Looking for official TTC buddies!!

Laura - Hurray !!!!!!!!!! congrats dear:happydance::hugs:.....yes!!!!!!!!!!
Laura..our prince charming is so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lovely pic..........cute and sweet!!! How are you doing? Now you can take it easy and relax...Take full rest.......
HI Shradha

I thought u r still in ttc:dohh: sorry...thats y mentioned abt bump buddies:blush:

congrats dear...am still in ttc..my thyroid levels goes down horribly when i take 25mcg. so endo has advised me to take half of 25mcg and run the tests after 4 weeks. will see...

take care
Can I call you Akshu? where are you from? I am from India. Don't worry you will get your :bfp: soon.
I will share my journey with you....
I started testing with Ovulation test strip.. I used to start testing right after my AF departed. But to get a better picture I started checking on with temperature. I checked orally everyday in the morning with an ordinary thermometer and saved it in fertility friend.. they will make a chart for you.. you should add the chart in your signature so that we all can see..your temps.... start BD 2 days before your expected Ovulation date till you have ovulated everyday. and then wait.....I waited for 5 months.... don't lose patience....keep trying......we all are here ...trust me here all the girls are super supporting...... and helpful.....
Shradha- yay for your ticker :hugs: It's aweosme-- how are oyu feeling? what did doc say about treatment for thyroid?
ok so im going to be ttc from next month, ive ordered some opk and have been on these online ovulation calenders. Im a little confused with these calculators tbh, when it gives you your 'fertile week' is this the week running up to ovulation?? I already have an 11 year old son, but he wasnt planned so im not up to speed with how all this works :dohh: ive already had an ectopic pregnancy after my son, which resulted in the loss of my left tube and so am terrified of the same thing happening again.. but im not going to get any younger and would love the chance to experience pregnancy and becoming a mother again. I just need a little help in deciding which way is best to go about this, so do you ladies think that just using opks is suitable enough or is there something else i should be doing along side this? your advice is very much appreciated! :hugs:

Yes, be detailed! For me anyway the more detail the better...then I am able to analyze the moment a bit better and prepare myself. If I am lost in the eventuality that something unexpected ocurs I don't want to be in the place of indecision iykwim! Details about birth have never been troubling to me :) I honestly think birth stories are essential especially for ladies who have never given birth before--theless mystery the better I think :)
Good morning friends................ I am doing good.... taking lot's of care....Doctor has adviced to take care for 3 months.... Endo has increased the dose from 25 mg to 50 mg.....have to do another test after 15 days and visit him.....then go for scan to the gyn...... In- Laws have come...Dh couldnt resist telling them the news...He is so happy....I have only told my parents....have decided to tell rest of the relatives after few days not now....MIL is very happy coz both her children are going to be parents.... My SIL is 6 months preg...She is in Canada...so MIL has booked to go to stay with her next month. My mom is planning to come and take care of me for few months.... she is very happy ...I am the only child so she is very possessive about me....Yesterday night at 3.30 am I suddenly felt very hungry.....but i didnt eat ...just went to sleep.....wanted to have something spicy....today DH ordered something spicy for me to eat...how sweet!!!!!!!!!! MIL wont be staying for long....so I am happy.... Coz I dont want to take too much of stress...... Yesterday I was very depressed and cried ...... I was so scared about the thyroid.....DH came and spoke to me.....and told me not to worry...Baby will be fine ...... have medicines on time all will be fine...
So today I feel good.......have decided I will be happy no matter what.....if I am happy baby will also be happy....
ok so im going to be ttc from next month, ive ordered some opk and have been on these online ovulation calenders. Im a little confused with these calculators tbh, when it gives you your 'fertile week' is this the week running up to ovulation?? I already have an 11 year old son, but he wasnt planned so im not up to speed with how all this works :dohh: ive already had an ectopic pregnancy after my son, which resulted in the loss of my left tube and so am terrified of the same thing happening again.. but im not going to get any younger and would love the chance to experience pregnancy and becoming a mother again. I just need a little help in deciding which way is best to go about this, so do you ladies think that just using opks is suitable enough or is there something else i should be doing along side this? your advice is very much appreciated! :hugs:

No need to worry about another ectopic-- ectopic is a random thing, so don't stress! :hugs:

Let's see. Charting can be confusing because we look for absolute detail about everything in sucha short period of time. But what I found charting most useful for is in studying your cycle and patterns--this does help to pinopint your fertile window.

The fertile window is about 5 days to a week long depending. They call it the fertile window because this is when your body is receptive to saving and holding sperm for the release of the egg. You usually will notice ewcm (egg white cervical mucus, e.g., your cm resembles raw egg whites in consistancy). When you notice this ewcm is the best time to start bd'ing (having sex or introducing :spermy: in another fashion, donor, etc) as the ewcm is very nourishing and protective and can help sperm survive for up to 5 days in your body. That way when the egg releases :spermy: is there to meet and fertilize it.

