Looking for official TTC buddies!!

Saw your message on Facebook!! I've not told a lot of people about the induction date just family & close friends who I've asked not to say anything on Facebook. I've actually been really open about being induced at 40 weeks but now I have an actual date I feel really self conscious about people knowing exactly when I'll be in labour!!

I've been nervous about his shifts this weekend for a while. He's in a riot van covering any potential trouble from the Euro football tournament & England have actually made it through to the next stages which are played this weekend. Means he's working 5pm to 2am but will easily be kept on later if there's any trouble in town. The time he's working typically covers the most common times labour starts & I'd prefer him here. I think it'll take him a while to come home as well as some1 from the station will have to come & fetch him from wherever the riot van is then take him back to the station where he'll have to get out of his kick before cycling home!!(although I'm going to demand he drives to work, a battle im saving at the mo) just thinking about it again makes me feel a bit panicky even though I don't think labour will start then. DH however seems to think it'll be easier for him to leave as theres 7 in a van whereas he'd be by himself on another shift and could get caught on a job. I would rather he simply asked for desk duties for those last few days but he absolutely won't do that as he'll get bored!! Men!!!!!! He's hasnt even spoke to the Sargent in charge of his shifts over the weekend to explain he has a heavily pregnant wife & may need to leave at a moments notice, something I think, as a boss myself, they need to know in advance because they may prefer to replace him. Sorry, turned into a bit of a rant!!
Laura- lol re: clothes! O my gosh I had a time today :) I hate when I can't find just the right item! :growlmad: I was washing all of my clothes so pretty much just left myself with a tank top and winter shirts waaay too hot for today! So dh's comment about the red chest angered me unreasonably! :haha: He;'s actally pretty good abot helping me shop for maternity clothes when we do go out...I just always forget to mention I need something until too late. What are you doing at this point, now the weather is getting warmer? Have you had to go shopping fo rnew tops, etc?

Yep but I bought some really cheap vest tops, it's the tops I struggle the most with. I just bought them 3 sizes bigger & you know, within a week bump was poking out the bottom, it's just getting lower & lower!! Bottom of bump is also now covered in stretch marks!! Thankfully I have over the bump linen trousers which are really comfy and the fabric over the bump means I can get away with slightly too small tops!! I've also got a few loose summer dresses, amazingly my normal size ones still fit over the bump & I've bought a couple of maternity ones. Think I'll be living in those when it warms up properly & I still have my post pregnancy bump.
Saw your message on Facebook!! I've not told a lot of people about the induction date just family & close friends who I've asked not to say anything on Facebook. I've actually been really open about being induced at 40 weeks but now I have an actual date I feel really self conscious about people knowing exactly when I'll be in labour!!

Did you mean my post? I'm sorry! I wasn;t even thinking about an induction date at the time I posted it, just about your edd...does anyone else know about your edd? I won't mention anything though, I am gladd you told me! :thumbup: Ah, I just got smart and went back and deleted mypost! I am the same way- I have not told my family that I am pregnantso I haven;t posted a word about it on fb...My mom would love that! She'd use it as an excuse to force a visit :shock: and I think dh and I would go crazy! :wacko: He has threatened to call the police if she ever shows up :haha:
Ladies I am going to try an dcatch a few winks :) but will pop on here if I can during the night and check up! Steph- GL and try and get some rest! Don't forget the overnight bag...:hugs:

Laura- thanks for being supportive, it means alot (even when I am being unreasonable :dohh: lol!) Hope you have an great day (day there isn't it now??) can't wait to see your little babes in that yellow jumper! :hugs:
You didn't need to delete it!! Everyone knows my edd so there would have been no hiding my induction if it had have been done at 40 weeks & I quite openly told people I would be. It's only since yesterday I've had a change of heart!! The likelihood is it'll still come out on Facebook & my money is on the mil!!

Our sunny weather is now gone again. It's been raining all morning so far & just checked the weather, heavy rain forecast until Monday!! Perhaps beanie will come over the weekend, we've always thought it would be terential rain the day I go into hospital as it follows every where for anything significant. It rained ALL day on our wedding day & the really nasty heavy stuff!! It would also be really inconvenient as we have to walk from 1 end if the hospital from the car park to the other where the maternity hospital is some of which is outside so we'd be arriving very wet!!
Hope you have another good nights sleep Coy.

