Looking for official TTC buddies!!

Laura....so nice to hear from you dear..... are they giving you iron tablets for increase in blood loss??? when are you going to be discharged?? Take proper rest and care...and relax.....how is my darling Xander doing?? Does he sleep all day?

My iron levels have gone from being 13.5 while pregnant to 8.8 which is quite a drop, they think mostly due to the blood loss, I lost at least a litre apparently!!

He's still getting into his sleeping routine. Yesterday he was awake & alert all morning then slept for most of the afternoon when we had visitors & was more alert again at night. Today however he's really sleepy this morning! It's hard though to get into a routine in hospital as there's an endless stream of Drs/midwives coming to poke & prod either Xander or me. I have to say though that the staff have been wonderful & it's been quite reassuring having them to ask questions when we're not sure what we're doing!! Will however be glad to get home!!

I think I read that you were all interested in birth stories. Have a missed Steph's? Would love to read it.

I wasnt sure about writing mine up as not so sure it's one I would have liked to read but at the same time it's another perspective & did end up being a natural birth. Therefore I will do, once I'm home & post in the birth announcements section & put a link on so you don't have to read if you don't want to.

Emma - as I was induced a lot of how I felt wouldn't happen in labour happening spontaneously so just bear that in mind if you decide to read it!!
I'm glad Xander is feeding better today, he'll get used to it in no time, I'm sure :thumbup: How are you feeling in yourself Laura? You sound as if you're being well looked after.

No, you haven't missed Steph's birth story yet. She did post asking if we wanted to see it and we all did so I'm sure she'll get it written up soon. I'm all for reading yours too. As I've said in the past, some of it might not be pleasant reading but if it means I have that little bit more knowledge I'll be glad of it. I don't think there's much point reading all of the "easy" birth stories because I'd be going into my delivery expecting the same and knowing my luck, that won't happen for me :haha: xx
Coy-i resigned yesterday so i was able to come home and spend time with dh yesterday.

shradha-af didnt come as of yet and im 8dpo today. my temps are still pretty high.

AFM, im 8dpo and my temp is 98.12. I have noticed that my temps have been staying in the 98s lately so i take that as a good sign. Atleast, for the first time, my chart looks like an actual ovulation chart. Even though it took my body forever to get it right, it finally occurred and was successful. DH now has 5 more days before boot camp but he leaves in 4 more days to go to the hotel so in reality, he is leaving in 4 days :shock: Time just flew by. Well atleast we can spend as much time together before he goes..which we have been doing anyways and just relaxing. I shall be taking the test to be an E-2 on monday so im excited. Also, lately i have been getting increased cm which is normal for me in the tww but this time, it has really been alot than usual so i dont know whats going on and i have been have the sensitive nipples since 1dpo and it hasnt left yet ugh. Im just ready for the pain to leave because it really is uncomfortable for me. Also, i have been having dry mouth lately and dh told me that means i need to drink more water but when i do, it seems like it doesnt help :shrug: SO now i have to really increase my water intake. Well thats it for now.
Hi ladies!

Laura- I pm'd you about breastfeeding...in a nutshell you use a finger to open his mouth and keep it open wide otherwise he's going to clamp on the first thing- the nipple- that enters his mouth! :haha: Then he'll wonder why "it's" not working right! :rofl: When you insert the nipple insert the areola as well. That's all he'll need. Then massage or squeeze the bb from top downward to help the flow of milk. I always had to open the babes mouth and put in the nipple and areola in then sort of, well, smash his face with your bb to keep it there! Just use your fingers to make sure his little nose isn't smushed! :haha: You'll do awesome! :thumbup: And they do nurse crazy ours and sometimes only ten minutes, sometimes longer as they get the hang of it. You'll probably get sore around day 2-3 but it DOES GO AWAY. Believe it or not your nipples will toughen up :thumbup: I used to coat mine (nipples that is)in purified lanolin (designed for bf'ing mothers) doesn't hurt babe and helps a ton!Just make it available and you'll know he's getting enough. Pretty soon you'll do like me and let him latch on then you'll go back to sleep! :haha: Dh used to laugh at me 'cause he'd come into the room and I'd be on my side sleeping away with a sucking infant! lol
Patrice- sounds awesome, dh will be on his way and you too soon :thumbup: Can't wait for boot camp to be done with so you can get settled together again! Keep us updated!