The opk tells you when you have an lh surge. This lh surge is what convinces the egg to drop. Once the egg drops it is ready to be fertilized. So when you get a positive on your opk- start bd'ing because your egg should drop anywhere from that ay to the next day and only survives between 12-24 hours or so (give or take).

So yes, the calculators show your fertile window as running up to the day of ovulation.

Best to avoid caffeine during this period as it paralyzes the fallopian tubes (according to the University of Nevada Medicine) and prevents the flexing essential to carry the fertilized egg tot he uterus. This can cause either death of the egg in the fallopian tube or worse- egg implants in the tube.

Have you tried www.fertilityfriend.com They have a method for sharing so you can include your chart here on bnb...the ladies here are awesome about helping to read your bbt and other levels of your cycle! :thumbup: Hope this helps some. :)
Steph - I too want to know the details.................just curious............ how is brandon dear doing??? how are you?? Feeling better?
Coy - how was your appointment with doctor? How are you? I love the ticker....
ok so im going to be ttc from next month, ive ordered some opk and have been on these online ovulation calenders. Im a little confused with these calculators tbh, when it gives you your 'fertile week' is this the week running up to ovulation?? I already have an 11 year old son, but he wasnt planned so im not up to speed with how all this works :dohh: ive already had an ectopic pregnancy after my son, which resulted in the loss of my left tube and so am terrified of the same thing happening again.. but im not going to get any younger and would love the chance to experience pregnancy and becoming a mother again. I just need a little help in deciding which way is best to go about this, so do you ladies think that just using opks is suitable enough or is there something else i should be doing along side this? your advice is very much appreciated! :hugs:
Welcome !!!!
opk shows positive that means you are going to ovulate soon..... it is different for every lady....some Ovulate in 12 hours, some in 24 and some in 2 days..... keep testing ..... also start temping to get a better picture.
Coy has given you all the details..... But still if you have any doubts you can ask us anytime.....
Emma- How are you?

Patrice - did you meet your recruiter? what is plan of action?

Ashley - how are you feeling?

msperry - dont worry... dont lose hope...keep trying......TTC is frustrating .... but in the end you will feel .........it was all worth it...
Good morning friends................ I am doing good.... taking lot's of care....Doctor has adviced to take care for 3 months.... Endo has increased the dose from 25 mg to 50 mg.....have to do another test after 15 days and visit him.....then go for scan to the gyn...... In- Laws have come...Dh couldnt resist telling them the news...He is so happy....I have only told my parents....have decided to tell rest of the relatives after few days not now....MIL is very happy coz both her children are going to be parents.... My SIL is 6 months preg...She is in Canada...so MIL has booked to go to stay with her next month. My mom is planning to come and take care of me for few months.... she is very happy ...I am the only child so she is very possessive about me....Yesterday night at 3.30 am I suddenly felt very hungry.....but i didnt eat ...just went to sleep.....wanted to have something spicy....today DH ordered something spicy for me to eat...how sweet!!!!!!!!!! MIL wont be staying for long....so I am happy.... Coz I dont want to take too much of stress...... Yesterday I was very depressed and cried ...... I was so scared about the thyroid.....DH came and spoke to me.....and told me not to worry...Baby will be fine ...... have medicines on time all will be fine...
So today I feel good.......have decided I will be happy no matter what.....if I am happy baby will also be happy....

I have been studying the thyroid and pregnancy and can say RELAX! :hugs: It is justa matter of staying in touch with your doc and taking your meds when you need to. In a nutshell it's throwing off your metablosim and this medicine will help to regulate that. Your fine and I'm sure will have a healthy happy pregnancy! I am so happy for you and your dh, and glad you will have some time being taken care of :) You work so hard taking care of your dh and others you need a break now! You deserve it...and if you're hungry girl EAT! (Look who's talking, right :dohh:) Not eating will not help your thyroid issue and you need to eat. I found the early part of first tri to be starving most of the time...I was either sick with tummy acid or startving! So if you want spicy- eat spicy :) I have been eating tons of tobasco and other spices in this pregnancy and with Katana too a few years back...Only thing I've suffered is a kid who loves spicy food! :rofl:
Coy - how was your appointment with doctor? How are you? I love the ticker....