Re the birthing ball, tbh yes it does get a bit tiring but for me it causes my ankles to really swell up & makes them really sore. I've taken to sitting on the sofa & leaning forward on it but that's still not great for my ankles I therefore may well have a back labour especially as beanie was a proper little fidget last night & I think turned himself fully posteria!!
You gals converse in Facebook..... I don't use FB that much....and only have my relatives..... They are only bothered about what I do and all very narrow minded .... So I just try to avoid ....... :growlmad:

Laura - what is induction basically? Does it mean giving you an injection to generate pain so that you deliver??
Coy- hope you could sleep early..... How is T? Has her fever gone?
Kind of, the try and artificially bring on labour. First its a pessary in the cervix to try and get it to dilate which may start labour naturally. If not next step is to break the waters using an instrument which basically looks like a knitting needle! This should then bring on some contractions. I'll probably need a drip with a synthetic version of the hormone oxytocin which helps with the contractions. Inductions can take a few days to work but I know a couple of people who have had their baby within 12 hours as well. Everything about it though is a guess fake & it's therefore more likely to need interventions such as foreceps or even an emergency c section & with my blood pressure really anything could happen. Apparently epidurald are sometimes given to reduce blood pressure so may have no choice but to have one when I'd much rather stick to gas & air.

I can basically kiss good bye to my water birth & it's likely I'm going to be restricted in how active I can be so not at all what I wanted but I'd still choose it over leaving him a few more weeks & risking his health so i can labour naturally.

Steph - how are you doing? Not sure weather to think you've managed to sleep or your contractions have moved on quicker than you thought & you're now in proper active labour? Or maybe he's here??!! Thinking of you :hugs:
Hi ladies! I am back, wondering how everyone is doing...Slept OKAY las night, silly little Kat woke me up several times before I reminded her that "big girls sleep ALL NIGHT LONG". At which she thought very deeply then stated "Oh, yeah!" and went to sleep :roll:

Still feeling a bit tired this morning, I am going to give doc a a. Can't remember if I mentioned it or not, but I had my iron checked the other day and the lady said it was 11.3 which I read is very low, especially for pregnant women. So I am going to ask doc about it, I could be mistaken about the numbers, but that would explain my breathlesnes and fatigue!

How is Steph? Any word? I hope she has either 1) had Brandon, or 2) had a good nights sleep! :thumbup:

Laura- the rain sounds awesome to me at this point but I can't imagine makes a very fun trip to hospital! Got an umbrella?
Contractions have died down, tried to catch some winks last night but they were still strong enough to keep me awake. They are a bit more spaced apart now, since this morning but strong when they do come. Going to the Dr to be checked and see how much I'm dilated and to check on the baby. I may or may not be admitted based on how it goes. I hate these slow labors, I might just agree to have them give me pitocin just to get things going, which sucks, because it does make it more painful. I'm so jealous of your 20 min labors Coy!
Contractions have died down, tried to catch some winks last night but they were still strong enough to keep me awake. They are a bit more spaced apart now, since this morning but strong when they do come. Going to the Dr to be checked and see how much I'm dilated and to check on the baby. I may or may not be admitted based on how it goes. I hate these slow labors, I might just agree to have them give me pitocin just to get things going, which sucks, because it does make it more painful. I'm so jealous of your 20 min labors Coy!

Steph- not sure why ppitocin would make them more painful...they get pretty damned painful all on their own after a while! I think it's because it's trying to force your body to rev up some...I think my labors were always so intensley painful because of the way the contractions worked so fast- sort of fast and hard! I wish labor were like taking off a band-aid--fast is less painful! :nope: Doesn't work that way. So may actually be easier on you to advance slowly :thumbup: Thanks for updating us! :hugs: Let us know how it goes, K? GL and lemme be the first to say CONGRATS!!
Shradha- how are you today? I am pretty good, the day is warm but breezy...T still has her blasted low-grade fever it is driving me insane! :wacko: Not sure what in heck it could be! Anyway, just going to try to keep them out of the sun for long periods today.

Laura- how are you Miss? Feeling spunky? :) I am sorry for all the crappy scheduling your dh has had to do, it always is something, isn't it in life?! :growlmad: Rant away- I do my share! :haha:

Aw, where are you Patrice? We miss you!

And Ashley- MIA long enough! :sad1: lol

AFM- well, I have decided to go the rebellious route today. My eye makeup has transcended all "day wear" guidelines and I am wearing a shirt so low cut I've been picking toast crumbs off my belly since breakfast! :haha: Not that I've got anything to show (just my somewhat sun-burnt chest) but hey- :shrug: Show's I don't care, right? Who's gonna say anything to a pregnant lady? :haha:
That's a bugger that they've slowed down, I really hoped your second birth would be different for you. I'm nervous of the induction for the same reason re the contractions. The way my yoga teacher decribes natural contractions is they have a definate start, middle and end whereas the fake ones created by pitocin only have a middle. It's like bam, really bad pain, then gone. And they tend to start closer together so you're body doesn;t work up to them, although with your fast abours Coy you probably experience that as well!! Would you agree with that description Steph seeing as you've experienced them? Let us know how you get one, really hope you've dilated well. Have your wters broke? if not so you think they'll try breaking them for you? Might increase the contractions?