Ashley- sorry you're getting nauseas but hang in there- it goes away :hugs:

Shradha- exhaustion is the name of the game at this point! SOon you'll get your energy back :thumbup:

Emma- good to hear from you, how are you feeling? Bit cramped, eh? :haha: Not for long-- you're next! :thumbup:

Msperry- I still think you are about 9 maybe 10 dpo just going off what your AF expectancy date is...I think Ashley is right- test on the 1rst or 2nd . If still bfn then may be still too early as you have the longer cycle.

Steph- how ya holding up?? Getting any rest?

Ashku- how are you?

Alicia- haven't heard from you, hope all is well :thumbup:
Coy - how has your morning been??hopefully you are doing good.....

yes i guess i will get over this period soon......
Laura - steph is busy with brandon......she will be posting her's soon......so you have not missed anything yet.... Waiting to hear from you soon...so curious...
Steph - I know you are busy with brandon.....take care and rest well.....missing you
My breasts are not yet tender, but they seem to have much more feeling when my nipples are touched (if that makes sense).

-Very, very fatigued. I am up for three hours and I feel like I need a 12 hour nap.

- Mood Swings (My poor husband!)

-Bouts of unexplained crying/sadness

I am having the above symptoms..... but today I felt like eating something really spicy for dinner...so I ordered for spicy chicken....:dohh:....I feel I should'nt have the chicken ...now I feel sick....
Patrice - your temps are high...... i am hoping for a :bfp: soon from you

Emma- Are you feeling crampy???? how are you doing?
Shradha- spicy chicken sounds awesome right now! I am wondering though, with you being used to spicy Indian food...just what is spicy to you?! :haha: Probably take the top of my head off if I ate it but it's be awesome! :rofl:

Yep, but the nausea will go away too. Try antacids (like tums if oyu can) as its the excess acid that cause it. GL and keep us posted! :)
Coy-yes i am just really wanting to just speed up the boot camp process so i can get back on to bnb and ttc :haha: and i have noticed.my temps have been high but with my body, i never know what to expect.
Thanks for the advice Coy unfortunately Xanders now poorly & been moved to the special care baby unit.

He's given us such a scare :cry: but hopefully is now on the mend.

He's not been a great feeder & today been particularly bad & also very sleepy. He then had a kind of fit but without any shaking. He went rigid & let out a huge high pitched shriek & his eyes rolled. Terrified us but he got over it as quick as it happened so a paediatrician just wanted to monitor him but then it happened again later as a nursery nurse was doing his obs. They've now found he's got very very low blood sugar, it was 1!! They're successfully increasing it & his fluid levels (he's also slightly jaundiced) & he was already more alert when we just left. He still won't feed though. They think it's been caused by either his poor feeding or he may have an infection. They're giving him antibiotics just in case & we get the blood results in 48 hours. Aside to this his platelets are also slightly lower today but prob due to the low blood sugar.

We're feeling a little better now but I'm really worried about his feeding if that is the cause. We think we're going to have to go to mostly bottle feeding do we know what he's getting but i don't know what we do if he won't take that. Do you think there's something wrong with my breast milk? Sometimes he 'll literally clamp his mouth shut & refuse to open it & feed. Surely that's not normal?! Even if I hand express a little to tempt him he'll half heatedly luck it off & still then refuse to feed!!
Patrice- sounds awesome, dh will be on his way and you too soon :thumbup: Can't wait for boot camp to be done with so you can get settled together again! Keep us updated!

Ashley- sorry you're getting nauseas but hang in there- it goes away :hugs:

Shradha- exhaustion is the name of the game at this point! SOon you'll get your energy back :thumbup:

Emma- good to hear from you, how are you feeling? Bit cramped, eh? :haha: Not for long-- you're next! :thumbup:

Msperry- I still think you are about 9 maybe 10 dpo just going off what your AF expectancy date is...I think Ashley is right- test on the 1rst or 2nd . If still bfn then may be still too early as you have the longer cycle.

Steph- how ya holding up?? Getting any rest?

Ashku- how are you?