Shradha- not gone yet! My appointment is at 3 p.m. Idaho State time, so I am guessing you will be asleep by Then! Will update when I get home though. :)
Thanks grey eyes for the info, makes a bit more sense now! lol i also smoke, so im going to try my very hardest to cut down on both that and caffine, although i do like a cup of tea i dont drink loads of it.. from what i can gather on here alot of women have been trying for a long time, i bet it can get really stressful!! Im hoping that because i only have 1 tube, it doesnt stop me from getting a bfp 1 day, my OH doesnt have kids and his experience of getting pregnant isnt very nice (first the ectopic then mc 3 months later) i really hope i can share with him the joy of becoming pregnant and everything that goes with it. So fingers crossed for us all, im looking forward to hearing more of your stories and hopefully lots of bpf!! :hugs:
Whew! I have 1 child sleeping (for who knows how long) and one playing on his iPod. (I bet you can guess which is which, hahaha)

My gosh, having 2 kids is hard... well, one infant and one kid... Brandon was up all night last night because he slept through most of the day yesterday... trying to reverse it! The other night was good because he slept in 3 hour stretches... he's been doing 1 1/2 hour stretches now, and it makes a huge difference for me to get that little bit of extra sleep. DH can survive on very little sleep, but I'm a wreck. How do you do this Coy??

We have a newborn photo shoot and have to drive to her house to do it unfortunately! We went to our first ped appt the other day and it was so difficult getting everyone out of the house and there on time. I guess I will just have to get used to flying by the seat of my pants now, it is so not like me... I'm a planner! And hate being late or being flustered!

Tomorrow we have all the family coming over to visit... since they just got back from Hawaii. So I feel like I'm still living in this whirlwind that never ends!
Whew! I have 1 child sleeping (for who knows how long) and one playing on his iPod. (I bet you can guess which is which, hahaha)

My gosh, having 2 kids is hard... well, one infant and one kid... Brandon was up all night last night because he slept through most of the day yesterday... trying to reverse it! The other night was good because he slept in 3 hour stretches... he's been doing 1 1/2 hour stretches now, and it makes a huge difference for me to get that little bit of extra sleep. DH can survive on very little sleep, but I'm a wreck. How do you do this Coy??

We have a newborn photo shoot and have to drive to her house to do it unfortunately! We went to our first ped appt the other day and it was so difficult getting everyone out of the house and there on time. I guess I will just have to get used to flying by the seat of my pants now, it is so not like me... I'm a planner! And hate being late or being flustered!

Tomorrow we have all the family coming over to visit... since they just got back from Hawaii. So I feel like I'm still living in this whirlwind that never ends!

Trick is to get sleep whenever and wherever you can :haha: It eases though...As a few weeks goes by Brandon will get a schedule. Not that there won't be other challenges, that's natural. But try not to plan too much stuff and get rest when you can.

Oh, one thing I found useful in getting newborns to sleep longer or better- a little noise never hurts! Total silence makes them crazy! Don't worry about Nicholas making noise or talking etc as Brandon is used to the sound of his voice, your voice, etc. Think about it- in utero there is blood rushing and heart thumping and food being digested and all these voices surounding...then when they are born it's like :shhh:...So like ocean sounds on tape would be good maybe? Something rushing, even traffick. Speaking of which, I have managed to sleep the last TWO NIGHTS allthe way thorugh without Kat waking me up and I figured out why! It has been so hot we put a big fan in their room and it's noisy humming seems to lull her to sleep and keep her there. I was up and out of the shower by time she woke up this morning :shock:
Good advice :thumbup: We sometimes use white noise when he's sleeping, but we definitely could be less "paranoid" I guess about everyone trying to be extra quiet when he is sleeping. I try to catch up on sleep whenever he is sleeping, but it's also hard to during the day when I have to watch Nicholas too... wish HE was still taking naps! He starts summer camp next week, 3 hrs 3 days a week, so hopefully will have a little bit more time to rest.
Msperry- I'm gonna check out your chart girl! :thumbup: :)

Nuts! :dohh: You don't HAVE a chart! :sadangel: Awww, I was going to check! :rofl: Have you tested yet??? What's the word??

I haven't tested again yet after 3 bfn and I will update my chart tomorrow and post it but looks like my temps are dropping

Can you tag your chart onto your signature here on bnb? I can't find it, I'll have to dig back a few days :haha:

here's my chart hope i know how to copy and paste it.still waiting on my tests to arrive in the mail that i ordered may not take one till then morning or tomorrow afternoon when i wake up
Msperry- I'm gonna check out your chart girl! :thumbup: :)

Nuts! :dohh: You don't HAVE a chart! :sadangel: Awww, I was going to check! :rofl: Have you tested yet??? What's the word??

I haven't tested again yet after 3 bfn and I will update my chart tomorrow and post it but looks like my temps are dropping

Can you tag your chart onto your signature here on bnb? I can't find it, I'll have to dig back a few days :haha:

here's my chart hope i know how to copy and paste it.still waiting on my tests to arrive in the mail that i ordered may not take one till then morning or tomorrow afternoon when i wake up

My Ovulation Chart
Feel free to share your full birth story Steph. I like to read them and watch TV programmes about childbirth so I can know as much as possible. Yeah it can be scary reading/watching sometimes, but it'd be even worse if I didn't have a clue about what can go on in the delivery room :thumbup: xx

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