Coy - you wear what you like!! Sounds like Kat's going to get the hang of this sleeping through the night business fairly quicly. I think that's where girls and great, they develope there communciation skills so much earlier than boys so Kat really will listen to you and think about being a big girl. I'm not so sure that would work with a 3 year boy, not from seeing my friends 3 year old boys anyway.

Afm - feeling pretty knackered, body clock is all over the place. Was wide awake at 6so got up but was exhausted by 3.30 so had an hour and a half nap, woke up just as tired though and took me 45 mins to find the motivation to get out of bed by which time it was 5.45 pm (it was only my very full bladder as well that got me up!!) Still feel tired but recon I'll be wide awake around bedtime! Trying not to bother about it all though as by this time next week any sleep will probably be a luxury so may as well get used to random sleeping times now!!
Ooh quick question re a new feeling I've had today.

I think I am finally getting braxton hicks although still not 100% sure. But there's time where my whole abdoman up to my ribs feels squashed, bump feels hard butcan't say i can see a contraction as such looking at the bump like some people say but it makes me feel incredably uncomfortable. Does this sound like a braxton hick? I also start to feel quite nauseus, like my tummy and intestines are being squashed with having to rush to loo feeling like I'm either going to throw up or have an upset tummy but instead pass gas both up and down or have a normal bm!! I had it earlier but finally went when I ate lunch. I'm starting to feel it again now. A sign?? or random end of pregnancy stuff??!!
hoping you ladies will be popping out those LOs really soon!!!

AFM, im cd44 and still no sign of AF. dh and I had an oopsie a few days ago and my temp went back up to 97.57 this morning. So got to see how the days progress in temps. Also I have some major news....my recruiter called and my ship date is now July!!!! :happydance: So thats means DH and I will go through boot camp around the same time :thumbup: So everything is working out on our end. Nothing else to really report so far.
Laura- yes, my contractions had a start- they begin gradual then get rapidly stronger, hit a really "this is a bitch" (sorry :blush:) point, then start to fade...and they come hard and fast with me :shrug: Now I understand why it's best to avoid pitocin if there's not much warning and you just cramp hard then fade. But either way you look at it a contraction is probably going to hurt! :haha:

Re: yep, sounds like BH to me! BH is usually not painful but the bump tightens and hardens momentarily then relaxes. Just practicing! :thumbup: But this is for the real thing, your body is getting ready. And I think it would make you feel a little sick because it's all tummy, you know? It will affect your entire system, digestive, etc. No worries! :thumbup:
Well, I called my doc, just waiting for a call back to see if they want to check my iron levels. I had one of those spells again today, I start feeling shaky, then dizzy and super exhausted. I actually squatted down and put myhead on the table for a few minutes until it passed...Dh just walked by and never said anything, which p'd me off! :haha: I yelled at him for not being concerned lol! He gives me credit for being a super tough person, which I am flattered, and I do try to be tough, but I still yelled at him :blush: Poor guy, me and my hormones! :roll:
Forgot to comment on your iron levels.

11.3 in the uk is actually good, anything under 10 is considered a prob although I think they'll give you tablets once it gets to 10.5. Definitely worth getting your levels rechecked though. It may also be low blood pressure in which case you need to up your water intake. How much do you usually drink a day?
Yup, those are def BH! But for you, since you haven't experienced them before, it might be an indication things are near, especially if you're feeling nauseous along with it.

So came back from seeing the MW and I've made good progress, I'm at 3-4 cm and cervix is softer. I believe the first stage of contractions last night really did good work and now is kind of a break in the action before things really heat up. She said when the contractions become 5 min apart, 1 min long again, to head to the hospital.

Yes pitocin contractions are a biotch. Before they gave it to me last time, contractions were manageable but once they gave it to me (even though I only needed a small amount to get things going) it was like really forceful, intense, sharp, and just felt unnatural. So hopefully I won't need it again. Last time I did get stuck at 4cm, so hopefully not again.

I am supposed to rest as much as possible today, because things could really pick up tonight. But also going to try to get things moving when I can, in between rests. If things happen fast I may not be able to check in, but we'll see!

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