! :growlmad: I was washing all of my clothes so pretty much just left myself with a tank top and winter shirts waaay too hot for today! So dh's comment about the red chest angered me unreasonably! :haha: He;'s actally pretty good abot helping me shop for maternity clothes when we do go out...I just always forget to mention I need something until too late. What are you doing at this point, now the weather is getting warmer? Have you had to go shopping fo rnew tops, etc?
Lol, I thought it was funny today I was folding one of my maternity tops and Teagen points and with big eyes says "wow look at that DRESS"! It was one of my shirts :sad1: lol! I told dh she might as well have said "take a look at that tent!" or "wow what an immense amount of material!" :haha:

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