Alicia- haven't heard from you, hope all is well :thumbup:

Well, I just hit the 30th day in my cycle and no AF so I'm gonna guess this will be a 33 day cycle which could mean good things for my BD date since it was the day before my projected ovulation ( June 18th). If it is a 33 day cycle I should expect AF on July 2nd, which would make me 12 dpo right now. I can't even let myself get my hopes up though. When I do, it always ends up with a BFN. Still no pregnancy symptoms, the only noticeable thing is that while I usually have breast tenderness in the week leading up to my AF, there is a stunning lack of tenderness this month. Other than that, not really anything that screams that I may be pregnant. I don't really remember having symptoms with my DS either aside from breast tenderness and increased cm which I was NOT monitoring back then because I had lost hope of ever getting pregnant after 4 years of trying with no medical intervention.

Speaking of medical intervention, I lost my insurance coverage through our county so now I have to apply for a different insurance program and am being told it could be months before we'd get approved UNLESS I get pregnant and then they'd put me back on the old insurance plan. FRUSTRATING! :growlmad:
Thanks for the advice Coy unfortunately Xanders now poorly & been moved to the special care baby unit.

He's given us such a scare :cry: but hopefully is now on the mend.

He's not been a great feeder & today been particularly bad & also very sleepy. He then had a kind of fit but without any shaking. He went rigid & let out a huge high pitched shriek & his eyes rolled. Terrified us but he got over it as quick as it happened so a paediatrician just wanted to monitor him but then it happened again later as a nursery nurse was doing his obs. They've now found he's got very very low blood sugar, it was 1!! They're successfully increasing it & his fluid levels (he's also slightly jaundiced) & he was already more alert when we just left. He still won't feed though. They think it's been caused by either his poor feeding or he may have an infection. They're giving him antibiotics just in case & we get the blood results in 48 hours. Aside to this his platelets are also slightly lower today but prob due to the low blood sugar.

We're feeling a little better now but I'm really worried about his feeding if that is the cause. We think we're going to have to go to mostly bottle feeding do we know what he's getting but i don't know what we do if he won't take that. Do you think there's something wrong with my breast milk? Sometimes he 'll literally clamp his mouth shut & refuse to open it & feed. Surely that's not normal?! Even if I hand express a little to tempt him he'll half heatedly luck it off & still then refuse to feed!!

No Laura don't worry that your breast milk is bad or anything- nothing of the sort! Breast milk is one of the most perfect foods for baby--right now the problem lies in his glucose andplatelets. The hospital staff will get those under control and go from there. Please try to relax, I know you are going to worry like crazy no matter what, but remember he is going to be okay! Now that they have discovered his low blood sugar (this has to do I am sure with his body and what's going on, not your breastmilk) they can get him better. :hugs: I am almost always on, so pm or chat anytime!
aww Laura....hoping Xander gets better and starts feeding. I dont think there is anything wrong with your breastmilk. My sister had the same feeding issue with my nephew when he was born. He would refuse to latch on and if he does, he immediately moves and shut his mouth. Eventually, she gave up and tried bottle feeding which worked.

AFM, so i took my temp randomly just to see what it would be and it was 99.52 but i know its because today is a super hot day and i have been moving around alot. But i just wanted to see if my temp would remain in the 98s or go up to the 99s. So now i know my regular day temp is 99s and in the morning its 98s. And i have been feeling pretty hot in the mornings when i go to temp. hoping im not getting sick. And i took a hpt...it was negative thank goodness. Will test tomorrow maybe.
Hi ladies, have any of you ever had implantation bleeding? I'm 9 dpo and today had some light pink when I wiped, then later on brown which now seems to be going... I also had af like cramps which lasted a while then died down. Af not due for another 5 days yet, not supposed to be TTC until next cycle but I'm hoping I might be in with a shout this month what do you think? :hugs:
i have experienced implantation bleeding before. I had went to the bathroom, wiped and it was pink so i put a pad on expecting it to be AF coming. Well the next time I checked, it was gone which i didnt think nothing of because my cycle was whacky. Well a few days later, i tested with a cb digi and it came back pregnant. But i also had cramping like yours too. FXed its implantation bleeding, which it sounds like so far.
Thanks mzswizz that's given me a little piece of hope! I hope af doesn't show! How many days past o were u? And when did you get a positive hpt?

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