Looking for official TTC buddies!!

Shradha- good to see yu back safe :hugs: Yes I bet you were tired out! Glad you got some rest. Ah, packet noodles- that's what I had too "dohh: Prob not the best thing for me to eat as no protein, etc, but it wa slate and I was starving! Today I had a bowl of cereal and a small salad is all as I was busy....by time I got girls in bed I was very hungry lol! So took my shower to cool down (HOT today!) and now gettingr eady for bed :thumbup:

Wow, your temp went up even more! :thumbup: I have my fx'd for you, not want to get hopes up but really hard not to isn't it! Can't wait for yout o test with an hpt! :)

Glad you got new security- hopefully better htis time round! :thumbup:

Shall I say "boo" for in-laws coming over? I know dh does not get along with my mom (um, I don;t wither :shrug:) and his family lives far away also (mine in Alaska, his well, all over the states!) So not to much trouble or visiting! He threatened to call the police should my mom just "drop in" for a visit :haha:

Well, I am off to sleep wonderful lady, will try to catch you in my morning when you are going to sleep! :rofl:

Oh yeah- I was thinking that about Laura also--having a baby maybe? :shrug: :happydance:
It's really late here (1:00 AM!) and I've got church in the morning. Oh well.:haha:

I've noticed I am going to pee A LOT more than usual. More so than what I can remember with my other pregnancies, especially this early.:confused:

As far as what DPO I was when I got my BFP I honestly don't have a clue. :cloud9::shock: My body was so warped after my m/c in January I had no idea I was even ovulating properly so this BFP is a total shock!! Can't wait for my first OB appointment though! I am really excited.

Coy - I think the activity on here will be slow for a bit as everyone is going to start having their babies!! Oh, BTW, did you ever find out the gender of your baby?
Coy- hehehe.... My in laws keep visiting us often....they like checking on us... I just heard from my dh that they are planning to shift and stay with us permanently...... hmmm mm now that is going to be stressful...... It's not that like I am unhappy....but you see your freedom will be be lost. They have a different lifestyle. They get up early at 5 sleep early at 11. I sleep late get up by 7..... They want breakfast by 7.30 am .... Coz my MIL is a insulin patient so she is very strict with her food time ....... Many things....... Initially after marriage I stayed with them for a year but later my dh got a opening in another state and we had to shift..... I have always taken care of them. But now I feel I have got used to stay alone. I am being selfish.....
Hi Ladies

Sorry I've been mia. No sign of Beanie unfortuneatly, just been really tired and trying to get through a book I've beenn reading re babies. Really want to finsih it before he's born, being a first time Mum I figure the more info I have to hand the better!! I think you ladies with kids will be a life saver to me over the next few months somehow!!

Another gorgeous pic of Brandon with his big bro on Facebook. Steph if you're reading looking forward to hearing from you when you're settled at home.

Shradha - Your chart looks great!! So excited about your next test!!
I'm kind of excited for having a MW this time around instead of an OBGYN. I feel like the MW will be more focused on how I am feelings.

Let's hope I'm not wrong.

No, you are right Ashley- I LOVED having a MW! :thumbup: They spend more time on you and they understand how yuor emotions and everything else deal in to your health, baby's health, delivery and everything. Doctors sometimes have a tendancy to forget we are human and just treat us like their ten o'clock iykwim? I am lucky as I am sort of stuck with a doctor this time around (my favorite and beloved mw is nolonger practicing--I can't find her :sad1:) My doc this time is a obgyn but his wife on the other hand is a practicing mw. To avoid any conflict of interest though she practices ina separate town. But, as women will do :haha: she has totally skewed his view of pregnancy and L&D :rofl: So now he is essentially a mw :haha: Lucky me :thumbup:

Sounds like you're on to a good thing there Coy!!

MW in the UK are a bit hit and miss. We have 2 types, community mw who do all your check ups at a local surgery then mw at the hospital who deliver the babies / look after you on wards and clinics. I have therefore seen a fare few midwives with all my trips to hospital lately!! I have to say, I've been very lucky and they've all been great and my community mw is fantastic. A lot of people however hate their community mw. Generally they have a habit of not returning calls,not taking symptoms or concerns seriously, terriblee really. Mine however has been the complete opposite and I'll be sending her thank you card nce Beanies born. Think I'll stay under her care for at least 6 weeks after he's born as well, especially as I'll need regular check ups due to my bp.
Msperry- I have neevr seen a chart where a woman's average baseline temp was in the 98'--that'd be super high for non-pregnancy. If it continues to rise or stays in the 98's that is a good indication that you could be prego...A small drop ocassionally does not always mean AF for sure- it could be implantation dip, sometimes it signifys ovulation if you have not yet ovulated...But seeing as you are saying you're 9dpo you have already ovulated. So the temp rise is good. I had only just started as well but a week or two gave me a good idea what my avg temp usuallyw as (in the 97.5 range. As soon as implantation it raised into 97.9 - 98.0 etc. Once bfp was confirmed by temps were showing at 98.1-98.6 and my avg. daily walking around temp was 100+ :shrug:

I understand your dh encouraging you to wait to test but I could never wait :haha: I got a lot of disappointing bfn's that week before my bfp :rofl:

well according to my 21d labs i o'd but not sure what day for sure so i am estimating i am on 9dpo so i'll keep charting my bbt ans see how tihngs go looking back at the my days calendar my sysles have averaged 34 days but like i said my labs indicated that i o'd from my 21d labs so i am keeping my fingers crossed that i get a bfp thinking of taking a hpt tomorrow wehn i wake up but don't want to get my hopes up and don't want dh to see if it is a bfn...[/QUOTE]

Yay! We are all addicted to poas and hpt pics on here lol! If you do test use an early, like on of your frer's :thumbup:

so i gave in and took a hot that i had bought just for the heck of it at the dollar store..may not have been the best idea but i got a bfn..so ill wait probably take one Wednesday I orderedsome test from amazon should get them Tuesday or Wednesday..also I set my alarm for 10 am so I can start tempting the same time each day so hope that will help in charting bbt since yesterday I woke up at 1130 and took bhramaputra and today didnt wake up till 130. Thinkin being more consistent May help..

It's definately better to always take it at the same time, but if you work shifts you may find your BBT isn't too reliable. My DH works shifts and generally likens the feeling to being jet lagged, he does 2 earlies, 2 lates then 2 nights. That kind of body clock changes will upste your bbt. I loved charting but the month I got pregnant with this baby my chart went to pot because I flew back from Las Vegas a day ot 2 before I ovulated. the 8 hour time difference caused about 5 days worth of jet lag that I felt but my BBT temps were way off for the full 2 weeks!! I was getting 36.4's when normally my pre O temps were always under 36.4 and post O temps were always over 36.5. I did some researdch which said BBT can be affected for around 10 days for a time difference of 8 hours plus. If you are therefore going from say a normal day sleeping pattern to working a night it;s effectiviely a the same as a big time difference.

Hoepfully this month will be your BFP as you've confirmed ovulation but if not it may take a little longer on the charting for you toknow what are normal temps given your sleeping patterns. So don't get too worried if you have random temps.
Msperry- I have neevr seen a chart where a woman's average baseline temp was in the 98'--that'd be super high for non-pregnancy. If it continues to rise or stays in the 98's that is a good indication that you could be prego...A small drop ocassionally does not always mean AF for sure- it could be implantation dip, sometimes it signifys ovulation if you have not yet ovulated...But seeing as you are saying you're 9dpo you have already ovulated. So the temp rise is good. I had only just started as well but a week or two gave me a good idea what my avg temp usuallyw as (in the 97.5 range. As soon as implantation it raised into 97.9 - 98.0 etc. Once bfp was confirmed by temps were showing at 98.1-98.6 and my avg. daily walking around temp was 100+ :shrug:

I understand your dh encouraging you to wait to test but I could never wait :haha: I got a lot of disappointing bfn's that week before my bfp :rofl:

well according to my 21d labs i o'd but not sure what day for sure so i am estimating i am on 9dpo so i'll keep charting my bbt ans see how tihngs go looking back at the my days calendar my sysles have averaged 34 days but like i said my labs indicated that i o'd from my 21d labs so i am keeping my fingers crossed that i get a bfp thinking of taking a hpt tomorrow wehn i wake up but don't want to get my hopes up and don't want dh to see if it is a bfn...[/QUOTE]

Yay! We are all addicted to poas and hpt pics on here lol! If you do test use an early, like on of your frer's :thumbup:

so i gave in and took a hot that i had bought just for the heck of it at the dollar store..may not have been the best idea but i got a bfn..so ill wait probably take one Wednesday I orderedsome test from amazon should get them Tuesday or Wednesday..also I set my alarm for 10 am so I can start tempting the same time each day so hope that will help in charting bbt since yesterday I woke up at 1130 and took bhramaputra and today didnt wake up till 130. Thinkin being more consistent May help..

It's definately better to always take it at the same time, but if you work shifts you may find your BBT isn't too reliable. My DH works shifts and generally likens the feeling to being jet lagged, he does 2 earlies, 2 lates then 2 nights. That kind of body clock changes will upste your bbt. I loved charting but the month I got pregnant with this baby my chart went to pot because I flew back from Las Vegas a day ot 2 before I ovulated. the 8 hour time difference caused about 5 days worth of jet lag that I felt but my BBT temps were way off for the full 2 weeks!! I was getting 36.4's when normally my pre O temps were always under 36.4 and post O temps were always over 36.5. I did some researdch which said BBT can be affected for around 10 days for a time difference of 8 hours plus. If you are therefore going from say a normal day sleeping pattern to working a night it;s effectiviely a the same as a big time difference.

Hoepfully this month will be your BFP as you've confirmed ovulation but if not it may take a little longer on the charting for you toknow what are normal temps given your sleeping patterns. So don't get too worried if you have random temps.

thanks Laura ill keep in mind that my temps could be effected by my schedule and hoping that in the morning its still in the 98's as I've heard that's good news and possible bfp on the way tryin to hold out till Wednesday to do another hpt..
Hey Ladies,

My name is Alicia and SLCMommy is my real life BFF. She told me to join this group and said you are some of the most supportive ladies out there.

My ttc history is this:
My DH and I had ttc for 4 years before finally getting pregnant with our DS in May of 2010. Prior to finally concieving I had been diagnosed with low progesterone resulting in annovulatory cycles. No medications were ever given and no plan of action was decided on before I became pregnant with DS. Fast forward to June 2010- 6 months after DS was born, we decided we would starting trying right away for #2 as our luck had not been good before. I have been through the 21 progesterone test, thyroid tests etc twice within the last two years. Both came up that my progesterone was in the "normal" range ( 10 and 13 respectively). I do not temp because it's darn near impossible with DS in the mornings. We have been trying now for 2 years since we started ttc for #2. I kind of feel like I'm coming apart at the seams but no matter how much I try to not ttc it's always on my mind. Does anyone have any good suggestions for natural ways to boost fertility. I know that clomid, IUI and IVF are out of my grasp right now.

Here's what we tried, took us 8 months to conceive our first but I think we then got our cocktail right as we conceved the next 2 (had 2 miscarriages) first month trying much to our surprise!!

* Iused a fertility monitor instead of opks, it's far easier to read and gives you your high fertile days as well as the peak days when you should ovulate. We then BD on every high adn peak day and tried to BD twice on at least the first peak day.
*I took pre-natals which included omega 3 supplements. I also took a viatmin B complex, good for natural progeserone production and Royal Jelly, good for overlal fertility
* DH took a vitamin compkex for men TTC as well as Royal Jelly and Macca
* I never drank caffine to start with but DH cut down on the 2 weeks up to O then was allowed it for the TWW.
* An alkelaine environment in the womb is really improtant to keep sperm healthy to get to the egg and to help implantation. The best source of alkaline rich ffod is grapefruit juice. I therefore drank as much as I could once AF finished through to the end of the month, prob averages around 2 glasses a day. I also became more aware of acidic and alkeline food and tried to tip the balance in what I ate to more alkelaine foods.
* Stopped eating peas, random I know, but I've read they're really bad for fertility, can't remember why though!!
* We used preseed as well to improve cm quality
* we stuck to BD positions that kept everything in for as long as possible and deposited it nice and deep!!
*We tried to DB in the morning as much as possible, better quality sperm!!
* The final thing we introduced which I am sure made the biggest difference was using progesterone cream after O had been confirmed. I used a brand called Natpro which is shipped from the US, it'a pretty easy to find if you google it. The first month using it properly was the month we conceived.
* We alsoi went on to take aspirin and extra folic acid but this was to prevent miscarraige rather than conceive, I have however read that long term infertility can be caused by similar reasons as what causes recurrent miscarraiges, it;s prob worth some research though first.
* I'd highly recommend a book called is your body baby friendly by Dr Alan Beer, it's on amazon. Taught me a lot about our bodies, for me it was due to the miscarriages but it also covers infertility. There's also an ebook you can buy called Personal Path to pregnancy by Beth Kiley where we found alot of info about the foods and extra vitamins.

I hope something above is useful to you and hope you get your bfp soon.
Coy - I'm not sure if I can remember when it was exactly that she started picking up her movements, but maybe around 25-26 weeks? She's been all over the place since then, but I've noticed it's started to decline now she's running out of room :thumbup:

Shradha - My next appt is on the 29th, this Friday coming.

Just to chip in on the MW discussion, I've only seen a community midwife and I love her! I can barely understand a word she says (or writes in my notes!) but she's very good at what she does... xx
Thanx Emma .....:hugs:Yea I am also excited.....will test tom....
Laura- so good to see you..... Beanie is very naughty.......:hugs:....good to know that you are taking some time off and reading...... Hope your bp is under control......

Emma taking your advice I have tested now..its 4 in the evening....

Friends what do you say?????
I am so happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! showed to dh ......he too is very happy. Tom I am going for urine test to the diagnostic centre..to just get a confirmation report.........by evening will get the report.....
I am so happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! showed to dh ......he too is very happy. Tom I am going for urine test to the diagnostic centre..to just get a confirmation report.........by evening will get the report.....

I think its a bfp :happydance: congrats
Ok I couldn't wait to post my bbt this morning its 98.22 let me know what you think ladies..Friday 97.55 yesterday 98.77...
Ok I couldn't wait to post my bbt this morning its 98.22 let me know what you think ladies..Friday 97.55 yesterday 98.77...
I know the feeling....trust me.....the wait is so difficult.....
Your temps are high....thats a good sign :flower:.....you can join fertility friend and record your temps there then add that chart in your signature, like I have done so that we can all view it everyday and comment:hugs:..... fingers crossed for you too .....hope we can share the journey together soon......
I'm so pleased for you Shradha. :hugs: :hugs: will they test hcg levels at the clinic or just give you a yes or no? That's a really nice line for 14dpo on those tests as they're not very strong.

What's your due date & how many weeks does it put you? You need a ticker!!

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